
Life After Reincarnation

This story follow the man name Takanashi Ren as he die and Reincarnate to another world with a new name and story more info on the story.

BrightFlare · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 7: house of Frost (cancelled)

author's note: this next story line is the first path, if your wondering what first path I'm talking about. in the future i will make another story line that Branch off this chapter. Everything that you will read next will be a path where "Ren" will become the HERO but i will make a path in the future where "Ren will not become a HERO but instead, a DEMON LORD, And that path would be in another Novel

Elizabeth Frost youngest daughter of the house of Frost.

Xander Frost the current head of the Frost household.

Glazia one of Elizabeth spirit and one of the divine elemental spirit.

[Ahhh haaa ayyyyy!!!]

Elizabeth screaming while rolling in her bed.

a maid has enter her room.

[young miss, is there a problem?]

the maids asked.

[m.She just had her first kiss early this morning]

Naiades said while smiling.

[I'm just gonna repost this to Lord Frost, pls wait]

the maids replied and left.


Elizabeth screamed.

5 minute later

The maids came back.

[Lord frost said to come to his office]

The maid said and left.


Elizabeth said in nervousness while her voice is shaking.

in the office.

[umm father, u heard you called for me?]

Elizabeth asked while Her voice is shaking.

[I heard you just have your first kiss this morning]

Xander asked.

[m.yes she force Ren of the Griffin Household]

Naiades said while smiling a bit.

[well then, what is his Crest?]

Xander asked.

[it's the rules of our household, he must have a 1 rank lower or higher Crest, and you are a double Crest owner, both the Spirit Goddess Crest and the Freezing Goddess Crest, both are divine class]

Xander added.

[But the Freezing Goddess Crest is from the divine ice spirit]

Elizabeth answered.

[m. i have a hunch but, i think Ren has more crest than we thought, other than the legendary Crest of mimicry.]

Wis said while manifesting.

Xander was shock from hearing.

[did you say, Crest of mimicry?]

Xander asked in Shock.

[m. indeed]

Wis answered.

[what's wrong, father?]

Elizabeth asked in worried.

[m. that's the crest of my first master]

Glazia said while manifesting.

[for generation, Glazia chose the one to make a contract with and even the previous contractor of her still have the crest from Glazia, therefore making the crest your as well, then the question is, did Ren also copy the crest of Glazia?]

Xander asked.

[m. no, because my Crest is a form type and it's impossible to copy a form type crest because the form type crest a are specialized crest for the user]

Glazia answered.

[do you like him?]

Xander asked?

[i think]

Elizabeth replied.

[then do you want me to sent a arrange marriage for you]

Xander asked while very sad and happy inside because his daughter gonna marry a man she love.

[as for the tradition he needs to be acknowledged by the other clan members]

Xander added.

[then how can he be acknowledged?]

Elizabeth asked.

[he just needs to show a strength that it's worthy to be a part of our clan]

Xander replied.

[what if he purposely lose?]

Elizabeth asked.

[if he loses then it would be a shame for him and his family]

Xander replied.

[go back to your room, the clan elders have to discuss this]

Xander added.

at the Griffin resident.

[awww haaa, why? why? why?!!!, why did i kiss her?]

Ren asked to himself.

[m. you just kiss her to show her how your Crest works]

Rupy said to Ren that is rolling in the bed.

Rise enter the open room of Ren, thus seeing Ren rolling on the bed and asked Rupy about it.

[Rupy do you mind telling me what happened to Ren?]

[he just kiss Elizabeth Frost]

Rupy Replied with a smile.

[why did you do that, the Frost household is on higher rank that us, don't just kiss a girl like it's okay in the beginning and ending up like that, rolling in the bed like your a kid who lost it's toys! if you gonna kiss a girl then man up!]

Rise said to Ren that stop rolling in the bed.

[m. i actually don't know if your angry because Ren kissed a girl from the Frost household or because he's rolling like that after kissing a girl from the Frost household]

Rupy muttered.

[what is this mess?]

sieg asked right after entering the room.

[there is a letter from the Frost family regarding to the kissing incident]

sieg added.

[Ren in the first place why did you even kissed a girl]

Rise muttered.

[it said here that miss Elizabeth Frost forced Ren to kiss her]

sieg replied to Rise muttering.

[it also said here that they want an arrange marriage since it's the wish of miss Elizabeth]

sieg added.

[not so fast]

Ren said as he used spatial magic to get out of the situation and towards the roof.

Ren current status:


strength: 12,000

mana: 240,000

defense: 14,000

speed: 52,000

agility: 52,000

passive skill:

greater strength lv10

all magic type talent lv3

all weapon type talent lv3


faster mana regeneration lv8

reduce mana consumption lv8

faster vitality regeneration lv8

learned skill:

dashboard display lv10

impact transfer lv6

spirit creation lv2

mana absorption lv8

alchemy lv5

spirit summoning lv5

limit break lv7

dominance over possibility lv2

gift skill:


skill creation

skill granting

skill editing


magic eye time

king of gluttony

king of pride

king of wrath

king of lust

king of sloth

king of envy

king of greed

king of mimicry

knowledge of Solomon

a loud sound came from the Frost resident followed by smoke.

[what was that?]

Ren asked to himself as he teleported to his parents.

[mom dad what was that?]

Ren asked his parents hoping they know what happening, but so do they don't know what happening thus Ren opened a gate to the Frost resident and the first thing they saw, was Elizabeth fighting.

[Elizabeth what happened here?]

thus Elizabeth replied.

[the demon king is trying to abduct me to make me his slave. but he had given me a chance, if i could defeat him then he won't take me and hurt love one's]

Elizabeth said while crying.

[you can stop now]

Ren said calmly to Elizabeth.

[hey! you stupid Demon lord! I'm your enemy now!!!]

Ren said while wondering "why... why... why am i fighting for someone i just met why" his unstable mind came running to the demon lord.

[hey you demon lord!]

As Ren shout to the demon lord he took a weapon from his storage "come out lightning staff".

note: the lightning staff is made out of tungsten carbide and pure silver string around it making it durable and a good electrical conductor.

as Ren use the lightning staff on the demon lord, the demon lord try to take the staff away from Ren and attack Ren, but as soon as the demon lord grab the staff Ren used lightning magic to electrocute the demon lord.

[congratulations, you are the first one to put damage on me since i became a demon lord]

and the demon lord laugh.

and suddenly more smoke show up in the night sky.

[what are those?]

Ren asked the demon lord.

[well of course, there are mine underlings taking woman for me]

the demon lord answer.

[and now I'm pissed]

Ren replied.

["magic eye of time, 30 minutes"]

note: the magic eye of mine main ability is to speed up the time of the user

for example, on level1 the magic eye of time have a 1 hour of time limit but Ren said 30 minutes, it means that on Ren time, 1 hour is the skill duration but for the people other than him the duration is 30 minutes. you can just say he slowed down the time of other people but in reality he made his time move faster therefore making the illusion he slowed down time.

[how can you be so fast all of a sudden?]

The demon lord asked in wonder.

as time goes by, Ren still questioning him self in wonder, "why? why? why?, fighting for a girl i just met, and what is this warmth feeling in my chest everytime i question why I'm fighting?, is it because i like her? but i promise her, she's the only one i will love, even though this is my next life, i will love you Elise!!! but now here i am, fighting for other girl that i just met, why!!!!!"

[even if you're faster, still too slow]

thus the demon lord attack Ren with a concentrated dark magic, thus putting a hole in Ren's stomach.

as Ren wonder again "why? why? why is everything is turning black? and i don't feel well, this feeling is similar to when i died back then, so I'm dying i can't Elise said to live a wonderful life".

[i can't die yet]

then a spirit appears.

then Ren asked through Telepathy "who are you, help me i don't wanna die yet, i made a promise" then the spirit asked "what promise?" Ren replied with "Elise asked me to live a happy life, i can't let her down" "is that all" the spirit replied then asked "who is this Elise?" "she's the girl i like, even if i die once, and even if she's dead already, even when she said love another girl, she will be the only one i will love" the spirit understand how Ren feels in every single detail because the spirit is inside Ren consciousness then he asked "do you want to awaken your true self" "what do you mean by my true self" Ren replied wondering, then the spirit said "your true self is who you really are" "i don't get it" "it means you will learn what are you even the deepest emotion you did not know to have thus you will awaken your true self" "i still don't get it but will it make me strong?" "yes it will" "then what is the catch?" "there is no catch, but i will make your girl name Elise remember who she is" "what do you mean? didn't she died?" "she indeed died back then, but she Reincarnated in this world and the two of you will reunite, trust me" "then i will accept it, but before that i would like to asked you why me?" "because you are the child of god" "i don't get it but, thank you" "here you go".

to be continued

so right now i decided to change my writing style similar to the side story and I'm planing to change the writing style of the previous Chapter

BrightFlarecreators' thoughts