

Chapter 346: Zhang Xuan's Identity Exposed

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: StarveCleric

Seeing the Viridescent Eagle's attitude, Zhang Xuan was speechless as well.

When he saw it charging at him, he immediately communicated with it through the contract and verified his identity.


Such a sight occurred.

After a moment of daze, Zhang Xuan soon understood the reason behind the other party's bizarre behavior.

Back then, when Zhang Xuan pummeled it, he cleansed its bloodline, allowing it to advance to Half-Zongshi realm. Upon realizing that the man standing before it was its owner, it would be bizarre if it wasn't glad to be beaten up.

Seeing the excited expression in its eyes as it waited to be pummeled, Zhang Xuan almost choked on his saliva. He turned to Prince Fei Xuan and said helplessly.

"This... Look, it doesn't dare to stand against me. This is considered as my victory, right?"


Mo Tianxue and Mo Yu.

Prince Fei Xuan's vision turned dark.

The other party had just asked what would constitute a victory, and he replied confidently that as long as the Viridescent Eagle didn't dare to stand against him, it would be considered as his victory...

But... The battle hadn't even begun and the Viridescent Eagle had already conceded, and it was currently waiting patiently to be beaten up...

What in the world was this?

Were they putting on an act?

"I get it now!"

Just as Prince Fei Xuan was feeling gloomy over the matter, he suddenly thought of something and his eyes lit up, "You knew Princess Mo Yu beforehand so it isn't surprising for this Viridescent Eagle to be close to you. Naturally, it doesn't dare to make a move against you. You cheated!"

Just a moment ago, this Viridescent Eagle seemed as though it would tear Liu laoshi's skin off, but at this moment, it was as obedient as a dog. Clearly, it already knew of the other party beforehand.

They might even have an intimate relationship with one another.

Otherwise, why would the other party submit without retaliating at all?

Actually, he wasn't the only one who came to such a conclusion. Envoy Ran Mu and Mo Tianxue shared his view as well.

Only Mo Yu knew that it was the first time her Viridescent Eagle was meeting Liu laoshi, and it was impossible for the two to be acquainted beforehand.

"Spouts maddening words; possesses astonishing talent; incredible medical skills; able to disguise himself; a close relationship with the Viridescent Eagle... Why haven't I thought about it before?"

A thought flashed across Mo Yu's mind and her entire body trembled.

Due to her lack of doubt in the information from the Master Teacher Pavilion and her father, as well as the visible physical difference between Liu laoshi and that person, she didn't suspect the other party's identity at all.

However, upon seeing this sight, she suddenly came to a realization.

Others might not be aware of it, but she knew that that person possessed superb medical skills as well. In fact, she even saw it first-hand in Red Lotus City back then.

Given how the other party was able to solve an affliction which stumped even 3-star physicians, his means were nothing short of exceptional... Given such, it shouldn't be too difficult for him to solve the questions on the Wall of Dilemma!

She had been thinking that it was such a huge coincidence for two incredible geniuses to appear in Tianwu Royal City all of the sudden. In the end, it turned out that... they were the same person!

"You were the one who chose to take on the wager just now, I didn't force you into it..."

Oblivious to the fact that the lady before him had already guessed his true identity, Zhang Xuan turned to Prince Fei Xuan and glanced at him disdainfully, "Surely you aren't going to renege on your words just because you are unwilling to part with your spirit stone! To be unwilling to pay even a mere spirit stone, you sure are a poor bloke!"


Prince Fei Xuan's face reddened.

No matter what, he was a prince. To be criticized as a poor bloke... He was about to explode.

But regardless of how it had occurred, it was true that he had lost.

He was the one who requested for the duel, and he agreed to the wager himself too. In fact, he was the one to state the conditions for victory in the competition as well...

There was no doubt whatsoever that he had lost, and there was no excuse he could come up with to shirk payment.

"It's just a loss, I won't go to the extent of denying it!"

With a jerk of his hands, Prince Fei Xuan passed the jade box over. Then, clenching his fist, he said, "Liu fellow, you might have triumphed over me once, but do you dare to wager with me once more? The bet will still be that spirit stone."

"Wager? What should we wager on?" Zhang Xuan turned to look at him.

"It's simple. I don't mind letting you win even though you cheated, but do you dare to have a fair duel with me?"

Prince Fei Xuan gritted his teeth.

He was truly infuriated at this point.

You might be able to get the Viridescent Eagle to be willingly be beaten up by you, but let's see how you can use the same technique on me!

As a Tongxuan realm pinnacle cultivator, he was confident of dealing with a Tongxuan realm primary stage weakling.

"I don't mind having a fair duel with you, but... are you sure you can afford the bet? If you don't have any spirit stone, let's just drop the matter!" Zhang Xuan said.

The other party was only a Tongxuan realm pinnacle cultivator. Even if Zhang Xuan were to suppress his cultivation to 'Liu laoshi's' level, he was still confident of defeating the other party easily.

However, if there were no benefits involved on his part, he wasn't willing to waste his time and effort with the other party.


Prince Fei Xuan's face reddened.

He only had one spirit stone, and the other party had just won it from him.

Without chips for a bet, he wasn't in a place to be issuing a wager.

"If you don't have it, let's just drop the matter. I still have other things to attend to!"

From the other party's expression, Zhang Xuan could tell as much that the other party had no more spirit stone, and thus, he waved his hands impassively in rejection.

Since you have no spirit stone, why should I waste my time on you?

After all, you are just an insignificant Tongxuan realm pinnacle cultivator to me.

"I don't have a second spirit stone, but I have something of equal value!"

Seeing the other party's 'don't bother me if you don't have any money' attitude, Prince Fei Xuan gritted his teeth angrily. With a flick of his wrist, he took out a jade box and opened it. Suddenly, a gush of spiritual energy burst into the air.

The spiritual energy originated from the medicinal herb within the jade box.

It was the Spirit Beast Grass which he brought along with him!

"Your Highness..."

Not expecting Prince Fei Xuan to use this as a bet, Envoy Ran Mu hurriedly tried to persuade him.

This medicinal herb was extremely beneficial to savage beasts. If this herb were to fall into the hands of Tianwu Kingdom without confirming the matrimony, it could become a disaster to Kunqian Kingdom.

"If I don't cleanse myself of this shame, how can I meet others in the future?"

Prince Fei Xuan raised his hand, indicating for the other party to speak no further.

He had already reached the limit of his tolerance after being humiliated by a nobody teacher multiple times and even losing a spirit stone in the process.

If he didn't exact his vengeance and news of this incident were to spread to his homeland, he would surely become a laughingstock!

"How is it? Do you dare to take me on?"

Closing the jade box, Prince Fei Xuan glanced at Liu laoshi coldly.

"This is... Spirit Beast Grass?"

After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Xuan asked.

The books he had read in Tianxuan Kingdom's Apothecary Guild regarding medicinal herbs had already been assimilated into his mind through the golden page. As such, he was able to identify this valuable medicinal herb easily.

"That's right. This Spirit Beast Grass has several centuries of maturity to it, and its value is comparable to a spirit stone, exceeding it even. I will use it right now as a bet against your spirit stone. How about it, do you dare to take on the wager?"

Prince Fei Xuan said.

"This... The Spirit Beast Grass may be valuable but it's of no use to me. I only want spirit stones. If you have any other spirit stone, I'll gladly take you on your wager right now..."

Zhang Xuan said.

Spirit Beast Grass was only effective to savage beasts. Even though it was filled with spiritual energy as well, it wasn't suited for a human cultivator's absorption.

On top of that, the Spirit Beast Grass couldn't compare up to his Heaven's Path zhenqi in terms of effectiveness in cleansing a savage beast's bloodline to raise their cultivation realm. There was no need for him to go through so much trouble to obtain something he had no use for.


Seeing the other party coming up with such excuses despite him taking out such a valuable object, Prince Fei Xuan felt as though he was boiling inside. "Emperor Tianxue, can this Spirit Beast Grass of mine be traded for two spirit stones?"

"Spirit Beast Grass is an extremely rare commodity... Of course you can!"

Mo Tianxue's eyes lit up.

This was the item he had wanted, but the other party was unwilling to trade it for anything but Mo Yu's hand in marriage. He wasn't ready to sour the relationship between both countries by taking it by force either. Thus, upon hearing that the other party was willing to pawn it for spirit stones, he immediately felt agitated.

"Did you hear that? This Spirit Beast Grass can be traded for two spirit stones. If I were to lose, you can take the herb and trade it with Emperor Tianxue. If I were to win... not only must you repay me the spirit stone you just won, you must compensate me with an additional one on top of that. Do you... dare to accept my wager?"

Prince Fei Xuan gritted his teeth.

"This grass can be traded for two spirit stones? Great!"

A smile crept onto Zhang Xuan's face.

He was just in a dilemma as to where he could obtain more spirit stones when this fellow delivered it to his door. He was truly a Samaritan!

On the other hand, Mo Yu slapped her forehead.

If her conjecture was right, the person before her was a Zongshi realm expert, not to mention, a 2-star master teacher...

For a mere Tongxuan realm pinnacle cultivator to challenge a 2-star master teacher...

Indeed, the ignorant was fearless. Without any doubt, Prince Fei Xuan would surely lose. Shaking her head, Mo Yu almost felt sorry for him.

At this moment, her father's voice suddenly sounded beside her.

"Xiao Yu, will... Guild Leader Liu be alright?"

Mo Yu had a rough idea who Liu laoshi could be, but Mo Tianxue was still kept in the dark. Given the present circumstances on the surface, it was unavoidable that he would be worried.

In his perspective, even though Liu laoshi was a talented individual, his cultivation was his greatest flaw. Possessing just a cultivation of Tongxuan realm primary stage, Mo Tianxue didn't think well of the other party's fighting prowess.

He didn't think that Liu laoshi would be a match for the Tongxuan realm pinnacle prince.

"Don't worry, just wait and see..."

Mo Yu shook her head.

If Liu laoshi was truly Zhang Xuan, then her father might not even be a match for him, needless to say, this prince.


Even though Mo Tianxue had no idea why Mo Yu was so confident in Liu laoshi, he trusted his daughter's judgement as a master teacher. Thus, he turned his attention to the duo below.

"Since you've agreed to it, let's begin!"

Prince Fei Xuan even prepared a long speech to shoot down all of the excuses the other party could give. Thus, when the other party agreed to it directly, Prince Fei Xuan froze for a moment. But slowly, his eyes started to glow.

Given that it was a formal duel, the other party wouldn't be able to blame him even if his blows landed heavily. He was determined to make the other party regret offending him!

"I don't have much time so let's not bother finding any other locations and just hold the duel here!" Zhang Xuan said.

"Since you're courting death, don't blame me for it!"

Prince Fei Xuan sneered coldly in his minded. Savagery painted his face as he opened up his palm and charged straight toward Zhang Xuan.

Hu hu!

Before he could even reach Zhang Xuan, his zhenqi as a Tongxuan realm pinnacle cultivator had already whipped up a powerful storm in the room, tearing apart the granite floor.

Even though Prince Fei Xuan was arrogant, he had the strength to be so. He possessed superior fighting ability even compared to those of the same cultivation realm.

"What kind of moves should I use to teach this fellow a lesson without revealing my true strength?"

Seeing the other party rush over, Zhang Xuan hesitated for a moment.

He was currently impersonating Liu Cheng, who only possessed the cultivation of Tongxuan realm primary stage. If he were to defeat the other party too easily, everyone would definitely realize that there was something amiss. Thus, he had to think of a way to defeat the other party without revealing his true strength.

Just as Zhang Xuan was in the midst of his contemplation, a gray silhouette flashed across the room. Before Prince Fei Xuan's palm could land, a giant talon suddenly appeared right before him.


With a dull thud, Prince Fei Xuan was sent flying backward at an incredible speed.

Taken aback, Zhang Xuan lifted his head and saw the Viridescent Eagle standing in front of him. The fellow who was knocked back by its talon was currently spurting mouthful after mouthful of blood after crashing into the wall.

"The heck..."

Prince Fei Xuan really cried.

What was wrong with this Viridescent Eagle?

When you were ordered to beat Liu laoshi up, not only did you not lay your hands on it, you even closed your eyes to allow him to pummel you... Yet, when it's my turn to attack, you just had to charge up and kick me...

Are you Princess Mo Yu's tamed beast or Liu laoshi's?

Dismayed, he was just about to push himself up when he felt astonishing weight pushing against his body. The massive physique of the Viridescent Eagle suddenly crushed down on him as though a giant mountain. A continuous creaking sound echoed beneath him.

"Viridescent Eagle, what are you trying to do? This is my duel with Prince Fei Xuan, what are you interfering in it for?"

"Besides, even if you want to beat him up, you should wait until I'm done first. Can't you see that I'm trying to earn some spirit stones now? If you wreck my moneymaking plans, I will barbecue you to eat..."

"You undisciplined fellow..."

"Take note of it in the future! Don't act so rashly next time! Only operate after you are certain of my intentions..."


A lecturing voice sounded, and Prince Fei Xuan nearly blacked out after hearing those words. Blood trickled down from the edge of his lip, and at the same time, tears gushed down his cheeks.


Even if you wish to teach this savage beast a lesson, can you get it off me first?

If it were to continue crushing me, before you're done lecturing it, I would have been dead already...





Chapter 347: Grandmaster Physician?

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: StarveCleric

"Your Highness..."

Seeing that the Viridescent Eagle was crushing on the prince, and that the prince was spurting mouthful and mouthful of blood such that his face had already turned pale and it seemed as though he would die at any moment, he bellowed and charged forward.

"Release Your Highness!"

With reddened eyes, Envoy Mu charged toward Liu laoshi and stretched out his hand, preparing to strike the latter.

The Viridescent Eagle seemed to be extremely obedient to this fellow, so he deemed it likely that the savage beast was operating under his commands.

"Envoy, what are you doing?"

Seeing the other party making a move against Liu laoshi, Mo Tianxue bellowed from the throne.


A gray-robed man suddenly appeared from nowhere and faced the envoy's offense with a palm of his own.


The two palms clashed together, and the duo took a step back each.

The gray-robed man was a Zongshi realm pinnacle expert as well.

A member of the royal family's Shadow Squad!

After blocking Envoy Mu's assault, the gray-robed man's body blurred and he disappeared in the hall once more, as though his appearance was just an illusion.


Envoy Mu's eyebrows twitched.

As a Zongshi realm pinnacle expert, he didn't think very highly of the Tianwu royal palace. He thought that he would be able to escape easily even if the emperor meant them harm given his strength. But from the looks of it now, his thoughts were truly laughable.

This seemingly peaceful hall was actually filled with many experts of the gray-robed man's caliber lurking in the shadows.

"It is due to my overzealousness to save His Highness that I acted so rashly. Please pardon me, Emperor Tianxue..."

Adjusting his breathing, Envoy Mu suppressed the raging zhenqi within him and apologized.

"Don't worry, your prince is fine..."

Mo Tianxue waved his hands casually.

Envoy Ran Mu turned around and saw that the Viridescent Eagle had released its talon from Prince Fei Xuan. With a pale face and a trembling body, the latter slowly pushed himself up.

While he was severely injured, it didn't hurt his vitals so there wasn't any threat on his life.

"Your Highness..."

Envoy Ran Mu hurried forward to support the other party, but the latter simply shook him off.

"You cheated. It was supposed to be a fair duel but you got your savage beast to assault me..." Prince Fei Xuan gritted his teeth as he glared at the young man before him. If he could, he would have crushed him into mere lumps of meat at this very moment.

This was way too much.

It was supposed to be a fair duel, and they even made a wager on it. Yet, the other party secretly ordered his savage beast to assault him. How could there be such a shameless person in the world?


Zhang Xuan scratched his head indignantly.

Upon realizing that Zhang Xuan didn't intend to beat it, the Viridescent Eagle was extremely frustrated. Thus, when it saw that someone was laying his hands on its master, all of its pent-up frustration immediately burst forth. In truth... Zhang Xuan didn't order the Viridescent Eagle to do anything at all!


Seeing the other party's indignant look, Prince Fei Xuan felt so maddened that his wounds nearly aggravated.

I am the one who was beaten up! What in the world are you feeling indignant for?

Can you at least know some sense of shame?

He was about to explode from anger when he heard the young man speaking apologetically, "It is this Viridescent Eagle's recklessness that it unintentionally offended you. How about this, I'll get it to leave now so that we can conduct a fair duel. I promise you that this fellow won't cause any more trouble!"

Hearing those words, Prince Fei Xuan spurted another mouthful of blood.

This wasn't a problem of whether the Viridescent Eagle would cause any more trouble or not. I am already severely injured. Just the blood that I have vomited throughout the entire duration probably added up to a few liters. And yet, you still want to fight with me?"

More importantly... You still dare to use the word 'fair'.

You, in perfect health, against me, a severely injured person. How can you dare to spout the word 'fair'?

"The prince is severely injured so let's forget about the duel!"

Seeing how the prince was about to die from rage even before fighting with the other party, Envoy Ran Mu's face darkened.

If not for his fear of the powerful guards hidden in the royal court, he would have charged forward to tear this Liu laoshi into countless shreds already.

"Forget about the duel? How can we?"

Hearing that the other party intended to cancel the duel, Zhang Xuan panicked.

What kind of joke was this? That was two spirit stones! Wouldn't he be a fool if he were to allow this opportunity slip by him?

"It's just some minor injuries. Give me a moment, I'll treat him now..."

As he said so, he stepped forward.

"What are you trying to do?"

Envoy Ran Mu stared at him warily.

"Don't worry, I'm just going to treat him. These are just minor injuries so it won't take long to heal them!" Zhang Xuan nodded seriously.

"Treat him?

Envoy Ran Mu was doubtful at Zhang Xuan's words.

The corners of Prince Fei Xuan's mouth twitched as well.

It can't be that this fellow wants to deal me the final blow upon seeing how the Viridescent Eagle failed to get rid of me...

"Prince Fei Xuan and Envoy Ran Mu, there's no need to panic! Liu laoshi is the new guild leader of the Physician Guild. I can vouch for his medical skill. If he says that he is able to treat Prince Fei Xuan, he'll surely be able to do so!"

Seeing the wariness on the duo's face, Mo Tianxue smiled.

"Guild leader of the Physician Guild?" The duo was taken aback.

"Indeed! He's a grandmaster physician who had solved nineteen questions on the Wall of Dilemma in a single sitting. Since he was able to solve those difficult questions easily, your injuries shouldn't be a problem at all!" Mo Tianxue explained.


Prince Fei Xuan and Envoy Ran Mu glanced at one another.

"There's really no need to worry, those are just minor injuries!"

Walking up, Zhang Xuan reached out to support Prince Fei Xuan.

"Envoy, there's no need to worry. Since Guild Leader Liu has said such words, Prince Fei Xuan is in good hands." Mo Tianxue stroked his beard and consoled.

No matter what, Liu laoshi was a grandmaster physician who had solved nineteen questions on the Wall of Dilemma. Mo Tianxue didn't think that this kind of superficial wound could stumble him.

"Alright then..."

Hearing the confidence in the other party's tone, Envoy Ran Mu hesitated for a moment before stepping aside.

It wasn't because he trusted Liu laoshi. What he trusted was that the Physician Guild would care for its reputation, and that Tianwu Kingdom wouldn't dare to turn against Kunqian Kingdom.

"Even though Your Highness's injuries didn't reach his vitals, it is still quite severe. I will look forward to seeing Guild Leader Liu's skills then..."

Harrumphing, Envoy Mu stared intently at Guild Leader Liu, curious to see how the other party would treat these injuries. However, before he could finish his words, the actions of the other party left his eyes widened, and he almost spewed a mouthful of blood. Vulgarities burst forth from his mouth, "The heck! What are you trying to do?"

The young man in front of him had lifted his palm, and 'pah!', struck Prince Fei Xuan's nape.

Before Prince Fei Xuan could react, he had already fainted.

"..." Mo Tianxue was stunned as well.

The ability of this Guild Leader Liu far surpassed that of the previous guild leader, Mu Hong, so Mo Tianxue gauged the other party's medical skills to be on par with a 4-star or even 5-star physician. He thought that the other party would be able to treat Prince Fei Xuan easily, and he was looking forward to seeing his medical skills as well. Yet... the other party ended up knocking Prince Fei Xuan out with a palm strike instead.

Could it be that... he wasn't satisfied with the beating the Viridescent Eagle gave him?

"Hold it right there..."

Envoy Ran Mu immediately erupted. He swiftly rushed forward, but before he could do anything, a figure appeared before him. It was Princess Mo Yu.

"Envoy, please calm down. Let Guild Leader Liu finish his work first..."

If Mo Yu was still doubtful before, upon seeing Liu laoshi knocking out Prince Fei Xuan with a single strike, she was now very certain that the latter had to be Zhang Xuan.

Back then, when he treated the Great Herb King, he also knocked the other party out first.

Since the princess had already said so, Envoy Ran Mu suppressed his rage. Calming himself down, he turned to look at Liu laoshi and he was taken aback by the sight before him.

The 'culprit' who knocked out the prince was holding dozens of silver needles between his fingers, and which a light shake, all of them pierced into Prince Fei Xuan's acupoints.

Then, with a slight movement of his hand, he retrieved all of the silver needles and tapped the prince's glabella with his forefinger.


The unconscious Prince Fei Xuan abruptly opened his eyes and his body jolted. His entire face warped and he bellowed frenziedly.

"Liu rascal, what are you up to! If you are a man, you should face me fairly. What do you mean by conducting such sneak attacks..."

Roaring loudly, his voice echoed throughout the hall. He didn't bear any semblance to an injured patient at all.

"Your Highness..."

Envoy Ran Mu blinked in disbelief, "Your injuries..."


Prince Fei Xuan froze. He also realized that something was amiss. Trying to drive his zhenqi, he immediately felt overwhelming strength surging through him. This was a sign of a perfectly healthy body.

It was as if he had never been injured before.

"This... This..."

This time, Prince Fei Xuan was truly astounded.

It was just a few moment ago that he was still spewing mouthful after mouthful of blood. Yet, at this moment, he was as good as new... Did he really just recover that quickly?

"With just a few needles, he managed to heal His Highness's injuries?"

Envoy Ran Mu was also in a state of disbelief.

It was only at this moment that he finally understood why Emperor Tianxue valued this lad so highly even though he only possessed a cultivation of Tongxuan realm primary stage.

Just his medical skill in itself was sufficient to make any kingdom go insane for him.

"Un, it's just some minor injuries!" Zhang Xuan shook his hands casually. "Now that you've recovered, we should continue with our duel."

It was due to the huge disparity between the other party's cultivation and his true cultivation that he was able to treat him so easily. If the other party's cultivation was equal or higher than him, it would be much more troublesome than this.


Prince Fei Xuan was taken aback for a moment before he replied, "I am in awe of Guild Leader Liu's astounding medical skills. I humbly apologize for my inability to notice your capability. If I have offended you before, I hope that you can forgive me! As for the matter regarding the duel, I have been a little too rash. Thus, I hope that you can just let the matter go!"

As a prince, he might be proud but he was no fool. He was extremely dissatisfied with this fellow, but given how the other party was able to treat his wounds so easily and swiftly, his medical skill was definitely at an astounding level.

Even if he couldn't get on good terms with the other party, it would be best not to offend him.

Otherwise, even Kunqian Kingdom wouldn't be able to protect him.

"Let the matter go?"

Zhang Xuan was stunned. "How can I just let the matter go..."

That's two spirit stones! If they don't duel, Zhang Xuan couldn't possibly steal from him, right?

"I didn't know that Liu laoshi is an outstanding physician, as well as the guild leader of the Physician Guild. If I knew earlier, I wouldn't have proposed this duel and would have admitted defeat straight..."

Prince Fei Xuan quickly added.

He finally understood why Emperor Tianxue was so lenient with the Liu laoshi. This young man was truly someone that he couldn't afford to offend.

Physicians may not possess the rallying ability on par with that of a master teacher, but one would do well not to underestimate them. In any case, as a mere prince, it would be wise for him to avoid treading on Liu laoshi's toes.

But before he could finish his words, he heard the young man before him lament, "What? You're admitting defeat straight? I do feel a little embarrassed taking this Spirit Beast Grass without competing for it..."


Prince Fei Xuan was stupefied.

Those were only pleasantries to resolve the situation, how can you take them for real?

As the guild leader of the Physician Guild, a grandmaster physician, can you at least have some sense of shame?

Panicking, Prince Fei Xuan opened his mouth to explain, but the young man before him had already taken the jade box from his hand and kept it inside his storage ring. After which, he looked at him sheepishly and said, "I'll take the medicinal herb then. Your Highness sure is generous to admit defeat so frankly. I do feel a little guilty winning the bet just like that!"

What a joke! The reason for his trip here was to procure spirit stones. Since this medicinal herb could be traded for two spirit stones, how could he let it escape from him?

"Generous? Guilty?"

The corners of Prince Fei Xuan's mouth twitched.

He had seen shameless people, but it was his first time seeing someone completely devoid of his sense of shame.

You took my medicinal herb away on your own accord and said that I am generous... Generous your head!

Guilty? Why do I only see a bright smile on your face?

If not for the overwhelming facts before him, he could have never believed that this shameless fellow could be a highly-skilled grandmaster physician...




Chapter 348: Guardian Beast

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: StarveCleric

"I won't take your medicinal herb for free. How about this then!"

Just as Prince Fei Xuan was dismayed over the daylight robbery, the young man before him spoke. "Just like with Emperor Tianxue, I'll offer you a free treatment!"

Even though Zhang Xuan was determined to grab the Spirit Beast Grass, which was equivalent to two pieces of spirit stones, he didn't think that it was appropriate for him to take it for free.

Placing his hands behind his back, he walked around Prince Fei Xuan and said, "When I was treating you, I realized that there are some blockages in your meridians, resulting in your zhenqi being unable to flow smoothly. While your body seems fine on the surface, it is actually a little weak! If I'm not wrong, do you find it hard to wake up early and difficult to sleep at night recently?"


Prince Fei Xuan was seriously contemplating whether he should snatch the Spirit Beast Grass back when he heard Zhang Xuan's words. His body trembled and his face paled, "You... You... How did you know?"

He had indeed been facing such a problem recently.

The blockages in his meridian prevented his zhenqi from flowing smoothly. On top of that, the lack of quality sleep made him constantly grumpy and frustrated.

If not for the case, he would have attempted to use the spirit stone to attempt a breakthrough to Half-Zongshi realm already. He wouldn't have to keep it with him all this time, eventually resulting in him losing it to the fellow before him...

However, these were things that he had never told anyone before. Even Envoy Ran Mu beside him knew nothing about it, so how could this Liu laoshi know of it?

Did he really notice something?

"I am a physician, and I've checked on your physical condition while treating you a moment ago. Naturally, I would know it!" Zhang Xuan nodded.

"Guild leader... I beseech you to help me!"

With a pale face, Prince Fei Xuan clasped his fist respectfully. The arrogance from before had disappeared completely at this instant.

This illness had prevented him from concentrating, thus resulting in the stagnation of his cultivation. The Spirit Beast Grass was valuable, but if he could have his condition treated in exchange, it would be well worth the cost.

"Un. Actually, the problem is simple. Your talent is not bad, but under normal circumstances, it shouldn't have been possible for you to reach Tongxuan realm pinnacle at your age. If I'm not mistaken, in order to raise your cultivation, you utilized some unique methods, right? I will tell you upfront that it's precisely those methods that left you with a trauma, thus inducing such symptoms!"

Zhang Xuan said.

Prince Fei Xuan's body shuddered.

The other party was right.

His talent could only be considered as above average.

The royal family was a cold and brutal place. Without sufficient strength, he would meet with all kinds of trouble and danger. For the sake of his survival, he could only look for ways to raise his cultivation swiftly. Thus, he used a secret art, which involved the consumption of some unique medicinal herbs, to stimulate his acupoints and trigger his potential.

Even though he managed to improve swiftly, it had left traumas in his body.

Could it be that... his recent physical condition was a result of this?

"Exactly. I will prepare a prescription for you. If you follow it strictly, your trauma should be solved completely within a month. By then, it should be possible for you to attempt the breakthrough for Half-Zongshi realm!"

Smiling, Zhang Xuan walked to a nearby table, took out brush and paper from his storage ring, wrote a prescription, and passed it over.

"Thank you, Guild Leader Liu!"

Grabbing the prescription, Prince Fei Xuan's face flushed in agitation.

He had been tortured by this condition for quite a while, causing him to be lethargic, absentminded, and irritable. This was precisely the reason why he was unable to hold himself back as soon as he felt provoked by Zhang Xuan, resulting in the lack the restraint that he, as a prince, should possess.

If he could treat his condition and advance to Half-Zongshi realm, then this prescription was truly something too valuable to him.

Putting aside a spirit stone and a stalk of Spirit Beast Grass, even if he had to give in his entire fortune, he would be willing to do so!

This was because... Kunqian Kingdom hadn't chosen a crown prince yet. If he could reach Half-Zongshi, there was an extremely high chance that the seat would be his!

Waving casually, Zhang Xuan turned to Mo Tianxue and said, "Your Majesty, please bring the patient here. I still have some things to attend afterward!"

Just like the others, Mo Tianxue was also in a state of shock. After hearing those words, he quickly recovered and stood up, "Guild Leader Liu, the condition of this patient is slightly unique, so I will have to trouble you to proceed over to meet him..."

"You want me to go over? Sure, lead the way!"

Zhang Xuan nodded.

"Prince Fei Xuan and Envoy Ran Mu, you two should rest at the embassy for now..."

Mo Tianxue turned to the duo and clasped his fist.

"We will be taking our leave!"

The duo knew that it was an important matter of Tianwu Kingdom, and that they didn't want too many people to learn about it. Thus, they turned around and left as well. A eunuch hurried up to them and escorted them out.

"Guild Leader Liu, this way please!"

After the duo had left, Mo Tianxue started leading the way.

Zhang Xuan followed closely behind him, but he had barely taken a few steps before a faint aroma drifted to his nose. After which, a telepathic voice sounded.

"Zhang Xuan, Zhang shi! You sure have deceived me well..."

"Cough cough!" Zhang Xuan was taken aback. "Princess Mo Yu, you must be mistaken. I am Liu Cheng, not Zhang shi!"

"If you don't want to admit to it, so be it. I wanted to tell you about an interesting matter but since you're behaving in such a manner, let's forget about it then!"

Seeing how the other party refused to admit to it, Mo Yu harrumphed.

What she wanted to tell Zhang Xuan was the duel between Zhao Ya and Mu Xueqing. However, since this fellow was unwilling to admit to the matter, she couldn't be bothered either.

In any case, they are both your students. Whether they fight or not is none of my business!

Seeing the lady turn her head and walking away in displeasure, Zhang Xuan shook his head.

It seemed like he would have to pay careful attention being when being around those who were familiar with him. Otherwise, there was a good chance he would give his identity away.

He had been together with Mo Yu for quite a period of time, and not to mention, there was the matter with the Viridescent Eagle as well. As such, he wasn't too surprised to know that the other party had managed to figure his identity out.

"Princess Mo Yu, this is a test from the Master Teacher Pavilion so I hope that you won't leak this out!"

Knowing that the other party was already certain of his identity, Zhang Xuan felt that it was impossible to keep it hidden anymore. Thus, he replied to Mo Yu's words.

"Don't worry. I am not the type to gossip about such stuff!" Seeing Zhang Xuan admit to the matter, Mo Yu smiled. "Since you've admitted to it, I won't hide the matter from you then. Come and find me tomorrow noon, I'll bring you to see a good show!"

"Tomorrow noon? What good show?"

Zhang Xuan was perplexed.

"You'll know once you're there!"

Mo Yu grinned.

Seeing the confusion on his face, it was clear that Zhang Xuan didn't know about Zhao Ya and Mu Xueqing's duel. It would be fun to see his reaction when she brings him there tomorrow.

Honestly speaking, she was curious to see how he would react to the sight of two of his students fighting one another for his honor...

This fellow had always infuriated her, so she wanted to make use of this opportunity to get back at him.

Of course, to do so, she had to stop this fellow from returning to the academy first. Otherwise, given the many mouths there, it was extremely probable that he would find out about it in advance. If so, it wouldn't be fun anymore...

Thus, she started scheming her plan as she walked beside Zhang Xuan.

"We're here!"

Just as Zhang Xuan was about to ask matter it was that warranted her to behave so secretively, Mo Tianxue's voice sounded.

Lifting his head, Zhang Xuan realized that they were at the entrance of a vast courtyard.

The courtyard wasn't exceptionally big, but for some reason, he was unable to see the other end of the courtyard. It was as if something had sealed off the area, concealing whatever that was inside.

"Could this be... a formation?" Zhang Xuan thought.

Only a formation could possess the ability to hide the interior of a courtyard from those standing outside.

"The one who requires Guild Leader Liu's treatment isn't a human but our kingdom's... guardian beast!" Seemingly sensing the other party's bewilderment, Mo Tianxue explained.

"Guardian beast?"

"Indeed. Our Tianwu Kingdom doesn't have any powerful old ancestor so we depend heavily on our guardian beast to guard our territory and deter aggressors."

Mo Tianxue explained.

"However, along with the passing of time, our guardian beast has been growing older, and its strength and stamina is on the decline! Just some time ago, it fell severely ill and it doesn't seem like it has long to live. Thus... I thought of troubling Guild Leader Liu to diagnose it to see whether there is a cure for it or not. If not, I am hoping that you would be able to extend its lifespan, at least until Mo Yu matures!"

Zhang Xuan nodded.

If a kingdom wanted to grow peacefully, there must be a sufficiently powerful guardian present in the country to deter aggressors.

It was just like Old Ancestor Shen Hong with Tianxuan Kingdom. Without his presence serving as a deterrence, it was highly likely that other kingdoms may invade Tianxuan Kingdom to annex it.

As it was entirely impossible to avoid wars and conflicts, the Master Teacher Pavilion would usually stay out of such affairs. Unless it had really close ties with the kingdom that compelled it into action, otherwise, for most cases, it would maintain its neutrality.

After all, even if the kingdom were to switch hands, no one would dare to lay their hands on the continent's most powerful occupation.

In other words, no matter how many kingdoms were destroyed, the influence of the Master Teacher Pavilion wouldn't be rattled at all.

"This formation..."

Zhang Xuan stared at the formation doubtfully.

Since it was where the guardian beast lived, why did they set up a formation here?

"The guardian beast is already old, and due to its severe illness, it has been on a rampage recently, hurting several people. Left with no choice, I could only invite the experts of the Formation Master Guild to set this formation to confine it. Given its strength, if it were to run wild in the palace, no one would be able to stop it!"

Mo Tianxue smiled bitterly.

Hearing the other party's explanation, Zhang Xuan came to a realization.

No matter whether one was a human or a savage beast, one couldn't possibly wait idly for one's death as an illness slowly ground away on one's lifespan. At the very least, one would wish to struggle a little, even if it would be futile, in hope of earning some additional time.

However, if the guardian beast were to really struggle for its life, it would spell a calamity for Tianwu Kingdom. Thus, the emperor chose to confine it using a formation so as to avoid needless trouble.

"Guild Leader Liu, I have already invited a grandmaster of the Formation Master Guild over to bring us in. Otherwise, if we were to walk in by ourselves while the formation is still active, we might get lost..."

Mo Tianxue said.

In order to prevent the guardian beast from escaping, the formation had to be active at all moment. However, due to the complexity of the formation, even Mo Tianxue, the emperor of the kingdom, didn't know the way in. Only a grandmaster of the Formation Master Guild was able to tread through the formation freely.

"Un!" Zhang Xuan nodded.

He didn't know a thing about formations. Even though he had collected a significant number of books on the subject in the Master Teacher Pavilion, he hadn't had the time to browse through them yet. Thus, his understanding of formation was still stuck at the level of knowing its name.

"Since the formation is active, will the Library of Heaven's Path be able to see its flaws?"

Standing on the spot, a thought suddenly appeared in Zhang Xuan's mind.

The Library of Heaven's Path could see the flaws in a cultivator and his battle technique once he executed a technique.

The same also applied when observing an apothecary in the midst of forging pills. The Library of Heaven's Path could compile the flaws in his pill forging technique and determine whether the pill could be successfully forged or not.

It was also able to tell the problem when a formation master was setting up a formation.

In other words, the Library of Heaven's Path could see the flaws of any ongoing actions.

Since this formation was currently in operation, it should be able to be considered as an 'ongoing action' as well. Zhang Xuan was suddenly curious to see if he could see the flaws in it through the Library of Heaven's path.


With a thought, Zhang Xuan hurriedly dived into the Library of Heaven's Path.


The library jolted and a book appeared.

"It works..."

Zhang Xuan's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly browsed through the book.




Chapter 349: Lin Clan

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: StarveCleric

"Billowing Waves Confinement Formation, grade-3 formation, flaws..."

The name and the flaws of the formation were written in the book.

Just as Zhang Xuan was browsing through the book, Mo Tianxue suddenly turned around and clasped his fist, "Grandmaster Lin Tao!"

Retracting his consciousness from his mind, he turned around and saw an elder walking toward them. The other party's chin was slightly tilted upward, and he had a proud expression on his face. With a cold and nonchalant voice, the other party replied, "Un!"

"This is Grandmaster Lin Tao, the vice guild leader of the Formation Master Guild, as well as the grand elder of the Lin Clan, one of the Three Great Clans of Tianwu Royal City!"

Seeing the confusion in Zhang Xuan's eyes, Mo Yu secretly sent a telepathic message over.

"The vice guild leader of the Formation Master Guild?" Zhang Xuan assessed the elder before him.

This elder possessed the cultivation realm of Zongshi realm pinnacle, and there was a golden emblem on his chest with two bright stars embedded on it.

2-star pinnacle formation master!

"This formation was set up by the guild leader himself so it should have no problem confining the [Gold-tailed Lion]. What happened for you to call me over so urgently all of the sudden?"

Glancing at Mo Tianxue, Vice Guild Leader Lin Tao frowned.

Not only was there not the slightest respect in his tone, and it even seemed as though he was blaming the other party for bothering him.

Zhang Xuan was perplexed.

No matter what, Mo Tianxue was the emperor of Tianwu Kingdom, and with his esteemed standing, even Pavilion Master Jiang would have to take on a respectful tone with him. Yet, wasn't this mere vice guild leader of the Formation Master Guild acting a little way too arrogant?

Even if formation master was one of the top occupation among the Upper Nine Paths, and their formations allowed them to display a might far beyond their level, their standing still couldn't possibly be above that of the number one occupation in the world!

"It's because he's from the Lin Clan... The Lin Clan is an exception in this kingdom!"

Sensing the other party's bewilderment, Mo Yu sent another message.

Having guessed Zhang Xuan's thoughts, she explained the matter, "The head of the Lin Clan is the guild leader of the Formation Master Guild. Not only has his cultivation reached Half-Zhizun realm, he is also a 3-star formation master as well!"

"Half-Zhizun realm? 3-star formation master?"

The Steelfang Howling Firmament Beast was at a Half-Zhizun realm. Zhang Xuan was well aware how fearsome experts at this level could be.

Half-Zhizun realm might only be just half a step higher than Zongshi realm pinnacle, but at this level, what one would be coming into contact with was the zenith of the Fighter realm, power incomparable to the other realms.

On top of that, he was a 3-star formation master capable of setting up grade-3 formations. Even real Zhizun realm experts would find it hard to subdue him easily.

His strength might be nothing much when placed in a Conferred Kingdom, but in a Tier 1 Kingdom like Tianwu, only the guardian beast confined within was capable of matching him.

However, the savage beast was currently ill and went on frequent rampages. It was no wonder why the Lin Clan's respect for the royal family had been on a steady decline.

"Even Pavilion Master Jiang hasn't reached Half-Zhizun yet. How did he reach that level?"

After a moment of shock, Zhang Xuan found yet another doubt in the matter.

Typically speaking, regardless of which kingdom one was in, the Master Teacher Pavilion would always possess strength that no other guilds could match up to. How could the guild leader of the Formation Master Guild possess strength superior to Pavilion Master Jiang?

"Actually, Guild Leader Lin Ruotian has only managed to achieve the breakthrough earlier this year. It can't be helped, he has an outstanding daughter after all..." Mo Yu said.

Zhang Xuan blinked his eyes.

"His daughter possesses outstanding talent in formations, and as such, she was sent to Xuanyuan Academy to study quite a long time ago. Due to some turn of events, the crown prince of Xuanyuan Kingdom ended up falling in love with her, and she went on to become the princess consort! Under the halo of her daughter, Guild Leader Lin Ruotian was bestowed with a pill which allowed him to make the breakthrough into Half-Zhizun realm!"

Mo Yu explained.

Zhang Xuan finally understood the situation.

It wasn't too difficult for the crown prince of a Conferred Kingdom, given his authority, to obtain a pill that could help a Zongshi realm pinnacle achieve a breakthrough for his father-in-law.

With such a backing, it was no wonder why the Lin Clan didn't think much of Mo Tianxue.

Even though there was only a single rank of a difference between a Tier 1 Kingdom and a Conferred Kingdom, there was a huge difference in the strength of the two.

Under Xuanyuan Kingdom's jurisdiction were at least twenty to thirty Tier 1 Kingdoms similar to Tianwu. If Tianwu were to offend Xuanyuan, the latter could easily eradicate it.

After all, Tianwu Kingdom was a country without Zhizun experts at all. Even their strongest individual, their guardian beast, was only at Half-Zhizun.

"I have specially invited Guild Leader Liu Cheng from the Physician Guild here to treat the guardian beast, Gold-tailed Lion!"

Mo Tianxue smiled awkwardly as he explained. "Thus, I'll have to ask Grandmaster Lin Tao to help remove the formation so that he could enter to take a look. If he succeeds in curing the guardian beast, the Formation Master Guild would be spared the hassle of maintaining the formation!"

"The Gold-tailed Lion isn't just sick, its lifespan is also nearing its end. Our guild leader has already taken a look at it himself and determined that there's no solution to the problem. The reason why we set up a formation for you to confine the guardian beast is so that it could die in peace... What if Guild Leader Liu fails to treat it when I remove the formation, and the latter escapes to wreak havoc in the city? Who can take responsibility for the destruction it'll cause?"

Lin Tao flung his sleeves furiously.

"This..." Mo Tianxue was unable to answer the other party's question.

The other party was right. It would be ideal if Guild Leader Liu could treat the guardian beast. However, if the treatment fails and the guardian beast charges out, it could cause a huge catastrophe outside.

By then, even as the emperor of Tianwu Kingdom, it would be hard for him to escape blame.

"Since you're able to set the formation, you should have a way for us to enter and leave it freely! If you're afraid that I'm unable to cure the guardian beast, I can just go in, take a look, and if it's beyond my means, I can simply leave!"

Zhang Xuan couldn't help but interject.

Since formation masters were capable of setting up confinement formations, then they must know of a way to enter and exit it freely. After all, there was counterproductive for one to spend their time studying a formation with limited utilization.

Initially, the reason why he had agreed to conduct a treatment for the other party was to return the favor for the spirit stone, as well as to see if it was possible for him to earn more of it for his cultivation.

Due to his gamble with Prince Fei Xuan, he had a total of three spirit stones at hand, and that should be sufficient for him to reach Zongshi realm pinnacle.

Since his second aim had been met, it was no longer important to him whether he successfully treated the guardian beast or not.

But no matter what, he felt that he should at least give guardian beast a look. Even if he was stumped by its condition, at least he had given the matter a try.

"Who are you to interfere in our conversation!"

Hearing Liu laoshi's words, Grandmaster Lin Tao's eyebrows shot up as he glanced at the other party disdainfully. "I've heard of your matter. You were lucky to solve all of the questions on the Wall of Dilemma, but your strength is only at Tongxuan realm primary stage. Given how you barely qualify as a 1-star physician... What right do you have to be the guild leader?"

"No matter what, the Physician Guild is of equal prestige with our Formation Master Guild. If you want to be the guild leader, you should at least reach the level of a Zongshi realm pinnacle first! Without sufficient strength, it'll best for you to not claim to be as the guild leader so that you don't embarrass yourself!"


Zhang Xuan was speechless. He didn't expect a few casual words he spoke would actually make the other party despise him.

It was not like he had asked others to call him Guild Leader Liu. Besides, it was only the Physician Guild of a Tier 1 Kingdom. He didn't think it was a big deal for him to become the guild leader here.

"Grandmaster, please calm down!"

Afraid that Zhang Xuan would get angry by the other party's words, Mo Tianxue anxiously stepped in to mediate. "As long as grandmaster brings us in, even if we're unable to treat the guardian beast, we can simply leave..."

"This is a grade-3 formation, do you think that you'll be able to enter and leave as you please? The formation is filled with peril, and even the slightest carelessness can place you in grave danger! It isn't a problem for me to enter alone, but you want me to bring in a Tongxuan realm primary stage burden in as well? You must be joking!"

Grandmaster Lin Tao sneered coldly.

Mo Tianxue fell silent.

Even though the other party's words were harsh and disrespectful, he was right.

A grade-3 formation was something that could trap even a Zhizun realm expert. Judging from how the Gold-tailed Tiger was confined for so many days without succeeding in breaking out, it was clear how powerful it was.

Even if one knew the pathway in, one needed to be strong enough to react quickly to the dangers within to avoid them. In this case, a Tongxuan realm primary stage cultivator was indeed a little too weak. Once he failed to keep up with their footsteps and got lost within the formation, it would be hard to save him.

Mo Tianxue had failed to consider this aspect beforehand, and he only realized the matter after hearing the other party's words. With an awkward expression, he turned to Zhang Xuan and said, "Guild Leader Liu, I apologize for this..."

He had invited the other party over, but due to the matter regarding the formation, the other party didn't even get to meet his patient. He couldn't help but feel a little apologetic over this matter.

"It's alright!"

Zhang Xuan shook his head. Just then, he suddenly thought of something and asked doubtfully, "Since you can't remove this formation, and there's no way to bring me in either, can't we pause it temporarily? As long as it's paused for a short moment, we shouldn't be in the danger of being trapped within. And after we're in, we can activate it once more. This way, the guardian beast shouldn't be able to escape from its confines!"

Since it was possible to activate the formation, then surely, there must be a way to pause it as well.

Pausing the formation temporarily to enter before activating it once more, wouldn't that solve the problem?

"Pause it?"

Mo Tianxue smiled bitterly as he shook his head.

Even though he didn't know much about formations, he found it hard to listen on to Zhang Xuan's words.

Powerful formations harnessed immense power once activated, and unless one destroyed the core of the formation, it would extremely difficult to pause it.

Even the formation master who set the formation up would find it difficult to do so.

Unless the formation master was at a much higher level as compared to the formation, thus allowing him to find and exploit the flaws of the formation to accomplish that, otherwise, it was an impossible feat.

If everyone could stop formations that easily, then formation master wouldn't be such a fearsome occupation, ranked at the upper echelons of the Upper Nine Paths.


The disdain the Lin Tao's eyes deepened.

Pausing a grade-3 formation... Easier said than done! Even the guild leader would be incapable of such a task...

Do you even know formations?

On the other hand, Mo Yu slapped her forehead.

Brother, no matter what, you're a 2-star master teacher! Even if you don't know much about formations, you shouldn't say such amateurish words!

A grade-3 formation was something that could trap even a Zhizun expert. If it could be paused that easily, then what was the use for it?

"One has to have a profound knowledge of formations before one can pause a formation... In truth, it's much more difficult than simply destroying a formation..."

Seeing the confusion in the other party's eyes, Mo Tianxue spoke up.

"Much more difficult than destroying a formation? Alright..."

Zhang Xuan contemplated for a moment before saying, "Wait here a moment!"


Mo Tianxue thought that Guild Leader Liu would give up on the idea after listening to his explanation, but after everything he had said, all he could see on the other party's face was nonchalance.

Wait for a moment...

Wait for what?

Will anything happen if we wait for a moment?

Just as he was doubtful as to what was going to happen, he saw the fellow walking straight toward the courtyard in front.

"Guild Leader Liu, be careful! It'll be troublesome if you got trapped by the formation..."

Not expecting the other party to charge straight toward the formation without saying anything, Mo Tianxue was alarmed.

This is a formation which could trap even the Gold-tailed Lion. What in the world is a Tongxuan realm primary stage expert like you doing around it...

"You're courting death..."

Not expecting that arrogant fellow to rush forward, Grandmaster Lin Tao harrumphed coldly. He was prepared to see this fellow step into the formation and embarrass himself, but contrary to his expectations, the other party stopped right before the formation, lifted his leg, and kicked forcefully.


A sound similar to a buzz echoed.

The interiors of the courtyard suddenly appeared clearly before everyone's eyes.

"Alright, I've paused the formation..."

Zhang Xuan clapped his hands.




Chapter 350: What Illness Is It?

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: StarveCleric

Silence loomed in the air for an instant.

Mo Tianxue rubbed his eyes blankly, and he nearly fainted.

The formation which had veiled everyone's eyes from the interiors of the courtyard had indeed disappeared.

Pausing a grade-3 formation with a kick?

Were they dreaming?

Confinement formations were unique fields aligned with the geography of the location, such as the mountains, the rivers, or even the stars. All lifeforms that step into such an area would find themselves descending in confusion, losing the ability to discern direction.

Without an extremely deep understanding of formations, it was impossible for one to find the core of a formation and stop it.

Yet, this fellow, who obviously knew nothing about formations, simply walked up and, with just a single kick, paused a grade-3 formation...

Could the situation get any more exaggerated than that?

If this was just luck, then his luck was way too overpowered!

Mo Yu was taken aback as well.

She had seen the innumerable means Zhang Xuan possessed, and she knew that he was mysterious and strong. However, she still couldn't help but keel over in fright upon seeing this sight.

The reason why the Lin Clan dared to act so arrogantly in Tianwu Royal City, even when they were before the royal family, was mainly due to their ability to set up grade-3 formations.

After all, even a Zhizun realm primary stage expert would be unable to escape from a formation of this level...

Yet, this fellow, who didn't even know what the Lin Clan was, with a single kick... actually suppressed the formation easily!

I know that you have a lot of astonishing means, but... isn't this way too much?

Could it be that on top of being a master teacher, apothecary, beast tamer, poison master... You're a formation master as well?

Those are all occupations in the Upper Nine Paths! (With the exception of poison master)

Everyone said that she was a genius for being able to grasp any occupation swiftly, but compared to this fellow... The heck, she seemed to be no different from an ignorant oaf!

Just the thought of it sent her into a frenzy.


The two was only shocked, but Grandmaster Lin Tao, who had ridiculed the other party just a moment ago, had his mouth so widely opened that his lower jaw was almost hitting the ground.

The reason why he kept refusing wasn't out of fear that the Gold-tailed Lion would escape, or that it was impossible to cure it, but rather... this grade-3 formation was set up personally by the guild leader. Being a mere 2-star pinnacle formation master, he couldn't even find where the formation core and formation flags were placed at, needless to say, remove it!

Since he couldn't even remove the formation, pausing it was completely out of question.

Who could have thought that not only would this fellow be able to pause it, he would even be able to do it so easily...

Pausing a formation would have required any other formation masters to study the area, calculate using their compass, flip through ancient records, conduct several experiments… It was a very laborious and lengthy job. Not to mention, if things go wrong, they might even end up being trapped by their own formation...

Yet, this fellow actually kicked the formation without even studying it closely, as though he was just kicking down a mere wooden plank...

If anyone else were to do so, they would definitely suffer a rebound from the formation and die on the spot.

But not only was the other party fine, the formation even freaking paused...

Isn't there something very wrong about this?

"Let's go in!"

Just as he was silenced with shock, the young man in front beckoned to the group before walking into the courtyard.

Following closely behind, Grandmaster Lin Tao examined the surroundings and confirmed that the formation truly wasn't active at the moment... It had truly paused under the other party's kick.

"It was just a moment ago that I thought that this fellow's reputation is overexaggerated. After all, this cultivation is clear to see. As such, I didn't think that he would be of any threat at all. To think that he would actually be such an incredible figure… Most probably, only that Master Teacher Zhang Xuan would be a match for him!"

With a quick examination, Grandmaster Lin Tao could tell that the formation was only paused—it wasn't damaged at all. Slowly, the disdain on his face turned into graveness.

In truth, when he first heard that Liu laoshi had solved the illnesses on the Wall of Dilemma and became the new guild leader, he didn't think highly about the other party.

After all, regardless of which occupation one was in, one's cultivation was the most important factor. Everything else was secondary.

Tongxuan realm primary stage was simply too unimpressive, so he disregarded the other party... But at this moment, the other party had actually stopped a grade-3 formation with a single kick. Even the guild leader wouldn't be capable of such a feat. It seemed like this Liu laoshi wasn't as simple as he thought him out to be.

"I've to inform the clan head about this matter as soon as possible..."

He made a decision inwardly.


Even Heaven's Path was imperfect, so naturally, formations had its strengths and flaws, its life gate and death gate as well.

Once one found this flaw, no matter how formidable a formation was, it could be manipulated or destroyed easily.

To put it simply, this flaw referred to the point where the flow of energy of the formation field was centered.

This flaw could be located in the direct center for some formations, and by the side for the others. Zhang Xuan was fortunate in the sense that it happened to be right in front of him, as stated in the Library of Heaven's Path.

While it might have looked like a simple kick on the surface, in truth, Zhang Xuan was actually infusing Heaven's Path zhenqi into the formation. This interrupted the flow of energy in the formation, resulting in the deactivation the formation.

Heaven's Path zhenqi was the purest spiritual energy in the world, thus allowing it to easily destroy the internal structure of a formation.

This was precisely the reason why that seemingly simple kick had such shocking effects. If it had been anyone else, even if they were to be aware of this flaw, it would take them a great deal of effort to exploit it.

The group walked around a winding pebble path.

The courtyard was tidy and clean, and after walking a short distance, a giant palace appeared before them.

Soon, they heard a deafening snore which jolted the dirt on the floor into the air, leaving one slightly dizzy-headed.

"Great! The Gold-tailed Lion is sleeping!" Mo Tianxue's eyes lit up.

He was afraid that the Gold-tailed Lion would charge out the moment the formation was paused. They were truly lucky to have come while the latter was asleep.

Following the source of the voice, they soon arrived at a giant hall. In it, they saw a gigantic savage beast lying on the floor with both of its eyes tightly shut.

It heavily resembled a normal lion, but its physique was significantly larger. Its tail was colored in gold, but there was a slight trace of white at the very end of its tail.

In comparison to the Steelfang Howling Firmament Beast, a Half-Zhizun realm savage beast as well, its muscles were loose and its hair was messy, thus giving it the appearance no different from that of an elderly. From its outer appearance, one could tell that it was in an age of decline.

"Guild Leader Liu, this is our guardian beast, Gold-tailed Lion. Its illness seems to have grown even more severe..."

Looking at the sleeping Gold-tailed Lion, Mo Tianxue shook his head.

Half-Zhizun realm savage beasts possessed strong wariness. The fact that it could remain asleep despite their arrival in its territory showed how serious its illness was.

"What conditions did it show before?" Zhang Xuan asked.

"It used to be extremely quiet and calm, but around half a month ago, its eyes suddenly turned red and it went on a rampage, biting everyone it could see. In the course of its rampage, it injured eight eunuchs and maids. Out of helplessness, I invited Guild Leader Lin here to help me trap it with a formation!"

Recalling the sight that day, Mo Tianxue couldn't help but shudder in fear.

This was a Half-Zhizun realm savage beast. If it were to really go into a frenzy, even if he would be unable to stop it.

It was fortunate that the Gold-tailed Lion was still able to curb itself. Otherwise, half of the Shadow Squad would have probably died under its rampage.

"It suddenly went on a rampage?"

Zhang Xuan turned to examine the Gold-tailed Lion.

Even if it had aged and its physical functions were failing, it was very unlikely for such a powerful savage beast to suddenly fall ill and lose its rationality.

"That's right. Even though the Gold-tailed Lion has a ferocious appearance, it is actually a rather gentle savage beast. Tamed by my ancestor, it has guarded the royal palace for more than two hundred years now. In this period of time, it has always been in a stable condition and it has never hurt anyone before. Thus, we are at a loss as to what kind of illness it is suffering from!"

Mo Tianxue continued, "Back then, I invited Guild Leader Mu Hong to take a look at it, and he said that it was getting anxious because it's reaching the end of its lifespan, and we had to find a way to placate it. After which, I found a few other physicians to diagnose the Gold-tailed Lion as well, but their diagnoses were around the same as Guild Leader Mu Hong's. They said that it is impossible to treat this kind of illness, and the Gold-tailed Lion can only slowly recover through its own means! If it can survive through this ordeal, it might still be able to live for a longer period of time. If not, it would mean that it has come to the end of its time..."

"Furthermore, regardless of whether it is able to tide through this ordeal, three months is the limit on its lifespan. In other words... regardless of whether we were able to successfully treat its illness or not, it will die within three months. There's no hope for it to achieve a complete recovery..."

"A limit of three months on its lifespan?"

Hearing those words, Zhang Xuan immediately immersed himself into the Library of Heaven's Path and swiftly searched through the physician books for similar illnesses.

And just like what he expected... he wasn't able to find a single useful thing on the matter.

Even though there were many different bizarre and rare illnesses recorded in those books, none of them seemed to fit the Gold-tailed Lion's symptoms.

But Zhang Xuan had expected this as well. If it could be found in the books, Physician Mu Hong and the others would have already treated him long ago.

"Seems like I have to find some ways to collect more books..."

Zhang Xuan shook his head.

If he had collected sufficient books, he would surely have been able to find a corresponding illness record to the Gold-tailed Lion's condition.

But since he failed to do so, this could only mean that the knowledge he had accumulated was still insufficient.

"Looks like I should find some time to collect the books of the Physician Guild..."

Even though Zhang Xuan had passed the physician examination and even became the guild leader, he hadn't been to its library yet. Most of the books he had in the Library of Heaven's Path came from the library in the Master Teacher Pavilion.

Even though the Master Teacher Pavilion's library had books on most occupations, its collection in each specific fields was still unable to compare up to that in the corresponding guild.

"Guild Leader Liu, do you need to me to bring you Physician Mu Hong and the other physicians' diagnoses so that you can study them?"

Seeing Zhang Xuan lowering his head in contemplation, Mo Tianxue asked.

"There's no need..."

Zhang Xuan shook his hands.

Since they were unable to find the cause of the Gold-tailed Lion's illness as well, their evaluation was no use to him.

"Then... Since the Gold-tailed Lion is sleeping, so you need me to wake it up so that you can better examine it?"

Usually, when a physician diagnosed a patient, the patient had to be conscious so that the physician could examine the latter's movements and pose questions to better understand his condition. Given that the guardian beast was asleep, it was unlikely that Zhang Xuan would be able to discern anything of use to treat it.

Zhang Xuan quickly shook his head.

If the Gold-tailed Lion were to awake, he would need it to launch an attack before a book could be compiled on it. If it chose not to attack or attacked too quickly, the situation could prove to be very troublesome for him.

"I'll go over there to take a better look..." Saying so, he started walking over to the massive savage beast.

"His cultivation might be lacking, but it is a fact that he solved all of the questions on the Wall of Dilemma. There should be no doubt regarding his medical skill. I should take a good look to see how he'll cure the guardian beast..."

By the side, Grandmaster Lin Tao hurriedly turned his gaze to Guild Leader Liu upon seeing him walk forward.

As the vice guild leader of the Formation Master Guild, he was acquainted with quite a few physicians, so he was aware of the fundamentals in diagnosing a patient.

Asking questions, examining the skin tone, checking the breathing, listening to the heartbeat...

There were even some who checked their patient's feces to determine the root of their illness.

Grandmaster Lin Tao was curious to see what method the person who broke the records of the Physician Guild would use.

Thus, he stared at Guild Leader Liu intently, not daring to blink at all for fear of missing out a single detail.

However, all he saw was that... the young man walking up to the savage beast, touching it, and then... returning with a bizarre expression.

"This... Just like that?"

Grandmaster Lin Tao was baffled.


Life Gate and Death Gate are concepts in Qi Men Dun Jia, an ancient Chinese divination technique.

Life Gate represents 'the onset of Spring, when all life blooms after the harsh winter', and it is viewed to be a symbol of prosperity.

Death Gate represents 'the death of all beings in Autumn'.

(There are a total of Eight Gates but I won't introduce them due to the complexity of it—the Eight Gates are only a small part of it. You can read it up on Wikipedia, but the information there is very limited)