

Chapter 376: I'm His Teacher

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: StarveCleric

"Where is this?"

Tianwu royal palace was massive. After a moment, Lu Chong was confused by the similar looking infrastructures all around and lost his sense of direction.

After dodging a few patrols, a towering infrastructure appeared before him. Three large words were written on a plaque above the entrance... Book Collection Vault!

"So, this is the kingdom's book collection vault..."

The Tianwu Kingdom book collection vault had all kinds of books from all around the world in it. It encompassed nearly all of the knowledge from the surrounding thirteen kingdoms, making it extremely well-known. Lu Chong had long heard of it.

Many young men took it as an honor to be able to enter the library to browse through its books.

To think that after circling around the royal palace, he would stumble into this area.

"To think that there are no formations guarding the area..."

Carefully taking a look around the book collection vault, Lu Chong was stunned for a moment.

Usually, this kind of location where knowledge was stored should be guarded with a formation. Without a unique token or such, one would be attacked upon entry.

Yet, at this moment, he couldn't sense the slightest ripple in the spiritual energy in the air. Apparently, the book collection vault seemed to be completely unguarded at the moment. Did someone stop the formation?

"Hurry up, he should be in here..."

"Don't let him get away, guard the area!"


Just as Lu Chong was overwhelmed with bafflement, he suddenly heard footsteps and voices.

"They're here..."

Knowing that this wasn't the time to be thinking about such matters, Lu Chong rushed straight into the book collection vault. He silently opened the door and slipped into the area.

He didn't have any other options. There was no place for him to escape to. He could only hope that the other party would back down due to the importance of this location.

Row after row of books stood imposingly on the shelves, and giant Night Illumination Pearls were embedded in the area, bringing radiance to this library. Surprisingly, there wasn't the slightest bit of gloominess and darkness that a sealed vault should have.

Knowing that it was likely there was someone in here, Lu Chong carefully proceeded forward to look for a hiding place. However, at this moment, he suddenly heard flurried footsteps in front.

He lifted his head to take a look.

A figure was running about the book collection vault, as though a lunatic.

Other people came to the book collection to vault to read books or browse through books. Running in here... What the heck was this?

Furthermore, to run so fast... It was impossible to even see the name of the book like that. What in the world was the person up to?

"Wait... teacher?"

Just as Lu Chong was perplexed over who this fool who was running about furiously was, his eyes suddenly caught the side profile of the other party's face and his body jolted.

It was his teacher, Liu Cheng!

What was his teacher doing here instead of teaching at the academy?

Lu Chong was dumbstruck. He had no idea what was going on.

"What are you doing here?"

Zhang Xuan was in the midst of collecting books in the book collection vault when he noticed that someone was hiding by the corner. Initially, he thought that it would be Mo Yu or someone from the royal family, but never in his dreams did he expect that... it would be his student who was out for vengeance. He immediately stopped what he was doing and walked over.

"Aren't you in the midst of exacting your vengeance? Could it be that..."

Zhang Xuan suddenly paused, and his eyebrows flew up, "Your enemy is... Tianwu Kingdom's royal family?"

The other party said that he was out for vengeance, but he ended up coming to the royal palace. Could the enemy of this student of his be the royal family? That's why the other party didn't tell him anything for fear of implicating him?

That seemed extremely probable!

Probably only the royal family was capable of inducing such fear in him, going to the extent of even playing off as a mute.

If that was truly the case, then Zhang Xuan would be in a spot.

Putting aside his relationship with Mo Yu, the Tianwu royal family had given him several spirit stones as a show of goodwill...

On top of that, Mo Tianxue didn't seem like the type to commit atrocities, slaughtering another clan on his own whim.

Furthermore, even if he were to do so, given that he wielded authority in his hands, it wasn't too difficult for him to pin a crime on the other party. There was no need for him to do it so secretively!

Could there be a misunderstanding between the two?


Hesitating for a moment, Lu Chong was just about to speak up when the sound of hasty footsteps sounded outside, and 'jiya!' the doors to the book collection vault was opened.

"Search properly! The culprit is definitely inside!"


With a loud bellow, a group of men rushed in.

The duo stood at the back of the first shelf, hiding from the sight of the crowd. As such, the crowd who came in didn't notice them immediately. Even so, they seemed as though they wouldn't back down until they found their target, so being caught was just a matter of time.

Knowing that it would be difficult for him to survive this calamity, Lu Chong didn't panic. Instead, with determined eyes, he kneeled to the floor, kowtowed several times, and with reddened eyes, he said, "Please pardon your unfilial student for being unable to wait upon you. If there's an afterlife, I hope that I can still become teacher's student!"

In the end, the person he felt the most indebted to was his teacher.

If he died, he could accompany his parents and kin. On the other hand, this teacher of his had given so much to him, putting in so much effort so as to raise his cultivation. Yet, he was unable to repay the favor the other party had shown him...

Teacher, I am sorry!

I didn't wish to disappoint you!

Teacher, if there's an afterlife, I wish to become your student once more. There, I will serve you until I'm old, never to leave your side...

Gritting his teeth, Lu Chong burst forward and headed straight toward the door.

His sudden appearance immediately caught the attention of the crowd. Ji ji, the Seeking Mouse squeaked in confirmation of the target.

"He's indeed here! Let's see where he can escape to."

Sneering coldly, an elder of the Lin Clan stepped forward.

Hu hu!

Before even making a move, his intimidating aura had already permeated into the surroundings, revealing his Zongshi realm intermediate stage cultivation.

Knowing that it was impossible for him to retreat, Lu Chong drove his Poison Body to its limit without the slightest hesitation to face the elder.

"You must be tired of living!"

Chuckling softly, the Lin Clan elder clenched his fist tightly and sent it straight toward Lu Chong.

The immense might of the fist compressed the air, sending a huge gust of wind flying straight toward its target, making it difficult for one to breathe. Lu Chong's muscles tightened in the face of the overwhelming shock wave from the fist.

As a clan of formation masters, the Lin Clan had many years of history behind it. It possessed a huge collection of impressive battle techniques and cultivation techniques, making it on par even with the Tianwu Kingdom royal family.

The battle technique this elder used was an exceptionally famous fist art... Fist of the Radiant Sun!

This fist art was exceptionally powerful and violent, and it carried an energy reminiscent of the burning sun. It flew straight toward its target as soon as it was executed, leaving one helpless before it.

Putting aside those of the same cultivation realm, even Zongshi realm advanced stage experts would immediately avoid it for fear of its might.

It seemed like this fellow was adamant to defeat Lu Chong. In the very first move, he had already executed his strongest move.

Knowing that death was what that awaited him, Lu Chong chose not to dodge. Instead, with reddened eyes, he charged straight at the other party.

With a loud explosion, the elder's palm struck Lu Chong's body. At the same time, the latter's shoulder struck the elder's chest.


The Lin Clan elder spurted a mouthful of blood, and he was immediately sent flying backward. Then, his vision turned dark and he fainted.

On the other hand, Lu Chong was forced back two steps. He forcefully swallowed the blood which was regurgitating in his mouth.

His Zongshi realm intermediate stage cultivation was very much different from that of other cultivators. His strength came entirely from his physical body. While the other party's Fist of the Radiant Sun was powerful, it only dealt excruciating pain to Lu Chong; it did little to wound his vitals.

Having defeated a Zongshi realm intermediate stage expert with a single blow, Lu Chong roared deeply before continuing to charge straight to the exit of the book collection vault.

If he were to stay here, not only would he die, he might even implicate his teacher. The only thing he could do now was to charge out of the other party's encirclement and escape as far as he could. It would be much better for him to die outside than to die here.

"Since you're already in here, don't dream of getting out!"

Not expecting the Zongshi realm expert of their clan would be knocked out in a single blow, Lin Hui's face steeled. Roaring furiously, he immediately stood in Lu Chong's path.

That single movement revealed his cultivation realm. This Third Elder Lin Hui was a Zongshi realm pinnacle expert!

Furthermore, judging from how dense his zhenqi was, he didn't pale to Mo Tianxue in any aspects. He could be considered as strong even among those of the same realm.

"As expected of the number seven in the Ten Great Experts Ranking of the kingdom..."

Mo Yu's eyes narrowed.

Tianwu Kingdom had ranked the Zongshi realm pinnacle experts in their territory based on their battle result. This Elder Lin Hui usually kept a low profile, so he wasn't too famous in the kingdom. However, his strength was not to be underestimated!

To be able to be ranked in the seventh place meant that even the top genius Mo Hongyi had to cross over a hundred blows with him to defeat him.

"That assassin is probably done for..."

Mo Yu turned to examine Lu Chong.

Even though she had been to Zhang Xuan's classroom, she had never met Lu Chong, so she didn't recognize him. However, upon seeing the other party's age, she couldn't help but exclaim in astonishment.

A sixteen to seventeen-year-old Zongshi realm intermediate stage cultivator...

This feat was even superior to that of Mo Hongyi!

When did such a monster appear in the kingdom?

To be able to reach such strength at such a young age, his future must be bright...

For such a talented person to destroy his own future by assaulting Lin Lang, he must have a huge grudge with the Lin Clan!

Turning around to look at her father, she realized that Mo Tianxue was also perplexed.

Actually, Mo Tianxue was the most dismayed of the group.

If it was someone he sent, at the very least, he wouldn't feel so indignant... Where in the world did this fellow pop out from? And why would he hide in the book collection vault of the royal palace?

Even if he were to explain the situation now, the Lin Clan would definitely not believe him. Looks like a huge battle can't be avoided anymore.

While the duo was still in shock, Elder Lin Hui's palm had already fallen on Lu Chong.


The other party's dense zhenqi had sealed all retreat paths for Lu Chong, leaving him with no choice but to face the palm face-on.

He might be able to charge straight at the elder before, but facing Lin Hui, due to the huge disparity in their strength, he could already feel the strength coursing through his body being suppressed even before crossing blow with the other party, making every single movement difficult for him.


Under the tremendous might, Lu Chong's body caved in, and he was just about to fall down.

In a battle between experts, the slightest error could spell one's death. As long as Lu Chong failed to persevere on, not only would he be injured, the injury he sustained from before would also worsen, leaving him with no strength to fight back anymore.

"It's over..."

Under the immense pressure, Lu Chong felt that he was coming to his limits, and a dark shadow appeared in his eyes.

His final wish was to escape as far as he could, even if it meant his death, so that he wouldn't implicate his teacher into this matter. Yet, this elder was simply way too strong, leaving him completely helpless.

Goodbye, teacher!

Goodbye, my benefactor!

Just as Lu Chong closed his eyes, giving up on all retaliation, he suddenly felt the force on his body lightened. Someone had grabbed him from behind and 'hu!', he was thrown several dozen meters away.


Lin Hui's massive strength fell on where Lu Chong stood before, and a layer of dust blew into the air.

Unknowingly, a young man had appeared before Elder Lin Hui. He was the one who had thrown Lu Chong back just now.

"Who are you? To dare to stand in the Lin Clan's path, are you so eager to die?"

Lin Hui glared at the young man furiously, and a menacing killing intent burst forth from him.

"Hold it for a moment, it's a misunderstanding..."

Upon seeing the young man, Mo Tianxue hurriedly stepped forward.

Mo Tianxue was the one who had his daughter invite Guild Master Liu here to browse through the books in the book collection vault. The other party must be oblivious to the happenings outside, and upon seeing the young man before him getting bullied by a group of experts, he couldn't help but step in to defend the other party.

Thinking so, Mo Tianxue stepped forward to introduce both sides, "Elder Lin Hui, this is the newly-appointed guild master of the Physician Guild, Liu Cheng! Guild Master Liu, this is... the Third Elder of the Lin Clan, Lin Hui!"

"Liu Cheng?"

Upon hearing the introduction, Lin Hui harrumphed coldly in disdain, "You must be the new guild leader who solved nineteen questions on the Wall of Dilemma! In respect of your identity and standing, if you get lost now, I can overlook your previous actions. Otherwise, don't blame me for getting nasty!"

Guild Master Liu? Being a guild master may seem impressive, but without a sufficiently high cultivation realm, one couldn't even qualify to take on the official examination. In a sense, this title was empty.

In any case, Lin Hui wasn't even afraid of the previous guild master. Why should he fear this pseudo?

Initially, Zhang Xuan thought that Lu Chong's enemy was the Tianwu royal family, and if that was the case, he would be put at a spot. However, upon seeing that it was the Lin Clan, he immediately heaved a sigh of relief. Lifting his head, the edges of his lips slowly curled up, "What if I refuse?"

Where in the world did this arrogant fellow come from?

"Guild Master Liu..."

Upon hearing these words, Mo Tianxue was nearly scared to death. He hurried forward and explained the situation, "The Lin Clan young master has just met with an assassination, and Elder Lin Hui is in the midst of pursuing the murderer... The young man you saw just now is the culprit, so... it's best for you not to get involved!"

Out of goodwill, Mo Tianxue tried to advise Zhang Xuan.

Even he was unwilling to offend the Lin Clan. The person before him might be the guild master of the Physician Guild, but before his cultivation becomes worthy of his position, he didn't wield the equivalent authority to it. Under such circumstances, it was wiser to stay out of the Lin Clan's path!

Besides, this matter is none of your business. Why should you involve yourself in such trouble?

"This friend here, I appreciate your goodwill. However, I will take responsibility for my own actions. I am the one who beat up Lin Lang, so I'll leave with them. This matter has nothing to do with you..." Clenching his jaws, Lu Chong walked forward.

If Lu Chong were to admit to the relationship of the two, not only would he die, his teacher would be pulled down as well. The only thing he could do now was to steer clear of the other party. It was one thing for him to die, but he mustn't implicate his teacher in this matter.

If that happened, even in death, he would never be able to forgive himself.

"Zhang Xuan, don't quarrel with them. The Lin Clan... is problematic!"

Fearing that the other party might be oblivious to the situation, Mo Yu hurriedly sent a telepathic message to him. At the same time, she felt a little bewildered.

From the moment they met, this fellow had been a person who didn't like getting involved in troublesome matters. Why would he stand up for someone he didn't know?

"You refuse? Does Guild Master Liu intend to stand against our Lin Clan for a stranger?"

Taking the attitude of the crowd into sight, Lin Hui immediately understood the situation and sneered coldly.

As a member of the dominant Lin Clan, he had the confidence to go with it.

As long as he reported his identity, people would be willing to abandon even their closest kin, needless to say, a stranger.

He thought that this Guild Master Liu was just young and hot-blooded, that's why he chose to stand forward for a stranger. The other party should back down in fear once he knew of their identity.

After all, a Tier 1 Kingdom guild master in name meant nothing to the Lin Clan. The other party was someone they could squash easily!

"Indeed. This friend, don't get into a conflict with the Lin Clan for a stranger like me..." Lu Chong advised anxiously.

"Shut up! Did I allow you to speak?"

Understanding the intentions of his student, Zhang Xuan frowned and bellowed. Then, turning to Lin Hui and the others, he said, "Pardon me, but I happen to know the assassin you speak of. He's my student, and I...

"...am his teacher!"

"Teacher, you..."

Lu Chong didn't think that his teacher would straight up admit to it. This was equivalent to directly opposing the Lin Clan for him.

His entire body shuddered, and his eyes reddened. He could no longer hold back his tears, and slowly, they trickled down his cheeks and fell to the floor.




Chapter 377: Lu Chong's Gratitude

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: StarveCleric

I am his teacher...

These words sounded ordinary and simple, and there wasn't any excessive adornment or vehement emotions behind them. Yet, Lu Chong felt as though he was shrouded in warm water, and his blood coursed swiftly through his body.

Having come from a wealthy clan, he knew how valuable the lethal poison his teacher concocted for him was. He also understood how valuable the cultivation technique the other party imparted him was...

Without demanding anything return, he gave it his all to guide him, even going to the extent of offending the Lin Clan...

All of this, just because he called him teacher!

Just because he was his student!

Teacher, do you know that your admission is equivalent to falling out with the Lin Clan? They will never let you get away with this...

It isn't worth going this far for a student who you've barely known for six days and hasn't done anything for you...

I have truly pulled you down...

Lu Chong's body trembled in agitation.

"Zhang Xuan, you..."

Mo Yu was taken aback as well.

She had thought that the two weren't related to one another, but to think that the assassin was his student. But... even if the assassin was his student, they probably just met not too long ago. To offend the entire Lin Clan over such a reckless fellow... Was it truly worth it?

"Your student?" Lin Hui was stunned. He found the situation hard to believe.

This Guild Master Liu, despite being a Tongxuan realm primary stage cultivator, actually groomed a Zongshi realm intermediate stage student?

But soon, he recovered from his shock. This kind of situation wasn't completely unheard of in this world.

A student might not necessarily be inferior to his teacher, and a teacher might not necessarily be more virtuous than his students. Everyone has their own strengths, and this is how the world operated!

Given how skilled this Guild Master Liu was in the Way of Medicine, it was highly possible that this assassin was simply his student in medicine rather than cultivation.

"Indeed!" Zhang Xuan placed his hands behind his back and nodded.

Since the other party called him teacher, he couldn't abandon him at this moment.

Even if it means offending the entire world, as long as you are my student, I will make sure you are safe!


Seeing the other party respond to his question, Lin Hui soon calmed down. Then, staring at Zhang Xuan, the corners of his lips crept up, "It's good that you admitted to it. Say, how did our young master offend you? Why did you send your student to assassinate him?"

"Elder Lin, what do you mean by that? Even if Guild Master Liu is that boy's teacher, he can't possibly know every action of his! He isn't his nanny or maid..."

Mo Yu's face darkened.

So what if Zhang Xuan was that fellow's teacher? Must it be under a teacher's orders that a student killed someone? What kind of logic was that?

Teachers are only responsible for clarifying one's doubts and guiding one on the right path. They aren't responsible for their own student's life. In fact, even parents didn't have that responsibility!

"Mo shi, this is a matter between the Lin Clan and Guild Master Liu. It isn't your place to interfere!"

Flinging his sleeves, Lin Hui interrupted Mo Yu, turned to Zhang Xuan, and chuckled, "Guild Master Liu, you are also a respectable figure. Do you wish to follow me obediently, or do you need me to drag you away?"

He thought that the one who attempted to assassinate the young master was just an insignificant ruffian, but to think that such a formidable figure was behind it. However, this was an opportunity as well. As long as they taught this Guild Master Liu a lesson, they could strike fear in the hearts of the entire kingdom. Everyone would learn better than to offend the Lin Clan!

"I'm not done browsing through my books, so I don't have the time to follow you around!" Zhang Xuan shook his head.

When Lu Chong barged in, Zhang Xuan had barely looked through half of the books in the book collection vault. He still needed some time to finish reading all of it, so he didn't have the effort to waste on this fellow.

"Browsing through books?"

Lin Hui was dumbstruck for a moment before his complexion darkened. "I tried to spare your dignity, didn't I? No matter what reason you give, you have to follow me to the Lin Clan today and accept your punishment! To dare to harm the young master of our Lin Clan, at minimum, your cultivation will be crippled, or at worst, you might even be killed on the spot! Let me warn you, don't force me to make a move. You might be the guild master of the Physician Guild, but your strength is only at Tongxuan realm primary stage. You aren't a match for me. Killing you isn't any harder than smashing an egg for me!"


Lu Chong immediately charged forward to stand before Zhang Xuan, protecting him. Nervous, he clenched his fists tightly together.

He had just experienced Lin Hui's strength firsthand, and it was indeed fearsome. His teacher's fighting prowess couldn't even compare to his; how could he be an opponent for the other party?

"Zhang Xuan..."

Mo Yu was also worried.

She knew that Zhang Xuan wasn't weak, but he was only at Zongshi realm primary stage. Furthermore, he only achieved a breakthrough during the master teacher examination a few days ago, so it was impossible for him to be a match for the other party.

"Force you to make a move? Feel free to do so..."

Pushing Lu Chong to be side, Zhang Xuan glanced at Lin Hui as though he was a pitiful fellow and shook his head.

"Since you are so eager to die, allow me to grant your wish!"

Narrowing his eyes, Lin Hui harrumphed coldly. Then, with a swift movement, his palm flew abruptly toward Zhang Xuan.


Just like with Lu Chong a moment ago, before the palm could even reach, the air in the surroundings seemed to have solidified, locking Zhang Xuan in place.


Clenching his fists tightly, Lu Chong was about to sacrifice himself to protect his teacher when he saw Liu laoshi shake his head. The other party's hands remained firmly behind his back, and with a lazy expression, he lifted his legs and kicked at the other party.

Zhang Xuan's kick was so swift that one could barely see the afterimage of his movement. Before anyone could fully perceive the situation, his leg had already struck the area right in between the other party's thighs.

'Kacha!' The crisp sound of eggs breaking echoed in the room.


Flying into the air, Lin Hui released a high-pitch scream of agony which threatened to burst the crowd's eardrums.

After which, that arrogant fellow fell to the floor and scrunched together as though a shrimp. White foam kept flowing out of the corners of his mouth, and his entire body twitched non-stop.


Lu Chong, Mo Tianxue, and the others were dumbfounded.


They had seen Lin Hui's attack clearly. As expected of the seventh strongest expert in the kingdom; before his palm even arrived, the pressure from his assault was already sufficient to render anyone helpless... Even if Mo Hongyi wanted to defeat the other party, he would take at least a hundred blows. Yet...

With a single kick, this Liu laoshi immediately sent him rolling around the floor... As though a dying dog!

When did subduing a Zongshi realm pinnacle expert become so easy?

The heck!

Aren't you a Tongxuan realm primary stage cultivator?

To render a Zongshi realm pinnacle expert powerless with a single kick? This...

Mo Yu was also dumbstruck.

She had personally seen Zhang Xuan reach Zongshi realm a few days ago. There was a huge gap between Zongshi realm primary stage and Zongshi realm pinnacle, and it was completely impossible for the former to even match up to the latter. Yet, to subdue the other party with a single kick...

How in the world did he do it?

Even the guards behind Lin Hui were flabbergasted.

They thought that it was a sealed deal since the Third Elder was making a move personally. Who could have thought that before his attack could reach the other party, he was already rendered infertile with a single kick...

"There's no need to face a person head on in a battle, what you should do is to find the other party's weakness and utilize it against him! Take for example this elder, he managed to conceal his aura within, so his only visible flaw is that spot. If you strike at his weakness accurately, you can subdue him effectively!"

Ignoring the widened mouths of the crowd, Zhang Xuan turned to Lu Chong and explained.

The other party had reached Zongshi realm pinnacle as well, and his fighting prowess was one to behold. In a straightforward battle, even despite Zhang Xuan's immense strength of 5000 ding, he couldn't have subdued the other party with a single blow.

However, possessing the Eye of Insight, he was able to see the direction and speed of the flow of the other party's zhenqi. Thus, he immediately kicked out and struck the other party's mingmen.

And thus... This fellow was in for a round of suffering.


Despite nearly killing the Lin Clan Third Elder with a single kick, his teacher still deciphered the entire situation and explained it to him as though it wasn't a big deal. Feeling a little awkward, it took Lu Chong a while before he recovered and hurriedly nodded his head.


Nodding his head in satisfaction, Zhang Xuan instructed. "Since you understand, give it a try!"

Previously, when Lu Chong was fighting against the other elder, his moves were too unpolished, and he relied too heavily on brute force to break through the other party's offense. Since he was free now, Zhang Xuan decided to guide him along.

"Give it a try?" Lu Chong hesitated.

"Indeed. Cultivation and fighting instincts require consistent polishing and refinement. If you don't practice, how can you grow stronger than the others?" Zhang Xuan frowned.

Battle techniques were just empty movements if one wasn't able to integrate it into a real battle. Only when one managed to bring it out naturally in a true battle would it be able to show its true might and effectiveness.


After a moment of hesitation, Lu Chong gritted his teeth and walked up to Lin Hui, who was scrunched up as though a shrimp. Then, facing a certain spot, he lifted his leg and kicked at him forcefully!


Upon having that which was shattered kicked fiercely again, Lin Hui's eyes flipped upward. With this single blow, even the pipe was gone. Unable to hold on any further, he immediately keeled over.

After kicking the other party, Lu Chong turned to look at his teacher to listen to his evaluation, only to see the latter glaring at him furiously. "When I asked you to give it a try, I meant those guards! Who asked you to kick him..."

It was no wonder why Zhang Xuan was angry. He explained so much to the other party to make him understand that technique is equally important and brute strength...

His motive for asking the other party to give it a try was also simple. Even though Lin Hui was down, there was still a huge group of guards for him to practice on. Perhaps, his skills might improve if he refined his offense on them... In any case, they were all his enemies, so it wouldn't matter beating them up either...

But... What the heck are you doing? Why did you go and kick Lin Hui?

That fellow is already spurting white foam, what can you learn from kicking him?

Does stabbing a knife into a corpse means that you have managed to kill someone?


It was only then that Lu Chong understood his teacher's intentions. With a face flushed in embarrassment, he charged straight at the other guards.

The guards were mostly at Tongxuan realm. While they weren't weak, but compared to a Zongshi realm intermediate stage expert, they meant nothing at all. In just a short moment, they were all lying on the ground, motionless, and just like Lin Hui, white foam flowed out from their mouths.

"Un!" Even though Lu Chong's offense was still slightly stiff, there was a visible improvement from his completely unrefined movements from before. Thus, Zhang Xuan nodded in satisfaction.


Upon seeing this sight, Mo Yu and Mo Tianxue's eyes circled around their socket, and they felt frenzied within.

Liu laoshi, do you know what you're doing?

This is the Third Elder and they're guards of the Lin Clan! To render the former infertile and knock out all of the guards... This is equivalent to a complete fallout with the Lin Clan, there is no room for reconciliation!

Your student might be reckless, but as an elder, you should know better!


After knocking out everyone, Lu Chong walked up to Zhang Xuan and kneeled down. Agitation and gratitude reflected in his eyes.

Being pursued, he had no choice but to hide his identity. In this period of time, he had undergone and seen numerous betrayals. He had once considered of the possibility that his teacher might deliver him to the Lin Clan once he knew of his enemy, but contrary to all that he could have imagined, not only did his teacher not do that, he even helped him despite incurring the wrath of the Lin Clan!

He could never repay this gratitude in this lifetime!

Knowing that Lu Chong was expressing his thanks, Zhang Xuan nodded his head. Just as he was about to speak, his mind jolted, and the Library of Heaven's Path shuddered.

The golden book appeared once more.

"This..." Zhang Xuan was stunned.

He had only thought of saving his own student. He didn't think that the other party's gratitude would bring him a golden page!




Chapter 378: Physician Mu Hong's Breakdown (1)

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: StarveCleric

"With this page, I can finally assimilate all of those books in the Library of Heaven's Path into my knowledge!"

Zhang Xuan smiled.

After traveling out of Tianxuan Kingdom, he had visited the Beast Hall, Poison Hall, Apothecary Guild, Tianwu Kingdom's book collection vault... There were more than a dozen million books in the Library of Heaven's Path. The content of all of these books added up to an unimaginably massive amount of knowledge.

By then, even without the Library of Heaven's Path, his knowledge would be sufficient to awe others. Taking on the 3-star master teacher examination wouldn't be an issue for him.

"I should think about it only after collecting the books in the book collection vault!"

Knowing that it wasn't easy to produce a golden page, Zhang Xuan wasn't in a rush to use it.

In any case, this was a single use item. Thus, the more books he collected, the greater the use of the golden page. At the moment, he was only halfway through the books. It wouldn't be too late for him to use it once he was done collecting all of them.

Delighted at the formation of the golden page, Zhang Xuan looked at Lu Chong in satisfaction.

"Stand up! You are my student, and I am your teacher. As long as our relationship holds... I cannot stand by idly and watch as you are insulted!"

Helping the young man up, Zhang Xuan nodded slowly.

Understanding the true meaning behind the teacher and student relationship, Zhang Xuan meant the words that he just said. The earnest sincerity in his words affected all those listening to it, as though an Impartation of Heaven's Will, causing everyone's soul to tremble in agitation.

Even he himself couldn't help but feel refreshed after saying those words. It was as though his mind had cleared up suddenly.

Mo Yu clenched her fists tightly, "No wonder Zhao Ya and Mu Xueqing are willing to give it their all to fight for his honor. So, this is the true meaning behind being a teacher and student!"

She was a master teacher as well, and she had her own students too. However, her understanding of teachers and students was only limited to the impartation of knowledge and clarifying doubts.

All along, she couldn't understand how Zhang Xuan's students could come into conflict with one another just because of a few words. But now, she finally understood... It was out of pure admiration for their teacher!

It was because of their teacher's earnest sincerity in facing them that the students were willing to follow him, going to the extent of even fighting to defend his honor.


Mo Tianxue nodded.

As the emperor of Tianwu Kingdom, he had met with many teachers and students. However, it was an extremely rare sight to see such deep trust between teacher and student.

Many teachers and students only come together out of convenience and benefit, and such a relationship was bound to fall apart eventually.

It was no wonder why he could win the hearts of all of his students in just a few days in Tianwu Academy. His character and charisma were truly way beyond other teachers, and this included master teachers as well.

"To win the hearts of others, one had to present his own first..."

He felt completely impressed.

This Liu laoshi treated his students with his heart, treating them with utmost honesty and concern. Naturally, it was only right for him to win the love and respect of his students.

Then, Mo Tianxue turned to look at the guards and the convulsing Elder Lin Hui on the floor, and a headache immediately struck him.

"Cough cough, it's not that I want to ruin this atmosphere, but Guild Master Liu... You were truly reckless this time!"

The people you two are going against aren't just anyone but the Lin Clan!

Even if the Lin Clan don't dare to do anything to you out of fear of your position as the guild master of the Physician Guild, but what about your students? Your kin and friends?

The Lin Clan didn't just have the backing of the Formation Master Guild... There's also the princess consort of Xuanyuan Kingdom!

That unreasonable older sister of Lin Lang!

This was what worried him the most.

Two years ago, a conflict broke out with the Qu Clan when her elder sister was visiting, so she sent a Zhizun realm subordinate to destroy the entire Qu Clan.

The royal palace knew of this matter, but intimidated by the Zhizun realm expert, they couldn't say a single word!

But now... The student injured Lin Lang severely, and according to the rumors, he even pushed the other party into a fecal drain, humiliating him. On the other hand, the teacher went even further, castrating the Lin Clan's Third Elder, leaving him no different from a eunuch...

This was picking a fight with the Lin Clan! Furthermore, it was the kind of irreconcilable one!


Hearing his words, Zhang Xuan looked at Mo Tianxue impassively and replied, "Even if I did nothing today, do you think that the Lin Clan would treat me kindly?"

"This..." Mo Tianxue was stumped.

If Lu Chong was truly taken away today, given the Lin Clan's means and connections, it would be a walk in the park to find out who his teacher was.

Zhang Xuan's feat of saving the Gold-tailed Lion and pointing out that it was poisoned had wrecked the Lin Clan's plans, making him an eyesore to them... Even if they knew that Zhang Xuan wasn't involved in this matter, they might very well make use of it to strike him.

Thus, it was just bringing the conflict forward.

"Since Lu Chong calls me his teacher, I can't stand and watch idly by the side!"

Deciding not to dawdle on this matter, Zhang Xuan said impassively, "I'm not done looking through the books yet, so I'll leave you all to settle the rest. As for Lu Chong, wait for me here. Don't leave this place first..."

After which, he walked back into the depths of the book collection vault, and it didn't take long for him to disappear from the eyes of the crowd.

"He wants to continue reading now?"

"Even with this timing, he still has the mood to continue reading?"

Seeing him heading into the depths of the book collection vault, Mo Tianxue and Mo Yu glanced at one another and a strong sense of vertigo overwhelmed them.

Big brother, this is the Lin Clan! Even the royal family doesn't dare to face them head on. After beating up their elder, you simply throw him on the ground and leave him to be...

Continue reading?

There are more than ten million books in this book collection vault! Even a decade wouldn't be sufficient for you to finish all of them. What use is there for you to read for a little longer?

"This fellow... Perhaps... He truly likes reading!" After a long moment of silence, Mo Yu forced out a few words.

It had been awhile since she was acquainted with Zhang shi. She remembered that back then, when they were at the Beast Hall, he also demanded to look through the books in the library.

After which, when they arrived at Red Lotus City, the reward he wanted for treating the Great Herb King was also books.

Right now, even though he had picked a fight with the Lin Clan, all that was on his mind was to read books... Exactly how deep was his passion for reading!

It was no wonder why he could take on so many occupations at such a young age. This probably had something to do with his passion for books.

The thoughts of the duo wandered around the place.

Actually, Zhang Xuan wasn't acting calm, he truly didn't think much of the Lin Clan. While it might be the dominant power in Tianwu Kingdom, but he didn't think that it posed a threat to him.

Even though Zhang Xuan's strength was only at Zongshi realm pinnacle, with the Library of Heaven's Path, he could match up to even a Half-Zhizun expert!

If it comes down to it, he could also summon for the Steelfang Howling Firmament Beast to back him up... or even reveal his identity as Zhang shi!

A genius master teacher, the senior of Pavilion Master Jiang, and Master Teacher Yang Xuan's student... With his identity, no matter how brazen the other party was, it was unlikely that they would dare to do anything to him.

Thus... In Zhang Xuan's eyes, the Lin Clan that Mo Tianxue and the others feared tremendously meant nothing at all.

Rather than wasting time on them, it was a better use of time to read books.


Lin Clan.

The Lin Clan's Elder Assembly Room was a grand and extravagant hall. It was usually restricted to the others, and even elders would have to apply for permission before being allowed to enter. However, at this moment, a huge crowd was gathered, and the entire field was chaotic.

Two young men with faces swollen as large as a pig's head were lying on the floor. It was nearly impossible to discern who they were just by their outer appearance itself.

They were Lin Lang and Ji Mo gongzi whom Lu Chong mercilessly pummeled.

At this moment, the filth had already been washed out from their body. But even so, the stench had seeped into their skin. No matter how many times they were washed, green flies still lingered around them, as though they had found a pair of rare delicacies. Just the sight of it was sufficient to disgust the food out of one.

In the room stood the clan head of the Lin Clan, Lin Ruotian, and few other people.

"Clan Head Lin, what's going on? How did my son land in such a state during a visit to the Emerald Pavilion?"

Amidst the ruckus, a tall middle-aged man walked over anxiously.

The clan head of the Ji Clan, Ji Feng!

Upon seeing the motionless body of his son on the floor, Ji Feng's face steeled. Rage bubbled deep within him, threatening to erupt at any moment.

He knew of Ji Mo gongzi's intention to visit Lin Lang gongzi to plead with him.

In fact, he was the one who hinted it to him. Otherwise, how could Ji Mo ride a carriage out so openly when he was supposed to be grounded in the residence?

Initially, he thought that with the influence of Lin Lang and the Lin Clan, the matter with Zhang shi could be easily resolved. Yet, never in his dreams did he expect that before this matter could be settled, his son was already beaten up to such a tragic state.

The Emerald Pavilion was Lin Lang's establishment, the expenditure abyss of the capital!

Not even nobles dared to act up in there, yet Ji Mo was knocked into a coma in there... Who in the world could it be? How dare he? Did he have no eyes for the law, for the Ji Clan, for the Lin Clan?


"Clan Head Ji, calm down. The Third Elder has already led a team to apprehend the culprit. He should be returning soon!" Lin Ruotian said.

"Besides, your son isn't the only one. Even my Lang-er came under his attack!"

"Even Lin Lang gongzi was attacked?"

Ji Feng had rushed here immediately upon hearing the news about his son being beaten up, so he was oblivious that Lin Lang was attacked as well. He hurriedly asked, "Where is Lin Lang gongzi? Are his wounds severe?"

"Isn't he lying together with your son?" Lin Ruotian's complexion darkened.

What in the world is wrong with your eyes? My son is lying right next to your son! How can you miss him?

"This is... Lin Lang gongzi?"

Only then did Ji Feng notice another figure lying next to his son, and he immediately leapt in shock upon seeing the face.

Even though his son was severely injured, he could at least see the rough distinctive features on him. But this Lin Lang gongzi was beaten to the point that he didn't even seem human anymore. On top of that, an overpowering stench was emanating from him. If not for Clan Head Lin's words, Ji Feng could have never imagined that this pig-head like fellow... was the famous number one gongzi in the capital.

It was impossible to guess this much solely from his outer appearance...

"What happened?"

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Ji Feng asked hesitantly.

He thought that the other party was already being brazen for beating his son, but to think that even Lin Lang gongzi wasn't spared either... At this moment, he realized that the other party wasn't just brazen, he was insane!

"The two of them were already in this state by the time I arrived!" Lin Ruotian shook his head.

He wasn't exactly sure of the happenings either. He had to wait for the Third Elder's return to confirm the matter.

"Then... We should treat them quickly. Their wounds don't seem to be light..."

Seeing that the other party wasn't certain on this matter, Ji Feng chose not to dawdle on this topic.

"Their injuries seem to be a little bizarre, ordinary physicians are incapable of treating them. I have already invited Physician Mu Hong from the Physician Guild over. Judging from the time, he should be arriving soon..."

Lin Ruotian replied.

"Ok!" Ji Feng nodded.

Other than the Guild Master Liu who suddenly became famous recently, the most capable physician in the capital was Physician Mu Hong.

As the previous guild master and a 3-star physician, he wasn't an easy figure to mobilize. Even so, he didn't dare to turn down an invitation from the clan head of the Lin Clan.




Chapter 379: Physician Mu Hong's Breakdown (2)

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: StarveCleric

Not too long later, Physician Mu Hong arrived under an elder's lead.

"Paying respects to Clan Head Lin and Clan Head Ji!"

Mu Hong clasped his fist and greeted impassively.

As a 3-star physician, he had his own pride. Even though these two were powerful figures in the capital, given his standing, there was no need for him to act subserviently around them.

"Grandmaster Mu, I ask of you to save my son..." Lin Ruotian hurriedly requested.

"Don't worry!"

Offering the other party an assurance, Mu Hong walked nonchalantly toward Lin Lang and Ji Mo, squatted down, and started examining the duo.

There was no such thing as 'feeling one's pulse' in this world, but examining, questioning, and listening were three fundamentals to diagnosing.

Even though he couldn't question the other party due to their lack of consciousness, as a 3-star physician, he was still able to determine the rough problem the duo was suffering from.

"How is it?"

After a long moment of silence, Lin Ruotian couldn't hold back his anxiety any longer and asked nervously.

Lin Lang was his only son, and he had always doted on him. Seeing the other party in such a state had left him discomposed.

"His injuries are severe. It seems like someone has struck him forcefully only relying brute force. If I'm not wrong, the person who injured him must be someone who is adept in physical body cultivation!"

After finishing his diagnosis, Mu Hong exhaled deeply and stood up. Placing his hands behind his back, he began explaining.

Cultivators often used zhenqi when fighting with one another, and one of the most distinctive traits of injuries caused by zhenqi was that they tended to be internal. In other words, injuries sustained from fighting with another cultivator tended to be at one's meridians or organs. On the other hand, the two before him had their teeth knocked off, bones shattered, and skin ripped apart. It was clear that this was mostly done using physical strength.

Thus, the culprit must either be an expert skilled in physical body cultivation or a savage beast.

"A physical body cultivator?" Lin Ruotian frowned.

He hadn't heard of anyone cultivating one's physical body to the level of a Zongshi realm in Tianwu Royal City.

Perplexed, he looked at the Physician Mu Hong worriedly and asked, "Grandmaster Mu, is there any way to treat them? If not... I'll try looking for other physicians, or perhaps... invite Guild Master Liu over!"

"Don't worry, it's just some superficial wounds. There's nothing to worry about!"

Hearing the doubt in the other party's voice and the words 'Guild Master Liu', Mu Hong's face darkened and he gestured haughtily.

In the past, he was the top physician in the Tianwu Kingdom. No one dared to doubt his capability. But ever since Guild Master Liu's appearance, everyone had been carrying doubts at his skills, and this left him dismal.

Was Guild Master Liu the only capable physician among them?

"Then, I'll be troubling Grandmaster Mu then!"

Hearing that the other party had a solution, Lin Ruotian and Ji Feng heaved a sigh of relief.


Not wasting any time, Mu Hong immediately flicked his wrist, and a jade bottle appeared in his hands. With a slight shake, medicinal fluid immediately flowed out and dripped on Lin Lang's exposed skin.


Upon contact, bubbles started to appear on the wounds, and the glaring lacerations healed at a speed visible to one's eyes.


Seeing the apparent effects, Lin Ruotian and Ji Feng's eyes lit up.

As expected of a 3-star physician! His skills were indeed superb!

"This is a medicinal fluid that I concocted by myself. It is exceptionally effective on external injuries. Regardless of what injury it is, upon contact with it, it'll heal quickly. It's truly a miraculous medicine..."

Seeing the surprise on the faces of the two, Physician Mu Hong nodded in satisfaction. However, halfway through his words, Lin Ruotian's face slowly turned into shock.

"Wait, Grandmaster Mu, look..."

Seeing the other party's bizarre reaction, Mu Hong immediately followed the other party's fingers and glanced at Lin Lang, and the sight before him left him dumbstruck.

The wound that had just healed torn apart, and the laceration grew even larger than before. Even worse, blood flowed profusely out of the wound.

Take for example, if the wound was two fingers wide before, after coming into contact with the medicinal fluid, not only did it not recover, it even became three fingers wide and started bleeding!

"What's going on?"

He had just bragged that his medicine was a private concoction when such a matter occurred. Mu Hong's complexion immediately turned awful. He quickly poured the fluid on another region.


Just like before, the regenerated flesh suddenly tore apart once more and became even more glaring.

"That can't be..."

He didn't expect such an abrupt change. With a flick of his wrist, Physician Mu Hong took out seven to eight different medicinal fluid and poured them into different wounds.

These miraculous medicines for one's external wounds were also effective at the start, but before long, the wounds started tearing apart once more. It was just a while ago that Lin Lang's bleeding stopped and his condition stabilized, and they thought that with Physician Mu Hong skills, Lin Lang could make a full recovery. However, not only did the latter fail to treat Lin Lang, he even caused the wounds to widen and blood started flowing profusely from them once more. With every passing second, Lin Lang's face was turning paler and paler.

"Grandmaster Mu, please... stop for a moment!"

Seeing the other party grabbing another dozen bottles once more, clearly intending to try them one by one, Lin Ruotian shuddered and hurried forward to stop him.

Grandmaster Mu, I invited you here to treat my son, not to kill him... If you continue on like this, my son will probably die from excessive bleeding before you managed to find the correct medicine!

"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing!" Physician Mu Hong interjected as his face darkened.

Trying all of the medicinal fluids in his storage ring one by one, the frown on his face slowly deepened, and his complexion turned more and more awful.

Eventually, by the time he finished experimenting with all of his medicine, Lin Lang's breathing was already extremely faint, to the point that it seemed as though he was just a step away from death's embrace.

"So, how is it?"

Lin Ruotian's lips quivered vigorously.

Even though his son was severely injured, he was still in a stable condition a short while ago. Yet, under Physician Mu Hong's hands, his son's condition deteriorated by the second, to the point that it seemed as though he would die at any moment. This made Lin Ruotian extremely frustrated, but he didn't dare to lash out at this moment.

If not for Guild Master Liu foiling his plans, making him subconsciously hostile toward him, he would have surely invited him over instead of Physician Mu Hong.

If this previous guild master was at a loss as well, Lin Ruotian had no idea what he should do next.

"Based on my diagnosis, Lin Lang gongzi's wounds aren't just normal, superficial wounds. I'm afraid that he's... poisoned!"

After hesitating for a moment, Mu Hong slowly answered.


Lin Ruotian was taken aback.

Could the person who attacked his son be a poison master?

Otherwise, normal poison should be ineffective against Zongshi realm experts.

"Indeed! This poison is extremely bizarre, so I wasn't able to recognize it instantly. However, there's no need for you to worry too much about it. I will use my zhenqi to expel it. Once the poison is expelled, his injuries shouldn't open up again. By then, he'll recover swiftly!"

Physician Mu Hong replied.

After trying out numerous medicines, he finally concluded that the other party had been poisoned. Otherwise, how could these medicines, which were effective on others, have such bizarre effects on him?

However, there were countless different poisons in the world. Mu Hong wasn't a poison master who specialized in the field, so there was no way he could identify the poison Lin Lang was suffering from. Thus, the only possible treatment he could conduct was to forcefully expel the poison from the other party's body.

"I'll be depending on Grandmaster Mu then!" Lin Ruotian hurriedly nodded.


Replying casually, Mu Hong helped Lin Lang up and sat cross-legged behind him. Placing his palm on the other party's back, he slowly infused a surge of zhenqi into the latter's body.

There was a unique method to expel the poison from another person's body. As a 3-star physician, he had learned it before and was familiar with it.

His zhenqi slowly flowed through the other party's meridians, checking them inch by inch.

"Here it is..."

Before long, Mu Hong found where the poison was located, and his eyes lit up.

After one was poisoned, the poison would flow through one's meridians and travel around one's body. If one wanted to expel it, one had to locate it first. Otherwise, regardless of what solutions one used, if it was targeted at the wrong spot, it would all be for naught.

"Lin Lang gongzi cultivates the Lin Clan's cultivation technique so his zhenqi should be of a completely different nature from mine, making it impossible for the two to fuse together. I just have to wrap my zhenqi around the poisoned zhenqi and force it out of his body..."

After finding the precise location, Mu Hong didn't get excited. Instead, he became even warier instead.

Being poisoned meant that the poison had already fused with one's zhenqi and body. To expel it, one's zhenqi had to be of a different nature from the other party first.

Otherwise, if the zhenqi were to fuse together, not only would one be unable to expel the poison, it was also highly likely that the poison from the patient would travel back to the one treating him.

The Lin Clan's cultivation technique that Lin Lang cultivated was completely different from that Physician Mu Hong cultivated. To make an analogy, it was just like oil and water. As long as he proceeded carefully, it shouldn't be a problem for him to expel the poison zhenqi out.

Physician Mu Hong carefully pushed his zhenqi toward the other party's poison zhenqi, and then, the two touched.

Just as he was intending to expel that poison zhenqi out of Lin Lang's body, 'Tzzz la!', an explosion sounded. It was as though fire meeting with gasoline.

The poison immediately seeped into Physician Mu Hong's zhenqi.


Physician Mu Hong's eyes narrowed. Before he could react, his hands swiftly turned black. Then, the poison immediately spread upward, turning his arms black as well.

"This... This... How is this possible?"

Mu Hong's face turned pale. He nearly turned insane on the spot.

He had seen potent poison, but he had never seen one so formidable!

He had personally treated a victim of a grade-2 poison before, and logically speaking, as long as his zhenqi was immiscible with that of the patient, the poison shouldn't pose any threat to him...

After all, if their zhenqi doesn't fuse together, there was no medium for the poison to afflict him!

What in the world was this?

Why was his zhenqi immediately poisoned, as though gasoline coming into contact with flames?

"Damn it. It must be because... pure zhenqi is contained within this poison. That kind of zhenqi is capable of fusing with any zhenqi..."

A thought suddenly flashed through Mu Hong's mind, and he recalled some records on a book.

Given that his zhenqi swiftly fused with the other party, transmitting the poison during the process, there was only one possibility. That was... the one who poisoned Lin Lang possessed exceptionally pure zhenqi. This allowed the poison to fuse perfectly with his zhenqi, thus transmitting the poison to him in an instant.


Mu Hong's body swayed.

Not only did he fail to cure Lin Lang of his poison, he even got poisoned instead...

Mu Hong was on the verge of tears.

He was just thinking that he could prove to the Lin Clan that he wasn't inferior to Liu Cheng by treating Lin Lang successfully, yet the situation ended up like this...

What in the world was this!

Flicking his wrist, Mu Hong immediately took out an antidote and sucked on it in his mouth. Just as his condition just barely alleviated, Lin Ruotian walked over with a panicked expression and grabbed his hand. "Grandmaster Mu, what's happened? Why did you..."


Mu Hong had just forcefully suppressed the poison aura from traveling around his body when the other party's sudden grasp interrupted his concentration. Suddenly, he lost control of his zhenqi, and the poison zhenqi immediately broke through the two blockages he had just created on his arms and spread across his entire body.


A mouthful of blood spurted from Mu Hong's mouth. His body staggered weakly.

"There's something weird about his poison..."

Before Mu Hong could finish his words, his vision went dark and he fainted.

"Grandmaster Mu..."

Seeing a 3-star physician, as well as the previous guild master of the Physician Guild faint on the spot, Lin Ruotian and Ji Feng were stunned.

Who can tell me what just happened?

Physician Mu Hong, aren't you here to treat our sons?

Why did Lin Lang's injury worsen with every action you took? Not only that, your face turned pitch black, and you even fainted.

To think that a physician would get poisoned in the midst of his treatment and faint...

Mu Hong, didn't you just confidently declare for us to not worry?

Don't worry... With this kind of standard, I would be a fool not to worry!




Chapter 380: Knocking

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: StarveCleric

"What do we do?"

Not only did they fail to treat the other party, the physician even fainted. Lin Ruotian and Ji Feng stared at one another light headed.

What kind of opponent did Lin Lang and Ji Mo meet for them to land in such a state?

"Physician Mu Hong's medical skills are top-notch in Tianwu Kingdom. If even he is helpless toward their affliction, then no physician will be able to do anything!"

A moment later, Ji Feng suddenly thought of something and said, "Unless... we neutralize the poison in their bodies first!"

"Neutralize the poison in their bodies? We don't even know what kind of poison it is, how can we neutralize it?"

Lin Ruotian shook his head.

It was no easy feat to neutralize a poison. Without knowing that poison it was and the concentration of it that one consumed, it was impossible to do so!

"Indeed, if we wish to treat a poison which even Grandmaster Mu is helpless toward, we will require the help of a real poison master..."

Ji Feng nodded.

"Poison master? Right, the Great Herb King of the Red Lotus City is currently in the capital. Hurry up and invite him over. I heard that Hall Master Liao Xun of the Poison Hall had just arrived yesterday as well. Invite him over too!"

Upon hearing the words 'poison master', Lin Ruotian's eyes lit up and he hurriedly issued several instructions.

He had some connections with the Great Herb King, otherwise, it would be impossible for him to procure the poison used to kill the Gold-tailed Lion.

"Hall Master Liao Xun? Isn't the hall master of the Poison Hall..." Clan Head Ji Feng asked doubtfully.

Ji Feng didn't have much contact with the Poison Hall, but as one of the most feared and unique occupations, he knew a thing or two about it. He might not remember the name of the hall master precisely, but he was certain that it wasn't Liao Xun.

Furthermore, what in the world was the hall master of the Poison Hall doing at Tianwu Royal City instead of his own base?

"I don't know the details either, but it seems like the previous hall master passed away, and his student had taken his place. The reason why he's here is to send off a seemingly formidable figure!" Lin Ruotian pondered for a moment before replying.

He had heard the news from the mouth of the Great Herb King personally. It seemed like the headquarter had sent an envoy to their branch, and Hall Master Liao was here to see off the other party.

"Regardless of the reason, their presence is a secret. We mustn't let anyone learn of it!"

After explaining the situation, Lin Ruotian turned to look at Ji Feng, and a menacing glint flashed across his eyes. "Clan Head Ji, I only told you the truth because of the several generations of close ties between our clans! You should know, better than most, what you should and shouldn't say!"

Poison masters had a hostile relationship with the other occupations. If other people were to learn that the hall master of the Poison Hall was here, it was highly likely that unnecessary conflict might occur.

"Clan Head Lin, don't worry. My lips are sealed!" Seeing the other party's stern expression, Ji Feng's face turned grim as well and he hurriedly nodded in agreement.

He had no choice but to submit. Given the Lin Clan's strength, if he were to do anything excessive, the Ji Clan might be history tomorrow.

And the Tianwu royal family would be pleased to see such a sight.

Large clans like theirs were a hindrance to the authority of the royal family. They would definitely be delighted to see them destroying one another.


Not too long later, the Great Herb King and Hall Master Liao Xun arrived in the room.

At this moment, Liao Xun already had the disposition and authority befitting that of a hall master. With his hands behind him and eyes that seemed to peer into the far distance, he felt like an unfathomable being.

Upon seeing him, the incomparably arrogant Lin Ruotian and Ji Feng didn't dare to pull their weight at all. They hurriedly clasped their fists and greeted him, "Lin Ruotian and Ji Feng pay respect to Hall Master Liao!"

Different from the other occupations, poison masters tended to have weird quirks in their character. If one were to offend a poison master, he could very well poison one without one noticing, and one would die with utmost grievance.

"Un!" Seeing the respectful attitude of the two, Liao Xun nodded his head in satisfaction. Then, glancing at the duo, he asked, "May I know what business does Clan Head Lin have to invite me over so urgently?"

"It's like this!" Lin Ruotian immediately replied. "My unworthy son is afflicted with lethal poison, and even Physician Mu Hong is helpless before it. Thus, I invited you over in hopes that you could save him..."

"Afflicted with lethal poison?"

Liao Xun glanced at the trio lying on the ground, including Physician Mu Hong, impassively and replied, "They're indeed poisoned. However... Why should I help you?"

What business of it is mine that your son got poisoned?

Other people might be eager to suck up to your Lin Clan, but I'm not interested in it at all!


Seeing the nonchalance on the other party's face, Lin Ruotian's face flushed. He felt so stifled that he could puke blood at this moment.

The Lin Clan was the number one clan in Tianwu Kingdom, and all along, he had been the one to crush others with his authority and demanding for privileges from others. When was anyone able to speak to him like that?

However, before this dangerous man, he didn't dare to act up at all.

The other party was indeed weaker than him, but poison masters tended to have numerous bizarre means up their sleeves, and they couldn't be measured simply by their cultivation. There were plenty of weak people who were capable of killing experts stronger than them.

Not only was this Liao Xun the hall master of the Poison Hall, he was also a Zongshi realm pinnacle expert as well. It was in Lin Ruotian's best interest not to offend the other party. Otherwise, if the other party were to fly into a rage, he might just poison everyone in the residence.

Thinking of this, no matter how infuriated Lin Ruotian was, he could only suppress his rage down. With a flick of his wrist, a jade bottle appeared in his grasp.

"This is the [Golden Origin Pill], a grade-3 intermediate pill. This is forged by Grandmaster Tie You of Xuanyuan Kingdom, and it has reached the level of Perfection! It'll definitely help your cultivation to advance upon consumption, and you might even step into the level of a Half-Zhizun!"

The attribute of the Golden Origin Pill was metal, and metal had a 'sharp nature'. The pill carried the effect of breaking through the bottlenecks one faced in one's cultivation.

Furthermore, at the level of Perfection, the value of this pill was immense, rivaling that of a spirit stone!

It wasn't an easy decision for Lin Ruotian to take this out.

"Golden Origin Pill?"

Without even looking at it, Liao Xun waved his hands in disdain and said, "Pills are useless to poison masters. Don't even bother taking such stuff out; you'll embarrass yourself!"

Poison masters cultivated poison attribute cultivation techniques, and they consumed poisonous substances to augment their cultivation. Pills didn't have much of a use to them.


Not expecting that the other party would treat the item he had to undergo a mental turmoil to take out with disdain, Lin Ruotian's face immediately reddened in embarrassment. At this moment, he was completely lost, not knowing what else he could offer the other party.

"Alright, how about this! I'll state my terms, and as long as you can accomplish it, not only will I help you resolve your son's poison, I can even kill someone for you!" Liao Xun glanced at Lin Ruotian and said.

"Feel free to speak!" Seeing that the situation wasn't completely hopeless, a spark of hope appeared in Lin Ruotian's eyes.

"Simple. I heard that your Lin Clan is extremely influential in the kingdom. Thus, I hope that you can help to construct a trading hub for poison masters in the capital!" Liao Xun revealed his motive.

If not for this, he would never have come here.

Poison masters couldn't just stay in the Poison Hall for their entire life. They also had to come out and trade with others. If a trading hub could be built here, it would mean that the identity of poison masters would be officially recognized. If so, they could avoid many troubles, and there would be no need for them to intentionally hide from public view.


Lin Ruotian hesitated for a moment. "I believe that you should know that even though our Lin Clan possess immense authority in Tianwu Kingdom, we aren't the true ruler of the country. I'm afraid that we might incur the displeasure of the guilds if we were to build a trading hub here all of the sudden..."

"Don't beat around the bush! The Great Herb King has already told me what you're up to. Didn't you poison the Gold-tailed Lion so that you can replace the monarchy? Don't worry! As long as you agree to my request, we have a poison that can deal with that Zhizun realm guardian beast!"

Liao Xun replied impassively.

"You have a poison that can deal with Zhizun realm savage beasts?" Lin Ruotian's eyes lit up.

The sudden breakthrough of the Gold-tailed Lion had forced him to rein him in ambitions. The promise of Hall Master Liao had caused his ambitions to emerge once more.

Honestly speaking, even without opening up a trading hub, poison masters were still trading in public.

In truth, the Red Lotus City was already the largest trading hub for poison masters. In a sense, opening a trading hub in the capital wouldn't change anything, yet at the same time, he could pull an expert to his side... Why should he turn down such a beneficial deal?

Thus, Lin Ruotian nodded, and just as he was about to speak, a guard suddenly rushed in.

"Clan head, this is bad..." Even before reaching the room, the guard's voice had already sounded.

"What's wrong?" Interrupted, Lin Ruotian was displeased.

"The Third Elder, he..." The lips of the guard who came in quivered violently.

"What's wrong? Did he catch the culprit? What's there to panic about if the culprit has been caught?" Lin Ruotian asked.

Given that the Third Elder had gone out personally to apprehend the culprit, it was likely that the culprit had already been killed by now.

"That's not it... Someone has sent the Third Elder back! He is severely wounded, and he's currently unconscious. Furthermore..."

"Furthermore what?"

"Someone has kicked his lower body, and he's already completely inept..." The guard was on the verge of tears.

"Kicked his lower body?" Lin Ruotian was stunned for a moment before frenzy spread across his entire face. "Who is it? Who is the one who dares to assault a member of our Lin Clan?"

The heck!

The Lin Clan had always been a dominant power in the capital, an influence that no one dared to provoke. What in the world was going on today?

First, his son was pummeled by someone and thrown into the fecal drain. Then, the Third Elder, who had gone on to investigate the matter, was kicked infertile!

When did the Lin Clan become such easy targets to bully?

If they were to remain motionless before such clear provocation, how could the Lin Clan establish its might in Tianwu Kingdom?

"It's... It's the royal palace who sent them back here! It's said that the culprit who assaulted the young master had escaped to the royal palace, but the Third Elder still managed to track him down through the Seeking Mouse. Eventually, a fight occurred, and the Third Elder has been reduced to such a state from a kick by his opponent. As for the other guards, we don't know whether they're still alive or not..."

The guard revealed everything that he knew about the matter.

"The one who attacked the Third Elder seemed to be the new guild leader of the Physician Guild, Liu Cheng, and the one who attempted to assassinate young master is his student..."

The Lin Clan had spies in Tianwu Kingdom, so it wasn't difficult for them to get their hands on this news.

"Liu Cheng? Damn it... To dare to injure my son and the Third Elder, he's disregarding the authority of our Lin Clan! I swear that I will kill him..."

After clarifying the entire issue, Lin Ruotian howled frenziedly!

Where did this fellow come from? Why did he keep hindering the Lin Clan? Was he addicted to it?

We are already very kind to overlook the matter of you curing the Gold-tailed Lion and hindering our ploy. Yet, you still dare to send your student to assassinate my son, even going to the extent of injuring the Third Elder yourself...

You are just an honorary guild master; did you think that you are some big shot?

"Men! Capture Liu Cheng and bring him to me! If I don't kill him, I won't be able to quell the anger boiling in me..."

Feeling so stifled that he could spurt blood, Lin Ruotian gestured grandly, and the aura of a conqueror slowly exuded from him.

Who cares that you are some mere guild master or genius? I'll kill those who dare to offend me! Even if the Physician Guild headquarter were to investigate this issue in the future, I would stand on the side of reason...

Before he could finish issuing his instructions, another guard ran over anxiously and reported, "Clan head, this is bad... That Guild Master Liu and his student are already at our door, saying that they'll settle the score with our Lin Clan today and return justice to the world. They demand us to... apologize!"

"Apologize? He injured our men, and he still wants us to apologize?"

With eyes turning crimson, the final string of Lin Ruotian's sanity snapped.