
Life Exchange Game

Xia Yu finds himself in an alternate world where he belongs to a single-parent, a financially struggling family. Unlike his previous life as a well-off only child. After living for 18 years with no system, Xia Yu unexpectedly receives an odd "body-swapping game" system. The system allows him to swap or take over the bodies of of any Human or Animal for eight hours a day, in turn acquires various skills called "bonuses" after a successful swap, gaining their speciality. Curiosity and the desire to escape from his mundane life leads Xia Yu to experiment with the system. Ding- [Body exchange has been completed.] [Generating bonus based on the other party's body...] [Obtained bonuses: Music lv1, Painting lv1, Flower Arrangement lv1.] "Well It seems I don't need to sell this body's kidney or get a loan in their name anymore."

Xenal · Urban
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446 Chs

Im Off Work

Fifteen minutes later, Xia Yu and Feng Yumo sat together in the cake shop.

Seeing the cheerful Feng Yumo eating cake, Xia Yu didn't forget his original purpose: "Remember not to run into a secluded alley by yourself in the future. I happened to be there today, but if you encounter someone with bad intentions, you'll be done for."

"Other than you, no one else would do that!" The young girl retorted quietly.

"How do you know others won't do that? Those bad guys are targeting you and girls like you who look cute and innocent." Xia Yu took a bite of the cake, which was good enough for its above-market price.

Even if you try to please me, I won't forgive you!" Feng Yumo snorted and continued eating her cake.

She had been hungry for days, and now with the rare opportunity to taste good food, she quickly finished more than half of the cake.

Xia Yu called the waiter and ordered another cake.

He continued the previous conversation: "It's not about pleasing you. You and your sister need to be fully aware of your appearance and the trouble it can cause."

Feng Yumo's hand suddenly stiffened: "How do you know I have a sister?"

"Don't you know I also have a younger sister?" Xia Yu looked into Feng Yumo's eyes and, seeing no surprise there, confirmed his suspicion.

Feng Yujia and Feng Yumo had learned about Xia Yu from Yuxue, and Feng Yumo's tracking was mostly due to this.

"I saw your photo at Yuxue's place. I recognized your sister at first sight, and she thought I hadn't noticed." Xia Yu said with a smile.

"You didn't tell Yuxue, did you?" Feng Yumo became a little nervous; she and Feng Yujia didn't want to ruin their image as carefree ladies in Yuxue's eyes.

"If you don't tell anyone about this, I won't tell Yuxue." Xia Yu offered a condition.

"In your dreams!" Remembering her panicked crying just moments ago, Feng Yumo said viciously.

Xia Yu had a headache; he didn't want Yuxue and An Siyao to know about his scaring an underage girl.

"Haven't I already apologized by treating you to cake?" Xia Yu said.

"This isn't something that can be resolved with a single serving of cake!" Feng Yumo's eyes were firm.

"Then two servings?"

The girl's determined eyes immediately became hesitant.

"Tomorrow at four in the afternoon, meet at your sister's convenience store, and I'll treat you to cake or barbecue." Xia Yu put forward his bargaining chip.

"Deal." Feng Yumo agreed. These days, she hadn't eaten anything delicious. Food was not only a temptation for her taste buds but also an urge to satisfy her hunger.

"Now we can talk about why you were following me." Taking a sip of milk tea, Xia Yu asked.

Feng Yumo had finished one serving of cake and was now starting another: "I just wanted to see what you looked like. Who knew you would leave the convenience store so quickly, and I just unknowingly followed you."

"First, pay attention to safety." Xia Yu said again.

"Why do you always tell me to pay attention to safety!" Feng Yumo got angry, feeling like she was being looked down upon.

"It's because you're adorable." Xia Yu replied.

Feng Yumo's face immediately turned red.

"If you were ugly, I wouldn't remind you to be careful."

"Don't say that." Feng Yumo, who had been studying at a girls' school, had little contact with boys, so Xia Yu's words made her heart race, and she didn't know where to put her gaze.

She lowered her head and concentrated on eating her cake.

While eating his own portion of cake, Xia Yu watched Feng Yumo. When using An Siyao's body, he often had meals with Feng Yumo, so such a scene felt somewhat familiar and natural to him.

"I'm done eating, I'm going back!" Feng Yumo took the last bite of cake and put down her fork, wanting to get up, but Xia Yu held her head down.

Feng Yumo blinked her eyes, not understanding why Xia Yu was holding her head down.

Taking out a tissue, Xia Yu wiped the girl's mouth, removing the remaining cream.

He was caught up in the familiarity of having a meal with Feng Yumo, and only when he reached out did he realize something was wrong.

However, he didn't pull his hand back, as a sixteen-year-old kid didn't need to be as vigilant as he was with Yan Wei.

Throwing the tissue into the trash, Xia Yu patted Feng Yumo's head again: "Let's go."

"How could you!" Feng Yumo protested Xia Yu's actions, annoyed as she followed behind him.

Xia Yu first sent the girl back to the hotel, then went back to his own home.

After watching many more pictures with excited Xue, he returned to his room and began studying.

For the next five days, Xia Yu was immersed in studying, Xue was obsessed with photography, Feng YuJia focused on working, and Feng Yumo was stuck on eating free meals.

After the second agreed-upon meal, Feng Yumo continued to appear near the convenience store, naturally following Xia Yu when she saw him passing by.

Xia Yu didn't drive her away, taking her with him to eat around Ziluo City.

First, they went to their elder sister's part-time job at the convenience store to chat with her, then secretly took the younger sister out to dinner without the elder sister knowing, how exciting it all was.

That day, as usual, Xia Yu came to the convenience store and saw a guy hanging around Feng Yujia.

It was also Xia Yu's old colleague, a twenty-year-old who considered his part-time job at the convenience store as his full-time job.

What was his name again? Was it Feng Lin?

Never mind, his name wasn't important.

The young man talked to Feng Yujia, but she seemed not to hear him and remained quiet even when he asked for her opinion.

The young man didn't give up and continued talking.

Xia Yu knew that the young man must have seen Feng Yujia's true face under the mask, so he clung to her.

Although wearing a mask, Feng Yujia couldn't hide her outstanding appearance completely, and inevitably, some people saw her true face when she took the mask off.

The day before yesterday, Xia Yu saw a post on the local forum when browsing for local gourmet food, referring to Feng Yujia as a convenience store beauty.

At this moment, many customers in the convenience store came for Feng Yujia, judging by their jealous gazes towards the young man, it was easy to identify their motives.

But among them was a middle-aged woman, which made Xia Yu somewhat puzzled.

Putting his doubts aside, Xia Yu walked up to the cashier counter, propped his hand on it, and looked at Feng Yujia with a smile, saying, "Beautiful lady, give me that chewing gum."

"The chewing gum is right next to you." At first, the young man was a bit happy when he saw Xia Yu, but turned hostile after he saw Xia Yu teasing Feng Yujia.

This is in a convenience store, and his tone was still quite polite.

"I just don't want to get it myself." Xia Yu raised his eyebrows and looked at the young man.

Feng Yujia laughed and took a box of chewing gum from the shelf next to her and gave it to Xia Yu.

After paying, Xia Yu asked Feng Yujia, "Would you like to go out for dinner tonight?"

Knowing that Xia Yu was doing this for the young man to see, Feng Yujia cooperated and agreed.

"What do you mean!" Seeing Xia Yu flirting with the girl he liked right in front of him, and even succeeding, the young man's anger rose, and he approached Xia Yu.

Before the young man could grab his collar, Xia Yu grabbed his hand first, twisted his wrist, and pressed him down onto the counter face-down.

"What did you think I meant?" Xia Yu started intimidating.

The young man recalled a scene a year ago when Xia Yu was with several obviously ruthless people from the society.

He was quite frightened at the time, but because Xia Yu didn't show any bad behavior afterwards, he had forgotten about it.

Now, he remembered it again.

He was just an ordinary young man, and he had no way to resist those socialites.

Seeing the young man's eyes dodge, Xia Yu released him: "Behave yourself, or I'll tell your wife!"

The young man immediately retreated to the side, and started tidying up the goods on the shelves.

"Does he already have a wife?" Feng Yujia asked curiously.

"His mother in the countryside arranged a marriage for him last year. His wife is quite ruthless. Once she caught him messing around with another woman, she tied him up with a rope and took him back to the countryside for discipline."

After chatting with Feng Yujia for a while, Xia Yu left the convenience store and saw Feng Yuemo waiting for him around the corner.

Feng Yuemo happily followed him, and the two went to a restaurant together.

Xia Yu felt that he could completely abduct the girl under the pretext of going out to eat delicious food.

Even if he was the close friend of her brother, he should still be cautious.

Xia Yu was considering whether to really abduct Feng Yuemo, to cultivate her sense of security, but eventually gave up.

It would be troublesome if she cried and made a fuss on the way.

After dinner, Xia Yu returned home and continued to study.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, he received a message from Feng Yujia. They had exchanged Penguin numbers three days earlier.

The message the girl sent was:

I'm off work.

Xia Yu wondered what Feng Yujia meant by this.