
LIFE A compilation of diverse genres of short stories

A compilation of diverse genres of short stories. The predominant genre is short stories, not urban (male leading) fiction. Several tags are not included in the list. horror, drama, inspirational, spiritual, etc. Despite the (General Audience) reader limit, it must still be under supervision. - Monday : Inspirational/Motivation - Tuesday : Romance - Wednesday : Comedy - Thursday : Horror/Thriller - Friday : Spiritual - Saturday : Fantasy/Fiction - Sunday : Sad Story/Drama DAILY UPDATE

S_Galaxy · Urban
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50 Chs

Wednesday - It's Not Funny


"What actually makes most people afraid of ghosts?"

"Is it because of the doctrines handed down by the ancients and the movies of today?"

"About how terrifying and scary their appearance and faces are, about how they are capable of manipulating everything and have abilities beyond human comprehension?"

"About them being the source of all evil and misery?"

"I don't think so." V murmured while listening to the conversation of two people.

"But, I think the most important thing we should pay attention to here is how the human mind and heart itself."

"What do you mean?"

"If their minds and hearts have beliefs about something, or are in a state where they are not thinking or feeling that thing, I think they will be fine. Let's take a case, maybe you have seen or heard about paranormal investigator or ghost hunters."

"Are they real, I mean, is what they do real, or just made up?"

"I actually don't know, but what is emphasized here is about their belief. Religious people believe that ghosts or demons cannot do anything to them because they have God and faith, while others believe they have knowledge and power to deal with ghosts or demon, so they are not afraid."

"Well, that makes sense. What about when they are in a state where they are not thinking or feeling that thing?"

"Where the conditions, circumstances, or situations are not supportive, for example, you live alone in an apartment, you always come home late at night, but you never feel afraid. Instead of being afraid of ghosts, you are afraid that life will fall apart and be unhappy."

"Oh, so in that case, the heart and mind have other priorities to feel and think about because of a condition, like when you meet someone you love, you feel love and only think about them. Or, when the person you love passed away, all you feel is sadness and your mind is filled with memories of the past."

"Well, something like that."

"So, could it be said that this is about differences and ignorance?"

He put on a puzzled expression, then his friend continued.

"Aren't most of their appearances as ghosts and demons different from us humans, their voices, their sizes, and because we humans lack knowledge, we become afraid of those differences, afraid that those differences will cause harm to us, even though, in some cases, not all differences are bad, we just may not know and realize it."

"Hahaha, actually this discussion is quite interesting."

"Imagine if ghosts or demons appeared to us humans very often, so we become accustomed to it, the differences that make us afraid disappear, or maybe, by getting to know them, seeking facts and valid sources about them, our minds become more open and aware of the truth about them, or maybe, we are not aware of anything they have done around us, so when someone talking about them, we don't feel anything."

"Yes, you're right. There are many things we can delve into and uncover from our discussion earlier. There are probably still many theories and speculations out there about the fear of ghosts, but clearly, I feel that we are not just discussing about ghosts. By the way, what's the difference between ghosts and demons?"

"Ghosts are manifestations of human thoughts, ghosts are jinn, while demons are the kings of the jinn."

As they looked up, their hair stood on end, and without a word, both of them ran as fast as they could.

"Huh, they have too many theories, without practice. Today, the atmosphere is gloomy, I don't know why it's affecting my mood."

"But if you think about it, it's funny, for example, romantic moments suddenly turn into horror, when they are all covered in pink, hugging and flirting, but suddenly a ghost appears in front of them. Or maybe during a very dramatic and sad farewell, the atmosphere suddenly becomes dark and terrifying, and then a 12-foot-tall Pocong emerges from underground, hahaha."

V leaned against a tree branch and gazed at the sky.

"No matter how funny the story is, if no one knows or understands, it's all in vain, it's really great that people who are sick but still able to treat others. I hope that smiling and laughing will never be banned or disappear from the earth, even though there is nothing funny in their stories."

I Hope It Is Funny Enough To Make You All Smile and Laugh.

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