
Life after its End | The Beginning After The End | Hiatus |

His life ended to quickly, he hadn't even made it pass his 20th birthday yet it's death the omnipresent force has decided to take his life, his life almost as quickly as it had begun had ended. Death, though wasn't his end, no it was more than an end, it was his new beginning, he had a new Life, a new family, new friends, a whole new world. This was his New Life After its End. ======== Author Notes 0- Major spoilers for the novel of Tbate, if you haven't at all read the novel to its end I would recommend not reading this, the first chapter already has very large spoilers. 1- Give me the constructive criticism, I need it I have horrible grammar and a bad writing sense, if something is doubling back, plotholes, bad grammar etc point it out, if you need something explained, I'll comment on your comment. 2- I'll try my best to make the Main character smart, though since I'm not very smart it'll be hard, also the main character will be kinda modelled after me so, he'll be sad, a bit edgy, not so emo as to be full edge, he'll still help people out but won't actively help people if he doesn't have a reason to do so, he'll pay back his debts and he has a special place in his heart for his family and friends, they'll be his support system. I'm a simple person and so will be the story, there might be more complex ideas or concepts but most of it will be easy to understand, this also applies to the grammar I can't think of good words that describe the things more articulately but what are you gonna do? Make me go on a dictionary or something? As if 3- No harem, No romance, can't write any, if you do ask for a harem I will make him gay and lonely and will never find love, just to say fuck you. 4- Image is Syre Farlier from Warlock in a magus world this is not my original drawing, neither is Tbate my work, it belongs to Fuyuki23 and TurtleMe, all credits go to them.

WinnieLePooh · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 6: A Whole New World*Xyrus*

'Well apparently we are going to be hitching a ride alongside dad's ex-party from back when he was an adventurer… I didn't even know he was one' - Syre

[ Beep! Response: Host should being training 'Astral Meditation Technique' as to improve his deductive and observational abilities ]

'Was that sass? Good. But you are correct. I have been lacking in its training as I've been doing 'Total Concentration Breathing' on that note, How far have I progressed through it? Also pull up the completion rate of 'Total Concentration: Constant' as well as the amount of impurities I've destroyed. Actually just pull up a conclusive status.' - Syre requested

[ Syre Farlier

Age: 1 Year and 8 months

Strength: 0.093(Original)-> 0.1

Agility: 0.099(Original)-> 0.12

Vitality: 0.13(Original)-> 0.16

Body Status: Healthy

Mana Core Rank and Level: Solid Red(1)

Affinities: Fire, Lightning, Water, Ice { Earth, Wind and 'Holy' have yet to be gained and are still in the mana particulates }

Techniques and Skills: Astral Meditation Technique (Novice), Total Concentration Breathing (Novice(Original)->Adept), Mana Manipulation(Novice)

Impurities cleared: 38.75%(Original)-> 56.43%


[ Beep! Procedure Complete/Incomplete; Total Concentration Breathing; Total Concentration Constant: New Information: Total Concentration Constant is a state in which the user is always in a state of Total Concentration Breathing, this will result in the Total Concentration Breathing benefits rather than being a skill than can only be used in moderation will be turned into a passive skill, this will have a permanent increased lung capacity, a permanent increase of stats of about { 1 Agility, 1 Vitality and 1 Strength } however it will also passively increase the stats by { 0.05 Agility, 0.08 Vitality and 0.06 Strength } every month, it will have a constant passive that will destroy impurities gained or that are currently in the body by a { 0.05% } every week, it will increase the life-span of the user through very long extended use by 5-15 years, increased heart beat rate, increased blood flow, increased immune response strength, increase in the users metabolism, increased antibody creation and antibody strength through extended consumption of larger and larger doses of poisons the user will develop a large resistance to poisons, enhanced digestive efficiency, enhanced healing factor.

Currently lacking information regarding: Breathing Style Type Total Concentration: Constant currently lacks the Breathing Style that the users from Kimetsu no Yaiba have, as the breathing styles from Kimetsu no Yaiba can't be replicated as they aren't explained or based upon anything the host must develop his own style centred around an element, part of nature, affinity Possible Starts: the host will have to periodically view and learn of that part of nature that you wish to turn into a breathing style, the host will base the breathing style around an mana affinity and will have to research that specific affinity or possible fused affinities. Currently both methods are high unlikely to work, for the first method the period of time the host and Deus would have the view that part of element would be very extended perhaps 3-5 years, for the second method the host currently does not possess his second mana core and thus doesn't have those elements. ]

'Yeah, I can't really spend my time trying the view and understand parts of nature hoping they'd work and create a breathing style Deus create a new file named 'Project Hiatus' and file 'Project: Total Concentration: Constant' under it, unlucky that is those were some very good benefits. Welp, time to train 'Astral Meditation Technique'' - Syre

Syre begun to close his eyes and slowly but surely went into a deep meditative state -this proved difficult at first however as time passed and he practiced the technique more the process became easier and faster- he then slowly entered into his mindscape which at this point was nearly complete -at first it was a completely white space, void of anything other than himself, he and Deus constructed the new one piece by piece-

It was a beautiful library; made of a dark treated mahogany wood, the room though looked relatively simple four walls with bookshelves lining each one however what made it out of the ordinary was the ever expanding height that would constantly build itself bookshelf and level by bookshelf and level, each bookshelf contained thousands of books, some of these books were filled with works of literature and fiction, some of them on the various people Syre had met in his lifetimes, some on the various locations he had been in, some contained knowledge of science, biological, engineering, farming practices, and more, some books were currently being filled with new words and new information gained through Deus, the majority though were blank waiting for their chance to become full, on the bottom level there was three bookshelves lining the wall rather than four on the wall without a bookshelf was a neat fireplace that streamed a nice comfortable heat that seemingly spread throughout the entire expanding space next to the fireplace was two chairs both seemed as if they were handcrafted by gods of craftsmen and a small coffee table in between them, however secrets had been contained within the library, the knowledge contained in the books were the basics or intermediate knowledge, the true knowledge is being kept within a secret basement which can only be accessed by him through multiple verification processes including; Personality tests, cornea, fingerprint, facial recognition, etc, in this basement contained a single desk, chair, a monitor and a computer tower, inside was the truly important information in which Deus has rule over as the administrator of the computer.

Syre appeared -In what appeared to be an adult version of his current self- next to the fireplace and slowly sat upon the first chair soon a second person appeared -Deus, ( AN(1):I'll put a picture in the comments for the both of them) - and sat down.

[ Would you like some coffee, Host? ] - Deus offered with a cold and robotic voice

"Yes please, and Deus, what did I say about speaking like that? Haven't I tasked you to evolve yourself into a proper artificial intelligence, I don't want you to stay a robot like Leylin had" Syre responded,

[ Yes, Host, However the current progress on that has been halted due the Leylin Farliers consciousness departing, the current me doesn't have the processing capabilities for that, though do not worry as you gain strength the capabilities of me will advance and I will be able to run more complex procedures at the same time ] - Deus

"Really? It was halted due to the consciousness leaving? At what percent was it completed" Syre said disappointment leaking into his voice

[ At around 13.32%, Host ] - Deus

"Hm very well, I'll now begin to meditate you know the drill" Syre responded with happiness.

[ Yes sir, complete silence, -15.53%- ] - Deus ( AN(2): The reason why Syres personality had changed inside the mindscape is due to being free from his body's limit, see, thinking and using the same amount of energy a regular adult would use as a baby will quickly tire himself out so he decided to simplify the thinking process, it is also due to him being more connected to his previous life in this mental mindscape as all his memories are here, as a baby the emotional control and maturity has greatly diminished so here it returns. AN(3):The reason why I'm developing Deus into a proper A.I is because of three reasons: 1: In WIAMW it's called an AI and artificial intelligence but it doesn't seem like a real one as it really isn't making its own decisions nor has a choice in them, it also never develops its own personality or something like a consciousness which I find sad. 2: I don't think Leylin and his A.I ever had a decent relationship I mean its a joke in the fandoms that the A.I is the main character of the story and I don't want that I want the Deus so I'll try and develop their relationship into more of best friends or master and butler. 3: It was really fucking difficult trying to make Deus's responses seem cold and robotic and I didn't really like that so, like how am I supposed to write something from the perspective of something that I will never be able to properly comprehend, how am I supposed to understand another races perspective when I've never experienced that, fuck, I have already trouble understanding other peoples perspective, you expect me to understand an A.I'.s?… Sheesh that was a rant TDLR: Couldn't be fucked trying to write Deus as a robot decided to make him more human )

( Some time later )

"So I want to introduce you to my TWO sons, Arthur Leywin the older brother and Syre Leywin the younger one" Reynolds introduced his sons to his previous party members.

"Hello. My father has told me great things about his fellow Twin Horns members. Thank you for traveling with us to Xyrus. We'll be in your hands." Arthur introduced himself while doing a slight bow

"Shyre(Syre) Leywin, pleashure to meet you" Syre introduced himself while being carried in Alice's embrace, with a slight lisp as his teeth hadn't fully formed causing them all to break out in smiles while he turned red from embarrassment.

"HAHAHA, what is this? They Have more manners than you ever had Rey?! Are you sure they are your kids?!" Replied Adam, the one who had wielded the spear. Taking a closer look at him, he seemed like the energetic, talkative type, while fairly good-looking, he had bright red hair tied in a messy poof at the end, almost like a flame, and a couple of bangs escaping from the hair tie, he would remind most people of some sort of vagabond. His eyes were bright and almost seemed like they were always laughing, the most noticeable feature of his was the scar that had reached from one check over the nose and onto the next check.

Arthur felt himself getting picked up. "Awww...Isn't he just too precious? You should be glad that he doesn't look like you, Reynolds." Peeling his face away from what he felt like a memory foam death trap before she suffocated him in those gigantic breasts, Arthur and Syre took a good look at the woman who was trying to kill him/his brother. She gave off the whole "royal princess" vibe with her long blond hair that came to a curl at the ends and radiant green eyes that dropped slightly.

Just as Arthurs hands were about to give out and his face about to enter the twin abyssal hills, a strong pair of hands grabbed him by the knapsack strapped to his back, whisking him away from the well-endowed woman.

"Angela, you're hurting him," a deep voice grunted.

There he hung, like a kitten being carried by his mother by the scruff of his neck, unable to move.

Both Syre and Arthur's eyes stayed fixedly on the giant Easily passing two meters in height with a staff strapped to his back, the giant carefully lowered Arthur back onto the ground and tidied his clothes gently. How genteel/nice. Syre suddenly imagined riding on his shoulders like a mighty steed the whole way. He had very narrow eyes and eyebrows that slanted down, giving him an almost innocent face, compared to his enormous body that stretched past two meters. The short, scruffy black hair on his head completed the saint bernard dog look on him.

Arthur dusted his clothes off, and both him and Syre turned to face the woman that looked slightly younger than everyone else. Straight black hair that was half-tied at the back with a ribbon complementing her red, half-open eyes and curt-looking lips, making her seem very brusque.

"Mhm" she slightly nods and then turns away.

The last member of the Twin Horns was Helen Shard. She patted both of their heads lightly and flashed a charming smile at me. Sharp eyes, sharp, perky nose, thin red lips, and a flat chest, almost boyish with her shoulder length hair tied tightly at the back. She seemed to exude this 'we-can-do anything-if-we-believe' atmosphere from her pores that made her practically glow. Clothed in light leather armor covering her breasts, with her bow and quiver strapped to her back. ( Author Note(4): I just copied these descriptions from the novel and changed bits to better suit the two person introduction(?) better )

As they all hopped upon the carriage they set off on their journey towards Xyrus. During the time that Arthur and Syre were aboard in the back of the carriage they had either begun to train in their sword skills { Arthur } or mediation technique { Syre } as during the practice both noticed them doing it, they entered a stare down "What'cha doing?" Arthur asked quickly "What are you doing?" Syre had said the next instant causing another stare down…

"You answer first since I asked first" - Arthur said after a couple seconds breaking the intense atmosphere

"Practicing. What were you doing?" - Syre responded, trying to act coy.

"Practicing… So we were both practicing… You know there's something I've noticed about you" - Arthur responded, replicating Syres coy attitude.

"What? Oh, and there'sh been a lot that I've noticed about you" - Syre said back with no acting this time and a hint of coldness in his voice.

"Well? What have you noticed about me, Syre" - Arthur responded, raising his tone a bit to punctuate his meaning.

"Well you're different. Not bad different per she, but different from the regular children our age, the fact that you know well more than you should, the fact that you also pretend to learn at a regular shpeed when I know for a fact that you are well above the the level you are, well take thish as a criticishm, maybe you should practice your acting a bit more you get a bit shpotty when in embarrasshing poshitionsh" - Syre said at first a little defensive then changed his tone into something more mature, though his lisp causing his mature tone to slightly diminish in its intimidation.

"Funny thing is, I've noticed the same in you apart from the last thing, that was plain rude, though this is the first time you've majorly broken character is it not?" - Arthur responded struggling to keep his smile from rising from the lisp

"Look, Arthur, I don't want to fight you, and I don't think you want to fight me do you, we're family? So let'sh jusht stop this charade and talk truthsh" - Syre placated

"Fine, but not now, we're a bit too exposed" - Arthur agreed.

"Boys! What are you talking about back there?" - Alice asked from the front seat of the carriage barely out of reach of the conversation though she could hear them talking.

"Nothing!/Talking about gamesh!" Arthur said first and then Syre, this caused the both of them to give each other a thousand yard stare

"Well you might want to get your stories straight next time! Haha" - Alice


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