
LIFE A compilation of diverse genres of short stories

A compilation of diverse genres of short stories. The predominant genre is short stories, not urban (male leading) fiction. Several tags are not included in the list. horror, drama, inspirational, spiritual, etc. Despite the (General Audience) reader limit, it must still be under supervision. - Monday : Inspirational/Motivation - Tuesday : Romance - Wednesday : Comedy - Thursday : Horror/Thriller - Friday : Spiritual - Saturday : Fantasy/Fiction - Sunday : Sad Story/Drama DAILY UPDATE

S_Galaxy · Urban
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50 Chs

Monday - Mo(a)tivator


A motivator is someone who provides motivation to others.

Usually they motivate based on their own experience, their own point of view, their own opinion, although there are some motivators who can actually see things from multiple perspectives.

It may seem easy to be a motivator, but in reality it is very difficult to actually motivate others, they don't just say random words to others, they have to be able to touch people's minds and hearts, change people's mindsets and set people's intentions.

Not only that, the words they speak must be clear and without ambiguity, to avoid misinterpretations that end up being bad for others. They must also be able to formulate good language patterns that do not demean, ridicule, or demonize others.

A motivator must eliminate the mindset, "I've been there, and this is what I do". Try to understand the other person's condition or situation first, after a motivator understands it, then give an explanation of the solution to the problem. A motivator must have a great sense of sympathy and empathy, try to feel, think if I become them.

Motivators are not people who are always right, instead a motivator is someone who always makes mistakes, always accepts failure, so he learns from it, not to be smart, but to understand, and understand that sharing will not harm him, and conveying useful knowledge, is as important as studying.

However, it's really hard to influence people with words. Or maybe it's easy? Because most people, they kill each other with words, especially online.