
Life After Reincarnation

This story follow the man name Takanashi Ren as he die and Reincarnate to another world with a new name and story more info on the story.

BrightFlare · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 6: Royal academy and Crest (cancelled)

[Sieg] listen Ren you are now 10 years old and you will be enrolled in the Royal academy with Cecelia in and you don't have to be the best your enrollment is just for show, if you ask me, you don't need any education because your already smart enough.

[Ren] umm dad?

[Sieg] what is it?

[Ren] is that a complement?

[Sieg] it depend on how you see it.

[Ren] and another question.

[Sieg] what is it?

[Ren] will my other friends be there as well

[Sieg] Rui and mayura will be be in the same year as you but I have no idea in they will be on the same class and Silva Is graduating this year.

Royal Academy entrance ceremony

[Mayura] well I didn't expect you also gonna enroll considering how strong you are.

[Rui] he's a monster.

[Ren] the funny thing is I don't really know if that's a complement or insult

[Rui] it's both.

[Cecelia] umm Ren.

[Mayura] it Cecelia, come here let's all seat together, the seat next to me is open.

[Cecelia] sure.

[Principal] and now let the student council president tell her speech.

[Elizabeth] ahem, today is the entrance ceremony of the Royal capital academy of Celestial Kingdom or also known as the Royal Academy, at this day you first year student would awaken your own crest that is sleeping inside you and today is also a day when all of you will fight to the battle royal for your ranking and for us to know how much your capabilities are let's start on the first row to get their crest, please line up and step on the magic circle one by one

[Cecelia] since where on the second row are we gonna line line up after them?

[Mayura] Yes.

[Crowd] look at that crest!!!

[Elizabeth] look like is god blessings.

[the student] then what is my blessings?

[Elizabeth] it's god of war.

[1person in the Crowd] for what I heard he's father has a god of war Crest.

[Ren] hey mayura, are crest inherited from parents?

[Mayura] it's only around 1 over 4 chance.

[Ren] what are your parents Crest?

[Mayura] my father also have the blessing of the god of war and my mother have the sorcerer crest.

[Cecelia] both my parents have the celestial crest, making me a guarantee celestial crest.

[Ren's mind] Rupy explain.

[Rupy] family type crest have 50 percent of inheriting and since both of Cecelia's parents have the celestial crest, making her a guarantee.

[Ren's mind] thank, I wonder what will be mine?

[Rupy] crest are determined on birth, do you wish to know?

[Ren's mind] yes.

[Rupy] your Crest is, the crest of the 7 Cardinal sins.

[Ren's mind] huh?

[Rupy] you have all seven sins: sin of lust, sin of gluttony, sin of greed, sin of sloth, sin of wrath, sin of envy and sin of pride. getting the crest of all the 7 Cardinal sins at one crest is more rare that that getting the Celestial crest by chance.

[Ren's mind] so trouble some, is that all?

[Rupy] no. you are also triple crest holder.

[Ren's mind] what is that?

[Rupy] it means that you have 3 Crest at the same time, and you are supposed to have only 2 crest, your third crest is mine.

[Ren's mind] then what is my second Crest?

[Rupy] it's the crest of mimicry, is a Crest that allows you to copy all of the crest in existence.

[Ren's mind] wait, that to over powered.

[Rupy] not really.

[Ren's mind] what did you meant by that?

[Rupy] there is a compensation to copy the crest.

[Ren's mind] what is it?

[Rupy] first it has to be the opposite gender as you and...

[Ren's mind] and what?

[Rupy] umm...

[Ren's mind] just tell me.

[Rupy] you need to kiss the girl in lips.

Ren's face got a bit red

[Rupy] and to awaken the full power of the skill you copy is to either get used to the power or take some saliva from the one that your kissing.

[Ren's mind] you mean... kissing with tongue?

[Rupy] yes...

right now. Ren face is beat red.

[Mayura] hey look at Ren. he's face is beat red while looking at the president.

[Rui] do you perhaps likes the president?

[Elizabeth] what is that commotion over there?

[Mayura] Miss Student council president we think Ren likes you.

[Rui] yea he's suddenly got beat red when looking at you.

[Elizabeth] well Ren. I will consider dating you if you can show me a crest what is a same rank as mine.

[Mayura] then what is your Crest rank miss Elizabeth?

[Elizabeth] it's a divine class. divine class are color gold to know.

[Rupy] since the crest of mimicry is a divine class. I will make it show in the awakening of crest.

[Ren] no!

[Elizabeth] don't worry if your strong even if you don't get a divine class. maybe it possible.

[Ren] no! that not it.

[Elizabeth] since the first row is done. maybe you can be the first one on the second row. come it, just put your can in the floting crystal while standing on the magic circle.

as Ren follow the instruction a gold light and a unknown crest (Crest of mimicry) has been shown as the gold light signify the devine class crest and now Elizabeth is the one who is beat Red

[Principal] and now miss Elizabeth is beat Red for the fact that she will consider Ren as a Lover.

[Elizabeth] No!!! I didn't say lover I said dating!

[Silva] same thing.

[Principal] even the vice president understand.

[Elizabeth] shut up sir principal.

[Ren] should i be happy?

[Silva and principal] yes.

[Elizabeth's mind] naiades what can you say about Ren?

[Naiades] he also have a spirit.

Note: Rupy became a spirit during the time skip and that's why Rupy have a crest.

[Elizabeth's mind] do you know about his Crest?

[Naiades] Sadly no.

[Elizabeth's mind] how about you Wis?

[Wis] it's the Crest if mimicry.

[Silva] hey are you talking to your spirits about Ren?

[Elizabeth] no!

[Silva] your lying.

[Elizabeth] so what. I'm just asking Wis if he know about Ren Crest.

[Silva] Let's ask Ren later.

[Principal] we can't just invade his privacy.

Elizabeth walk towards Ren.

[Elizabeth] after the crest awaking ceremony. go to the students council room

[Girls in the crowd] ayyyy!!!

in the students council room.

[Elizabeth] as you already know. when unlocking a crest you will get a mild understanding of your crest so we want to know how your Crest work so...

[Ren] i don't wanna use it.

[Elizabeth] why?

Wis manifested by using Elizabeth magic power

Note:. m. stand for manifested and use for god or spirit

[m.Wis] it's complicated

[Ren] if you insist.

[Elizabeth are you gonna d...

Ren Kiss Elizabeth while the back of his hand being shown that the crest of mimicry that has a empty circle i the middle being filled with a god of spirit crest.

[Elizabeth] w-wh-what di-did y-you d-d-do.

[Silva] look at his Crest there is a crest similar to your goddess of spirit Crest.

[Elizabeth] but what is the kiss for.

[m.Wis] it's for you mimiking your crest. that's the crest of mimicry a crest that can mimic the crest of a opposite gender by kissing.

[Elizabeth] that is my first kiss you know.

[Ren] don't get angry. that's my first kiss too and you force me.

[Elizabeth] but you're the one who kiss me!!

[Ren] but you are the one who wanted to be kiss by me!!

to be continued