
Life after Reincarnation in Yosuga no Sora(Drop)

Enjoy my first fanfic, sorry if there are any mistakes (⁠ꏿ⁠﹏⁠ꏿ⁠;⁠) a young man died when he was hit by a truck kun~~~ choosing the life of the favorite protagonist, he becomes Kasugano Haruka look forward to the story (definitely there is incest, harem, dan kehamilan.)

Morishima_Haruka · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Gifts & new Hokage

Haru: I'll open both of them again!

Ding.... congratulations on getting, World Traveler Ability.

Ding.... congratulations on getting Conqueror Haki, Full Mastery (From the One Piece World).

Haru : Ohh....I'm very lucky, I got World Traveler, the ability to move between worlds I've visited and when I move only when my original world stops, I can also bring 1 more person.

And the other one I got, Conqueror Haki, the ability of someone who has the Quality of a King, and this ability is a mental attack type, but when the mastery increases, it can create storms, and damage to the physical and environment.

Miia : Oh my, you are very lucky, you can move worlds for free and bring someone with you and most importantly when their original world will stop like during a mission, also what's wrong with this Conqueror Haki ability, this ability is too damaged for a mental type attack.

Esra : wow... congratulations Haru, you can move worlds as a practitioner and this solves your problem with Kushina, and congratulations on getting new abilities.

(Speaks softly and brightly as if he was the one who got the prize)

Sora and Kushina saw this again and there was no doubt that Esra was in love.

Yami : woah....the ability to save Points, very lucky.

Kanae : Ara~ara, congratulations Haru chan.

Tsunade: what's wrong with your luck, sigh...(sighs a long sigh)

Sora : Haru, you can finish your business now with Kushina.

Kushina : thank you for looking out for me Sora chan, and thank you Haru for accepting me, a mother of one child, to be your partner.

Haru: I told you not to say that again, basically I also like you even though what I know is from novels and I feel a little guilty towards Minato san.

Kushina: No problem Haru, Minato has entrusted me and Naruto to you.

Haru: thank you Kushina.

Kushina : You're welcome husband. (Answer a little boldly)

Everyone: (⁠゜⁠o⁠゜⁠; (shocked by Kushina's words, they looked at her agape).


Konoha Village:

They feel like they are on holiday in another world and there are only 5 days left to stay in this world because the mission has been completed, and to come here again without being constrained by time they have to pay, well except for Haru, because he can move worlds for free.

Haru : Tsuna chan, you will become Hokage like in the story in the end.

(Haru says teasingly)

Tsunade: sigh.... it seems like there is a fate that cannot be changed and can instead be accelerated, and don't tease me Haru, I'm old, and you're still young, you also have 2 wives, and one person who likes you. (Mutters quietly and frowns)

Haru: more precisely 3 wives, but you are still very beautiful and sexy

(Haru thinks, and who likes me)

Haru was confused by Tsunade's slightly vague sentence.

 Tsunade: Wh...what did you say. Said stammeringly.

Kanae : Ara~ara, that's very brave Haru chan, look at Tsunade she's embarrassed and nervous about replying to you, but am I not attractive, Haru chan.

Tsunade: KANAE CHAN.....!!!

 Kanae : Ara~ara~~

Haru : Ehemm...you are also very beautiful Kanae, and I like it when you say your typical Ara~ara.

Hearing Haru's answer Kanae blushed.

Kanae : thank you Haru chan.

Tsunade: sigh... already has a wife and still flirts with other women.

Haru : eh...but I want to have many wives and have received permission from Sora to have many wives.

The two of them were dazed by Haru's answer, and had a small bit of hope in their hearts without them realizing it.

Kanae : Ehemm....then tomorrow you will become Hokage Tsunade, well that's better than falling into the hands of that person named Danzo, because he was the one who caused the incident of the Uchiha massacre, and several of Konoha's divisions.

Tsunade: yes, that's true.

Haru: I've also wanted to beat that old face for a long time when I saw the anime.

The two women looked at each other and pitied poor Danzo.

Tsunade: well we have to have evidence to bring down Danzo.

Kanae : that's absolutely right Haru.

Haru: OK, I will restrain myself but I will help you overcome Danzo, and when I return to my world I will invite my other wife to vacation here.

Kanae: It's nice to be able to move around the world at will.

Haru: Mweheheheh.

Currently only three people are talking in the room because the others are out, Sora, Kushina, Esra, and Miia are shopping and touring in Konoha, then there is Yami who is training with several Konoha Jonin.

....... .....

The next day.....Hokage inauguration day.

Haru: Tsunade's spirit.

Tsunade: Hmmm...

Tsunade nodded and prepared for the inauguration, while donning the robes of the Fifth Hokage.

Sora: Tsuna Nee.

Kushina: reminds me of Minato's inauguration.

(Said a little sadly)

Esra : don't be sad Kushina san.

Miia, Sora, Kanae, Tsunade: that's right.

Sora : now you have me and Haru as your husband, and also have friends who care about you.

Tsunade: at least Naruto isn't lonely.

Miia : that's true Kushina, don't be sad, today is a festive day.

Kushina : I'm sorry friends.

Haru saw Kushina, put her hand to stroke her head, Kushina was embarrassed to see Haru stroke her, but felt peaceful in her heart.

Sora: hiss..I'll let this go.

Miia: By the way, seeing this in person is different from the anime.

Yami : Hmm, an atmosphere similar to the Magic Emperor's inauguration.

Kanae : Ara~ara~~ Tsuna chan, Very cool.

Tsunade was embarrassed by Kanae's response.


Hokage Building:

The inauguration began, crowds covered the streets, everyone wanted to see the new Hokage participating in the sealing of the Kyuubi.

One of the Legendary Sannin, Grandson of the first Hokage and now the Fifth Hokage.

While the former third Hokage was giving his speech, I looked from behind Tsunade from the corner of my eye to the side, finding Danzo, who was watching with a bitter face.

Haru : Lena, if you find anything strange about the old man, tell me.

Lena : Ready Master!!

Yami: This Ki...(turns to glance at Danzo from the corner of his eye) is very rotten, he is a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Haru: You feel it too, Yami.

(Yami nods)

Kanae : Ara~ara just let it go, besides right now she can't do anything.

Miia : yes, that's right, and our goal now is to stop the tragedy of the Uchiha massacre.

Esra : Hmmm, I agree.

Kushina : I think I will visit Mikito because he is my old friend.

Sora : we can take advantage of Mikoto and Kushina's closeness to talk to the Uchiha patriarch.

After Tsunade's inauguration we returned to the family house belonging to the Senju Clan, yes it's true that we lived there while in Konoha.


Unknown place:

Haru : Hmmm.... I remember this place, if I'm not mistaken it's in my mind scape, ah I see so I was walking towards the Kyuubi's cage.

Kyuubi: Who are you really? I certainly heard your conversation and saw a little of your memories, and what memories can't be seen, and who is that small, winged woman?

Haru: Hey hey, Kurama, your questions are too many, I'll answer them one by one.

Kyuubi: Roarrrrrrrrr, don't call me that name human.....ughhh....

When Haru used his Emperor's Haki, Kurama couldn't finish his sentence.

Haru: calm down friend, we are now comrades in arms, haven't you seen some of my memories, you have to know where I am and why I am in this world, and can I call you Kurama?

Kurama: up to you, Hmmp..

Haru : Hooh..my little tsundere fox..

Kurama: kisamaaaaa....

Haru : yes yes, as you know I'm from another world, and I'm on a mission, but our mission is finished, now we're on holiday in another world.

Kurama: So it's true that you are from another world, I didn't expect that.

Haru: well, do you regret not living in Naruto's body, rather than in my body.

Kurama: huhh.... seeing him is strange but this is me and if something has happened, why should I bother with that smelly kencur kid.

Haru: well, it's up to you, I will open your seal, I know you can be trusted, and you definitely don't want to be kept in a cage, as long as it is in the story.

Kurama: You trust other people too much.

Haru: but I believe in you, because your character is seen in the story, at least the story depicts that you are the one being used by humans who see you as a tool.

Of course I know that no one will want to be a tool except me, by force.

Kurama: .....

Haru : I will open now.

Haru flew up and started taking the paper that was in the cage, and started opening the seal with five fingers and twisting it.

When the seal opened Kurama shot out and pointed his hooves in front of Haru.

Kurama: .....why don't you dodge?

Haru: because I believe in you.

Kurama: Tch, you're so boring.

Kurama was back in position to sleep but Haru stopped him.

Haru: wait, wait a minute Kurama.

Kurama: what's wrong?

Ding congratulations, you bought the Yin core (empty) 20,000, and the Female Sex Change 2000.

Reduce ....


Points : 195,000

Haru: eat it.

Kurama: what is this? Why is the yin energy empty and this core is so solid?

Haru: This can help you become the real Kurama, and you don't need to merge with your yin half anymore, you just need to gather your yin energy again.

Kurama nodded and ate both of them, suddenly Kurama's chakra increased 5x, from its current state with an empty yin core, and its form changed into a sexy woman, with J cup breasts, with a red kimono...

Author : ಡ⁠ ͜⁠ ⁠ʖ⁠ ⁠ಡ