
LIFE A compilation of diverse genres of short stories

A compilation of diverse genres of short stories. The predominant genre is short stories, not urban (male leading) fiction. Several tags are not included in the list. horror, drama, inspirational, spiritual, etc. Despite the (General Audience) reader limit, it must still be under supervision. - Monday : Inspirational/Motivation - Tuesday : Romance - Wednesday : Comedy - Thursday : Horror/Thriller - Friday : Spiritual - Saturday : Fantasy/Fiction - Sunday : Sad Story/Drama DAILY UPDATE

S_Galaxy · Urban
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Sunday - Family


I'm reading a book, a fairly heavy reading book.

My family was gathered, my mother was tidying up the clothes, my father was on the phone, my little brother was playing a game, my little sister was choosing clothes to wear tomorrow, and my little brother was the youngest is playing.

It was a really warm atmosphere that night, but I cried right away because I suddenly imagined that they were no longer there, sometimes I wished to die first because I was sure I couldn't hold back my tears if they left me first.

Despite the fact that it was only a fleeting thought, I'm grateful they're still alive, at least for the time being.