
Life and a Journey

Jason Sky thrown to the world of DxD with his to golden finger pushing him to be the best. he will make friends and enemies along the way.Fall In love and go adventure the multiverse should he master his magic his fate is in he's hands I a merely a writer who will right his story for beginning to the end. this will be my first story sorry if I make mistakes in doing so I want to make a story of someone that's not chain by fate or plot. this is a story of freedom what most of us Desire in life and I will write it with that in mind. he will travel the multiverse gain wives not a Pokémon harem type of fic ill make it around 30 or 50 around there. how you injoy.

Raylen2222_Hunt · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

17. recovery

I woke up feeling sore I know I didn't make it to camp. I surely underestimate my human body even though I could fight Ophis for two days doesn't mean I could fight a never ending army.

Yes I did win and all that but my body had limits to all it could do since I was strengthening my body it has been in constant stress.

Sign maybe I'll fix it later maybe I'll evolve myself to High Human and used my {Creation Magic} to create those body cleansing pills,body strength pills, and soul strengthening pills to handle my power output.

Since I know my body was reaching the limit set by human standards.

Anyway since I made it to camp and have bandages wrapped around my chest I think Scathach did this since Ophis is at our Dimension.

Maybe I'll thank her when see comes around here.

I got up my little bed and got out my tent I can tell no one was around. Here and I saw my {Draupnir} at my little table I put when setting up the camp.

I reached out and Summon {Draupnir} and it hum happy and worried.

'Thank you {Draupnir} I'm fine I need to recover that's all.' I thought to my spear and it hum it acknowledgment.

I reform it to a ring and put it on my pinky finger.

I created a mirror after that seeing the wounds I have which I didn't notice I need to make sure I don't get tunnel vision it could be dangerous if I do.

Anyway I made myself some light breakfast and toast then I headed to my table.

I ate my breakfast while thinking on what to do.

I know I will be creating those cultivation pills to strengthen my body and my soul.

For the cleansing pill I would have to make it clear all the impurities inside my body.

Since I know we all have that negative inside and maybe create

{Ultra speed Regeneration} so I can heal my body fast.

I took some potions out my pocket space and drank all of them to fasten the healing.

An if I remember correctly the beast would come back later own since they can't die here if I remember my anime right.

I'll have to upgrade my {Time Magic} an

{Space Magic} I'll combine them so i won't have to later.

Since I can make a hole on the World barrier not to big or small for a human size to pass.

I met head to my old world and see if I can buy some books about anything I need.

But I know piercing the world barriers would be hard well not hard if you can understand Law of space and time.

I also have to worry about the rift beast if those things exist can't make a hole and be right in front of a nest of those things since they eat worlds.

And If I was the God dude that was me I would have killed the strong ones that have broken the World Barriers and let the weak one for the other me which is me to handle.

And those things are stronger than Trihexa just imagine a guy on Steroids but Multiply it by 20 you get a ugly m.therf.ck.r build on nothing but muscles.

Damn now that i remember Trihexa maybe I'll let the God of the Bible deal with

him/her...since i wasnt the one to seal it away.

Also now that I think about it God must be an Uzamaki since those clan love sealing things left and right.

You got a cat let me seal it in this item

You got a Dragon let me seal it to.

That guy most have had some weird fetish that has sealing on it

That includes the Bible dude really needs to update that one so many to missunderstand.

Hmmm maybe I'll go to parallel world after he bless my Bible ill make and met lucifer so I can smack him with it.

Ahh the possibilities anyway back to pill making I made the Cleansing,body, and soul strengthening pills they just look like your typical clear marble.

I'll eat them tonight and used my

{Creation Magic} to evolve me will I'm unconscious I ain't feeling the pain of hundreds of ants biting me.

Since that's done I'll think of more planning.

I created a book and a pen and wrote some stuff.


1: Valerie Tepes wielder of the Sacred Gear {Sephiroth Graal} that has mutated

With three grails being used by her brother anbush,starve,beaten, and etc

Objective:Save her after that let her recover and train her. To used such item Holy objects.

Let's her hear the whispers of the dead without control slowly losing her mind.

Can't let it fall in Rizevim Livan Lucifer hands

Since his the true leader of a terrorist group call Khaos Brigade and Qlippoth factions

Motives:Wishes to see the world burn and inviting unknown God's to Dragonic Deus also known as Earth.

2: Make sure Rizevim Livan Lucifer doesn't revive the Evil Dragons.

Stop or kill the Tepes make sure to burn the body's to ash but spare Valerie since she's friends with Gasper.

3: train Ophis more so she won't be trick by those shit heads.

4: met Hades and Offer trade if it doesn't work kill him since he would be part of the terrorist.

5: Hide the Dragon Eater Samuel since it could be used to kill Ophis can't let that happen.

6: beat up the Hero Faction for being shit heads and killing peaceful supernatural species for there twisted ideals.

7: Get God of the Bible to fix heaven and the church or will burn it to the ground.

Can't have holy maidens being rape by those church dick heads.

If God of the Bible deny torture him since it's his fault that all of this are happening.

8: Travel the world and find treasures or lost stuff. Can't let it rot way when you can still use it.

Do some tomb raiding...hey why respect someone who hides I don't know treasures that can help a poor village.....they don't deserve my respect since they died and haven't earn one point.

9: Go to other worlds after making sure this world doesn't explode because of someone being a lunatic.

10: Kill the Unknown God's

If I remember from the book and the anime their call the ExE God's.

Kill the stupid Machine God can't let them kill Great Red.

Weakness of the God his chest and armpits aim for the kill since the F.ck.r is a lunatic.

When I finished I felt tired hah I guess my body is still recovering well I'll just sleep I did swallow the pills and started my evolution to High Human.


[Scathach pov]

I watch as the Man went back to sleep not before swallowing something but it's not my problem.....but the book he left on the table got me curious so I went and pick it up.

I read the contents and if I was curious I am now beyond curious reading what's written it would seem he knows what will happen to this world oh I am not stupid to understand someone is messing something they should but knowing this Rizevim Livan Lucifer messing something he shouldn't is quite concerning.

Yes I do wish to past on but I love my home the place where it all started.

So that's why I was concerned about this.

And this Valerie Tepes it seems he want to rescue a wielder of a Longinus.

Known to have the power to kill God's.

Maybe I'll approach him tomorrow and trainhim since he has intrigued me...
