
LIFE A compilation of diverse genres of short stories

A compilation of diverse genres of short stories. The predominant genre is short stories, not urban (male leading) fiction. Several tags are not included in the list. horror, drama, inspirational, spiritual, etc. Despite the (General Audience) reader limit, it must still be under supervision. - Monday : Inspirational/Motivation - Tuesday : Romance - Wednesday : Comedy - Thursday : Horror/Thriller - Friday : Spiritual - Saturday : Fantasy/Fiction - Sunday : Sad Story/Drama DAILY UPDATE

S_Galaxy · Urban
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50 Chs

Thursday - V1-C2


You are an antisocial person, you feel comfortable when you are alone.

You always put in more effort than anyone else to avoid crowds or social activities, even though you have to lie.

But today, you have no other choice but to go out and do it alone.

You are not the type of person who is afraid of crowds or anxious, you just don't like it.

Today, the streets seem very crowded and congested. You keep jostling with everyone, able to withstand the pushing and shoving for a few minutes. However, as time goes by, you grow weaker and run out of breath.

In a panic, you try to find a way out, or at least a small alley or store where you can rest and breathe. Unfortunately, you find yourself in the midst of the crowd, completely surrounded.

Your body grows increasingly weak, your head starts to spin, and your vision blurs. Your strength fades as you are about to be swept into the middle of the road. With the last of your energy, in a panicked and rushed, you try once again to escape the crowd. However, you exhausted, and slowly your body collapses. The good news is that you don't faint, so you can still ask for help. The bad news is that no one cares about your despair, people continue to move and you start getting trampled.

All kinds of footwear keep stomping on your body, your skin gets scratched by high heels, and your face and chest are hit by thick and heavy shoes. You try to block them with your hands, but you end up being kicked and sliding on the streets.

Your body is covered in wounds and blood, and with all that pain, your fear doesn't dissipate, it only intensifies.

You try to grab or hold onto someone's leg, but unfortunately, instead of helping you, they stumble and get trampled too. Gradually, the number of people falling and being trampled increases, turning the streets red, and the cries of pain start echoing. The entire city becomes filled with screams and honking sounds.

"Good afternoon. A major accident has occurred, where 333 people have died and 9999 are injured from being trampled. This number has increased compared to last year, and it is due to the rapidly increasing human population. The estimated global population currently stands at 500 billion..."

Volume 1 Trapped Chapter 2 In The Crowd.

The end.