

Chapter 271: Contract Gu [2in1]

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: GaiaNove

The guards were gritting their teeth and had tolerated the other party's action of knocking the Great Herb King unconscious since he said that it was a secret art.

However, he went overboard and claimed that the Great Herb King reaped what he sowed. That was clear provocation, so how could they take it lying down?

"How dare you!"

"You're looking for death!"

The numerous guards glared furiously at Zhang Xuan, and a cold gleam flashed from the swords in their hands. The moment the command was given, they would immediately mince this braggart of a fellow.

"There must be something wrong with his head."

"I've known Bai Chan for a while, and while his character is so-so, his brain should be functioning normally. Why has he... become so dumb all of a sudden?"

Initially, everyone thought that Zhang Xuan would bring up some astonishing theory, so upon hearing those words, the physicians present nearly spurted blood. All of them stared at Zhang Xuan dumbfounded as if they had seen a monster.

Every single person who had been to Red Lotus City were all aware of the Great Herb King's might.

In this piece of land, he was no different from an emperor. Even if a prince of Tianwu Kingdom were to come here, he would have no choice but to lower his head before him. Zhang Xuan's action of smacking him unconscious was already provocative, yet he went a step further to say that he was 'suffering for his own deeds'...

Have you grown tired of living, or do you think that the Great Herb King has an amiable personality?

Physician Cheng Feng stared at Zhang Xuan as if he were looking at a fool.

Can it be that... this fellow's head had been kicked by a savage beast?

Otherwise, why would he say such preposterous words?

"Doomed. This time... we're really doomed..."

Mo Yu smacked her forehead. At this moment, she was on the verge of tears.

Zhang Xuan could explain his action of knocking the Great Herb King out as a requirement for his secret art, but the words he spoke afterward thoroughly offended the other party. There was no point of return.

If you want to die, go ahead. But why must you drag me down with you...

My purpose here is to gain some knowledge and worldly experience. Who did I offend to warrant this...

Forget it, since we came together, even if this fellow has suicidal tendencies, I shouldn't leave him in the lurch!

Even though she felt stifled, Mo Yu gritted her teeth and spoke telepathically to Zhang Xuan, "Zhang Xuan, inform the Howling Firmament Beast to come over right now. I have with me the formation plate that my father left behind for me. I should be able to buy some time with it, so hurry up. Perhaps, we might still stand a chance."

They might be in the depth of the enemy's base, but given the Howling Firmament Beast's Half-Zhizun cultivation and its ability to fly, there was a good chance that they could successfully flee.

However, the crucial problem was how they could survive until the Howling Firmamant Beast's arrival.

Grabbing her storage ring tightly, Mo Yu surveyed her surroundings warily. The moment anyone makes a move on them, she would immediately retrieve and toss the formation plate.

As the princess of a kingdom, she possessed several tricks for survival up her sleeves.

Formation plates were convenient tools on which a large formation was engraved through special means. Even if one wasn't a formation master, one could easily activate it in times of need by pumping their zhenqi into the plate.

While it was significantly weaker than true formations, it was portable and could be triggered instantaneously, making it a nifty tool for survival.

However, this object was expensive and was a one-off consumable. Only someone of her standing would be able to afford it.

"Why should I call for it? Don't worry!"

Seeing the anxiety on the other party's face, Zhang Xuan smiled.


Seeing the fellow continue to act so calmly despite being in grave danger, Mo Yu was on the verge of exploding. "You've offended the Great Herb King, and if we don't leave right now, we might just die here!"

"Offended him? I'm explaining his illness to him, how will this offend anyone?" Zhang Xuan waved his hands casually as he assured her. "There's no need to worry, just stay here and wait patiently!"

"Explaining his illness?"

Mo Yu went insane.

How can gloating over the other party by claiming that he is suffering for his own deeds be considered as explaining illness?

I've been an apprentice physician for so long, but I've never heard of such a case.

Stay here and wait patiently? I would really be insane if I were to stay and wait patiently under such circumstances!

Mo Yu was infuriated, but she knew that it wasn't the time to throw a tantrum. She surveyed her surroundings and analyzed the ideal escape path.

If she had known that this fellow was so unreliable, she wouldn't have come adventuring with him.

"Physician Bai Chan, I've invited you over with goodwill to treat the old master, and yet, you spouted such derogatory words. If you don't explain yourself, you don't even have to dream about leaving this manor!"

Ignoring everyone's shock, Butler Lu flung his sleeves angrily and glared at Zhang Xuan.

If the other party hadn't treated his problem, he would have decapitated the other party with a sword before he had a chance to explain himself.

"There's no need to rush, I'll explain everything clearly. Just that... there are many people present. Are you sure that you want me to speak?" Zhang Xuan was nonchalant toward his threat, simply smiling in response.

"Stop putting on an act here. No matter how incredible your words may sound, the only thing that awaits you is death!"

"To dare to taint the Great Herb King's honour, you deserve to die!"

"Butler Lu, why waste words on him? With just a single command, we will mince this fool who dares to insult the old master immediately!"


Seeing how the other party was unrepentant, the guards were on the brim of erupting. Not hiding their killing intent for Zhang Xuan, they bellowed furiously.

Every single one of these guards was Tongxuan realm experts, and with several dozens of them unleashing their cultivation at once, people in the room began to breathe heavily under the pressure and their hands became moist with perspiration.

Even the faces of the numerous Zongshi realm physicians turned pale. Unable to withstand the might, they retreated uncontrollably.

While Zongshi realm experts were far stronger than Tongxuan realm cultivators, the guards had been living together and had forged a strong teamwork. On top of that, they wielded various lethal measures that even Zongshi realm experts would find it hard to guard against.


Seeing how the guards were on the verge of attacking Zhang Xuan, Butler Lu waved his hands and roared, "Step down!"

Then, he turned to Zhang Xuan and said, "Physician Bai, these guards are loyal to the old master. Your words have offended them, and if you don't explain yourself, even I will find it hard to stop them."

His words were laced with threat.

If Zhang Xuan failed to provide a reasonable explanation, these guards would destroy him in an instant.

"I'm fine with explaining yourself, but this involves a secret. My view is that I shouldn't speak of it before such a huge crowd!"

Even though he was standing on the edge of the cliff, Zhang Xuan didn't seem worried in the least. He walked leisurely to the Great Herb King and declared calmly, "How about this, I will just say two words. If you think that my diagnosis makes sense, we can talk about it. Otherwise, you can just kill me right away!"

After interacting with the Great Herb King, Butler Lu nodded his head, "Fine!"

"Alright then!"

Zhang Xuan smiled, "My two words are simple... Contract Gu!"

"Contract Gu? What's that?

Butler Lu was wondering what miraculous words Zhang Xuan would spout, and he couldn't help but fall into a daze upon hearing his words. Just as he was considering whether he should make mincemeat of the other party, an expression of shock suddenly appeared on the dying Great Herb King's face. His murky and lifeless eyes suddenly gleamed in agitation.

"Get... get... the others out..."

Struggling with all his might, his hoarse voice echoed in the air.


Seeing how Bai Chan had caused the withered Great Herb King to struggle so terribly to speak with merely two words, everyone turned to look at him as though he was a monster.

They thought that he was doomed and didn't expect such a twist.

Can it be that... these three words wield some kind of magic?

"Old master!"

Seeing the old master speak, Butler Lu rushed to him immediately. Then after a moment of conversation, he stood up and scanned the surroundings.

"I apologize, but the diagnosis ends here, so I'll have to invite all of you to leave! I will have my men send the compensation each of you."

After which, he couldn't help but glance at Zhang Xuan.

The Great Herb King's condition was critical and he wasn't able to say anything. Even so, Butler Lu had been serving the other party for numerous years, and he was able to understand the other party's intention just through his gaze.

The old master's intentions were simple.

Do as Physician Bai says! He's the only one who can save him!

Can such a brazen fellow, who seemed to be spouting nonsense, really be capable of saving the old master?

Can it be that it is as he said, that the old master is suffering for his own deeds?


"Great Herb King and Butler Lu, we will be taking our leaves then!"

Seeing that Butler Lu had already invited them to leave, even though the crowd was baffled within, they turned around to leave without any hesitation. However, before walking out of the lounge, they couldn't help but send a confused glance at Physician Bai Chan.

With just two words, this fellow is able to get the Great Herb King to chase them out. Can his words be really true?

But... I don't recall any illness that is called [Contract Gu]...

"You all should leave as well!"

Ignoring the bewilderment that the crowd was in, Butler Lu ordered for the guards to leave as well.


Knowing that this was the intention of the old master, they answered and left the lounge quickly.

Upon seeing everyone leave, Mo Yu hesitated for a moment and, eventually, decided to remain.

Regardless of whether the fellow was right or not and whether he would be reduced to meat mince in a moment's time, she had come with him, and it wouldn't be right for her to leave alone.

Even though the prideful princess had an unpleasant mouth, she seemed to be a loyal buddy. Inconspicuously, Zhang Xuan nodded his head in response to her decision.

Soon, they were the only ones left in the room.

"Physician Bai Chan, now that everyone has left, can you explain the matter?"

Knowing that Mo Yu came along with Physician Bai, Butler Lu turned to Zhang Xuan and bowed respectfully.

"Un!" Zhang Xuan nodded. "Actually, I already had a rough idea of the situation when I first saw the Great Herb King earlier. After using my secret art, I have now ascertained his condition..."

At which, lamentation flashed through Zhang Xuan's eyes. "The Great Herb King isn't ill or poisoned. Rather, he's afflicted by something called [Contract Gu]! This was implanted in him when he made a deal with a specific someone, and now that the person is dead, under the effects of the Contract Gu, he, expectedly, will lose his life as well!"

"Contract Gu... What's that?" Butler Lu was still unable to comprehend the situation.

Despite coming into contact with physicians and medicinal herbs daily, he had never heard of this term.

The Great Herb King clearly knew what the other party was talking about, but it wasn't convenient for him to speak now. Even though Butler Lu could perform basic communication with him, it was impossible for the other party to express such a complicated matter.

"Contract Gu is a special practice used when making a deal with someone to win the other party's trust, and it is one of the means unique to a poison master. To summarize, it is similar to the life and death contract between beast tamers and their savage beast. Once established, it is equivalent to becoming a loyal subordinate of the other party. Once the master dies, the subordinate wouldn't live for long either, and he would soon follow the other party."

"This thing is normally used by poison masters to manipulate their subordinates. The moment one establishes the contract, his life and death are no longer within his control. If he were to disobey the will of his master, he would suffer the ache of thousands of bugs nibbling at his heart!"

With a grim expression, Zhang Xuan explained slowly.

"Is there... such a thing in this world?"

Butler Lu was astonished. He found the entire affair hard to believe.

If the other party hadn't spoken of it, he would have never believed that such a thing could exist.

At the same time, Mo Yu's eyes were about to pop out from her sockets.

She hadn't heard of Contract Gu, but she knew clearly what a life and death contract was.

With this kind of contract, the moment the master dies, regardless of how strong or where a savage beast was, it would also breathe its last.

From Zhang Xuan's descriptions, it seemed that the Contract Gu was much more potent than that. If that was truly the case, didn't that mean that humans could be commanded and tamed as though savage beasts?

That was an extremely terrifying thought!

"Can it be... that this Contract Gu is related to the old master's condition?"

Butler Lu recovered from the shock, but his face remained ghastly pale.

"Not only is it related, it is exactly the cause of it!"

Glancing at the Great Herb King, Zhang Xuan shook his head in lamentation. "As the Great Herb King and the sovereign of the Red Lotus City, he chose to become another person's subordinate and willingly allowed the other party to implant this kind of vicious gu into him. If this wasn't suffering for his own deeds, what else can it be?"

The emperor of Tianwu Kingdom dared not to offend the Great Herb King of Red Lotus City, and 3-star physicians willingly lowered their heads before him. His standing was far superior to the kings of Tier 2 Kingdoms. Despite possessing such prestige, he willingly consumed a Contract Gu to become another person's servant. If this wasn't courting his own death, what else could it be?

He couldn't blame anyone else for his own plight.

Upon hearing those words, the dried face of the Great Herb King turned slightly red. Regret brimmed in his eyes.

"Physician Bai, please save the old master!"

Finally knowing what the old master was suffering from, Butler Lu's body trembled, his knees bent, and he knelt to the floor.

Watching the old master grow weaker and weaker and being unable to identify the cause had left him distraught, but as the second-in-command of the manor, he couldn't cave in. Now that a glimmer of hope had finally appeared before him, he could no longer hold it in.

Having grown up in the Great Herb King Manor, he possessed absolute loyalty toward the Great Herb King.

On top of that, if the old master were to die, the other herb kings would make use of this opportunity to attack the manor and the Great Herb King Manor's crumble would be absolute. As the butler of the manor, he would suffer the brunt of the impact, and it would be hard for him to live for long.

Regardless of whether it was for his loyalty toward the Great Herb King or for his own life, he mustn't allow anything to happen to the Great Herb King.

Since this Physician Bai was able to see through and treat his own affliction, as well as determine the root of the old master's frailty, he might have a solution for the matter.

"Get up first!" Zhang Xuan reached out to help the other party up. Shaking his head, he said, "Once the contract is established, the Contract Gu enters one's bloodstream. It is extremely difficult to solve the matter!"

After establishing a contract, the gu worm dives into one's innards and moves along with his blood flow. It is impossible for it to be located and destroyed.

"As long as Physician Bai treats the old master, the Great Herb King Manor is willing to accede to any of your requests..." Butler Lu clenched his jaws.

"To save him, I'll have to find the location of the gu worm and extract or exterminate it!"

Zhang Xuan explained.

"However, the gu worm is alive, and it flows along with the blood. The moment it realizes that it is in danger, it will escape immediately. How can I capture it like that?"

The main reason for the Great Herb King's suffering was the gu worm living in his body. The solution for the problem actually sounded extremely easy; one merely had to extract or exterminate it. However, it was hard to put into practice.

That thing lives in one's bloodstream, and cannot be seen or felt. In addition, it is constantly moving about and knows how to avoid danger. How is it possible to remove and destroy it?

Before the gu worm can be killed, the person would have probably died first.

"Since Physician Bai is able to determine what the old master is suffering from, you must have a solution. I beseech you to save him!"

Butler Lu knelt down once more.

The many physicians that had examined the old master weren't even able to identify the illness. Bai Chan was their only hope.

"I can save him, but... I have a condition!"

After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Xuan said.

While others would be hard-pressed to look for the gu worm, Zhang Xuan was different. With the Library of Heaven's Path, Zhang Xuan could plainly see the location of the gu worm. Thus, it was still possible for him to treat the Great Herb King.

"Physician Bai, feel free to speak of your condition!"

Hearing that the other party could really treat him, Butler Lu clenched his fists tightly in agitation.

"I want to go to the Poison Hall. I hope that someone can bring me there after I cure the Great Herb King!"

Zhang Xuan glanced at Butler Lu.


Butler Lu didn't expect the other party to come up with such a condition. "Currently, the Poison Hall isn't accepting any guests, especially physicians. It'll be extremely dangerous for you to head there now!"

Poison masters and physicians are at perennially odds. Aren't you, a physician, courting death to want to visit the Poison Hall?

"Dangerous for me to head there now? What do you mean?"

Noticing a hidden meaning to the other party's words, Zhang Xuan stared at him doubtfully.

Glancing at the old master and seeing that the other party wasn't objectionable to him revealing the issue, Butler Lu gritted his teeth and said, "An internal conflict has broken out within the Poison Hall, and it is currently closed to outsiders. They refused all guests, and even the old master isn't allowed to enter. Heading there now... is truly an unwise decision!"

"Internal conflict?"

"Yes!" Butler Lu said. "However, if Physician Bai really wishes to visit the Poison Hall, the conflict should probably die down within a year. By then, it should be much safer..."

"A year? That's too long!"

Zhang Xuan shook his head.

In the first place, the reason why he chose to disguise as Physician Bai Chan instead of taking the physician examination at Tianwu Kingdom was so that he could get to the Poison Hall as soon as possible to resolve the poisonous aura that was lingering in his body. Since he was unwilling to wait even a month, how could he possibly wait a year?

What joke is this!

"As long as you bring me to the entrance of the Poison Hall, I'll settle the rest myself. If you promise to accede to my condition, I will save the old master now. Otherwise, let's forget about everything!"

Zhang Xuan calmly said.

"However, I doubt that there's anyone else in the surrounding thirteen kingdoms who can save the old master!"

The other party seemed to be determined. Thus, Butler Lu turned to consult the old master, and upon seeing him blink his eyes, turned back to Zhang Xuan.

"Alright, the old master has agreed!"


Zhang Xuan nodded, "Place your old master horizontally. I'll begin my treatment now."


Given that this was the Great Herb King Manor, Butler Lu wasn't worried about the other party doing anything foolish. Thus, he adjusted the reclining chair to place the old master in a lying position.

Knowing that the other party was about to remove the Contract Gu from his body, nervousness flashed on the Great Herb King's dry face.

Butler Lu and Mo Yu might have never heard of the Contract Gu, but as the person who had it implanted into his body, he knew that there was nearly no cure for it.

Yet, the person before him claimed that he was capable of treating it! Even though he didn't truly believe the other party's words, he, nevertheless, wanted to give it a try.


Since he had already decided to treat the other party, Zhang Xuan immediately got on with it. With a jerk of his hand, a box of silver needles appeared in his palm.

Then, submerging his consciousness into the library, he flipped to the page where the flaws were listed (which reflects the location of the Contract Gu's worm).

He drove his zhenqi and immediately pierced a silver needle right at the spot where the worm was last located.

The silver needle which was infused with the Heaven's Path zhenqi would definitely be able to easily destroy the gu worm if it were to pierce through it.


After piercing the needle into the other party's body, Zhang Xuan circulated zhenqi around the other party's body for a moment. Noticing the absence of the presence of the gu worm, Zhang Xuan's complexion darkened.

"The gu worm actually escaped..."

Time was wasted discussing the matter after the compilation of the book, and the gu worm in the Great Herb King was no longer at the position indicated in the book.

It seemed that the book had to be refreshed for him to pinpoint the new location of the gu worm.

Hesitating for a moment, Zhang Xuan turned to look at the Great Herb King sheepishly.

"Great Herb King, I'm sorry but... is it convenient for you to pass out once more?"


Gu is a venomous being used often in voodoo and black magic in the south China.

There are many methods of preparations depending on the custom, but the most traditional one is to keep countless poisonous animals into one jar and let them fight it out.




Chapter 272: I Understand

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: GaiaNove

"Are you asking if it's convenient for... him to pass out once more?"

Butler Lu and Mo Yu's mouths twitched.

The Great Herb King shook his head vigorously.

No one liked to be knocked out, so who would possibly agree that it's convenient for them to pass out?

Hearing those words, the Great Herb King would have struck first if not for his physical disability, needless to say, to allow the other party to knock him out.

"Physician Bai Chan, this..."

Seeing the objection in the old master's eyes, Butler Lu hurriedly spoke up. However, before he could finish his words, the middle-aged man before him seemed to have come to an epiphany, "Forget it, there's no use asking you about it. It's best that I do it myself!"

Thus, he stretched out his arm.


With tears brimming in his eyes, the Great Herb King passed out once more.

Having knocked out the Great Herb King, Zhang Xuan noticed that Butler Lu was in the middle of his words and turned to look at him with a doubtful expression, "What's wrong?"

"I... That... Nothing!"

Butler Lu smiled awkwardly.

He had intended to stop the other party and to see if there was a way to treat the old master without knocking him out. However, since the daylights had already been knocked out of the old master, there was no longer any need for him to speak up.

"Un, I'll continue on with the treatment then!"

With the Great Herb King now unconscious, the book in Zhang Xuan's hands jolted the moment he came into contact with the other party's body.

The location of the gu worm was refreshed.

Having ascertained the location, Zhang Xuan's hands jerked, and a silver needle was pierced into the other party's body.

"Hm? I missed it..."

Checking the area with his zhenqi, he realized that the gu worm had escaped once again.

"Looks like killing the gu worm is much more difficult than I have expected!" Zhang Xuan's expression was grim.

He thought that it would be easy for him to eradicate the gu worm with the Library of Heaven's Path providing him its location. However, from the looks of it, he had underestimated the gu worm.

Even though the delay between browsing the book in the library and the piercing of the needle was extremely short, it was more than sufficient for the gu worm to escape from its original position.

Zhang Xuan touched the Great Herb King once more and pierced a silver needle into the other party's body.

Puhe! Puhe! Puhe!

Under the numerous assaults by the silver needle, the gu worm seemed to have realized that it was in danger, and it escaped furiously through the other party's blood vessels.

"The blood vessels within a human are complicated, and countless small capillaries spread out across the entire body. If this goes on, I won't be able to catch it even after a day of effort. I have to find a way to corner it before I can destroy it!"

After inserting a few needles in quick succession, he noticed that the gu worm moved faster and faster, and its movements were erratic without any specific pattern. Troubled, a deep crease emerged on Zhang Xuan's forehead.

"Is it dead yet..."

After a dozen of consecutive needles, Zhang Xuan eventually managed to force it to a corner and just as he was about to deal the final blow, a weak voice sounded. Turning his head to take a look, he saw that the Great Herb King had roused from his sleep.

Him becoming awake meant that the location of the gu worm on his book in the library couldn't be refreshed.

Knowing that there was no time to be wasted, Zhang Xuan didn't even bother to speak this time. He stretched out his hand immediately and 'padah!', the other party was knocked out once more.

"Not good! That fellow has escaped again..."

By the time the book was updated, the gu worm had already escaped. Zhang Xuan's expression darkened.

The other party's awakening had hastened his blood flow, allowing the gu worm to escape far away from Zhang Xuan's encirclement.

"Damn it!"

He didn't expect that a small gu worm would be that sly. With his eyebrows shot up, he turned to Butler Lu.

"Come here. Knock out the old master the moment he awakens..."

The Great Herb King's cultivation had reached Zongshi realm pinnacle. Even though his body had been driven to the brink of death under the torture of the gu worm, the defensive mechanism from the zhenqi in his body remained functioning, allowing him to recover swiftly from his unconscious state.

On the other hand, in order not to worsen the dying Great Herb King's condition, Zhang Xuan couldn't exert too much force when knocking him out.

In order to prevent the gu worm from getting away again due to him awaking, it was best to make preparations beforehand.

Thus, Zhang Xuan decided to render Butler Lu's help. With someone to knock the Great Herb King out, Zhang Xuan would be able to direct his undivided attention toward killing the worm.

"Knock the old master out the moment he awakens..."

Butler Lu's body trembled in agitation, and he was on the verge of tears.

The man before him was his old master. If he were to do this, he could imagine the kind of trouble that would await him if the old master were to choose to pursue this matter in the future...

"Can I turn down your request..."

"Don't waste my time, hurry up!"

Seeing a conflicted expression on the other party, Zhang Xuan frowned. "If you don't want to save the old master, feel free to reject my request!"


Even though Butler Lu was torn, he knew that the priority was to save the old master. Thus, he walked over and stretched out his hand.

Just as his heart was in turmoil, Mo Yu's voice suddenly sounded.

"That... Physicians often use [Soul Numbing Powder] to knock their patients out. With a single whiff, one should stay unconscious for a significant period of time. Furthermore, it doesn't hurt one's body... Will that work?"

"Soul Numbing Powder? Is there such a thing? Of course, it will work!"

Zhang Xuan was taken aback.

His goal was just to keep the other party in an unconscious state. It didn't matter whether the other party was knocked out through physical means or through medicine.

"The Soul Numbing Powder works as well?"

Hearing Zhang Xuan's reply sent tears flowing down Butler Lu and Mo Yu's face.

The Soul Numbing Powder was a common medicine used by physicians, and it was often utilized on the less courageous patients. There wasn't a single physician who hasn't heard of it, and most would carry several doses with them wherever they go...

Yet, this fellow has never heard of it...

The heck!

If not for the incredible skills he has displayed, we would really doubt if he is a physician!

Otherwise, how can he possibly not know the basics?

If Zhang Xuan had used this earlier, the Great Herb King wouldn't have to be smacked on the head so many times. If this continued, even if he successfully treated the other party, it was likely that the Great Herb King would become dumb from the multiple impacts on his head...

"We have the medicine here, I'll fetch it right now..."

Fearful that the old master would be struck once more, Butler Lu rushed out in a hurry.

The Great Herb King dealt in medicine, and it was absurd to think that they wouldn't possess such an elementary herb in their storage. In no time, Butler Lu arrived with several sacks.

Zhang Xuan grabbed a sack casually and placed it before the Great Herb King's nostril. As expected, the medicine quickly sent the latter into a deep sleep, and it didn't seem likely that he would regain consciousness so soon.

"To think that you would have such a good stuff. You should have taken it out earlier!"

Seeing how amazing the medicine was, Zhang Xuan glared at Butler Lu.


Butler Lu felt wronged.

As a physician, you brought a chopper into the surgery room. Naturally, I thought that you specialize in using it. Who in the world would expect that... you don't even know what a scalpel is...

Mo Yu shot a look of sympathy at Butler Lu as well. If not for her having gotten used to Zhang Xuan's bizarre actions, she herself would have thought that he was doing it on purpose.

Under the potency of the Soul Numbing Powder, the Great Herb King fell into deep sleep. Zhang Xuan continued with his treatment; leaving a single hand in constant contact with the other party's body while having the other hand pierce needles into the other party swiftly, forcing the gu worm to a corner in the bloodstream.

This time, his operation went successfully and the gu worm was entrapped shortly.


With a jerk of Zhang Xuan's fingers, a silver needle immediately pierced straight into the Great Herb King's body.


In that instant, a piercing shrill sounded from the Great Herb King's body and the worm could be seen to be struggling about in his blood vessel.


With a tap of his finger, a surge of pure zhenqi flowed into the other party's body through the silver needle. And in the next instant, the worm, as though meeting with its nemesis, thrashed for awhile longer before falling motionless.

Just like any other poisonous substances, the Heaven's Path zhenqi, which was reminiscent of pure water, was the gu worm's greatest nemesis. Upon contact, that resilient lifeform crumbled immediately and died on the spot.

"Come on out!"

Exerting pressure on the other party's blood vessel, Zhang Xuan sent a burst of zhenqi into the other party, and the silver needle and gu worm flew out simultaneously.

Padah! The two landed on the floor.

"Is this the so-called Contract Gu?"

Butler Lu and Mo Yu walked over immediately.

The gu worm on the floor was the size of a firefly. There were unique runes scribbled on its dark green body, and it looked so disgusting that it could send a cold chill down one's spine.


Zhang Xuan exhaled deeply.

The greatest problem that plagued the Great Herb King's body was this gu worm. With this little fellow extracted from his body, his languishing body should recover with time.

Moments after removing the sack of Soul Numbing Powder from the other party's nostril, the Great Herb King slowly awoke.

"Old master..."

Butler Lu walked forward.

"Do I... still need to be knocked out?"

After waking up, the Great Herb King glanced at Zhang Xuan and his lips quivered uncontrollably.

He was traumatized after getting knocked out continuously.

He was afraid that a fist would be awaiting him the moment he awoke.

"There's no need for that anymore. The gu worm has already been killed!"

Butler Lu pointed to the worm on the floor.

"It's dead?"

The Great Herb King was taken aback. Glancing at the corpse of the gu worm on the floor, his face reddened in agitation.

After being afflicted with the Contract Gu, his life and death became something beyond his control. The reason why the Contract Gu was used to gain another's trust was that even the most incredible poison masters were unable to cure one of it. Yet, the physician before him was able to kill it easily. Even though he had witnessed the event personally with his own two eyes, he found the situation hard to believe nevertheless.

"Physician Bai, thank you for saving my life!"

Standing up from the reclining chair, the Great Herb King knelt to the floor.

Initially, he thought that it was his fate to die from the Contract Gu. Never in his dreams did he expect that he would be saved by the man standing before him!

In order to be rescued from his despair, not to mention three times, even if he were to be knocked out ten times or hundred times, it would have been worth the suffering.

"Old master, you... you..."

Seeing the Great Herb King get up to kneel on the floor, Butler Lu grew agitated.

It was just awhile ago that the old master was unable to move or speak. Yet, at this moment, he had stood up and knelt down all by himself. This went to show that his body was already starting to recover.

"With the gu worm in my body dead, my strength is gradually returning to me. However, the trauma within caused by it isn't resolved yet. Physician Bai, I beseech you to treat me..."

Stopping Butler Lu from helping him up, the Great Herb King kowtowed to Zhang Xuan.

While the death of the gu worm had solved the root of the problem, that little fellow had been on a rampage inside the Great Herb King's body for the past few days, sapping his spirit and energy dry. He would still require the help of this physician to nourish his damaged body and rejuvenate his stamina.

Otherwise, now possessing the appearance of a person in his nineties despite not having reached even fifty, it was clear that he would not have long to live.

"You want me to solve your current problem?"

Reading through his book in the Library of Heaven's Path, Zhang Xuan frowned.

Tortured by the Contract Gu for numerous days, his body was severely injured. If not for the innumerable precious herbs he possessed as the Great Herb King, he wouldn't have been able to survive until this day.

His physical and mental frailty could only be gradually treated through the consumption of various tonics over a long period of time. However... Zhang Xuan was different.

Not only could the Heaven's Path zhenqi heal one's stamina and bring him back to his peak, it could also heal the Great Herb King's damaged blood vessels completely, simply by driving it through his bloodstream.

However, the Heaven's Path zhenqi was too pure. Previously, when Zhang Xuan was treating the other party, he was unconscious. Furthermore, by the time he awoke, the Heaven's Path zhenqi had already melded as one with the zhenqi in his body, making it impossible for the other party to detect any abnormality.

However, if Zhang Xuan were to treat him now, the other party would definitely realize the uniqueness of his zhenqi, and this could bring about unwanted trouble.

Zhang Xuan was unwilling to take this risk.

"I can treat you, but..."

After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Xuan spoke up. However, before he could finish his words, he realized that the Great Herb King was staring at him with incredible determination.

"Physician Bai, you need not speak any further. I understand!"

After which, he lifted his hand and struck his head.


He fell limply onto the floor, unconscious.




Chapter 273: What's Going On [2in1]

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: GaiaNove

Not expecting the other party to knock himself out before he could finish his words, Zhang Xuan became speechless.

"Cough cough, what I meant to say was... I can solve your problem, but you'll have to increase the compensation. How can I negotiate with you now that you're unconscious?"

Zhang Xuan's condition for removing the Contract Gu from the other party's body was to bring him to the Poison Hall. Zhang Xuan had fulfilled his end of the deal, but the other party was now requesting for him to treat his wounded body. This was an entirely different matter, and Zhang Xuan couldn't possibly expend his own zhenqi for nothing.

Yet, before he could say anything, the other party had already fainted.

No matter what, I am a physician. Aren't you being too disrespectful to me?

Hearing Zhang Xuan mutter to himself, Butler Lu hurried up to Zhang Xuan and coughed awkwardly, "The old master wishes for you to treat him as soon as possible. If Physician Bai has any requests, feel free to speak to me of it. I'll do my best to satisfy them!"

"That's more like it!"

Zhang Xuan nodded, "How about this, you're selling this [Soul Numbing Powder] as well right? If so, you should have an inventory of it. Help me prepare three doses... No, ten doses."

If Zhang Xuan had this, he wouldn't have to resort to knocking anyone out by force again.

Since he had learned of this object, it was only natural for him to want more of it. Who else would he exploit if not the rich tycoon in front of him?

"Ten doses of Soul Numbing Powder?"

Butler Lu blinked.

"Indeed. Don't tell me that your Great Herb King Manor can't even afford this meager amount of medicinal herbs?" Zhang Xuan frowned. At the same time, he was pondering whether he had asked for too much and that the other party was incapable of bringing out that much.

"No, it's... it's that..." Butler Lu seemed conflicted by the request and he looked as though he was suffering from constipation. "It's that this object is too inexpensive..."

The Soul Numbing Powder was one of the most fundamental prescriptions in a physician's arsenal. A single dose costs only a few hundred gold coins, and ten of it was worth mere thousands. To think this little amount of money could save the old master's life...

Aren't you thinking to cheaply of the Great Herb King's life?


Zhang Xuan was taken aback. He immediately turned to Mo Yu, only to see her nodding her head with a speechless expression. Only then did he laugh awkwardly, "That... right. Do you have any Half-Zongshi and Zongshi realm cultivation technique manuals in your manor? The tier of the manual doesn't matter, and all I need is quantity. If you can manage to gather more than a thousand of them, I will accept it as the compensation."

Zhang Xuan's cultivation had already reached Tongxuan realm pinnacle, and to achieve a breakthrough, he would have to gather higher-realm secret manuals.

Tianxuan Kingdom was too backward, and excluding the old ancestor, the strongest cultivators were merely at Tongxuan realm pinnacle. As such, there was only a handful Half-Zongshi realm manuals in its territory. Red Lotus City was the city of a Tier 1 Kingdom, as well as a medicinal herb trading hub, so it might be possible for the other party to gather a sizeable quantity amount of cultivation technique manuals for him.

"Half-Zongshi and Zongshi realm secret manuals? More than a thousand of them?"

Not having expected Physician Bai Chan to ask for something so peculiar, Butler Lu contemplated for a moment before answering, "Our Great Herb King Manor controls the flow of all medicinal herbs in Tianwu Kingdom and the twelve surrounding nations. Many cultivators do not possess sufficient money to purchase herbs, so they could only trade in their unique secret manuals."

"Thus, we have accumulated several hundreds of Half-Zongshi secret manuals over the years. With the rallying ability of our Great Herb King Manor, we should be able to gather more than a thousand books swiftly. As for Zongshi realm cultivation technique manuals... If you have no requirements on the tier, it isn't a problem for us to gather a few hundred books for you. However, gathering above a thousand of it would be difficult."

"Alright, I'll take these then!"

Hearing that the other party could gather more than a thousand Half-Zongshi realm cultivation technique manuals and a few hundred Zongshi realm manuals, Zhang Xuan's eyes lit up. He nodded in agreement hurriedly.

As expected of a city of Tianwu Kingdom, resources flowing through this single city weren't what that the entire Tianxuan Kingdom could compare up to.

With sufficient manuals, Zhang Xuan would be able to reach Half-Zongshi or even Zongshi realm effortlessly. By then, he should at least possess the ability to protect himself in the Poison Hall.

"Alright, you should go on and make arrangements. I'll treat the old master now!"

Contented with the compensation, Zhang Xuan instructed Butler Lu before grabbing the Great Herb King's arm and beginning to transfuse a surge of Heaven's Path zhenqi into his meridians.

Actually, why the Great Herb King looked lifeless and withered was because of the blockage in his meridian, causing the flow of his zhenqi to stagnate. As long as Zhang Xuan cleared up the blockages, the other party's dense and powerful Zongshi zhenqi would naturally rejuvenate his spirit, energy, and soul, thus inducing a complete recovery.


The pure zhenqi gushed through the blocked meridians one after another. The damage left behind by the Contract Gu, as though snow meeting with the radiant sun, disappeared completely.

The dry and loose skin on the Great Herb King regained its elasticity and liveliness. In an instant, he seemed to have turned several decades younger.


Mo Yu, who was standing by the side, blinked her eyes furiously, unable to believe her sight.

She thought that Zhang Xuan's treatment, like any other physicians, would require the complement of medicinal herbs, and would be over the course of numerous months. She hadn't expected the Great Herb King to recover instantly just by having his wrist grabbed...

Is this really something a physician can do?

Why haven't I heard of it?

All of her preconceptions of the world seemed to be overthrown one after another.


Soon, the Heaven's Path zhenqi circulated a full round around the other party's body, clearing all of the blockages completely. Zhang Xuan stood up and exhaled deeply.

It was much easier than he expected.

The Great Herb King, who had his trauma resolved, slowly awoke from his slumber. Feeling the softness and elasticity of his skin and the overwhelming strength surging through his body, even though the Great Herb King was impressed, he wasn't as surprised as Mo Yu.

The physician before him had managed to cure him of his Poison Gu, a feat which countless physicians and poison masters were incapable of. Rather, it would be bizarre if he couldn't do something as easy as treating his wounds.

"Physician Bai Chan, you have my gratitude!"

The Great Herb King's face flushed in agitation as he knelt onto the floor once more.

If not for the physician before him, he would have been dead by now.

The gratitude he felt wasn't something that could be measured using money.

"It's merely a deal! However, I'm curious why a person of your standing would accept a Contract Gu and allow yourself to be manipulated."

Zhang Xuan waved casually before turning to look at the Great Herb King doubtfully.

Mo Yu was baffled as well.

The Great Herb King's status and influence were so great that even the Tianwu Kingdom's royal family didn't dare to offend him. Yet, such a great person actually chose to take on a Contract Gu. This was something beyond their imagination.

"Sigh, this is a long story. If you knew the person whom I formed a contract with, you would not be thinking like that!"

Seeing the doubt in the duo's eyes, the Great Herb King flashed a bitter smile.

The other party had saved his life, and he felt that his life belonged to the other party. Thus, he didn't think that there was anything inappropriate to say before the other party and didn't intend to hide anything from him.

"The person I contracted with is... the Hall Master of the Poison Hall!"

"Hall Master of the Poison Hall?"

"Un!" The Great Herb King nodded his head. With a complex expression, he explained, "The Great Herb King may seem like an awe-inspiring and powerful figure whom no one in the Red Lotus City dares to offend, but the truth is that we're merely the spokespersons for the Poison Hall! I'm not the only one; every single Great Herb King of previous generations had established a contract with Poison Hall Masters and became their puppets."

"Every single generation?"

Zhang Xuan and Mo Yu was stunned. However, as they thought further, they realized that it was logical.

The Red Lotus City was the only intermediary to the Poison Hall, and it was hard to believe that the Poison Hall didn't establish any power within the city.

Without the support of the Poison Hall, how could the Great Herb King of every generation control the gigantic medicinal herb market and earn massive profits? Similarly, they wouldn't have been able to kill princes and princesses of the various kingdoms without fear either.

It was only because of the Poison Hall's support that the Red Lotus City was powerful.

Otherwise, how could a declining ancient city be able to stand against powerful countries like Tianwu?

After all, Tianwu Kingdom had the backing of several 2-star master teachers.

With the guidance of a master teacher of such tier, even though it would be pushing it to say that everyone was an expert, the average level of cultivation within the city was much higher than that of Tianxuan Kingdom. Its army was capable of splitting the ocean and collapsing mountains. If not for the backing of the Poison Hall, how could a mere Red Lotus City escape the Tianwu Kingdom's jurisdiction?

Otherwise, it would have long been destroyed.

"The only reason why a Contract Gu would act up is that a contractee is dead. Could it be that...

Upon realizing something, Zhang Xuan turned to look at the Great Herb King.

"That's right!" The Great Herb King nodded. "The Hall Master is dead!"

"Butler Lu wasn't lying when he said that an internal conflict has broken out within the Poison Hall, and it is turning away all guests! The Hall Master died abruptly without declaring his successor, and three candidates are currently vying for the top seat, resulting in chaos. Even I myself am trying to keep away from the Poison Hall or else, I might not even know how I die."

The Great Herb King smiled bitterly, "To them, I am only a puppet. As long as the Poison Hall exists, they can always raise a new Great Herb King."

Even though he did not want to admit it, Zhang Xuan knew that it was true.

With the strength of the Poison Hall, it was merely a walk in the park to make someone the Great Herb King.

For the prestigious and powerful Great Herb King to be an inconsequential puppet, it would be hard for anyone to believe it to be true if not hearing it from the person himself.

The Great Herb King glanced at Zhang Xuan with a grim expression. "Physician Bai Chan, you saved me, and in return, I'll bring you to the Poison Hall. However... There are currently three candidates vying for the seat, and the Poison Hall is filled with uncountable dangers. Death is the only thing that awaits any visitor. If you have time to spare, you can stay here in my manor for the moment, and I'll help you look into the matter. If we go after the Hall Master is confirmed, we'll be spared from unnecessary danger."

The fight over the position of Hall Master was no different from princes vying for the throne; it would be filled with schemes and assassinations.

If outsiders were to enter, it was highly likely that they would be taken as pawns, and they wouldn't even realize how they had died.

It wasn't wrong to say that the Poison Hall at present was at its most chaotic and dangerous.

However, once the Hall Master was confirmed, the situation would settle down, and the place would become much safer.

"I can't wait that long!"

Even though Zhang Xuan knew that what the other party said was valid, he couldn't wait that long.

The poison aura in his body was suppressed by Heaven's Path zhenqi, but no one could guarantee when it would counterattack.

If it was just three to five days, he could still wait. However, a year or two was too long for him.

"Actually... If Physician Bai does have a pressing urgency, there's another way."

Seeing that his benefactor seemed to be in a rush to head to the Poison Hall, the Great Herb King contemplated for a moment before speaking, "The three main disciples of the old Hall Master each possess support from a faction of the Poison Hall, and their influences are roughly equal. Under normal circumstances, it would be impossible for a victor to emerge without a year or two of grinding it out. However, there is an exception."

"Tell me about it!" Zhang Xuan's eyes lit up.

The Great Herb King continued, "Just like the Apothecary Guild and Blacksmith Guild, the Poison Hall has a headquarter and numerous branches. The Poison Hall in our Red Lotus Range is a minor branch of the lot!"

Zhang Xuan nodded his head.

After reading through books of all kinds, Zhang Xuan knew that the Tianwu Kingdom and the other countries surrounding it formed just a small part of the world.

While the Poison Hall of the Red Lotus Range was famous, its reputation was limited to the area around Tianwu Kingdom.

Much more incredible branches could be found in higher tier kingdoms.

"Based on what I know, the old Hall Master died suddenly, and he didn't appoint a successor beforehand. Thus, the elders in the hall have reported this matter to the headquarter! If the headquarter decides to interfere, it will send an envoy to calm the chaos and decide on the new Hall Master. If so, the entire process can be resolved quickly!"

The Great Herb King said.

"Oh? There's such a matter as well?" Zhang Xuan's eyes lit up.

All branches had to follow arrangements by the headquarter.

No matter how chaotic the situation was after the death of the Hall Master, the envoy from the headquarter should be able to resolve the issue swiftly.

"In such situations, how long does it usually take for the Poison Hall to send an envoy? Also, how soon will the internal conflict be resolved? Are there any precedents?"

Zhang Xuan could not help but ask.

"There are indeed precedents in the history of the Poison Hall, but..."

The Great Herb King hesitated for a moment before smiling bitterly, "This time, I can't confirm this matter. While the Poison Hall of the Red Lotus Range sounds impressive, it is just an unimpressive countryside branch to the headquarter. If an envoy is sent over, the conflict should be settled in less than half a month. However... If the headquarter feels that it is a waste of personnel and decides not to send anyone over, it will take at least one to two years!"

Even though an envoy could settle the issue easily, the Red Lotus Range Poison Hall branch was an unimportant branch, and the headquarter might think that there was no need to waste any effort on it. Thus, it wouldn't be unordinary if they did not send any personnel.

There were similar cases in the past.

As such, it was difficult to guess the headquarters' decision.

Even the Great Herb King was unable to determine when the internal conflict would end.

"Even so, I can't simply keep waiting like that!"

After hearing the other party's explanation, Zhang Xuan felt even more dismal.

He needed to gather sufficient books on poison to learn how to rectify the hidden poison aura in his body. He couldn't possibly wait mindlessly for news which might not arrive.

"The best way is to keep waiting. However, if Physician Bai hopes to head there now, I can bring you there. Just that... I can't guarantee your safety!"

The Great Herb King hesitated before speaking.

"Allow me to consider for a moment!"

Zhang Xuan's main purpose of heading to the Poison Hall was for the books. As long as he didn't interfere in their fight for the position of the Hall Master, he should be able to stay out of danger.

But of course, he didn't know much about the poison masters, so he couldn't say for sure.

He could only go with the flow.

"After you're done collecting the books, let's head to the Poison Hall!"

Zhang Xuan hesitated for a short while before making up his mind.

It wasn't easy for him to come to the Red Lotus City, and he couldn't wait endlessly for the conflict to cease. Thus, he decided to brush aside the internal conflict and do what he had to do.

But before that, it was imperative for him to raise his cultivation.

As long as he achieved Zongshi realm pinnacle, with the Library of Heaven's Path and his pure Heaven's Path zhenqi, he would be able to match even a Half-Zhizun. Even if those from the Poison Hall wanted to kill him, it would not no easy task.

"Collecting the books?"

The Great Herb King asked doubtfully.

When Zhang Xuan was negotiating the terms with Butler Lu, the Great Herb King has already knocked himself unconscious, so he wasn't aware of the deal.

"It's like that..." Zhang Xuan explained.

"Oh, so Physician Bai wants those books. That isn't a difficult task, I'll supervise them personally. Within three days, we should be able to gather all of the Half-Zongshi and Zongshi realm cultivation technique manuals in Red Lotus City!"

Upon hearing that Physician Bai Chan wanted these books as compensation, the Great Herb King was taken aback. Then, he smiled, and intense confidence shone through his eyes.

He had managed Red Lotus City for many years, and it was under his complete control. Those books might be precious, but if he were to demand them personally, it would be an easy feat.

"That's great, I'll be relying on you then!"

Hearing that the matter could be settled in three days, Zhang Xuan heaved a sigh of relief and nodded.

"Physician Bai, feel free to stay here for the time being. I'll go and urge them right now."

The Great Herb King stood up and called for a guard, arranging for the duo's accommodation before heading out in a rush.

It was a request from his benefactor, he didn't dare to dawdle.

"We'll stay here for the time being then!"

Zhang Xuan knew that there was no rushing the issue. Thus, he decided to stay in the manor with Mo Yu for the time being.


"Do you think that the fellow's diagnosis is correct?"

Outside the Great Herb King Manor, the numerous physicians who left earlier were gathered together. Every single one of them had a deep frown on their foreheads.

Ever since they departed from the manor, they had been keeping vigil outside discussing Physician Bai.

For 2-star and 3-star physicians with astounding reputations to be outdone by an unimpressive 1-star physician, they found the matter hard to accept.

"Do you think that a mere 1-star physician can make an accurate diagnosis on the Great Herb King? What a joke! He was probably just spouting bullshit!"

"That might not be the case, his words have generated a huge reaction in the Great Herb King. Why else would be Great Herb King get so agitated if the other party's words aren't right?"

"Assuming that he is right, then what in the world is that [Contract Gu]? Why haven't we heard of it?"

The more they discussed, the more confused they got.

If this fellow was spouting rubbish, it is impossible for the Great Herb King to have such an intense reaction, even causing him to drive us away.

But if what he said is true, then what in the world is a Contract Gu? Why haven't we heard of it?

Is there such an illness in the world?

Besides... How can a 1-star physician notice something that we couldn't discern?

"I've known Bai Chan for several years, but I never knew that he has such abilities!"

Of the crowd, Physician Cheng Feng felt so stifled that he was about to lose it.

He was the most familiar with Physician Bai Chan, and his original intention was to mock the other party and embarrass him. He didn't expect the other party to outdo him and slap him hard so on the face.

"There's no need for us to debate. Our questions will be answered soon enough!"

"If he had indeed diagnosed the condition of the Great Herb King successfully, he would be to strut out of the manor openly. Otherwise, the only fate that awaits him is to become a corpse!"

Mu Hong and the other 3-star physicians interrupted the crowd's discussion.

"That's right!"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

That arrogant fellow had overstepped his boundaries, knocking out the Great Herb King with a single fist. It was one thing if he could treat him, but if he failed, he would definitely be killed.

Knowing this, the others decided not to make a fuss. If that fellow were to walk out, it would simply mean that his diagnosis was spot on. On the other hand, if he were to be carried out, it would mean that he was spouting nonsense and had paid for his arrogance.

"There's no need to think about it, he will definitely be carried out..."

Physician Cheng Feng gritted his teeth. However, before he could finish his words, 'jiya!', the doors to the manor opened.

"Look, someone is coming out..."

Upon hearing the loud creaking, the physicians turned toward the door and with just a single glance, all of their eyes widened, and they nearly passed out.

The one who walked out was an elder, and Butler Lu followed behind him respectfully.

"Is he... the Great Herb King?"

After getting a clear view of his appearance, every physician present swallowed a mouthful of saliva simultaneously.

They had examined the other party for an extended period of time, so how could they not recognize him!

Even though he looked so much younger, given how Butler Lu was acting respectfully to him, who else could he be?

Just a moment ago, the other party was lying motionless on the reclining chair and was on the verge of death... And in less than twenty minutes, he is now walking with large strides. His movements are filled with vitality, and he now looks several decades younger...

Can anyone tell me what happened?

Even if the other party's diagnosis was spot on, it isn't possible for the treatment to be so quick, right?

To be fully treated in twenty minutes... and for him to walk about without assistance...

The heck, my eyes must be playing tricks on me!


Physician Cheng Feng's body swayed, and he nearly vomited blood.

He had just mentioned that the other party would definitely be lifted out and, instead, it turned out that... the Great Herb King came out on his own two feet.

Can anyone tell me what's going on?

"Distinguished physicians, you're still here?"

Seeing that the crowd had not yet left, the Great Herb King walked over with a smile.

"Great Herb King, this..."

Physician Mu Hong could no longer hold himself back, and he walked forward with a bewildered expression.

"Physician Bai Chan has treated my affliction. His medical skills are incredible!"

A hint of reverence flashed across the Great Herb King's eyes. Then, he clasped his hands and said, "Alright, I still have affairs to attend to, so I will not hold you up. Farewell!"

After which, he walked away with light footsteps.

"Was it really Physician Bai Chan who treated him?"

"In less than twenty minutes, he returned a person who looked to be in his nineties to his fifties?"

Even though they had guessed so the moment they saw the Great Herb King, they could not help but feel faint-headed upon hearing his personal affirmation.

There were so many of them and they had spent a significant amount of time examining the other party but weren't able to identify his illness. Yet, Physician Bai Chan was able to treat him in such a short period of time... The difference in their standards was clear.

Is he really a 1-star physician?

"Looks like... we have all misjudged him. That Physician Bai Chan is probably not just a 1-star physician!"

After a long moment of silence, one of the 3-star physicians spoke up.

The emblem isn't representative of one's true abilities.

"Indeed. How can a 1-star physician treat the Great Herb King so easily... With his skills, he is probably at minimum a 4-star!" Another 3-star physician commented.

Even though he was unwilling to admit it, Physician Mu Hong nodded in agreement.

"4-star physician... When he comes out, I'll have to pay my proper respects and make up for my impertinence!"

"That's right. I would like to consult him as well..."

Upon hearing the three 3-star physicians' judgment, everyone's faces froze.

Back then, when they were in the lounge, they had mocked Physician Bai without restraint.

Now that they knew that he was likely to be an incredible 4-star physician, they started to panic.

"Damn it, don't let me see you. Otherwise, I will beat you to death..."

Just as everyone made up their minds, a furious bellow sounded from the manor. Turning around, they saw a fellow who wasn't even wearing a coat in this cold weather standing not too far away, shaking his fists angrily.

"Physician Bai Chan?"

Obtaining a clear view of his appearance, all of the physicians were dazed for a moment. After which, a gleam appeared in their eyes, and they dashed forward.

The pitiful Physician Bai had just regained his consciousness and he realized that his physician emblem and coat had gone missing. Thus, he howled furiously and was about to search for the culprit when he saw a mob of 2-star and 3-star physicians charging toward him, as though they had seen their idol.

Frightened, he clamped his bottom and his body went limp...

These fellows usually act so haughtily upon seeing me, disregarding my presence. Why would they be bowing to me as though they had seen their senior?

Can anyone tell me...

What the heck is going on?




Chapter 274: Half-Zongshi

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: GaiaNove

"Physician Cheng Feng, this... What's going on?"

It took Physician Bai Chan a moment before he recovered. Upon recognizing a familiar face, he asked hastily.

"Physician Bai, I was blind to not notice your greatness, to think that your medical skills have reached such an astounding levels in just a few years. I hope that you can forgive me for the times that I've offended you!"

With a reddened face, Physician Cheng Feng clasped his hands respectfully.


Countless question marks popped in Physician Bai Chan's head.

Did these fellows eat something wrong this morning?

Why have all of their attitudes changed after I fainted?

After a moment of doubt, the confused Physician Bai finally understood the situation. The fellow who stole his emblem seemed to have treated the Great Herb King under his identity.

Despite knocking him out, that fellow didn't take his money or his possessions. In fact, he even bought him medicinal herbs that were worth thirty thousand gold taels... All of these, just to help treat someone?

Why does this feel so suspicious?

How can there be such a good thing in this world...

If that's really the case, shouldn't I consider finding another remote alley to loiter in?

Shouldn't I beg the heavens to show mercy and bring me a few more robbers like him...


Zhang Xuan was oblivious to Physician Bai Chan's earnest pleas. In the past three days, he had been staying in the Great Herb King Manor. Other than reading through the books in the Library of Heaven's Path, he spent most of his time tutoring Mo Yu.

This was what he had promised her. Now that he had managed to convince the Great Herb King to help him, it was time for him to fulfill his end of the promise.

After a few days of tutelage under Zhang Xuan, Mo Yu was completely impressed with the capability of the man who was even younger than her.

Her apothecary teacher was a famous figure in Tianwu Kingdom, but in terms of imparting knowledge, his ability to identify crucial points and mistakes was nowhere near Zhang Xuan's.

In just three days, her pill forging skills had made a huge leap. At this moment, she was already capable of forging a grade-2 pill independently.

And being able to forge a grade-2 pill meant that she could take the 2-star apothecary examination. To be able to reach such a standard with just three days of tutoring, even until now, Mo Yu could not believe that this was indeed reality.

Under normal circumstances, without at least five to six years of hard work, it is impossible for one to advance from a 1-star apothecary to a 2-star.

"Physician Bai, we've gathered all of the books that you require!"

On the morning of the fourth day, Zhang Xuan was guiding Mo Yu as usual when the Great Herb King walked in.

"Let's go and take a look!"

Zhang Xuan stood up.

He had been staying in the manor for the past three days for this, and he was glad that the other party didn't let him down.

"This way!"

The Great Herb King led the way, and soon they arrived at a huge room. Books of all appearance filled the interior, and with a glance at the outermost row, they were verified to be indeed Half-Zongshi and Zongshi realm cultivation technique manuals.

"I'll take a look, you can all leave first!"

Aware that his reading method was beyond unorthodox, Zhang Xuan waved them away.


The moment the Great Herb King and Butler Lu stepped out of the room, they heard hurried footsteps from within, and it seemed to them that someone was running in the room.

Didn't he ask us to gather these books here so that he can browse through them?


The duo stared at one another in puzzlement.

"Physician Bai is an extraordinary expert, so it's not surprising for him to have extraordinary methods of doing things. It would be best for us... to leave him be!"

Suppressing the urge to peek inside, the Great Herb King shook his head.

Other physicians would observe and ask the patient numerous questions in order to confirm their diagnosis... Yet, this fellow does so by knocking the patient out!

The other physicians usually demand medicinal herbs and gold coins in return for treating others, but this fellow requested cultivation techniques that were regardless of tier...

'Being gluttonous just results in indigestion', this was a principle that everyone knew. Furthermore, cultivators could only practice a single cultivation technique, so they couldn't understand why Zhang Xuan required so many books.

For the past three days, this question had been plaguing their minds. They had come up with dozens of reasons, but none of them seemed viable.

They thought that they would be able to guess the other party's intention by observing his actions, yet all they got was the sound of running...

Since they've brought the books here, the other party should at least browse through them and learn!

Yet, he was running about in the room...

They knew that experts usually do things peculiarly, but... this was way too peculiar!

"Old master, what do we do now?"

They stood outside the room for a long while, but other than the sound of hurried footsteps, their ears failed to catch anything else. Finally, Butler Lu couldn't stand it anymore and asked, "Should we... run with him as well?"

"There's no need, we'll just wait outside. He should come out once he's done!"

Shaking his head, the Great Herb King was just about to continue speaking when, 'jiya!', doors opened and Physician Bai walked out.

"That... Physician Bai, is something wrong with the manuals?"

Seeing the other party walk out of the room, the Great Herb King was astonished. He was unable to comprehend the situation at all.

Zhang Xuan had specially demanded these cultivation technique manuals, so the Great Herb King thought that he would at least immerse himself in them for a day or two. Why would he be out... right after running for a while in the room?"

He shouldn't be able to finish more than a handful of books in such a short period of time, right?

"I'm done looking through them!"

Zhang Xuan nodded.

"If there's anything wrong with the books, I can think of another way... Ah? What did you say? You fi-fi-finished reading all of them?"

The bodies of the Great Herb King and Butler Lu staggered, and they nearly vomited blood.

It took us so much effort to gather more than a thousand books. You've barely entered for a few minutes... and you say that you're done reading through them?

All we've heard was the sound of you running in the room, when did you read those books?

"Un, those books were extremely helpful to me. Thank you!"

Ignoring the shock on their faces, Zhang Xuan nodded.

There were just a thousand plus books inside, and it only took a few moments for Zhang Xuan to finish touching all of them. In fact, the reason why he took a few minutes was that he was busy breaking through Half-Zongshi, which took up some time. Otherwise, he would have probably finished 'reading' through them even before the other party walked out the door.

Of the books which the Great Herb King gathered, there were more on Half-Zongshi, and Zhang Xuan was able to form a complete Heaven's Path Divine Art, so he practiced his cultivation on the spot.

Half-Zongshi was merely a transition phase to Zongshi realm. With the correct cultivation technique, Zhang Xuan was able to improve swiftly. In just a few minutes, he managed to reach Half-Zongshi and reinforced his cultivation.

On the other hand, the Great Herb King had only gathered seven hundred to eight hundred of Zongshi realm cultivation technique manuals, so Zhang Xuan was still lacking a little more to forming the complete cultivation technique. Thus, he stopped at Half-Zongshi.

Upon reaching Half-Zongshi, Zhang Xuan's strength increased immensely. He broke through the 1000 ding barrier and reached 1500 ding.

At Zongshi realm, a cultivator usually possesses 1000 ding at primary stage, 2000 ding at intermediate stage, 3000 ding at advanced stage, and 4000 ding at pinnacle!

Possessing 1500 ding, Zhang Xuan's strength had already surpassed that of Zongshi realm primary stage cultivators despite being a Half-Zongshi.

More importantly... Other people took several years, some even decades, to reach Half-Zongshi realm, yet he... only took a few minutes!

It was fortunate that the Heaven's Path zhenqi was pure, making it impossible for anyone to see through his cultivation. Otherwise, if the Great Herb King were to know that Zhang Xuan's cultivation made a tremendous leap in the few minutes that he was inside the room, he would definitely cry on the spot.

One has to know that he had eaten countless medicinal herbs back then to reach Half-Zongshi. If one were to equate it to money, it was already more than sufficient for one to buy an entire city.

He had to spend so many resources in order to achieve a breakthrough, yet this 'Physician Bai' succeeded just by running around the room for a moment...

Even the world's greatest genius would blush furiously before Zhang Xuan.

"Don't worry about it, this is something that I should do!"

Suppressing the urge to tug out his hair, the Great Herb King asked, "Physician Bai, so... what do we do now? Are you still determined to head to the Poison Hall?"

"Of course I am!"

Zhang Xuan smiled. "Not only so, we'll also walk through their doors proudly!"


"That's right!" Zhang Xuan nodded. "Didn't you say that the headquarter has already been informed of the old Hall Master's death?"

"Un! Just that, it's hard to tell whether the headquarter would send an envoy. If they do send one, the chaos should be quenched swiftly, and that would spare us from danger!" The Great Herb King said. "Otherwise... It would be troublesome."

"I have a plan in mind! Rather than waiting here for an envoy who might not even come, why not we... make an envoy ourselves!"

Zhang Xuan said.

"Make an envoy?" The Great Herb King was confused.

"It's simple. You'll bring me to the Poison Hall claiming that I'm the envoy! In any case, none of them has seen the envoy before, so I doubt that they'll be able to tell that I'm a fake."

In the past three days, Zhang Xuan gave this matter much thought. Rather than waiting here, he might as well take the initiative.

Since an internal conflict had broken out in the Poison Hall and it was dangerous to enter, why not he make an envoy himself to quench the conflict... After all, no matter how much they want the seat of the Hall Master, they wouldn't dare to lay their hands on an envoy of the headquarter.

On top of that, they didn't know who the headquarter would send!

Thus, why couldn't he pass off as the envoy?

In any case, his main motive was to get his hands on the books. He could leave right after duplicating them in the library, and even if someone were to notice that he was a fake after that, he would have been long gone.

He has already impersonated as a master teacher before, an envoy of the Poison Hall shouldn't be much of a problem.

"You want to pass off... as the envoy?"

The Great Herb King's face paled, and his body trembled in fear.

Brother, I'm already old and my heart is weak... Are you sure you aren't pulling my leg?

Impersonating the envoy wasn't a joke. If someone were to notice a flaw in their disguise, they would be beaten to death on the spot!

"Un! Make some preparations, we'll set out now. You've already promised me that you'll bring me to the Poison Hall. Surely you aren't thinking of going back on your words, are you?"

Zhang Xuan glanced at the Great Herb King with a frown. "If you're afraid, you only have to bring me to the Poison Hall. You don't have to follow me in!"


This isn't a problem of being afraid or going to the Poison Hall...

If your impersonation of the envoy were to be exposed, even dying a thousand times wouldn't be sufficient to make up for our sins!

I was just pulled back from the hands of the grim reaper, and now, you are expecting me to leap into a valley of flames...

If I knew that this was the intention you have in mind, I would never have agreed to your condition!

Is it too late... to take back my words?

The face of the Great Herb King twitched. This time, he really burst into tears.




Chapter 275: Entering the Poison Hall

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: GaiaNove

Wuuwuuu wuuuwuuu!

The gale in the Red Lotus Range felt like knives stabbing into one's skin. The monotonous light red scenery made one's eyes hurt, and one couldn't help but feel fatigued.

From time to time, a worm around the size of a fingernail would appear in the path ahead. Wet and fetid, the sight of it left one nauseated.

"This is the Humid Worm, an animal unique to the habitat of the Red Lotus Range. It feeds on medicinal herbs, and it is the greatest nemesis of medicinal herb plantations. However, the bizarre thing is that its corpse is a great nutrient for medicinal herbs. Medicinal herbs grown using the corpse of the Humid Worm as fertilizer possess incredible spiritual energy and a lustrous appearance. Many plants that can't be cultivated here grow easily to great heights with Humid Worm fertilizer. It is the main reason why the Red Lotus City is able to become the greatest medicinal herbs trading hub in the thirteen surrounding kingdoms!"

In the depths of the lotus-shaped mountain range, two figures could be seen treading forward. Noticing the worms crawling about the surface, one of them explained.

"No wonder. I've been thinking why the Red Lotus City, despite being in such a remote location with an environment unsuitable for the growth of herbs, would become the trading hub of medicinal herbs."

The second person nodded in agreement. Proceeding forward, he glanced upward and saw a layer of mist shielding the rays of the sun, then asked, "Is this the poison mist you spoke of?"

The duo was Zhang Xuan and Great Herb King, who had left the Red Lotus City for the Poison Hall.

As the Poison Hall was in a state of chaos and filled with dangers, Zhang Xuan didn't bring Mo Yu along. Instead, he had her return to the Tianwu Royal City.

The Great Herb King was also conflicted for a period of time before deciding to bring Zhang Xuan to the Poison Hall.

The other party was his benefactor, and since he had agreed to his request, it wasn't appropriate for him to go back on his words.

It had been five days since the start of their journey.

"That's right! A huge volcano lies under the Red Lotus Range, causing the surface to be torrid. That's the reason why there is no greenery in the region, and all of the rocks are red in color. Within the hot gas, a several hundred meters thick poison mist lingers around the area dozens of meter above the surface. While it is possible for one to fly over the region on an aerial savage beast, it would be impossible for them to land in the Red Lotus Range. Even for a Zongshi realm savage beast, if it were to come into contact with the poison mist, it wouldn't be able to last for a moment before it dies from excessive bleeding from its seven apertures!"

The Great Herb King explained.

"Thus, one can only enter the area via walking! This is also the reason why the Poison Hall is able to remain unscathed in the Red Lotus Range, safe from extermination by those supposed warriors of justice."

The Poison Hall crafted poison for sale, and given the sinister nature of its business, it was unavoidable that it would offend many different people. While it was partly due to the support of the powerful headquarter that it was able to remain standing after several millenniums, the main factors were its secretive location and the veil of the poison mist.

In the first place, it was almost impossible for anyone to find the Poison Hall amidst the vast mountain range. Besides, even if one were to find it, it was inaccessible via aerial savage beasts and no one could pose a threat.

"Impressive." Zhang Xuan nodded.

It was no wonder why no one was able to find the Poison Hall, and many even doubted its existence. With the cloak of the poison mist, even if one knew of its existence, no more than a handful would be able to find it.

On top of that, the poison mist stuck close to the earth at certain spots. If not for the Great Herb King knowing the way, the duo would have long walked into them and become lethally poisoned.

It could even be said that it is impossible to find the Poison Hall without someone's lead.

Zhang Xuan had heard that most of those who tried to look for the Poison Hall by themselves end up dead, and from the looks of it, it seemed that it wasn't just a rumor.

It was fortunate that Mo Yu had brought him to the Great Herb King and that he didn't come running over here all by himself.

Otherwise, even though his Heaven's Path zhenqi allowed him to expel some of the poisonous air which he inhaled, too much of it would pose a huge problem.

"How far are we from the Poison Hall?"

Looking into the distance, the mountain range extended toward the horizon, and not a single infrastructure or silhouette could be seen. Unable to hold himself back, Zhang Xuan asked.

We have traveled for five days but have yet to arrive at our destination. Isn't the Poison Hall way too far?

"We're reaching soon, it's right in front!" The Great Herb King pointed forward.

"In front?" Zhang Xuan felt perplexed.

Other than a few stones here and there, there was nothing in sight. How could the Poison Hall be hiding here?

"Follow me!"

Chuckling, the Great Herb King led the way. After circling around a gigantic boulder and a slope, a valley appeared before their eyes.

Lowering his head to glancing at the bottom of the valley, a look of astonishment appeared on Zhang Xuan's face.

A huge city sat within the valley.

The infrastructure was built according to the gradient of the ground, and most of them had ancient designs, similar to those found in Red Lotus City. With a single glance, one could tell that the building had been standing for countless years.

"Is this the Poison Hall?"

The city of the Poison Hall was in no way inferior to that of the Beast Hall. The sight of the bright green buildings in the crimson valley looked like a scene right out of a beautiful painting.

"It's said that when the Poison Hall was built, the founder specially invited a formation master to set up a concealing formation with the mountain range as its core. If one doesn't follow the specific path in, he won't be able to see the city even if he is standing right before it."

The Great Herb King explained.

Zhang Xuan nodded.

That was indeed the case.

All he could see before was merely the endless towering mountains, but after circling around a few boulders and a slope, this gigantic city appeared before him immediately. With such a majestic city hidden in plain view, even if someone told him that there wasn't a concealing formation present, he would never believe it.

"Physician Bai, the Poison Hall is right before us, but do you intend to go in just like that?"

The Great Herb King inquired once again.

Recalling the other party's intentions, he felt nervous.

Honestly speaking, it was true that no one had met the envoy from the Poison Hall headquarter, but... certain doom would await them if they were exposed.

"Un, my current identity is a physician, so it is possible that someone might recognize me... I have to make some changes!"

Zhang Xuan was still in Bai Chan's guise at the moment. There were several poison masters in the Poison Hall who often traveled out of the mountain range, so it was possible that someone might recognize him. Thus, he decided that it was better to play safe.

Gege! Utilizing his disguise art, the muscles and bones in his entire body creaked. In a few short moments, his looks and height had changed completely. Looking at him once more, he had already become a middle-aged man in his forties.

After which, he changed into a set of grayish-green clothes which he had prepared beforehand. At this moment, Zhang Xuan had morphed into an entirely different person, and there was not a single similarity between him and the previous Bai Chan or his original appearance. Putting aside the Great Herb King, even if Zhao Ya and the others were here, it would be impossible for them to guess that the person standing before them was their teacher.

Assuming an identity someone knew was difficult, but impersonating a person who has never appeared was simple.

"Is this... the art of disguise?"

The Great Herb King trembled.

He didn't expect Zhang Xuan to possess such an ability.

At this moment, he finally understood why Physician Bai dared to impersonate the envoy. It was because he had the skills to carry it out.

Just that... Others may not be able to recognize you once you take off your disguise, but what about me?

I am the Great Herb King of the Red Lotus City! I might be able to run, but I'll have to abandon the empire that I have built up.

Once they realize that I brought a fake envoy here, even if I were able to escape now, I will definitely be captured again. I will then be chopped into countless pieces and made into meat sauce.

Initially, he thought that the both of them would be sharing the danger, but it turned out that his partner-in-crime didn't even intend to reveal his true appearance. Even if the Poison Hall tried to pursue the matter, it would be impossible for them to find Physician Bai...

This meant that he would have to bear the brunt of Physician Bai's actions.

Upon understanding this, the face of the Great Herb King twisted in agony.

"Don't worry, when we enter the Poison Hall later, you can mention that I am the one who looked for you, claiming that I'm the envoy from the headquarter, and unable to ascertain the fact, you decided to bring me over. This way, you will be able to steer clear of any blame. As for the Contract Gu planted in you, you can say that I'm the one who treated you in compensation for you to bring me here."

Seeing through the other party's thoughts, Zhang Xuan said.


The face of the Great Herb King reddened.

He didn't expect for the other party to have already thought of an excuse for him. He has truly misjudged the other party!

The excuse that the other party gave him was indeed flawless.

He wasn't someone from the Poison Hall, so it was natural that he wouldn't be able to identify the envoy. In fact, if the personnel in the Poison Hall were blind enough so as to not notice the fake envoy as well, it would be difficult for them to fault him.

Besides, even though the Contract Gu between the Great Herb King and the Hall Master was a confidential matter, the top echelon of the Poison Hall was aware of this matter. Now that the Hall Master was dead, being alive and kicking, he would incur their suspicions if he did not give a convincing reason.

These few words easily solved the impending problem that he would face, avoiding anyone's doubts and, thus, any harm. It was truly a perfect excuse.

Just that...

"If I were to do that, they will definitely direct their doubts to you..." The Great Herb King hesitated for a moment before asking, "How much does Physician Bai know about poison masters?"

If the Great Herb King were to speak according to Physician Bai's recommendation, he would be free from trouble. However, this would plunge the other party into greater danger.

The personnel of the Poison Hall would definitely try all means to ascertain his identity. It was one thing if Zhang Xuan had an in-depth understanding of poison masters, but if there were any lapse in his disguise, it would be extremely easy to give himself away.

"I've only heard of this occupation half a month ago!" Zhang Xuan said.

"You've only heard of it... half a month ago?"

The Great Herb King's eyes rolled to the back, and he nearly spurted a mouthful of blood.

Brother, are you playing with me?

You don't even know what a poison master is half a month ago, yet you dare to pass off as an envoy of the Poison Hall headquarter...


"You don't have the poison master emblem or token of identification from the headquarter since you're passing off as the envoy. To win the other party's trust, you will have to display your poison techniques. But if you know nothing at all..."

Seeing the other party nod his head so casually, the Great Herb King felt a stifling sensation in his chest.

If you have an identification token or a high-tier poison master emblem, other people might buy your story.

And without these, if you were to display extraordinary skills, you might be able to convince them as well...

But you've only heard of poison masters half a month ago. Despite knowing nothing at all, you dare to pass off as an envoy. Are you really that courageous, or do you not understand the risks involved?

This isn't playing house. If the other party were to see through your disguise, you'll really get killed!

"It's not a problem, I'll just adapt to the situation then!"

Knowing what the other party was worried about, Zhang Xuan waved casually.

"Alright, since we're already here, there's no point thinking too much. Let's go!"

Even though Zhang Xuan didn't know much about poison masters, he possessed the Library of Heaven's Path. Since he was even able to pass off as a master teacher, it shouldn't be a challenge for him to impersonate a formidable poison master.


Seeing the unconcerned look on the other party's face, the Great Herb King felt something within him crumble. The confidence, which had just sprouted within him, vanished without a trace.

He truly had no idea how this fellow could remain so confident.

Even so, they were already here and did not have any other options. All they could do now was to take one step at a time.

Walking down the passageway toward the valley, they soon arrived at the city.

"Who dares to intrude the Poison Hall?"

Before walking through the gates into the city, a bellow roared. A few black-robed middle-aged men rushed out, and every single one of them stared at Zhang Xuan and the Great Herb King with cold eyes, as though eagles staring down their preys.

"Poison Master Zhou, Poison Master Liu, and the others, it's me!"

Taking a step forward, the Great Herb King said hastily.

"Oh? The Great Herb King? What are you doing here instead of staying in the Red Lotus City?" The middle-aged man known as Poison Master Zhou narrowed his eyes.

"In this situation right now, others would be trying their best to stay away, yet you came here on your own accord. Are you tired of living?" Poison Master Liu harrumphed.

With the Poison Hall in chaos and every man for himself, to come here was no different from courting death.

The two men who spoke were acquainted with the Great Herb King. They had accepted quite some precious treasures from him, so naturally, they spoke with his welfare at heart.

"I am here to look for the three Vice Hall Masters..."

Knowing that the other party bore goodwill, the Great Herb King was just about to explain the situation to them when a poison master walked up to Zhang Xuan.

"Who's this? Don't you know that it is capital punishment for one to casually bring anyone in without permission?"

Killing intent flashed in the poison master's eyes as he gazed at Zhang Xuan. "Outsider, it's your honor to die under the poison that I've just created! Blame it on your own misfortune if you must."

"Wait, he is..."

Seeing that the other party was about to make a move, the Great Herb King immediately panicked. He was about to say that he was the envoy from the headquarter when the 'Physician Bai' before him raised his leg and sent a kick at the poison master.


Before the poison master, who was going to kill Zhang Xuan, could react, he was already sent flying, and he crashed heavily into the city wall. His neck bent at an unnatural angle from the impact, and he breathed his last.



Not expecting this trespasser to make a move on them, Poison Master Zhou, Poison Master Liu, and the others burst into anger immediately. Their killing intent flurried as they surrounded the duo.

"We're doomed..."

Without an emblem or knowledge to prove that he was a poison master, the Great Herb King was thinking that it would be best for Physician Bai to keep a low profile and slowly earn their trust.

Yet, he killed a poison master the moment he arrived...

Brother, are you in such a rush to head to the underworld?

Taking in the situation, the Great Herb King's body trembled in agitation. He could no longer hold back the tears welling up in his eyes.

The heck, why do others have god-like teammates...

While all I have is this... suicide bomber!


Seven apertures: Refers to the two eyes, two ears, two nostrils, and mouth.