

Chapter 371: Sealing Gossip

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: StarveCleric


Kong shi accepting a disciple was a huge matter that could shake the world to its core. Regardless of whether one was a master teacher or not, as long as one was a cultivator, one would surely be so excited to even forget their own names upon receiving such an honor.

Yet, this fellow... rejected it. On top of that, so decisively and affirmatively!

Who can tell me what had happened?

The appearance of a Celestial Master Teacher was already shocking enough... but to reject the offer to become Kong shi's student, this was sufficient to send anyone into a frenzy.

All of the teachers in the Teacher Acknowledgement Hall fell to silence as though something had glued their mouths together. They stared at one another silently despite the huge storm raging in their minds.

This expert, if you don't want to become Kong shi's student, I would gladly take your place...

You should have at least left the slot to me, why must you reject the offer...

"Pavilion Master Jiang, what's going on?"

After a long period of time, a master teacher finally turned to Pavilion Master Jiang and asked. At the same time, the gazes of the others also centered on him.

"I... I don't know as well!"

At this moment, Pavilion Master Jiang had broken down internally as well.

He only rushed here because he felt an anomaly in the Teacher Acknowledgement Hall. Who would have known that he would witness such an earth-shattering matter?

To reject Kong shi...

Needless to mention this happening in the Tianwu Royal City, even if this matter had occurred in the Myriad Kingdom Alliance, a huge bunch of people would die of shock.

Even 9-star master teachers were not capable of such a feat!

"You don't know too?"

The master teacher hesitated for a moment before continuing on, "In this entire city, there are only two people worthy of becoming a Celestial Master Teacher... Zhang Xuan and Mo Hongyi! All you have to do is to tell us where the duo is and whether they are still in the capital!"

The alarm indicating the conferment of a Celestial Master Teacher would only affect the nearest Master Teacher Pavilion.

Since the alarm had sounded off at their Teacher Acknowledgement Hall, it meant that a master teacher in Tianwu Royal City must have achieved a breakthrough!

Naturally, the crowd's thoughts would be directed to the duo.


Pavilion Master Jiang hesitated for a moment.

"Let's just tell them the truth. Becoming a Celestial Master Teacher meant that he is already a master teacher transcending beyond the rank system. The examination doesn't mean much to him anymore..." Elder Zhu said.

"Un!" Pavilion Master Jiang nodded in agreement. "They are still in the capital. However, they are currently in disguise for the last test of the 2-star master teacher examination!"

"In disguise?"

Everyone was taken aback.

The House of Trust test in the 2-star master teacher examination was carried out in an extremely quiet and secretive fashion such that many of the master teachers on the spot didn't know of it. In fact, it was the first time Jiang Chen was hearing of this as well.

"It's like this!"

Pavilion Master Jiang explained the entire situation regarding the final test in the 2-star master teacher examination.

"You mean to say that... Guild Master Liu Cheng who rocked the entire city at its core... is actually Zhang shi?"

As the explanation sank in, everyone was shocked once more. They felt dizzy-headed.

In the past few days, the two most talked about figures were the Master Teacher Pavilion's Zhang Xuan and the Physician Guild's Guild Master Liu Cheng!

Everyone knew that these two were absolute geniuses, and they felt deep respect and envy for them. How could they have possibly imagined that... the two of them were actually the same person!

"It's no wonder..."

Jiang Chen froze on the spot.

He had been suspecting the matter before, but even so, in the depths of his mind, he didn't dare to think of it to be true. However, after hearing his father's confirmation, he immediately came to a realization.

It was no wonder why the other party was so skilled in pill forging, even going to the extent of guiding a 2-star apothecary to successfully forge a grade-4 pill!

Even though Jiang Chen knew that Zhang Xuan was much more talented than him, he still couldn't help but compare himself to the other party. He had always thought that as long as he followed strictly to the conventional route and continued working hard, he would catch up with the other party one day...

But at this moment... he realized that the gap was too huge! There's completely no basis of comparison for the two of them!

Needless to say catching up with the other party, he couldn't even see the other party's back!

The other party was skilled in pill forging, Way of Medicine, painting, and beast taming... The other party had reached such astounding proficiency in so many occupations, how could he match up?

"Since the two of them are in the capital, the Celestial Master Teacher must be one of them. As long as we find them and confirm the matter with them, we'll know who it is!"

Suppressing his astonishment, a master teacher said.

"Indeed! Regardless of the matter, given that a Celestial Master Teacher had appeared, and that he had nearly become a student of the Sage, we have to find out who he is..."

Another master teacher spoke up.

Within the radius of possibilities, there were only two plausible candidates, so it wasn't hard to find out who it was. No matter what, the guild couldn't possibly stay ignorant when such a formidable figure had appeared in the land of their jurisdiction.

"Everyone, don't panic. I'll send an apprentice to take a look now!"

Pavilion Master Jiang turned around and left. Not too long later, he returned.

Liu Cheng and Sun Cheng were extremely famous teachers in Tianwu Academy, so it wasn't too hard to get news on them.

"How is it?" Elder Zhu asked in agitation.

"Mo Hongyi... seemed to be ill. He is currently in a coma! On the other hand, Zhang shi is currently in seclusion, and he's refusing all guests at the moment..." Pavilion Master Jiang said.

"There's no doubt about it then, it must be Zhang shi..."

The group nodded in agreement.

Since the other party was in a coma, it was impossible for him to be the Celestial Master Teacher or to reject Kong shi. In that case, only one possibility remained... The only one who could create such a huge ruckus had to be the one who had shown them countless miracles right from his arrival, Zhang Xuan!

"Since we had confirmed Zhang shi's identity, should we report this matter to the headquarter?"

A master teacher among the group asked.

"We can't!"

Pavilion Master Jiang shook his head. "If it's just him being conferred the title of a Celestial Master Teacher, there's no problem reporting it to the headquarter. However... this Zhang shi had just rejected Kong shi. If the headquarter were to hear of it, they might burst into a rage..."

The crowd was dumbstruck.


Who is Kong shi? The number one person in history, the teacher acknowledged by the heavens and earth... It would be a huge pandemonium if people were to find out that he was rejected!

On top of that, it wasn't an honorable affair for Kong shi to be rejected. If they were to spread the news, they might incur Kong shi's rage...

It would be hard to appease his anger even with their deaths.

"This matter is already way beyond our strength. The best choice we have at hand is to keep this matter to ourselves..." After a short moment, Pavilion Master Jiang instructed.


The group was also clear on the severity of this matter. Thus, they nodded in assent without any hesitation.

Regardless of whether it was the conferment of a Celestial Master Teacher or Kong shi getting rejected, they were matters surpassing their understanding. Facing such matters, it was wiser for them to keep mum, to stay silent, ignorant, and uninvolved. Otherwise, they might just get killed someday because of it.

"Since that's the case, let's make an oath before Kong shi's statue then!"

Pavilion Master Jiang spoke up once more.


Soon, the oath was made, and everyone felt a peculiar energy seeping into their mind, sealing away what they've just learned. If they were to speak of the matter, they would be severely punished.


Oblivious to the fact that the Master Teacher Pavilion had already known everything, Zhang Xuan was still harboring the thoughts of keeping this matter to himself to maintain a low profile. He pushed open the door of the mini tutoring room and walked out.

Even though becoming a Celestial Master Teacher had raised his Soul Depth by a hulking 1.0 and aided him in forging the Eye of Insight, it didn't boost his cultivation at all.

He was still at Zongshi realm pinnacle, and his strength was at 5000 ding.


Upon walking out, a lady immediately kneeled before him. Facing her teacher, her eyes were filled with reverence.

She was Mu Xueqing.

At this moment, she seemed to have just undergone an overwhelming change as a powerful aura reminiscent of a mighty dragon embraced her.

Triggering all of the medicinal energy accumulated within her body had allowed her to immediately break through the Pixue realm bottleneck to reach Tongxian realm primary stage!

In fact, from the aura, one could feel that she wasn't too far from reaching Tongxuan realm intermediate stage.

She couldn't have imagined that it was possible for her to grow so much stronger overnight.

"Not bad!"

Seeing her improvement, Zhang Xuan nodded in satisfaction.

She had been consuming pills from young, and the medicinal energy that had accumulated in her body had reached an astounding level. It wasn't completely unexpected for her to grow so rapidly.

"You have just achieved a breakthrough, remember to reinforce your cultivation properly. I'll bring you somewhere tomorrow!"

Knowing that the other party's Trust Level in him must have exceeded 40, and he could finally end the master teacher examination, Zhang Xuan instructed.


Mu Xueqing nodded before retreating to a corner.


Emerald Pavilion was Tianwu Kingdom's most famous expenditure abyss.

The single day of expenditure here was sufficient to leave a small clan of a Tier 2 Kingdom bankrupt.

Even so, carriages still arrived one after another at its doorstep.

It was the dream of countless people to become a frequent member here.

This was because this was where, of the surrounding thirteen kingdoms, the best alcohol was, the best beauties were, the best service was, the most conducive atmosphere for pleasure-making...

Regardless of male or female, any cultivators who had been here once would wish to come a second time. The thought would consume their mind, filling them with remembrance over their previous visit.

Even before stepping in, one could already feel a dense concentration of spiritual energy two times of that of the outside world gushing straight towards one. Cultivating here would definitely be more than two folds faster than the outside world.

Early this morning, a carriage stopped right at the entrance. The coach hurriedly got down and laid a stepping stone for the esteemed person seated in the carriage.

"Young master, we're here!"


The curtain was parted, and a young man walked out.

The young man was dressed extravagantly, adding an air of nobility to him. However, a dark shadow would flit past in his eyes from time to time. Bruises could be seen on some exposed skin which indicated an incomplete recovery of recent injuries.

"Young master, are we... really going to look for Lin Lang gongzi? I heard that his services are expensive!"

The coach asked hesitantly.

"Who else can I look for if not him?"

With a steeled face, the young man said, "Even my clan has abandoned me. They are determined to send me over to Zhang Xuan to appease his rage! Right now, only the Lin Clan can protect me! As long as Lin Lang gongzi speaks up for me, so what if he passes his 2-star master teacher examination? Would he dare to offend the Formation Guild, as well as Xuanyuan Kingdom?"

If Zhang Xuan was here, he would have definitely recognized the person to be none other than the painter who was stripped buck naked by his own subordinates back then, Ji Mo gongzi!

After realizing that the person he offended was the genius Zhang Xuan, no one in the Ji Clan had dared to shield him anymore. Even his own father, the clan head, had wanted to tie him up and deliver him personally to ask for the other party's forgiveness.

Knowing that he would be in for another round of suffering once he was sent over, Ji Mo sneaked out to seek for protection.

Other than the Lin Clan, there was no one else in Tianwu Kingdom who could protect him, not even the royal family!

Not only was the Lin Clan's clan head the guild master of the Formation Guild, his daughter was the princess consort of the Xuanyuan Kingdom's crown prince. Even Pavilion Master Jiang Shu would have to spare the Lin Clan some face, needless to say, Zhang Xuan, who had just taken the 2-star master teacher examination.

As for the Lin Lang person he spoke of, he was known as the number one gongzi of Tianwu Kingdom.

He was the son of the Lin Clan's clan head, the younger brother of Xuanyuan Kingdom's princess consort.

It was only because of Ji Mo's slightly superior talent and his identity as the son of the clan head of one of the Three Great Clans of the capital that he was able to get acquainted with the other party.

As for this Emerald Pavilion, it was an establishment of Lin Lang's.




Chapter 372: Lin Lang

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: StarveCleric

"The Lin Clan is the number one clan of Tianwu Kingdom, and Lin Lang is the sole son doted on by Clan Head Lin, needless to say, the younger brother of Xuanyuan Kingdom's princess consort. Even Emperor Mo Tianxue would have to defer to him. As long as he agrees to it, young master has nothing to worry about!"

The coach hesitated for a moment before nodding vigorously.

There was no better solution for the current situation.

Once this Zhang Xuan passes the 2-star master teacher examination, his standing and identity would rise up accordingly. If he were to pursue the matter that day, the Ji Clan, despite being one of the Three Great Clans, would not dare to oppose him.

2-star master teachers, especially this kind of exceptional genius, possessed immense prestige and strength.

On top of that, he was the senior of Pavilion Master Jiang with an even more formidable teacher behind him...

Ji Mo didn't dare to exact vengeance; all he wanted was to find an influential intermediary to resolve the issue.

And this Lin Clan was the best bet he had.

"Un, let's enter!"

Waving his hands, Ji Mo gongzi started walking toward the Emerald Pavilion with widened steps.

Judging from how he was able to maneuver around the place easily, he must have visited here often. Soon, he arrived at a vast room.

After exchanging some words with the guards at the door, he walked in.

A sight of magnificence unfolded before him as soon as he stepped into the room.

All kinds of gemstones were embedded into the vast lounge, and mats made from the hide of beasts filled the area. It was so extravagantly decorated that even the royal palace seemed to pale in comparison in terms of grandness.

Furthermore, under the influence of a formation in the room, not only was the completely underground lounge not stuffy, it even felt like an otherworldly paradise.

At the center of the room, a young man lay on a large beast hide mat, and beauties stood by his sides. Before him was an arrangement of all kinds of delicacies, and the smell of marvelous wine tickled one's nose.

Sitting opposite to that person was another young man dressed extravagantly. He was holding onto a cup, proposing a toast with the other party.

"Brother Ji Mo, it has been long since we last met..."

Upon seeing Ji Mo enter, the young man who was lying in the embrace of a beauty beckoned him over.

"Lin Lang gongzi!"

Ji Mo clasped his fist.

"Come, allow me to introduce you. This is Kunqian Kingdom's Prince Fei Xuan!"

Lin Lang gongzi pointed to the young man opposite of him and introduced the two to one another. "Prince Fei Xuan, this is Ji Mo gongzi from Tianwu Royal City's Ji Clan!"

"So it's Ji gongzi. To be able to become an official painter at such a young age, I have heard of your great name even from Kunqian Kingdom!"

Prince Fei Xuan smiled.

He was the prince who proposed to Mo Yu when Zhang Xuan visited the royal palace.

Given that his proposal failed, and guessing that Guild Master Liu would cure the guardian beast, he had turned his attention to the Lin Clan.

With the backing of the Formation Guild and the princess consort of Xuanyuan Kingdom, Lin Clan was a massive power among Tier 1 Kingdoms. Even a prince like him didn't dare to act arrogantly before the Lin Clan.

Before arriving at Tianwu Royal City, Prince Fei Xuan had already investigated the various powers in the capital. As such, he was able to trace his background upon hearing Ji Mo gongzi's name.

After getting to know one another, Ji Mo sat down, traded some pleasantries with the duo before diving straight into the topic. "Lin gongzi, the reason why I am here is that I have something to request of you..."


Lin Lang glanced at Ji Mo curiously.

"Actually, I... unintentionally offended Master Teacher Zhang Xuan awhile ago, and I'm afraid that he might come and exact vengeance once he passes his 2-star master teacher examination. Thus, I would like to ask you to act as an intermediary to settle this issue..."

Ji Mo gongzi said.

"Zhang Xuan? You mean that famous genius?" Lin Lang poured himself a cup of wine nonchalantly.

"That's him..."

Ji Mo gongzi hurriedly nodded his head. Then, with a flick of his wrist, a scroll appeared in his hands. "I understand that it'll be hard to resolve this matter. I recall that Lin gongzi fancies painting, so I prepared the [Withered Pine Painting] from Elder Jin Mantang for you. I hope that you can accept this gift of mine!"

"Withered Pine Painting? That's the last painting of Elder Jin Mantang left in this world! Even among fifth level paintings, it is considered as a top-notch work. This painting is extremely valuable, and it is only due to the kindness the Ji Clan showed the old master back then that he gifted this painting as a way of thanks. To be willing to give this to me... Not bad, not bad!"

Grabbing over the painting, Lin Lang opened it, took a look, and nodded in satisfaction. "Alright, I promise to help you on your matter!"

"Thank you, Lin gongzi!"

Ji Mo gongzi's face flushed in agitation.

"It isn't a huge matter anyway. 2-star master teachers may be impressive, but they mean nothing to our Lin Clan! He's just a lucky fellow who managed to find a good teacher!"

Lin Lang gongzi waved his hands casually and said, "When he's done with his examination, I'll send a letter to invite him over so that the two of you can meet one another and resolve whatever conflict you have!"

"Yes!" Ji Mo gongzi nodded vehemently.

If it was anyone else who said those words, he would have definitely scoffed. However, this Lin gongzi did indeed possess the rights to speak such words.

Even though the other party was only three years older than him, he was already a 2-star formation master. On top of that, just two months ago, he had managed to achieve a breakthrough, reaching Zongshi realm!

To break through the Tongxuan realm pinnacle to Zongshi realm, he had only used less than half a year. Even though part of the reason was that of the hulking resources that Xuanyuan Kingdom devoted to the Lin Clan, his talents still played an important part!

Above all, he had the Lin Clan as his backing.

Conferred Kingdom Xuanyuan Kingdom had 3-star master teachers in their Master Teacher Pavilion. Even if Zhang Xuan could oppose the Lin Clan, it was impossible for him to oppose Xuanyuan Kingdom.

No matter how talented and prestigious Zhang Xuan was, he was nothing before Lin Lang.

"Lin gongzi, it's best for you not to get careless. I've heard of Zhang shi before as well, and he seems to be a person of great means. His talent surpasses that of even your kingdom's number one genius, Mo Hongyi!" Prince Fei Xuan interrupted.

Having stayed in Tianwu Royal City for a few days now, he was well abreast of the current affairs here.

Zhang Xuan's feat of breaking the countless records set by Mo Hongyi was already a well-known fact throughout the entire city.

"So what if he is a remarkable genius? His cultivation is only at Zongshi realm primary stage... If he wishes to remain in Tianwu Royal City, he better keep himself in check!"

Lin Lang sneered in disdain.

So what if that Zhang Xuan is a genius?

Without sufficient strength, all of these were just illusory.

After all, strength was what counted in this world. This was something that becomes increasingly apparent in the higher ranked kingdoms. The stronger one is, the higher one's standing becomes. Without sufficient strength, even if one had great achievements in their occupation, they would still be looked down by others.

"That's true..."

Prince Fei Xuan nodded in agreement. Then, he continued, "Right, there's another genius in the city recently, has Lin gongzi heard of Liu Cheng? According to the rumors, he is a teacher in Tianwu Academy!"

"You mean Guild Master Liu who solved nineteen questions on the Wall of Dilemma in the Physician Guild?"

Lin Lang waved grandly and replied, "Of course I've heard of him, he's indeed a talented person! However, his cultivation is too weak, being only at Tongxuan realm primary stage. He's a figure that can be squeezed to death at a whim... He's nothing at all!"

"Alright, let's not talk about these unpleasant matters in my Emerald Pavilion, we should have fun instead! Men, the food has already turned cold, change them!"

Chuckling lightly, Lin Lang commanded.


Upon hearing his orders, a few servants hurriedly rushed forward and replaced those cold dishes with piping hot ones.

All of them were wearing a hat, but one servant's hat was exceptionally low, making it difficult to make out his appearance. That servant glanced at Lin Lang, and dense hatred rippled in his eyes.

It was Zhang Xuan's missing student... Lu Chong!




Chapter 373: Sorrowful Lin Lang

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: StarveCleric

It was no wonder why Lu Chong refused to say anything at all before Zhang Xuan. No one could have thought that his enemy was the Lin Clan's young master, Lin Lang!

The Lin Clan stood at the very top of the Three Great Clans, and it wielded tremendous power. Even though Mo Tianxue knew that it was likely to be them who poisoned the guardian beast, he still suppressed the news. From this, it was clear how much he feared their influence.

Lu Chong was alone and weak, and if he were to reveal the name of his enemy, it wouldn't take long for those hoping to please the Lin Clan to deliver him to their doorsteps... As such, he would rather act as a mute than to speak.

The hatred only appeared for an instant. Before long, Lu Chong calmed down.

To be able to stop himself from talking for two years and endure the excruciating pain from the tempering of the poison for the Poison Body said a lot about his mental fortitude. His chance was right before him, and he naturally wouldn't act rashly at this moment.

The Emerald Pavilion might seem calm on the surface, but he knew that there were many experts hidden within. If Lu Chong wanted to make a move, he had to succeed in a single try. Otherwise... he wouldn't get another opportunity.

After placing the dishes on the table, Lu Chong slowly surveyed the surroundings before backing out of the room.

There were many experts in the room, making it an unfavorable location to make a move. Thus, Lu Chong decided to wait patiently for his chance.

After standing outside the room for a long time, 'Jiya!', Lin Lang walked out casually.

The wine of the Emerald Pavilion was specially concocted by masters in the industry. Even if a Zongshi realm expert were to consume it, he would definitely fall over, drunk.

At this moment, Lin Lang seemed to be extremely intoxicated. Featuring reddened cheeks, he walked towards the closest toilet in a wobbly fashion.

"This is my chance!"

Knowing that this was probably the best chance he would get, Lu Chong didn't hesitate. He slowly followed behind Lin Lang and entered the toilet as well.

"Who is it?"

Seeing another party walking into the toilet, Lin Lang, who was relieving himself, frowned.


Knowing that such an ideal chance wouldn't come twice, Lu Chong didn't bother to waste his time with words. He immediately charged forward and struck the other party with his palm.

However, before the palm could hit Lin Lang, a huge wind had already been whipped up in the toilet. The violent shock wave from his strike came crashing straight towards Lin Lang.

"Zongshi... Zongshi realm intermediate stage?"

Narrowing his eyes, Lin Lang immediately woke up from his drunken stupor.

Not only was the person who assaulted him a Zongshi realm expert, he even reached Zongshi realm intermediate stage.

Experts of these level were all famous and respectable figures in Tianwu Royal City. Little did he expect that one of them would disguise as a servant to assassinate him.

Lu Chong might have suffered pain worse than death itself by rubbing all of the poison on his acupoints, it had brought him gigantic benefits as well. Not only did he manage to break through Zongshi realm, his strength had even reached the level comparable to a Zongshi realm intermediate stage expert.

"You're courting death!"

Bellowing coldly, Lin Lang immediately raised his palms to receive the other party's assault.

Peng! Peng!

The two palms struck one another, and both sides retreated a single step from the collision.

Lu Chong's face darkened.

Two years ago, when the other party slaughtered his entire clan, he was only a Tongxuan realm primary stage. Lu Chong thought that even if the other party were to improve swiftly, he would only be at Tongxuan realm pinnacle at best... Yet, to think that Lin Lang was at Zongshi realm intermediate stage as well!

However, there was no path of retreat now. If Lu Chong fails to kill the other party today, he would be killed instead.

Narrowing his eyes, Lu Chong drove his Poison Body to the limits of its ability and charged forward, sending consecutive swift and powerful palms straight at Lin Lang.

"Damn it!"

Even though Lin Lang had reached Zongshi realm intermediate stage, it was mostly due to the forceful nourishment from the consumption of various pills. His cultivation hadn't been perfectly reinforced yet, causing him to be unable to bring out the full strength of a Zongshi realm intermediate stage cultivator. Under such conditions, how could he withstand Lu Chong's tenacious attacks? He could only retreat continuously.


Retreating backward, Lin Lang's legs suddenly caved in and he fell down. The next moment, an overpowering stench immediately rushed up his nose, causing him to feel faint-headed in an instant.

Lowering his head to take a look, he realized that he had been forced to a fecal drain under the relentless attack of the other party.

"Damn you..."

Lin Lang had always abhorred dirtiness. Falling into the fecal pit had left his mind in a state of frenzy. Furious, a vicious streak was triggered within him, and with a furious roar, he charged at the other party without a second thought.

However, before he could reach the other party, Lu Chong had already sent a kick into his face, planting his face right into the fecal drain.

To make things worse, since Lin Lang was in the midst of shouting, feces were stuffed right into his opened mouth.

"I will kill you..."

Lin Lang was on the brink of going insane.

How could the number one gongzi of Tianwu Royal City, a person of such prestigious standing that even Mo Tianxue had to defer to, suffer such a setback from an anonymous opponent? Rage bubbled inside his chest.


Before he could finish his words, his head was pushed right back into the fecal pit yet again, causing the brown liquid to smudge over his entire face and mouth.

"Lin Lang gongzi, the lady you presented me with is indeed not bad. Her figure and that sensation..."

Just as Lin Lang was being suffocated in the brown liquid, an intoxicated voice sounded, and Ji Mo gongzi walked in.


Possessing only the strength of a Pixue realm, how could he be a match for Lu Chong? Before he could finish his sentence, the sight before him blurred, and he fell into the fecal drain as well.

"The heck! Who dares to hit me! Do you know who I am..."

Ji Mo gongzi howled furiously.

This was Emerald Pavilion, the grandest place in Tianwu Royal City, an establishment of the Lin Clan's young master, Lin Lang. Who would be so audacious as to lay a hand on him here?

Was that person so tired of living as to offend the Lin Clan?

Putting aside the Lin Clan, Ji Mo was the son of the Ji Clan's clan head. Although his standing couldn't hold a candle to Zhang shi, he wasn't someone anyone could simply offend.

Infuriated, he hurled insults furiously. However, halfway through his words, he saw a person blowing bubbles right beside him as a pungent stench attacked his nostrils. That person's face was absurdly pale and bruises filled his body. It seemed as though he was on the verge of breathing his last...

Who else could it be other than Lin Lang...

"You... actually dare to lay your hands on Young Master Lin?"

Ji Mo gongzi was on the verge of going insane.

He had just threatened the other party with his own standing when he saw Lin Lang getting pummeled as well.

The Lin Clan only had this male offspring. Laying one's hands on him was equivalent to waging a war against the entire Lin Clan. This was an act of suicide!

Hurriedly lifting his head, he saw a young man stepping on Lin Lang's body, leaving the latter incapable of retaliation at all.

It seemed like Ji Mo had happened to walk in at a bad timing.

"No. If Lin Lang were to be killed, I'll be doomed as well..."

Ji Mo understood how severe this matter was.

He had come here to look for Lin Lang, and the other party had ended up being killed in the toilet. Putting aside whether this mysterious assassin would be willing to let him go, even if he were to survive this ordeal, it would be difficult for him to withstand the wrath of the Lin Clan. In the worst case scenario, the entire Ji Clan might even be annihilated.

The heck, why do I have to meet with this kind of misfortune... Even if you want to kill Lin Lang, can't you do it when I'm not around? Why did I have to happen to come to the toilet at this moment? If he were to die now, it'll be as though I have stained my pants with mud, I'll be in deep shit even if it isn't shit...

More importantly... It's one thing to kill the other party, but what did you mean by kicking the other party into the fecal drain?

Lin Lang gongzi had always paid careful attention to his image and had always assumed a gentlemanly facade before others that attracted many female fans. Yet, at this moment, a fetid odor was lingering around him while his white shirt had been stained yellow. To make matters worse, the overwhelming scent was causing the food that he just ate to threaten to rise up his throat...

Ji Mo clenched his jaws and whipped up his determination.

"Let go of Young Master Lin..."

Knowing that he couldn't allow Lin Lang to die now, Ji Mo gongzi charged straight at the mysterious young man.


Before he could finish his words, a leg met up with his face, causing him to be smashed into the walls of the toilet. Blood trickled down his mouth and nose.

Even though he failed to stop the other party, he managed to vie for sufficient time for Lin Lang to wake up.

Injured and humiliated, Lin Lang was on the verge of erupting.

"I had not intended to use this item at all. However, since it has come down to this, I want you dead..."

Roaring furiously, Ji Mo whipped his wrist, and a palm-size circular plate appeared in his palm.

"Formation plate?"

Upon seeing the object the other party took out frenziedly, Lu Chong's eyes narrowed.

He had heard of this item from his older sister before. It was called a formation plate!

It was a method of compressing a formation into a small special jade plate. By triggering the jade plate, the formation inscribed on it would be activated, trapping or even killing one's enemies. In addition, one could use trigger a formation plate even if one wasn't a formation master.

However, formation plates were extremely valuable, and each of them was worth a huge fortune. There was less than a handful of it even in Tianwu Kingdom.

As a 2-star formation master, the son of the Formation Master Guild Master, and the younger brother of Xuanyuan Kingdom's princess consort, it wasn't surprising for Lin Lang to possess this kind of survival mean on him.

"This isn't good!"

Lu Chong knew that a formation would immediately cover the surroundings as soon as it is triggered.

Even though the might of a formation plate was inferior to that of a normal formation, it was still more than sufficient to trap a person who knew nothing about formations at all like Lu Chong.

The moment Lu Chong was trapped, not only would he be unable to kill Lin Lang, his life might even be in danger.

For the sake of exacting vengeance for his clan, he mustn't die!


Without any hesitation, Lu Chong dashed out. In just half a breath, he was already at the entrance of the Emerald Pavilion.

Dressed in the attire of a servant, everyone thought that he was a servant whom Young Master Lin Lang had entrusted an urgent matter to. As such, he was able to make the escape quickly without much obstruction.


As soon as he left the Emerald Pavilion, he felt an intense burst of spiritual energy behind him, and a layer of mist seemed to envelop the infrastructure.

The formation plate had already been triggered.

"I should hurry up and leave..."

Knowing that it wouldn't take long before the Lin Clan sent men after him, Lu Chong didn't dare to stop here. In the blink of an eye, he blended into the crowd and disappeared from the watchful eyes of others.

Having escaped from the Lin Clan's pursuit once, he had learned how to prevent anyone from tracking him down, and he knew how he should act so as to avoid detection.

"Why was a formation triggered?"

"Did... something happened?"

"This is the formation plate that young master brings along with him everywhere. Damn it, young master is in trouble..."


As soon as Lu Chong left, an uproar broke out in the Emerald Pavilion.

The personal bodyguards of the young master immediately recognized that the abnormality originated from the formation plate that their young master always carried around. To go to the extent of even triggering his final mean for survival, he must be facing grievous danger.

"Hurry up and inform the old master!"

The formation spanned over the entire Emerald Pavilion, and most of the guards here lacked knowledge about formations. Thus, they didn't dare to move around recklessly.

Even so, they had a special communication device. It didn't take long for the news to reach Clan Head Lin, Lin Ruotian.

"What happened? Why would Lang-er trigger the formation plate?"

With eyes as cold as ice, Lin Ruotian enquired with a steeled face.

"You better hope that Lang-er is alright. If something goes wrong, all of you will be buried along with him..."

Glancing at the bodyguards coldly, Lin Ruotian walked into the Emerald Pavilion.

Even though the still-active formation plate made it difficult for one to discern direction, as a 3-star formation master, Lin Ruotian was able to maneuver around it with ease.

Walking straight towards the core of the formation, it didn't take long before he reached the toilet.

"Why would it be here?"

Lin Ruotian was perplexed.

"Hurry up and find the young master..."

The few guards hurriedly dived in upon hearing their master's instructions..

A moment later, a swollen-faced fellow who was emanating a putrid stench was brought before Lin Ruotian.

As the state of the other party registered in his eyes, Lin Ruotian was taken aback.

He almost couldn't recognize his own son.

Isn't the place Lin Lang opened supposed to be a place to eat and drink? Why did he... fall inside the fecal drain?

"Who was it? Go, go find the culprit! Even if you have to turn Tianwu Royal City upside down, you better bring the culprit to me..."

Soon, after understanding the situation, a furious bellow pierced through the air, shaking even the clouds.




Chapter 374: Tianwu Kingdom's Book Collection Vault

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: StarveCleric

Tianwu Academy, Zhang Xuan's classroom.

After instructing Mu Xueqing on several matters, he commenced his lesson.

The Eye of Insight had significantly augmented his ability to impart relevant knowledge to others..

In the past, he had to tap into the abilities of the Library of Heaven's Path to determine the flaws of Meng Tao and the others so as to guide and correct their cultivation methods.

But now, all he needed to do was to expend a sliver of his Soul Depth to understand the problems the other party met during cultivation and offer the most accurate solution for it.

"This is the strength of a master teacher..." Zhang Xuan's eyes glowed.

Initially, Zhang Xuan had thought that master teachers were more of a title than anything else. Even though he had become a teacher, he didn't have a clear concept of what it was.

After coming to an epiphany, his understanding of the occupation had reached higher heights. Every single action and gesture of his seemed to carry the disposition befitting of a teacher, and the slight sense of disharmony from before disappeared without a trace.

With the Eye of Insight, even without the Library of Heaven's Path, he could easily peer into the essence of anything. He no longer needed to knock a person out or have him display a battle technique for everything.

Even though the information he could obtain through the Eye of Insight wasn't as in-depth and detailed as that from the Library of Heaven's Path, and he still couldn't peer into the information of those possessing a cultivation higher than his, it was already a good start. As he grew stronger and his knowledge broadened, his Eye of Insight would continue to grow more and more formidable.

Compared to the past when he had to intentionally feign the role of a master teacher, his actions now seemed to carry the natural grace of a master teacher, fitting him perfectly into the ideal concept of a master teacher.

Very soon, he finished his lesson, but his students seemed to be drunk on his words. They felt their cultivation leaping, and it seemed as though they would achieve a breakthrough at any moment.

In the past, when they attended lessons, they had to force themselves to learn. As time went by, some of them even began to detest attending lessons.

However, after Liu laoshi became their teacher, they began to look forward to classes instead. Every single lesson made them feel as though they were drinking a barrel of divine wine, sending a surge of fresh air to all of them.

Unknowingly, their trust toward him slowly but steadily deepened.

"Teacher, Princess Mo Yu wishes to meet with you!"

As soon as the lesson ended, Meng Tao immediately walked forward.


Nodding his head, Zhang Xuan walked out.

Upon seeing Zhang Xuan, Mo Yu smiled gently, and for a moment, it seemed as though a field of flowers had bloomed. "Liu laoshi, didn't you say that you wish to browse through the book collection vault of the kingdom? My father has asked me to invite you over..."

Back then, when Zhang Xuan was treating the guardian beast, he brought up a request to browse through the kingdom's book collection vault. However, the duel between the two of his students occurred and he ended up missing the opportunity.

Since there was nothing on at the moment, Mo Yu decided to come over to extend her invitation.

This was a show of goodwill from the royal family, as well as Mo Yu's way of apologizing to him for hiding the matter regarding Zhao Ya and Mu Xueqing's duel.

"Yes!" Zhang Xuan agreed to it.

Lu Chong had disappeared to exact his vengeance while Zhao Ya was in the midst of awakening her unique constitution.

He was only meeting Mo Hongyi tomorrow to head to the Master Teacher Pavilion together to end the master teacher examinations, so he had nothing to do at the moment. Thus, he decided to make good use of this time to broaden his knowledge through the books of the kingdom's book collection vault.

With Mo Yu leading the way, the duo soon arrived at the book collection vault.

"This is our kingdom's book collection vault. In it is the huge collection Tianwu Kingdom had gathered over the course of a thousand years. There are no books that you are seeking that that you will not find inside!" Mo Yu introduced.


Zhang Xuan nodded his head.

Tianwu Kingdom had more than a thousand years behind it, and its collection reflected its long heritage. To Zhang Xuan, the genre didn't matter—what mattered was quantity.

In terms of books... Zhang Xuan was probably the least picky reader in the world.

If anyone else were to know his thoughts, they would definitely spurt blood on the spot.

No matter how capable a master teacher is, even if he possesses photographic memory, browsing through ten thousand books is the maximum one could do in a day. Not to mention, a human's vitality is limited. One would have no choice but to read selectively.

On top of that, different books were written from different people, and as such, they contained different concepts and content.

Often were the explanations in different books contradictory, making it extremely difficult for one to determine truth from false. If one were to absorb the thoughts of many different people without bias, it would just make one confused and lost.

Thus, reading more books wasn't necessarily beneficial. Rather, one had to pick their books properly to pile up on their knowledge. Only this way would one's understanding of a topic deepen.

Flipping through books randomly could cause one's mind to fall into chaos, and their cultivation might even go berserk due to this.

But Zhang Xuan was an exception. All books recorded in the Library of Heaven's Path would have their errors and flaws pointed out clearly. What that would have perplexed others meant nothing to him at all.

Walking into the book collection vault, Zhang Xuan took a brief glance and saw countless towering bookshelves erected all over the room. The number of books in here seemed to exceed ten million.

"What kind of books are you interested in? I'll bring you there..."

Smiling, Mo Yu asked politely.

The reason why she was considered a genius was because of the humongous quantity of books that she had browsed through.

Ever since learning how to read when she was six, she would spend at least two hours reading here everyday. It would be no exaggeration to say that she was the most knowledgeable among her peers. At the same time, this had also given her a clear idea of the layout of this gigantic library.

Despite the hulking number of books here, she could still roughly point out the bookshelves of where the books one wanted to find was.

"You should get along with whatever you intend to do. I can find the books that I want by myself so I won't trouble Your Highness on that! Besides, I prefer a quiet environment when I'm reading, so..."

Zhang Xuan said with an apologetic look.

His way of reading books was simply too astounding. Just by running around the library, he could record the contents of the books into his head.

If anyone else were to see it, they would definitely take him to be a lunatic. As such, he felt that it would be best for him to be alone while doing it.

"Alright, I'll be going out now then!"

Seeing that the other party didn't require her help, Mo Yu left the room slightly disappointed.

She felt that her charms were completely meaningless before this young man.

Men of her age group would naturally find themselves allured by her looks, and they would try all means to perform and brag before her. Yet, this fellow seemed completely nonchalant to her presence, treating her as though she was merely a part of the background.

Sometimes, she couldn't help but feel dismayed by Zhang Xuan's response, or more exactly, lack of response.

Could it be that he was uninterested in women? Could he be... impotent?

Cough cough!

Princess Mo Yu's face flushed.

Given how capable the other party was as a physician, even if he was impotent, he would surely be able to treat himself... So, it must be that her charms weren't sufficient to attract the other party!

After all, the other party was a genius who even Mo Hongyi couldn't compare up to. He must have high demands for his other half. Even though Mo Yu thought that she wasn't a bad candidate as a partner, that was probably limited to the sphere of a Tier 1 Kingdom. The other party probably had his eyes set even further, so it's only normal for him to not be interested in her.

Understanding all of these, she glanced regretfully at the young man, whose head was lowered in contemplation, before turning around to leave.

Mo Tianxue had asked her to look for means to strike up connections with Zhang Xuan and Guild Master Liu, and it would be best if she could make one of them her future partner. But from the looks of it now... it was definitely impossible!

If Zhang Xuan were to know of her thoughts, he would definitely shake his head.

Rather than a lack of interest in beautiful ladies, Zhang Xuan just hadn't met one who moved his heart.

Mo Yu might be pretty, but could she be prettier than Zhao Ya?

On the other hand, the latter was his student so that was out of question too.

Besides, he had spent his previous life in the digital age. What kind of beauty hadn't he seen before? He had long built up a strong immunity to physical charm.

More importantly, he had just arrived at a foreign world, and he hadn't truly come to terms with it yet. On top of that, there was a lethal poison within him that was threatening to blow up f he didn't reach the level of a 9-star master teacher before thirty. Given the threat on his life, how could he be in the mood to pursue romance?

"I should begin now!"

Seeing that Mo Yu had left and he was the only person remaining in the book collection vault, Zhang Xuan breathed out deeply. He walked over to the first shelf, placed a finger on the first book, and started running.


Under his touch, row after row of books appeared on the shelves of the Library of Heaven's Path.

Having reached Zongshi realm pinnacle, as well as the strengthening of his soul, his rate of collection increased significantly.



In a silent alley, Lu Chong stopped and panted heavily.

After leaving Emerald Pavilion, he changed into a fresh set of clothes, changed his hairstyle, and hid his aura. He thought that he was already safe, but somehow, the men from Lin Clan still managed to find him.

He had escaped from them several times already, and in the midst, he had tried changing into many different sets of clothes, but the other party was still able to track him down each time.

"I have made sure to conceal my appearance back in the Emerald Pavilion, and during my escape, I made sure to stay out of open places as well. How could they still find me so quickly each time?"

Lu Chong frowned doubtfully.

Despite his young age, he had undergone a near death experience before, and because of it, he had learned how to escape from one's pursuers. Even though he had grown significantly stronger under Liu laoshi's guidance, he didn't act recklessly!

This assassination plot was actually carefully planned and refined over a long period of time. He had made sure not to catch anyone's attention in the Emerald Pavilion, and he was certain that no one had seen his face during the time he was there. So, how could his pursuers still find him each time?

"I can't allow this situation to continue on like that..."

Lu Chong's complexion was incredibly awful.

With his strength and wariness, he successfully evaded his pursuers several times. However, he knew that continuing on like this wasn't a solution.

Given how relentless the other party was in their pursuit, it was just a matter of time before he was caught.

"If I were to head to Tianwu Academy, I might implicate teacher and the other students. Fleeing beyond the city isn't an option either. Given the vast empty terrain outside, I'll surely be found quickly. So, I can only find a hiding place within the capital..."

Lu Chong was anxious, but he didn't panic.

If he were to head to Tianwu Academy now, someone would definitely point out that he was Liu laoshi's student, and this would bring calamity to his teacher and his peers.

His teacher was his benefactor, so this course of action was out of question!

As for escaping beyond the city...

Beyond the city gates, other than small patches of forests here and there, an empty plain extended to the horizon. Without the flow of crowd hiding his presence, he would only be making things easier for his pursuers.

Given the Lin Clan's standing, they could definitely mobilize the kingdom's army to encircle him.

If he were to be surrounded in the empty plains, he would truly be doomed.

Thus, the only solution was to remain in the capital. Under the concealment of the infrastructures and crowd, it would be easier for him to hide.

"But where can I hide for the Lin Clan to be unable to find me?"

Lu Chong's mind whirled swiftly.

Since the other party was able to find him despite having escaped multiple times, it was likely that they possessed some kind of special mean to track him down. If he didn't find a good hiding spot, it would just be a matter of time before he was found again. He would be a goner if the other party manages to surround him.

"Right! Tianwu royal palace!"

Suddenly, Lu Chong's eyes lit up. A location suddenly flashed across his mind.

Back then, the news of the destruction of the clan was so carefully restrained that not a single person in the Master Teacher Pavilion knew of it. Lu Chong would never believe it if the Tianwu royal family didn't play a part in the matter!

Since they had colluded with one another, he might as well hide in the royal palace and leave those two to fight with one another!

After all, no matter how formidable the Lin Clan was, they couldn't possibly brazenly demand to search the royal palace!

Even if they did, the royal palace couldn't possibly give in the other party's demands easily either. That would be a humiliation to the royal palace, sullying the prestige of the royal family.

With an idea in mind, Lu Chong headed straight for the royal palace.

Having successfully cultivated the Poison Body, Lu Chong's current strength was at Zongshi realm intermediate stage. Even though his cultivation wasn't top-notch in Tianwu Royal City, there were very few who could match up to him. Most guards wouldn't be able to sense his presence.

It didn't take long for him to arrive at the royal palace.




Chapter 375: Seeking Mouse

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: StarveCleric

Tianwu royal palace.

Looking at his depressed daughter, Mo Tianxue was perplexed, "What's wrong? Guild Master Liu turned down the invitation?"

"He came..." Mo Yu shook her head. "However, he wishes to look through the books by his own. He doesn't need me to accompany him!"

"Forget it!" Mo Tianxue sighed. "This kind of thing depends on fate. If you two aren't fated to be, there's no use forcing it!"

He had been wanting to pair his daughter with Guild Master Liu for a while now. If he got his way, he would be able to tie the other party onto his boat. In the future, if the Lin Clan or Mo Hongyi harbored any thoughts toward the throne, they would have to think twice.

But from the looks of it now, he seemed to have been expecting too much.

His daughter could be considered as a phoenix among men, but she was still a far way off compared to Guild Master Liu and Zhang shi.

Mo Yu nodded.

It wasn't that she was interested in Zhang Xuan. All along, she had been the center of attention, and meeting a person who was nonchalant to her piqued her interest and her competitive spirit. However, upon seeing that she had no hopes, her heart calmed down swiftly.

"Father, is it the Lin Clan who laid their hands on the guardian beast? Are there any movements on their end?"

Putting aside all other thoughts, Mo Yu's eyes regained her previous clarity.

"Seven eunuchs were involved in this matter. However, the moment I started looking into this matter, all of them immediately committed suicide!"

Mo Tianxue's eyes turned grim, "I know that it's impossible for us to find anything this way. Furthermore, our enemies are in the shadows while we're in the open. This gives them the chance to prepare in advance. Even if we were to dig up anything, it might very possibly be something they planted to mislead us. Thus... while I had some of my men investigate this matter openly, I secretly sent the others on another trail!"

"Sent the others on another trail?" Mo Yu asked in bewilderment.

"Un. I sent them to... track the origin of the poison!"

A glint flashed across Mo Tianxue's eyes. "Given how the poison was able to send the Half-Zhizun Gold-tailed Lion into such a dire state without us noticing, it must be at grade-2 pinnacle, perhaps grade-3 even!"

Given how the poison was effective on even the Gold-tailed Lion, it must be extraordinarily potent.

Grade-1 poison was capable of killing cultivators beneath Zongshi realm. Grade-2 poison was effective on Zongshi and even Half-Zhizun.

Even though this poison didn't kill the Gold-tailed Lion instantly, it accelerated its aging. Its effects were definitely at the level of a grade-2 pinnacle poison.

"Only the Poison Hall is capable of bringing out such a poison. Based on the results of my investigation, the Lin Clan seems to have some dealings with Red Lotus City. In fact, the most powerful Great Herb King had arrived in the capital a few days ago!"

Mo Tianxue flung his sleeves and harrumphed, "All of this is way too coincidental. As such, I sent my men to investigate the matter, and the conclusion is that the Lin Clan is involved in this matter!"

"Then, what should we do?"

Confirming that it was the Lin Clan's doing, Mo Yu's complexion turned incredibly awful.

Since the other party was able to make a move on the Gold-tailed Lion, it might very possibly be the members of the royal family next.

Once one sets his eye on absolute authority, one's ambition would start to sprout like bamboo shoots after a rain. No one would be able to quell one's fiery desire anymore.

"Even though the Gold-tailed Lion has reached Zhizun realm, the Lin Clan has Xuanyuan Kingdom serving as their backing. Thus, we can't afford to offend them!" Knowing what his daughter was worried about, Mo Tianxue shook his head.

So what if we know that they were the ones who did it?

On top of a 3-star formation master, they even have the princess consort of Xuanyuan Conferred Kingdom on their side. They aren't someone that we can afford to offend.

As long as we pretend to be ignorant about it now, with the presence of the Master Teacher Pavilion, the Lin Clan still wouldn't dare overstep their boundaries.

However, if they were to turn against the Lin Clan, Xuanyuan Kingdom only needed to send a slightly more formidable Zhizun realm expert to destroy their entire royal family.

"Indeed! It's just like the Qu Clan back then... Seems like we're helpless once more!" Understanding the troubles of her father, Mo Yu sighed.

"The Qu Clan might not be a prestigious clan, but they have a huge establishment in the city. Yet, for some reason, their entire clan of 137 people were killed overnight by the Lin Clan... Even until now, I can't forget this matter..." Mo Tianxue clenched his fists tightly.

Two years ago, the Qu Clan of Tianwu Royal City, for some unknown reason, offended the Lin Clan, and over the course of a single night, the entire clan had been purged. When the royal family sent someone to look into the matter, Clan Head Lin arrived in the palace personally and forced them to clamp down on all news. In the end, this matter could only end inconclusively.

Despite being the emperor of the country, he was unable to protect his own people. As though a thorn, this matter had been pricking on Mo Tianxue's heart.

"Actually, this isn't father's fault. Back then, the other party was holding onto the Xuanyuan KIngdom's token, saying that they are carrying out the orders of the crown prince. As a Tier 1 Kingdom, we can't possibly disobey his orders!" Seeing the sorrowful expression of her father, Mo Yu consoled.

Back then, it wasn't because they feared the Lin Clan that they decided to lie low. It was because the other party was holding onto the edict from Xuanyuan Kingdom's crown prince.

As a lower tiered kingdom, they could only submit.

"I know..."

Mo Tianxue shook his head. "In the end, a human can't defy circumstances! That's why I hoped that you can pull Guild Master Liu or Zhang shi to our side. As long as one of them becomes the prince consort, they wouldn't dare to make a move anymore!"

That was the reason why Mo Tianxue had been trying to create opportunities for his daughter and Guild Master Liu to be together. However... the other party didn't seem to be interested in his daughter at all.

Hearing her father's words, Mo Yu felt a little depressed. Shaking her head, she was just about to speak when a panicked eunuch rushed into the room.

"What's wrong?" Mo Tianxue frowned.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the Third Elder of the Lin Clan has brought a large group of men here, saying that the royal family owes them an explanation..." The eunuch trembled.

"We owe them an explanation? What does that mean?"

Mo Tianxue's eyes narrowed.

We haven't even settled the score of the Lin Clan poisoning the guardian beast, yet the other party came knocking?

Demanding for an explanation even?

Could it be that they've decided to abandon everything and decided to just go through with it?

"Your humble servant doesn't know. They are currently at the gates of the royal palace, and they're about to rush in..." The eunuch hurriedly replied.

"Let's go take a look!"

Harrumphing coldly, Mo Tianxue and Mo Yu started walking out.

Soon, they arrived at the palace gates and saw a huge group from the Lin Clan standing arrogantly outside.

"Emperor Mo Tianxue, I advise you to hurry up and hand over the man. If so, we can let this matter rest. Otherwise, don't expect this matter to end so easily!"

Upon seeing Mo Tianxue walking over, an elder walked forward with a menacing expression.

"Hand over the man? What do you mean?"

Mo Tianxue was baffled.

"Stop putting on an act, you sent your men to assassinate our Young Master Lin Lang. Even now, he's severely wounded and still in a coma. It can't be that you don't dare to admit it?" The Lin Clan's Third Elder narrowed his eyes.

"Assassinate Young Master Lin Lang?" Mo Tianxue was even more baffled. "Could there be a misunderstanding?"

Even though he desired to destroy the Lin Clan, he knew the potential consequences of doing so. As such, he had been suppressing his desire all along. Could it be that something had happened to Young Master Lin Lang?

"Misunderstanding? The culprit has already escaped into the royal palace, and he's currently within the palace walls. Yet, you say that it's a misunderstanding?" The Lin Clan's Third Elder sneered coldly.

Unable to comprehend the situation, Mo Tianxue was about to continue asking when a gray-robed man silently walked toward him and whispered a few words into his ears.

He was a member of the Shadow Squad.

Given the huge ruckus in the Emerald Pavilion and that the entire Lin Clan was dispatched to dig out the culprit, it didn't take long for news to reach the Shadow Squad.

Hearing the other party's words, Mo Tianxue immediately understood the situation, and a look of dismay appeared on his face.

He had never sent anyone, and even if he did, he would ensure that the entire Lin Clan would collapse with a single blow. To leave Lin Lang in a coma... Wasn't this offering the other party a reason to strike at them?

"Elder Lin Hui, I can tell you clearly now that Lin Lang gongzi's condition isn't the doing of our royal family..."

Mo Tianxue said.

"Isn't your doing?" Third Elder Lin Hui laughed frostily. "I'm fine with you denying it. However, you'll have to get your guards to leave so that we can search the royal palace. We'll know the truth once we find the culprit!"

Mo Tianxue's face turned dark, and his entire body tightened.

The royal palace wasn't only the royal family's foundation, it also represented the entire kingdom's dignity. If he were to allow them to search through the royal palace, what prestige would the Tianwu royal family have to command the entire Tianwu Kingdom in the future?

"You said that the culprit has escaped to the royal palace, but do you have any evidence?" Mo Yu frowned.

"Paying respect to Mo shi!"

Glancing at Mo Yu, Lin Hui chuckled softly and said, "Of course we have our basis for saying so!"

Then, he beckoned to the back.

A man immediately walked forward with a cage in his hands.

There was a snow-white mouse crawling around the cage. Lifting his nose, he kept sniffing around the place.

"This is a... [Seeking Mouse]?"

Mo Tianxue's body jolted.

The Seeking Mouse was a unique savage beast that possessed an extraordinarily sensitive nose. No matter what it was, with a single sniff, even if it was thousands of miles apart, it would be able to find it.

This animal was even rarer than spirit stones, and it was hard to find even in Conferred Xuanyuan Kingdom. To think that the Lin Clan would actually possess one of them.

If it was the Seeking Mouse, as long as the assassin left behind his scent, no matter how far he escaped or how many clothes he changed into, it was impossible for him to escape.

"Indeed. Seems like Emperor Tianxue recognizes it. It's not my claim that the assassin is hiding in the royal palace, but the Seeking Mouse's judgement. Why? Does Your Majesty doubt its judgement?"

Lin Hui harrumphed.

"This..." Mo Tianxue fell silent.

Since they had followed the trial of the Seeking Mouse here, the culprit must truly be hiding in the royal palace. However... For him to know nothing at all, what in the world was going on?

"All we want to do is to capture the man who harmed the young master, we won't wreak havoc in here. If Your Majesty insists on stopping us, we can only take it as a sign of guilt..."

Lin Hui continued.

If that Gold-tailed Lion had died, the Lin Clan would definitely make use of this opportunity to force the royal family who had ruled over Tianwu Kingdom for over a thousand years to step down.

However, not only did that savage beast not die, it even became a Zhizun realm expert. With this consideration, they had to think twice before doing anything.

Before they were completely prepared, it was best not to fall out with the other party.

Otherwise, if the Zhizun realm guardian beast were to make a move, it would be hard for the Lin Clan's grade-3 formation to withstand its might.

"Fine. Our royal family definitely didn't send anyone to harm Lin Lang gongzi. As long the Seeking Mouse finds the culprit, we'll know the truth!"

After hesitating for a short moment, Mo Tianxue nodded.

Since the other party had the Seeking Mouse with them, it shouldn't be too difficult for them to find the culprit. They would have no reason to overturn the royal palace under the context of conducting a search. At the same time, Mo Tianxue would also like to see who it was who assaulted Lin Lang and ran to the royal palace to frame them.

"Since Your Majesty has agreed to it, I won't stand on formalities then!"

Seeing that Mo Tianxue had given in, Lin Hui raised his hand, and his subordinate immediately opened the cage, allowing the Seeking Mouse to jump out. Lifting up its slightly slender and long nose, it sniffed around before dashing forward.

"Follow it!"

The large group followed closely behind the Seeking Mouse.