
Life and a Journey

Jason Sky thrown to the world of DxD with his to golden finger pushing him to be the best. he will make friends and enemies along the way.Fall In love and go adventure the multiverse should he master his magic his fate is in he's hands I a merely a writer who will right his story for beginning to the end. this will be my first story sorry if I make mistakes in doing so I want to make a story of someone that's not chain by fate or plot. this is a story of freedom what most of us Desire in life and I will write it with that in mind. he will travel the multiverse gain wives not a Pokémon harem type of fic ill make it around 30 or 50 around there. how you injoy.

Raylen2222_Hunt · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

3.Making myself a home and past

As I woke up feeling some movements on my chest I open my eye's and look down at my chest finding Ophis sleeping soundly seeing her used that sound dampening earphone for her using my {Creation Magic} I ask her a lot of question on what noises bothers her and and what she can describe as silence.

So i made it in her description.

"Ophis time to wake up now sleepy dragon" I said well shaking her awake.

"Umm" that's all I heard from her sigh as I move myself out of her death hug. Getting out of my tent I thought about maybe making myself a house no maybe a cottage no not to big and not to small.

Maybe four beds,a kitchen,living room,garage, two bathrooms and all a home would need.

But first food I made myself and Ophis some chicken fried rice and a chocolate milkshake from both of us.

While I was zoning out thinking about my Home Ophis got out of the tent and sat on the table waiting for breakfast quietly.

"Here you go Ophis eat up, after this would you like to help me make a home for us" I asked her she pick up her spoon and fork savoring her meal I could have seen some light on her eyes while eating.

"Umm okay" she reply man she's not talkative. While I was eating my breakfast thinking plans on my home away from home

I had a thought so I ask Ophis

"Ophis how strong am I right now to the devils and other supernatural species in Kouh town" I asked while I keep eating my food I look at her and she looked at me

"Strong.....around low ultimate class..stronger than the devils here and the others" she replied emotionless while stuffing her tiny mouth with food.

'Hmm that strong I can defend myself, but let's not get over cocky theirs many monster out their that can squash me' I thought so if I continue my training and develop more on my skills and Magic I could be unstoppable but that's a long way ahead in the future.

Finishing my food and Ophis I got up and started to make my home....hmmm I'll us maybe Spruce wood as the base of the structure making it look like one of those gnome homes but around 4 times bigger ill used my {Space Magic} to expand space inside to make it more rooms for me put my necessary things like a potion lab and what not.

Now done with the outside structure I head inside while Ophis just sat on my shoulders watching everything I do.

Using {Space Magic} to fold and expand Space on my home I started making furniture for my living room some couch able to fit maybe 4 or 5 people I'm make a small one to I won't make a TV because I have no way to us it right now to be honest making myself a small table like island at the center Having white carpets on the smooth Spruce wood now a fire place. Adding tiles and bricks on the inside of the fire place can't have my home burn can we using my {Creation Magic} I made a Chimney using bricks now onto a bookcase ill add all stories I remember anime in it for me to read once again I won't add Highschool DxD on it since I don't remember all the Story since I stop watching and reading it.

I'll add One piece,AKame kill,Tensura, and other ones so I may browse them in the future ill let Ophis read them for now all I know is she needs hobbies man.

Now to the bedrooms ill sleep on the main one adding a king size bed some memory pillows and a blanket for easy sleep and comfort. Adding dressers and shelves the walls painted in sky blue adding a standing mirror and a curtains for my window for the rest of the 3 rooms should I have people living here with me ill let them decide on what they wanted with it.

I won't bored you with the rest of me building the home let's get to other stuff making myself a farm come on who wouldn't want a farm if all those Mc thought me anything to never always pursue strength and power to have in peace with one self not to be self-centered or destructive in one pursue of strength.

You only get one life or two who knows but you have to cherish it to the fullest to have no regrets in your life choices no matter how immoral or not. To do good or evil to pursue pleasures in the opposite sex our choices depicted our lives.

Enough of that tilling the soil with my hoe and planting seeds I bought like bell peppers,cucumbers, potatoes, etc will tilling and watering them.

As I finished my work I looked at my work looking at this makes me have a sense of peace. While thinking I heard Ophis say something

"why do you do these"she asked me while looking clueless on my motives

"Ophis life is like a ticking clock you won't know when your time ends why not do something with it no matter the race or person, no one escape their end I want to have a quiet life with no regrets to feel like I have done something in this life" I reply back but she just looks clueless but she nods thinking on my words I think?? Who knows

I who have a short life before and thrown here I wanted do somethings about it since I don't know if it's a gift or not by who ever put me here.

Hah.....remembering all the wrongs and my depression my fruitless life before stuck at my bed not able to move or motivate myself to do something rotting inside myself remembering all the abuse my real father put me Through the beating and the verbal abuse when I was 5 making me do work while he drank away his life my mother couldn't do it she was afraid of him.

We didn't have money to buy food for 4 people I didn't want to remember this but it just happen.

I was then adopted by one of my family members including my sister I didn't want to her to suffer all the pain I went through but life works in mysterious way I was abused by them to but not as bad as before we had a roof to sleep and food to fill our bellies I work hard getting good grades but it wasn't enough they belittle me and mock me that I just wanted to end it but I push through.

I self harm my self did drugs when I was 12 drank my sorrows away I knew I was going in the deep end I just couldn't escape it slowly I started to lose my emotions I became less happy I found the truth of the world that its cruel to does that are weak.

I felt tiny hands wiping my tears away I look down and saw Ophis worry? One her emotionless face.

"Why are you crying?"she asked me tilting her head.

I just smiled

"It's nothing, remembering my life was just painful that's all Ophis while I was born weak you were born strong the weak perish the strong survive that all" I reply back she only look at me but nods.

"Let's go have some dinner its late for lunch now Ophis"i said to her while holding my hand to her.

She took it and we started to walk back our home

"Umm" that's all I heard from her.

In this life ill do what I can to achieve my goals it is to have the peace I desire that's why I need strength for only the strong survive while the weak perish in life forgotten through time.....

[Hah this story is just starting and I just want some back ground for Jason on his life to know that it must be Strong to achieve anything in life should he continue his adventures, now ill post maybe each day to get the story on a good base to explain his life I am just a writer and I while write I desire thank you all for readying my story]