

What makes us different from an animal, our mind. What makes our species is almost supreme on this planet, our intelligence. But this thing are also present in animals, they also build a family and work for them. They also use their brain to hunt their prey for food or protection. When a child is small his curiosity for different things, place, or anything is very high. He wants uncover all the truths about himself, this world or this universe. But When he grows up his curiosity is killed by this human build society. what we are building in our current society are the animals. who only knows how to earn money and take care of his family. in today's society every work is for selfishness. This is a story of a well disciplined secret agent, who searches for the ultimate goal of human life. Join him on his journey, search your own purpose in life. https://discord.gg/3maz5SsG

Sleepingvillain · Fantasy
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Prison Escape

Rishi sat alone in his cold, dimly lit prison cell, haunted by the memories of the tragic building explosion that had shattered his world. The weight of guilt consumed him as he grappled with the immense loss of life caused by his actions. His heart ached for the little girl he had desperately tried to save, only to witness her life slip away before his eyes. The enormity of the event had shattered his emotional balance, leading to his capture by the authorities.

As the days turned into weeks, Rishi found solace in the confines of his mind. He questioned everything, replaying the events over and over, searching for answers that seemed to elude him. How had the blast happened? Could he have done anything differently? These questions echoed in his thoughts, tormenting him with their relentless persistence.

In his isolation, Rishi's perception of the world underwent a profound transformation. The once steadfast spy, guided by duty and conviction, now questioned the very nature of his actions. He questioned the ethics of his profession and the toll it took on innocent lives. The lines between right and wrong blurred as he grappled with the consequences of his choices.

Rishi's restless mind became an echo chamber of questions and self-reflection. In the midst of his internal struggle, he became determined to find the truth behind the tragic explosion. He sought to understand how such a catastrophe could have occurred, examining every detail of the incident, analyzing every piece of information he could gather.

Through tireless research and introspection, Rishi began to piece together fragments of the truth. He discovered evidence suggesting a larger conspiracy, one that went beyond his own actions. The pieces of the puzzle started to fall into place, pointing towards a failure in the security apparatus of Country Z, where the explosion had taken place.

In this revelation, Rishi found a glimmer of hope. No longer solely burdened by guilt, he saw an opportunity to shed light on the failures that had allowed such a tragedy to occur. He was determined to expose the truth, not only for his own redemption but also to hold those responsible accountable and prevent future occurrences.

As Rishi's mind delved deeper into the details of the explosion, his thoughts turned to his own predicament. Imprisoned and abandoned by his own country, he knew he had to escape to have any chance of uncovering the truth and fighting for justice. In his newfound childlike curiosity, he meticulously planned his escape, exploring every possibility, analyzing every weakness in the prison's security.

Days turned into nights, and nights into weeks, as Rishi refined his escape plan. He became adept at identifying patterns, predicting guard movements, and exploiting vulnerabilities. It was a battle of wits between a man driven by the desire for redemption and a system designed to keep him confined.

Through patience and careful observation, Rishi devised an escape plan that relied on his newfound insights and determination to uncover the truth. Rishi began his escape plan by observing and analyzing the layout of the prison meticulously. He paid attention to the routines of the guards, noting their shift changes, vulnerabilities, and any patterns he could exploit.

Secrurity police questioned , tortured but ultimately found nothing.

With a keen eye, Rishi identified the weak points within the prison's security system. He sought vulnerabilities in the physical infrastructure, He found that Camera focusing his cell move to other direction for 3 second. Rishi became happy for finding the blind spots that could provide an opportunity for him to slip away undetected.

Rishi was informed of his trial 4 days later. Rishi didn't panic because he already has a plan to escape the prison. Rishi had observed observed the constable guarding his with another counstable was undergoing financial crises. As the constable shared his problem with other counstable, Rishi also listened and after finding him alone guarding his cell. He offered to pay the money in exchange of giving his cell key and gun.

Rishi planned all this avoiding the camera, as Camera was not focussed for footage of cell inside. All planing went smooth, Rishi paid half million using counstable phone in five different accounts of people around the counstable. Rishi knew that a successful escape would require diverting the attention of the prison staff. He strategized ways to create chaos or distractions within the facility to draw resources away from his planned escape route.

On third day, near 1:00 AM, the constable short-circuited the power supply of prison using this chance, Rishi used the key and escaped the cell. He made sure to lock the cell, not leaving any changes in the range of camera.

Rishi moved toward his ally constable for completing the last step of his plan. He made sure that it would look like that he covered constable's mouth made him faint and stole cell's key and his gun.

After this step, he went toward the gate, hiding from cameras. Without giving any chance to two guard, he made them faint and successfully escaped the prison.