
Author's Note

Readers, we have reached an impasse. There has been a great upheaval in the workings of the vast universe, violated by the tentacles of chaos.

I need ideas for what to do after the war. I was originally going to do a time skip, but I woke up this morning with a realization. Every day, we rise with the sun and must face an intimidating question: Should I just be better today?

For many Moons, I have staunchly rejected the call to be great and was content to wallow in the grounds of the average and uninspired. But not on this day! On this day, I met the song of the morning birds with heroism in my gut and crap for brains. I decided to JUST BE BETTER!

Ehm. So, I need ideas and a good direction for writing some stuff. Can you help, please?

P.S. No Arwen.

P.S.S. For those wondering where the chapters for the finished War arc are, they are finished but unedited because I am lazy. Good news, though! I plan on banging it out after work tomorrow for a three-chapter Friday. 

I already said the thing.

Zhang_Kai_Ruicreators' thoughts