
Chapter 6

So, I discovered something interesting. The year is unknown to me, but if I had to guess, I would put it at around 350-380 years since my birth. Technically, I am still a child if my Mother is right, though she says it to me teasingly, so it may not be accurate.

Anyway, I got off track. I discovered this weird energy in the air. It is almost ethereal in composition. I know that it is there and exists, but I cannot touch it or see it. It is more of a nagging feeling.

When I first felt it, I thought I had come down with Dragon flu or something, as it felt like something was messing with my senses but not changing them. After a quick talk with Mother-dearest later, I found out Magic (at least that is what I'm calling it) is real in this world. What followed was a long conversation about the origin of our kind and whatnot. The usual stuff parents teach their kids when it comes time for them to learn about their heritage. The part that got my gears rolling was a name she mentioned.

Translated from Dragon to good ole English, the name would be "Melkor," also known as Morgoth. 

Now, if you are a casual fan of a particular series and have only watched the movies, you would have no idea what that name means or why I'm having a slight mental breakdown. BUT! If you had read any of Tolkien's other literature, you would know that Morgoth was the original Lord of Darkness and was Sauron's master. Ah-ha! You recognized that name, though, didn't you?

The part you must grasp, though, is that the evil of Morgoth made everything Sauron did seem like a child throwing a temper tantrum on the playground. Yes, the unrest affected most things in the playground (analogy for Middle Earth), but the kid wouldn't mess with the things that mattered. Yeah, the adults watching would be concerned (the Valar), but the world still went on at the end of the day. Morgoth, on the other hand, was the dude trying to start a nuclear war.

He was the one who poisoned the world with Darkness and led the rebellion against the Creator (sounds like a certain Angel, doesn't it). He created the Dragons, my new species, as a tool of war to defeat the forces of Light, i.e., Elves, Men, and Valar. Honestly, it is hard to explain the entire history of Middle Earth without turning it into a book (lol), but the bottom line you need to know is this: Morgoth equals very bad.

Hence, my current mental breakdown. First, the discovery that I am in Middle Earth, while awesome, is also terrifying if you think about the crazy things in this world (Storm Giants and Watcher in the Water, just to name a few). Second, I do not know if Morgoth has started the War of Wrath or has already been defeated. I think he has; otherwise, my Mother and I would be fighting some beautiful elves already. Lastly, WHY DID I HAVE TO BE A DRAGON!?! I CAN'T TALK TO BILBO BAGGINS LOOKING LIKE THIS!

I was sitting there just minding my own buisness, when I had a sudden craving to write a chapter. Unfourtanetly for all parties involved, it turned into a info dump chapter to set up the next 20-30 chapters. Sucked for me, might suck for you, who knows? Anyways, if I got any Lore wrong, feel free to call me out so I can fix it, but I will fact check you.

Zhang_Kai_Ruicreators' thoughts