
Chapter 5: Possible Enemy

( Author note (1): Redid the end of the previous chapter as to clear up what happened )

( Author note (2): Arthur still awakens at 3, he was 2 around the time of conception of Syre but during the time Alice was pregnant he became 3 )


'What the fuck happened?! My head hurts so goddamn much' Syre had awakened only to find out his brain was feeling like it was banging against his skull.

[ Bee!p Response: Arthur's blast that was caused due to his awakening had been absorbed due to your own forced awakening ]

[ Beep! Alert: Mana particulates haven't been used in the formation of the mana core, this is because Arthur Leywin's mana core had constructed your mana core through itself and have not used the mana particulates, at this current time the mana particulates have still been recorded moving towards the sternum and will reach its destination in 7 years, double awakening and double mana core is imminent, the dangers this will posses are unknown, the benefits this will posses are unknown, information lacking in whether or not speeding up the mana core formation will cause problems with the first core. ]

'So… I'll eventually have two cores? In two years time, that'll be a while, I should get training with the meditation technique and total concentration breathing. We'll make training a first priority and rather than researching we will learn from the books so that we can build a solid foundation' - Syre

[ Beep! Alert; Procedure Incomplete; Mana Cores and Affinities; New information: Affinities on Water and Fire gained, Advanced affinities of Water and Fire: Ice and Lighting have been gained host gained these Affinities through Arthur Leywin's mana being used in the formation of the Mana Core. Procedure on experimentation, research and recording of affinities has not been set, currently lacking in information on possible Wind and Earth affinity and advanced Wind and Earth affinity ]

'Didn't expect that… I've already gained 4 affinities including the advanced ones and I'll still get the 'Holy' affinities, let's try to gain the Earth and Wind affinity the same way we gained the 'Holy' affinity' - Syre

[ Procedure Set: Gain Earth and Wind affinity through the same process as 'Holy Mana' ]

"My babies!" Alice Leywin had screamed as she hugged both Arthur and Syre in a crushing grip 'I'm pretty sure I heard a crack' both Arthur and Syre had thought, Reynolds during this was looking on with a sweat drop.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Alice screamed frantically as she began examining every inch of both their bodies and then began to assess them through 'Holy Mana' to make sure there weren't any injuries only to be shocked beyond words.

"They… They… They're Awakened their mana cores! At three and as a baby..." She stuttered

"Haha yes, as expected of our children" boasted Reynolds

( Timeskip, AN(3): I can't be fucked writing fetus Syre )

'It's been 18 months since me and Arthur has awakened, I've already begun to use the meditation technique which I've named 'Astral Meditation Technique' and begun optimizing the 'Total Concentration Breathing' which has at this point in time reached a completion rate of 93%, Deus show me my current status' - Syre

[ Syre Farlier

Age: 1 Year and 6 months

Strength: 0.056(Original)-> 0.093

Agility: 0.067(Original)-> 0.099

Vitality: 0.093(Original)->0.13

Body Status: Healthy

Mana Core Rank and Level: Solid Red(1)

Affinities: 'Holy', Fire, Lightning, Water, Ice,

Techniques and Skills: Astral Meditation Technique (Novice), Total Concentration Breathing (Novice), Mana Manipulation(Novice) ]

[ Beep! The Mastery of techniques and skills goes as follows: Novice, Adept, Intermediate, Master, Grandmaster and Saint, each level of mastery is further divided into three which goes as follows: Low, Medium and Peak ]

[ Procedure Complete: Mana Affinities: Earth and Wind are currently inhabiting the mana particulates and the affinity will be gained after the mana core(2) is formed ]

'Yeah I know that already... Deus, run a system analysis on operating systems' - Syre

[ Beep! Scanning! Response: During the forceful awakening of the host's mana core, Deus's emergency reserves of Spiritual and Magical energy were use, however during the process parts of Deus were accidentally used in the process, so far Deus has observed these lost operating systems, files; 'Leylin Farlier and Feng Ming memories and experiences' - which had already lost the majority of its experiences, will and conscious- had been used during the formation of the mana core causing the conscious to rekindle forming phantom will that currently inhabits the hosts mana core, Deus has also last a vast majority of its processing speeds ] ( Author Note (4): I honestly didn't expect to develop this way, I was on a discord with my friends while being stuck around this area, went to the bathroom came back and had this epiphany and I was satisfied with it, this will also let me get further in Warlock of the Magus world and pace his abilities betters as there are different stages to beast will assimilation, each stage will be a different rank of Leylin's bloodline or something like that, haven't really thought about it lmao will do it in a bit )

'How… How are we currently only knowing of this now?' - Syre

[ Beep! Leylin Farlier's will had masked the losses and glitches and used itself as a substitute so that Deus would seemingly have been running at its full capacity, during this time it had gathered information on this world, the current host and Deus and sent it back to his main body seconds go which is why Deus malfunctioned, it had also deleted a vast amount of the remaining files and experiences of its main body, it then proceeded to lose its consciousness however its will still remains inside hosts mana core ]

'... What would your opinion on Leylin Farlier be? Is he a threat to me or my new family?' - Syre

[ Beep! Response: Leylin Farlier or Feng Ming was a man who would do anything to achieve his dream, True Immortality, he would sacrifice, manipulate, kill, devour anyone who could advance his dream or get in the way of his dream. It would be an underestimation to believe that Leylin Farlier does not pose any harm to the current host ]

'Fuck… Are there any further benefits or dangers that the will in my mana core has to me?' - Syre

[ Beep! Scanning! Response: The current will slowly transform the mana in the users body into its own type and then send it back into the body, this will severely boost the users physique, it has a very small connection to the original Leylin Farlier and his new true soul clone Leylin Fraulen the benefits of this so far are unknown, possible gaining of his bloodline, innate spells can be used after transforming into a form unknown, currently lacking in information regarding the any more benefits or dangers that it may poses ]

'So for the most part we are going into this blindly… I don't like that, however there is not much I can currently do but prepare.' - Syre

( Time-Skipu-no-jutsu )

"Honey, I think it's time for us to get a tutor for Arthur" Reynolds had said during dinner.

"What? Reynolds! Arthur isn't even four yet and Syre isn't even two! No! Besides, you said if our son was an augmenter, you'd be able to teach him!" Alice responded quickly in anger

"I, also, never expected our son to be this much of a prodigy in mana manipulation. Who has ever heard of an awakening at the age of three and as a baby?" Reynolds countered just as quickly

"But that means he'll have to leave home! He's only four and I don't think we can send a 1 and half years old away, Reynolds! We can't have our babies leave home at such an early age!" Alcie once again rebutted

"You don't get it. When I observed his body while he meditated, I couldn't help but feel that all of this was natural to him. Alice honey, I'm holding my son back by trying to teach him something he can do in his sleep." Reynolds tried to defuse the argument

Thus begun the parents quarrel over their training

The two of them had gone back and forth repeating their initial points and creating new ones during the argument; Alice had kept on arguing that it was too young for the two children to be sent away to an institution or school to learn this as it would be to advanced and that she wouldn't like to what is basically abandonment of their 1 year old child, Reynolds however argued that while yes they couldn't send them full time to an institution or send Syre for that matter they could have tutors come here and teach them, his own current abilities were hindering their own growth in mana manipulation and training.

In the meantime, Syre and Arthur had begun a food fight -both secretly listening to the argument between the young parents-, Syre had been playing as the peas who were fighting for the motherland, while Arthur played the carrots of the Father Nation who desperately defended their homeland in a strategic battlefield in which armies fought against each other in a mushy pea and carrot mess, strategies of the peas and carrots showed the brilliance of the two commanders as they outplayed each other in each and every move creating various strategies that would become famous in the future.

Finally as the argument began calming down both parents turned to their messy children and asked "Art, Syre, this is concerning you, so you have a say in this as well. How would you feel about going to a big city and having a teacher?"

Both children stopped their battle, looked each other dead in the eye and began to have a serious conversation on the matter

'"General Carrot, the war has gone on long enough, I say you answer the mothers and fathers questions before they begin to notice the mess"' Syre had sent a message through their "telepathy"

'"Fuhrer Pea, Why should I answer? Is this a ploy so that you may take advantage and win?"' Arthur replied back in "telepathy"

'"No, no, of course not Major, it's just that currently you are the only one applicable for answering, you see I can only babble as I'm just a wee baby"' Syre responded back while acting coy and baby-like.

'"Damn, Very well, however Fuhrer Pea this isn't the end of me, the carrot rebellion will win no matter what"' Arthur conceded defeat and began to talk to the parents who at this point were staring at the two children having their silent conversation.

"Can I at least try meeting some mentors and have them see if I need to be tutored or not?" Arthur said

Syre backed up his statement with a sophisticated "Yaa!"


"We'll at least formally have his mana core and channels tested. We can figure out what to do from there." Alice concluded the argument


1967 words for this one.

( Author Note(5): Chapter 5 done woohoo, I'm trying to set up more Warlock of a magus world bits so that's why I decided to stick with the will and things mostly due to random idea though, I'll also soon begin to introduce my ideas to Tbate, there will be a new race that have some relation to the Djinn and Asuras, there will be new mana beast types, new possible energy sources, new locations/continents, the main character will soon meet one of these new races and will actually begin training in combat pretty soon, with his combat style I don't think the major style hasn't been used in a Tbate fanfiction so I think it'll be original however one bit has been extensively used )

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