
Life as a Glitch in a Dating Sim

Not only have I been waiting for this god d*mned game to load for the past 5 hours, I spent nearly a month digging into its code trying to make it not crash long enough to get it running. I can't believe I took on this job for my self proclaimed "Friend" who would have beat the crap out of me if I said no. *Ding* "Finally! F*ck!" I exclaim. "Now just to click-" I start to say as I move the mouse over the start button before it throws up another error. "Son of a b*tch! I'm going to throw you in a f*ck*ng microwave! No, you don't even deserve that you piece of cr*p! Out the d*mn window with your b*tch *ss broken code!" I shout moving to launch it out my window and just as I'm pitching the computer out the window I slip and follow it to the street below. As I fall time seems to almost stand still as the ground slowly grows in my vision. I notice lights approach from my right as I notice a passing truck... "Well... Shit... At least my porn dies with me..." Is the last thing I say as I, my laptop, and the truck collide. I feel surrounded in darkness... Until a nightmare inducing sound sends shivers down my spine letting me know I'm actually in hell. The intro music of the game that lead to my untimely demise... And it's start screen. ************** Disclaimer: Any similarities between current or historical events, people, religions, cultures, ethnicities, popular media, etc... Are all purely coincidental. I am creating a story, and will not censor myself. So if you are easily offended or "triggered" I would advise you find a story that suits your sensibilities and thank you for your time and wish you the best. There is a world of content out there and I hope you find what is best for you. I reiterate, this is an 18+ rated adult experience story and will include references and/or graphical descriptions of sex, drugs, violence, r*pe, the LGBTQIA+ community, discrimination, etc... If you see all of these warning signs and continue anyways... I salute your bravery.

Lemon_Square · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Prologue III

[Demon Racial Features Detected. The host is encouraged to accept a Demon Clan marking indicating their clan of origin and innate racial abilities and stats.]

[Please Confirm a Selection from One of the Several Below.]

>Envy- You want what others have and your abilities reflect your desire to become something else.

>Gluttony- You desire to try it all. Life is a buffet, consume it all with gusto.

>Greed- Money is the root of all evil, or so those without it say. Your desire for wealth shapes you.

>Lust- Carnal satisfaction is your greatest desire, and whether it is you or your partner(s) someone will be weak in the knees.

>Pride- Your image is everything, whether it is how you view yourself or how others view you, you desire the impression to be unforgettable.

>Sloth- Who cares about power, prestige, or love? Not you, you just desire a peaceful contentment of sleep and lethargy.

>Wrath- You desire unrivaled physical strength and prowess. No obstacle in your path is safe from your rage.

Hmmm, the actual statistical implications of these clan descriptions leave much to be desired... But it makes the seven cardinal sins seem almost... Beneficial?

Welp, I started down the path of an incubus, might as well embrace it.

After clicking the Lust Clan I'm redirected to yet another screen... How long is this damn character creation system anyways?!

[Point Allocation, Please Select the Appropriate Statistics to Allocate Points into. The Average Statistics for a Human hover Around 5-10 in Any Given Category.]

[Stat Distribution]


Strength: 0

Constitution: 0

Dexterity: 2

Intelligence: 1

Charisma: 21

Wisdom: 0

Luck: 15 X

Everything fortunately seems almost identical to Enclaves and Explorers at least in regards to what most of the stats are used to measure. Aside from luck, which I can't seem to add points to and that stats can go over 20. I have 10 points to spend so I place 9 on intelligence and 1 on constitution.

[Starting Character Stats]

Name: Silver Moonshade

Age: 18

Strength: 0

Constitution: 1

Dexterity: 2

Intelligence: 10

Charisma: 21

Wisdom: 0

Luck: 15

Innate Lust Clan Abilities:

>Affection Affinity- There is something about your look and countenance that sets hearts aflutter in your vicinity.

>Empathetic Intuition- You have a knack for reading the emotional state of those around you.

Chosen Abilities:

N/A- Prerequisites of base 50 stat not met.

50 base stat?! Damn! I'm afraid I'm not good enough at min-maxing to get that unlocked. I'm still nearly 30 points away from unlocking one with my charisma and the rest of my stats except luck are trash.

[Character Creation Completed]

[Generating Starting Scenario...]

[Generation Complete.]

[Begin Scenario: Y/N?]

'Well, I've come this far... What's the worse that can happen?' I think to myself not realizing that even if this is a dating sim game it isn't going to be a walk in the park.

[Scenario: Lost and Abandoned Has Begun... Enjoy Your Story Experience]

[Due to Corruption Issues Manual Saving and Reloading has been Temporarily Disabled]

And with that, a white light fills my vision blinding me before I come to me senses in an oddly familiar alleyway…

"Fuck… Don't tell me that was all a hallucination and I'm stuck here in the alley outside my apartment?" I curse aloud before catching my reflection in a broken mirror and I see my avatar's face staring back at me.