

What makes us different from an animal, our mind. What makes our species is almost supreme on this planet, our intelligence. But this thing are also present in animals, they also build a family and work for them. They also use their brain to hunt their prey for food or protection. When a child is small his curiosity for different things, place, or anything is very high. He wants uncover all the truths about himself, this world or this universe. But When he grows up his curiosity is killed by this human build society. what we are building in our current society are the animals. who only knows how to earn money and take care of his family. in today's society every work is for selfishness. This is a story of a well disciplined secret agent, who searches for the ultimate goal of human life. Join him on his journey, search your own purpose in life. https://discord.gg/3maz5SsG

Sleepingvillain · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Life are in a cycle of emotions

Rishi was locked in a jail for the suspicion of him being a terrorist. Country Z police asked him questions,"What were you doing on the site of bomb blast."

"Who are you, what your background."

"Are you the one behind the bomb blast."

Similar questions were being asked again and again. Rishi behaved like he has lost his soul, after the bomb blast. He was searching for an answer of a question,"Why."

These three letters words was giving him immense pain in his head. He acted like a dead man.

He was a secret agent of Country A, who was sent to Country Z to investigate about a terrorist group. Previously, he was sent to different countries for different missions and he completed all his missions successfully. But during this mission, he was not able to stop the terrorist from blasting a building and about hundred people died in that incident.

When Rishi reached bomb blast site, he couldn't handle himself after seeing the corpse of people lying on the ground. Then, he saw a small girl on her last breaths. He quickly took her in his arms and tried to take her to the hospital.

Small girl, who couldn't even move his eyelids opened her mouth and a single word came out of her mouth,"Why."

After saying this one word, she left the world. Xioju tried to answer her questions, but whenever he answered, another question arose in front of him.

This one word 'why', Can be interpreted in different questions like, why she was killed?,why is Rishi trying to help her? or why did only this building was blasted?

Rishi fell on his knees, trying to answer her questions, 'Why did she die?'

'Because she was unfortunate to be present in the building, which was targeted by terrorist."

From this answer, again many questions arose.

'Why did they targeted only this building?'

'What were they trying to achieve by this bomb blast.'

'Why didn't Police did anything to stop them from doing such a massacre?'

He tried to answer the second question,

"They were trying to show their power and terrorise common people."

Again this answer, give rise to different questions.

'Why were trying to show their power?'

'What will they gain from terrorising common people?'

Rishi tried to recall the time, when he stopped asking questions.

'Was it, when he reached in college?' or ''Was it, when he started doing job?' or ' It was during the time when he fell in love for the first time.'

He don't the accurate answer of this question. As a child he was a very curious child, who wanted to solve all the mysterious of the world. He wanted to know the reason behind every single thing like,

"Why do we drink water?'

"Why do we eat food?'

'Why is rock so hard?'

'How is electricity produced?'

'Why we can not directly look at the sun?'

'Why do every person eat medicine when they have fever?'

Why did he killed his curious nature?,

'Was it because he had to shoulder the responsibility of a family?' or 'Was it because no one answered his question.' or 'Was it because it is a rule to not question if you want to live in present society?'

Is he the only one who is affected by this heartless society or Everyone has accepted their fate to live a life in cycle of their emotions.

What is real purpose of a human being?,

What is the difference between a human and a animal?

In present society, we are living worse than a animal. we are harming our own planet for the benefit of some rich people.

Every action of a human is drowned with selfishness. Some want money, some want fame, some are doing it to run their family.

Everyone is acting like a robot, Why is our race not progressing toward a better future?,

What are we going to leave for our upcoming generation?

What is happening to this world?

Rishi was pulled back from his thoughts after a bucket of cold water was thrown on his face.

As he came to his senses, he saw numerous policeman surrounding him. They all have menacing look on their faces, as if Rishi has killed their family members. One policeman lifted Rishi's head using his hairs and coldly asked,

"Where are the other members of your terrorist group."

Rishi became confused after hearing his question,

"What are you talking about?, What terrorist group?, I am a authorised civilian of country A."

Policeman started laughing on his words, he gave a fierce punch in Rishi's stomach and coldly said,

"You were found killing a small girl, who was left alive in the bomb blast. We have evidence that proves that she died by your hands. And we have confirmed form country A, that there is no such person in country A , as your ID states."

Rishi was shocked, it was like a bolt of lightning struck him. he only uttered a single word after the shock,"Why."

This,'Why' formed different questions using only single three letters.

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