

Chapter 251: Beast Pummeling Taming Method

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: - -

The savage beasts in the Beast Hall are those brought back by beast tamers after great efforts to tame them. As such, they are considered as private possessions.

Most beast tamers regard their savage beasts as their wives, and Zhang Xuan's request for wanting to borrow a tamed savage beast was no different from borrowing another person's wife to play with. Everyone stared at him as though staring at an idiot.

Mo Yu nearly exploded on the spot.

Borrowing my savage beast to tame?

How in the world did he think of such an idea?

How can taming a wild savage beast be the same as taming a tamed beast?

Taming the latter is several times harder than taming a wild savage beast.

Even though she had only accomplished Inceptive Taming with the Viridescent Eagle, she had already interacted with it for seven to eight days and had agreed to many of its difficult demands. Throughout the days that the both of them were together, a deep and strong bond had already sprouted between them.

The Loyalty Level of the Viridescent Eagle had already reached 30 and wasn't too far from 31 to achieve Advanced Taming.

Besides, this Viridescent Eagle is arrogant and hates interacting with humans. It was the work of numerous coincidences that allowed her to tame it.

Yet, this fellow said that he wanted to borrow it from her to tame it...

Do you think that this is a joke?

She felt so stifled that she was about to go on a frenzy.

She had become so impressed with the solid fundamental knowledge of the other party and thought that he was a beast taming genius when he immediately spoke the words of an amateur.

Borrow? Borrow your head! This is my first time I'm hearing that one can borrow a savage beast to tame!

Why don't you borrow another person's wife to play with instead?

She narrowed her eyes and sneered coldly. Just as she was about to reprimand the other party for his thoughtless words, Zhu Jinhuang walked up and whispered into her ears.

"Mo Yu xiaojie, I think that it's a good idea to lend the Viridescent Eagle for him to tame!"

"What did you say?"

Mo Yu glared at Zhu Jinhuang ferociously. It seemed as though if his answer didn't please her, she would immediately fly into a rage.

"You have already tamed the Viridescent Eagle, and its Loyalty Level has also reached 30. It is definitely impossible for him to tame it! Isn't this fellow acting arrogantly and gleefully? You should give him a try, and once he fails, he would definitely be embarrassed!"

Zhu Jinhuang harrumphed.

"Indeed. Even a 2-star pinnacle beast tamer like Hall Master Feng is unable to tame a tamed beast. Despite not being a beast tamer, he is speaking such arrogant words. I think that we should teach him a lesson!"

Zhou Xuan chirped in.


Hearing the words of the two, Mo Yu hesitated for a moment before nodding her head.

She felt that their words made sense. It is technically impossible to tame a tamed beast.

Since this fellow is acting so impudently, it isn't anything to let him embarrass himself.

As she thought so, she harrumphed coldly and looked at Zhang Xuan. "You wish to borrow my Viridescent Eagle? Here it is. If you can tame it, I'll allow you to have it."

"Are you serious?"

Zhang Xuan was only asking casually, he hadn't expected the other party to agree to his request. With glowing eyes, he turned to look at Hall Master Feng and the others, "If I were to tame this Viridescent Eagle, will it be considered as a pass for the second test?"

"This... Yes, it can be considered as a pass!"

Hall Master Feng nodded. He had a bizarre expression on his face.

This fellow had just shown his vast knowledge on beast taming through the discourse. Why did he become an ignorant amateur all of a sudden?

This Viridescent Eagle is clearly extremely fond of Mo Yu, and it is just a matter of time before it submits completely to her. Yet, you want to try to tame it... Aren't you looking for trouble?

You are wasting time like this. You might as well head out and look for a wild savage beast.


After the moment of rest, Zhang Xuan has roughly recovered from the toll from duplicating those books. Chuckling, he walked forward to the Viridescent Eagle.

"Little eagle, your master has already lent you to me. You should hurry up and submit to me!"


A Tongxuan realm savage beast like it is capable of understanding human speech. Upon hearing Zhang Xuan's words, it exploded into a rage.

This is blatant provocation!

Other people brought it good food, entertainment, and all kinds of treasures when trying to tame me. Yet, you came to me empty-handed. More importantly... What's with this attitude?

Acting as though it is my fortune to be able to submit to you...


The furious Viridescent Eagle patted its raised its giant wings and smacked it straight at Zhang Xuan.


The wind blew violently. The resilient wings and the sharp feathers cut through the air as though a sharp knife, causing the air to shrill.

This fellow is a Tongxuan realm savage beast, and its fighting prowess is much stronger than an average Tongxuan realm cultivator. The air seemed to part wherever the wings passed by. Everyone's face immediately turned pale as they stepped backward.

It would be difficult for a Pixue realm expert to even withstand the shock wave from its movement, needless to say, face it head on.


Even as everyone retreated backward, Zhang Xuan's expression remained completely calm. With a slight sway of his body, he was already seven to eight meters away, thus dodging the attack.


A dozen meters long crack appeared on the tough bluestone ground after being struck by the wings.

The bluestone ground was something the Beast Hall purchased from Baiyu City at an exorbitant price. Even a Pixue realm pinnacle expert would find it difficult to leave a mark with a punch from their fists. Yet, with a slight sweep from the Viridescent Eagle's wings, such a huge crack appeared.


Yun Tao and the others turned pale.

If it were them, they would surely have been unable to dodge the attack in time. They would have been struck to death in an instant.

"If you continue, don't blame me for not going easy on you!"

In contrast to everyone's fear, Zhang Xuan frowned in displeasure.


Upon hearing those words and seeing the expression in Zhang Xuan's face, the Viridescent Eagle was enraged further. Flapping its wings, it flew into the air and struck at Zhang Xuan with its sharp claws.

The two most powerful moves of the Viridescent Eagle are the Wing Sweep and Steel Claw.

The second move is much stronger than the first one. Furthermore, it has a flight advantage, and the momentum from its swoop downwards adds to its force. Even a Half-Zongshi expert would find it hard to deal with this move unprepared.

"One wouldn't die if they don't court death. You shouldn't have been so arrogant in the first place!"

"To even dare to taunt a Viridescent Eagle, you deserve it!"

Zhu Jinhuang, Zhou Xuan, and the others sneered coldly.

Even their strongest guards were unable to withstand this powerful move from the Viridescent Eagle. They didn't believe that this youngster who wasn't even in his twenties yet could survive the attack.

"The moment he is grabbed by those claws, even if he isn't torn apart, he will surely sustain severe injuries!"

"With this move, the Viridescent Eagle is able to unleash a might exceeding 500 ding, and that is comparable to a Half-Zongshi. The only way to deal with this move is to avoid it!"

No one could have imagined that this lad would be so good at incurring the ire of others. With just a few words, he caused the Viridescent Eagle to fly into a rage. Upon seeing it use its powerful steel claws, everyone grew anxious.

There are innumerable cases of beast tamers killed while trying to tame a savage beast.

However, it was unheard of for a person to be killed by a savage beast in the Beast Hall.

Just when everyone thought that misfortune would befall Zhang Xuan, his calm voice echoed.

"Since you're unwilling to listen, I've no other choice!"

As he spoke, he clenched his fist and faced the other party's claws straight on.


Everyone shuddered.

The claws of the Viridescent Eagle are more than capable of smashing through steel. Yet, to face it with his fists...


Before anyone could recover from their terror, the fist and the claw had met.

Everyone was expecting the youngster would fracture his arm and suffer grievous wounds when the haughty Viridescent Eagle suddenly released a shrill scream. As though struck by a massive mountain, it was unable to control its body and fell from the skies.


It crashed heavily on the ground. At this moment, everyone could see its distorted claws.


Everyone exclaimed in astonishment.

'Ah', the same exclamation, but one was in fear while the other one was in shock. They felt as though their moods were on a roller coaster ride, flying from one end of the spectrum to the other, and then end abruptly. Even catching a savage beast isn't as thrilling as this.

"Weren't you acting arrogantly just now?"

However... Before they could recover from the shock, Zhang Xuan has already walked up to the Viridescent Eagle and sent a kick at it.


Before the Viridescent Eagle could react, it was sent flying outward. It crashed heavily into a pillar in the room and twitched non-stop.

The strength of his kick definitely exceeded 600 ding. Regardless of how powerful the defenses of the eagle was, it should be impossible to withstand.

"To dare to make a move against me, you must be tired of living!"

It seemed that a single kick wasn't enough to vent Zhang Xuan's frustration. He walked forward and kicked yet again.


The Viridescent Eagle was sent into the air once more. Its haughtiness had disappeared without a trace, and at this moment, it appeared exceptionally shabby. If not for the strong defense it possessed as a savage beast, it would have already died from the two kicks.


Mo Yu's face turned red in anger.

That was her savage beast! If Zhang Xuan were to continue beating it up like that, even if it doesn't die, it would become crippled.

She couldn't allow the savage beast which she has tamed with great difficulty to die here just like that.

"Mo Yu xiaojie, don't panic. This should be the Beast Pummeling Taming Method!"

Yun Tao hurriedly walked over to inform her.

"Beast Pummeling Taming Method?"

"This is the name that I came up with. Every time Elder tames a beast, he would first beat it up. It seems that he's doing the same this time as well!" Admiration gleamed in Yun Tao's eyes.

As expected of Elder Zhang Xuan, his beast taming method is indeed extraordinary!

This is one of the hardest Tongxuan realm savage beasts to tame! Other people would have to bring tons of delicious food and treasures to coax it. Yet, he started pummeling it immediately without any mercy...

He couldn't help but admire his courage!

"Can he really tame the savage beast like that? I think he'll only incur the wrath and resentment of the Viridescent Eagle!"

Mo Yu's eyes narrowed.

She had read nearly all of the books in the library, but she had never heard of any Beast Pummeling Taming Method!

Such an action would only cause resentment in the savage beast. If so, how can one successfully tame it?

"The Viridescent Eagle, as one of the stronger aerial savage beast, has a wild and arrogant nature. It has great pride, and if one tries to befriend it as an equal, it might still choose to give in. However, if one hopes to tame it by pummeling it, that's no different from daydreaming..."

Flinging her sleeves, Mo Yu harrumphed. However, before she could finish her words, her body froze abruptly. Her eyes widened as she muttered, "Ah? This... This... What is going on?"

All of a sudden, the hostile Viridescent Eagle struggled to its feet and rubbed its head against Zhang Xuan's body, fawning on him as though a loyal dog.

This is... Voluntary Submission!




Chapter 252: Failed?

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: - -

This is an incomparably prideful Viridescent Eagle. In order to tame it, Mo Yu had specially climbed to the peak of the mountain, personally slaughtered a Pixue realm snake for its dinner, gathered snow water for its bath...

Even so, this fellow had only agreed to follow her to the examination. In a sense, she hasn't successfully tamed it yet.

Yet, after the beating, it lowered its head immediately...

What that maddened Mo Yu the most was the fawning expression it had on its face, as though it was trying to please the other party... What the heck is that?

Mo Yu felt a stifling sensation at her chest. All of the sudden, she felt uncomfortable.

That was her savage beast, and she wasn't too far away from establishing a contract with it. Yet, at this moment, it was lying on another person's lap, trying to please the person. She felt so depressed that she was not far from sustaining internal injuries from it.

Zhu Jinhuang and Zhou Xuan, who were extremely confident a moment ago, looked as though they had been slapped in their face. Their faces distorted in disbelief, and they looked as though they were on the verge of tears.

Voluntary Submission after a beating?

Are our eyes playing tricks on us?

"You two..."

They were still brooding over the matter when Mo Yu xiaojie turned to them with an icy-cold expression. Her teeth were so tightly gritted together that the sound of them grinding against one another could be heard. "Didn't you two say that... he will fail?"


Zhu Jinhuang and Zhou Xuan trembled in fear.

They were the ones who persuaded Mo xiaojie to hand over the Viridescent Eagle for the other party to tame. They thought that they would be able to see the other party make an embarrassment out of himself. Not in their wildest dreams did they expect this situation to occur.

"Mo xiaojie, don't panic, I think that the Viridescent Eagle is just flustered after being beaten up, so it is feigning submission. It'll probably retaliate in short moment..."

With twitching lips, Zhu Jinhuang hurriedly explained.

"Indeed, indeed! Savage beasts of such level possess intelligence. It must have thought that it wasn't a match for the fellow, so it decided to pretend to submit to Zhang Xuan and look for another opportunity to exact vengeance..."

Zhou Xuan said.

However, before he could finish his words, an uproar could be heard. He turned over hurriedly and saw Zhang Xuan place a drop of blood into the other party's throat.

The contract had been established.


After establishing the contract, the Viridescent Eagle lay before Zhang Xuan in satisfaction. It rubbed its head against Zhang Xuan's clothes unceasingly, as though a lazy cat who had just been fed and was filled with fondness for its master.

"Is this what you call feigning submission to exact vengeance?"

Furious, Mo Yu's face turned beet-red in anger. She kicked the duo, sending them flipping in the air.

Have you seen any beast which establishes a contract while feigning submission?

Have you ever seen any vengeful savage beast act in such a manner?

Mo Yu's breathing hastened, and she felt as though she was about to burst from all the rage.

Why did she believe the words of these two fellows and lend the Viridescent Eagle to the other party to tame?

It was too late for regrets, given that the two of them had already established a contract.

Even so, amidst her anger, she was shocked as well.

How in the world did he do it?

She had watched the entire taming process carefully. All he did was to incur the other party's wrath before beating it up. Then, he whispered some words to it before patting a few spots on its body... and the attitude of the Viridescent Eagle changed immediately. Its infuriated expression suddenly turned into surprise and excitement. After which... It immediately submitted to Zhang Xuan!

Can it be that...

That's right!

It must be something that he said!

Otherwise, how can its attitude have changed so quickly?

Just that... what in the world could he have said to drastically change the attitude of the furious Viridescent Eagle who desired to kill him so suddenly?

"How is it? My words are true, right? This is Elder Zhang Xuan's skill, Beast Pummeling Taming Method. Any savage beast, after being beaten by him, would willingly submit!" Yun Tao laughed heartily.

Didn't you doubt him just now? Take a good look at this then!

"The Viridescent Eagle really submitted after a beating..."

"This is Mo Yu xiaojie's savage beast! How is this possible?"

"I don't understand it as well. It's not like we've never tried taming savage beasts by beating them up before. But, all of the attempts had ended in failure, so how in the world did he succeed?"


Everyone was dumbfounded.

This was especially so for the three 2-star beast tamers. They felt a dizzy sensation in their head.

It's not like no beast tamer had attempted to tame a savage beast by beating it up. However... Not only did such actions fail to tame the savage beast, it even incurred their wrath. Most of the savage beasts tamed in such a method would refuse food and die of starvation.

There were cases of failures all around. Putting others aside, they had tried this method personally as well.

This was the reason why they found it hard to believe Yun Tao's words. Yet... To think that he wasn't lying!

Just by beating the Viridescent Eagle up, it immediately submitted to him...

Is this the same prideful and wild Viridescent Eagle?

Why does it seem like an obedient dog now, fawning on Zhang Xuan so shamelessly?

They were still in a state of disbelief when Zhang Xuan walked forward and inquired, "Hall Master Feng and the two beast tamers, have I passed the examination?"


Recovering from his shock, Hall Master Feng coughed immediately, "Cough cough, wait a moment. We have to check the Loyalty Level before deciding on your pass or failure!"

Even though it looked like the Viridescent Eagle had been tamed, there was still a need for official verification. Firstly, it was to ensure that the test was impartial and precise. Secondly, they were curious to see if this Viridescent Eagle has sincerely submitted to him.

If it didn't submit to him from the bottom of its heart, flying on it may prove to be dangerous.

"Let's do the test then!"

Zhang Xuan said casually.

He was confident in the Viridescent Eagle's loyalty toward him.

Naturally, the Viridescent Eagle didn't submit to him just because he beat it up.

When it attacked him, a book on it was compiled in Zhang Xuan's head. Thereafter, he swiftly looked through the book and understood the eagle's flaws.

While it seemed that he was merely beating it up, he had infused his pure zhenqi into the body of the other party to cleanse its bloodline. Employing both the carrot and the stick simultaneously, it would be difficult for it to not submit to him.

His Heaven's Path zhenqi is an unparalleled tool in cleansing a savage beast's bloodline and raising its cultivation. No savage beast is able to resist its allure.

Given that there were only two choices, be killed by Zhang Xuan, or follow him and raise its strength, regardless of how foolish a savage beast could be, it was obvious what they would choose.

Compared to cleansing its bloodline and raising its strength, all of the other delicacies, tonics, and such were nothing.


Beast Tamer Lu took the Heart Inquisition Crystal and started conducting the test on the Viridescent Eagle.

Zhou Xuan and Zhu Jinhuang stood up and walked over to Princess Mo Yu.

"Mo Yu xiaojie, don't worry. So what if he has established a contract? Given that the Viridescent Eagle is tamed through brute force, its Loyalty Level must be low. Even at maximum, it will only be 31!"

"If it's just 31, given that xiaojie's Loyalty Level is 30, there's a high possibility you might be able to tame it back!"

The two of them consoled.

Even though Advanced Taming is technically a high level than Inceptive Taming, in practice, a Loyalty Level of 31 doesn't actually differ much from a level of 30. As long as Mo Yu pleased it by feeding it with delicious food, the Viridescent Eagle might still come back to her.

The saying that a savage beast recognized only a single master in their entire life is actually just a general statement.

Legend has it that the truly formidable beast tamers are able to tame another person's tamed beast with just a few words, even if it has already established a contract with another tamer.

Putting everything else aside, the very fact that Zhang Xuan managed to tame Mo Yu's Viridescent Eagle proved that it wasn't entirely impossible.

Since it has changed sides once, it is possible for it to do so once again.

"A maximum of 31?"

Mo Yu's anger still wasn't placated.

"Indeed, how loyal can a savage beast who was tamed through brute force be? Does this even need to be said..."

Zhu Jinhuang sneered coldly. Yet, before he could finish his words, he suddenly felt a tightening sensation on his arm.

"What's wrong?"

Turning around to look, it was Zhou Xuan who had grabbed him.


Zhou Xuan's lips were quivering.

Following the direction where he was pointing in, Zhu Jinhuang took a glance and all of the words he was about to spout vanished. In an instant, he felt tears threatening to spill from his eyes.

Numbers had appeared on the Heart Inquisition Crystal.

Loyalty Level of the Viridescent Eagle toward Zhang Xuan, 45!

Complete Submission, the highest realm possible...

Complete silence.

Everyone's jaws fell to the ground.

Actually, Zhou Xuan and Zhu Jinhuang weren't the only ones who thought so. Everyone also felt that the Loyalty Level of the Viridescent Eagle would be low, given that it was beaten into submission. Yet... never had they imagined that it would reach 45!

This was Complete Submission, the highest level of loyalty a savage beast could have! Countless beast tamers had lived together with their savage beasts for numerous years, but remained unable to induce such loyalty in their savage beast... Yet, this level was reached just by giving a round of beating...

Everyone felt their perspective of the world overturn.

"This should be considered as a pass, right?"

Seeing the number on the Heart Inquisition Crystal, Zhang Xuan wasn't surprised at all. He turned to look at Hall Master Feng with a smile.

"In the first round of the theoretical examination, you passed the discourse without making any mistakes. In the second round, you managed to tame a Viridescent Eagle with a Loyalty Level of 45..." Hall Master Feng nodded his head. "I declare that Zhang Xuan has passed the beast tamer examination and that he is officially a 1-star beast tamer!"

Seeing that he had passed the examination, Zhang Xuan nodded his head in satisfaction.

With this identity, he would be exempted from paying for future rides on aerial savage beasts borrowed from the Beast Hall...

"Wait a moment..."

The moment Hall Master Feng finished announcing the result, a bellow sounded.

"What's wrong, Beast Tamer Mo?" Hall Master Feng turned to look at her.

The one who spoke was Mo Yu.

She had passed the examination, thus he addressed her as a beast tamer to display his respect.

"I disagree with the results. I believe that he hasn't fulfilled the criteria of the examination and thus, he isn't qualified to become an official beast tamer!"

Mo Yu stepped forward and spoke.

"Oh?" Hall Master Feng frowned.

"For the beast tamer examination, one has to tame a savage beast stronger than him. Even though Zhang Xuan didn't display his cultivation, given how he was able to defeat the Viridescent Eagle easily, his cultivation realm is most likely higher than it. At the minimum, he is probably at Tongxuan realm pinnacle!"

Mo Yu sneered coldly, "Meaning to say... even though he tamed the Viridescent Eagle, he had merely tamed a savage beast with a cultivation realm lower than him. With this, he doesn't meet the required conditions, and thus, he shouldn't pass!"


Upon hearing her words, Hall Master Feng hesitated.

The situation was exactly as what the other party said.

The conditions for the savage beast tamed for the examination is that its cultivation realm has to be higher than the examinee. Zhou Xuan, Zhu Jinhuang, and Yun Tao had fulfilled this condition.

In the previous battle, Zhang Xuan relied solely on his physical body strength, and as such, the others weren't able to see through his cultivation realm. Even so, given how he was able to defeat the Viridescent Eagle so easily, there was no doubt that his cultivation realm was above that of the Viridescent Eagle... Going by the usual practice, Zhang Xuan wasn't yet qualified to become a beast tamer.

"You mean to say... I am unqualified to become a beast tamer because the savage beast I tamed has a cultivation realm lower than mine?" Zhang Xuan glanced at her.

"Yes!" Mo Yu replied coldly.

"Then, what if... this Viridescent Eagle isn't at Tongxuan realm, but at Half-Zongshi, does this mean that I've passed the examination?" Zhang Xuan asked.

"Of course!" Mo Yu nodded.

Even though she didn't know how strong the other party was, she didn't think that he had reached Half-Zongshi.


Nodding his head, Zhang Xuan turned to the Viridescent Eagle and said, "Alright, it's your turn!"


Following a piercing call, a powerful force suddenly burst forth from the massive body of the Viridescent Eagle.




Chapter 253: You Are a Master Teacher?

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: - -


At this moment, the Viridescent Eagle seemed like a bomb that is about to explode at any moment. The sound reminiscent of flowing water sounded from its body, and its numerous acupoints were flickering, as though a powerful energy was gushing into them.

Geji! Geji!

The sound within its body crescendoed, and its three-meter-tall body grew suddenly. At the same time, its feathers also extended outward.

"This… is this Bloodline Evolution? Is it breaking through its cultivation realm?"

Hall Master Feng narrowed his eyes.

Coming to the same conclusion as well, Beast Tamer Lu and Beast Tamer Wang's faces grew red with agitation, and they clenched their fists tightly.

"Bloodline Evolution? What's that?"

Someone asked doubtfully.

Not everyone in the room was a beast tamer, such as the guards of Yun Tao, Zhu Jinhuang, and Zhou Xuan. They didn't have a complete knowledge of beast taming.

"The strength of a savage beast is affected by several factors, and of which, there are three which is the most commonly seen. Firstly, age. A savage beast would grow along with age, reaching the peak of its strength only when it reaches adulthood. This is also the most common limiting factor of a savage beast's strength. Secondly, bloodline. The more powerful a savage beast's bloodline is, the more potential it has. Even when it reaches adulthood, if its bloodline is sufficiently potent, it can continue to raise its cultivation. Thirdly, cultivation techniques. Some of the more intelligent savage beasts are capable of cultivating alongside their beast tamers and improve along with them."

One of the more knowledgeable people in the room replied him with a hushed voice. "Usually, it is impossible for a savage beast to improve its bloodline. However, sometimes upon eating unique herbs or undergoing an exceptional experience, it is possible for a savage beast's bloodline to break through its limits and reach higher levels!"

"As its bloodline evolves, its cultivation also breaks through its limit and reach higher realms. This kind of evolution is similar to mutation and is extremely rare. To think that the Viridescent Eagle would be so lucky as to chance on such an opportunity. It's truly lucky..."

"Along with the Bloodline Evolution, its cultivation soars rapidly. Will this Viridescent Eagle really reach Half-Zongshi?"

"If it succeeds to reach Half-Zongshi, it would mean that Zhang Xuan has successfully tamed a Half-Zongshi savage beast. If so, he would meet the conditions for the test, thus passing the beast tamer examination!"

Upon hearing the explanation, everyone came to a realization.

"This... This is impossible..."

Upon witnessing such a situation right after challenging Zhang Xuan's qualification, Mo Yu's face turned red. She was on the verge of going insane.

This Viridescent Eagle was her tamed beast, and she had investigated its background clearly. It had become an adult and it hadn't eaten any precious herbs that could possibly trigger a Bloodline Evolution. As such, it should have been impossible for such a situation to occur.

Yet, right after being beaten up by Zhang Xuan, not only was its cultivation raised, its bloodline even evolved...

You must be joking with me!

If I knew that it would undergo Bloodline Evolution, I would have never given you a chance to tame it!

A Half-Zongshi realm savage beast... Once tamed, one can cultivate along with it. It would be much easier for her to reach Half-Zongshi with its assistance...

Yet, she gave away this opportunity just like that!

She felt so stifled that she was about to go insane.

"Mo Yu xiaojie, can it be that fellow's beating which triggered the Viridescent Eagle's bloodline to evolve, resulting in the rise in its cultivation?" Zhu Jinhuang asked.

"That's impossible!" Before Mo Yu could reply, Zhou Xuan shook his head. "Usually, a Bloodline Evolution can only be triggered by consuming precious herbs or blood essences left behind by powerful savage beasts and purifying its bloodline. How can it achieve a breakthrough just by undergoing a beating?"

Bloodline Evolution requires a huge amount of luck to occur. Regardless of whether a savage beast consumed a precious herb or the blood essence of a powerful savage beast, it has to be completely compatible with the savage beast for it to work. The success rate is below 1 in 10000.

The concept of its bloodline evolving through a beating... is a joke!

"Zhou Xuan is right. No matter how capable that fellow is, it is impossible for him to purify the Viridescent Eagle's bloodline and trigger a Bloodline Evolution just by beating it. The only explanation is that... the Viridescent Eagle had consumed something special before coming here, and that it began to take effect here..."

Agreeing with Zhou Xuan's words, Mo Yu nodded her head. "If I'm not wrong, it might be the Bewildering Soul Flower that I fed it before coming here! I heard that it is a tonic to the Viridescent Eagle, and I had specially spent a huge sum of money to purchase it for the purpose of taming the eagle..."

Recalling the price of the Bewildering Soul Flower, she felt her heart ache. Just as she was gritting her teeth in resentment, she saw Yun Tao walk over, muttering something beneath his breath.

"As expected of Elder Zhang Xuan. Any savage beast which he beats up experiences a Bloodline Evolution. It was the same for the Gold Alloyed Panther and the Ancient Lightning Cloud Sparrow as well... I thought that it was just a coincidence, but to think that this Viridescent Eagle has achieved a breakthrough as well!"

"What did you say?"

Upon hearing his words, Mo Yu swallowed back the words at the tip of her tongue. With widened eyes, she stared at Yun Tao.

"Oh, nothing much. I am just impressed by Elder Zhang Xuan. You have all seen his Gold Alloyed Panther as well. It should have been a Pixue realm savage beast, but it has already reached Tongxuan realm! The Ancient Lightning Cloud Sparrow was also merely a Pixue realm primary stage savage beast, but at this moment, it has reached intermediate stage... All because of Elder Zhang's beating."

Yun Tao replied seriously.

"After being beaten up... Not only is he able to get the savage beast to submit, he can trigger a Bloodline Evolution as well?"

Mo Yu, Zhu Jinhuang, Zhou Xuan, and the others felt themselves entering a frenzy.

Why... do Yun Tao's words seem so incredulous?

This was especially so for Mo Yu. It hadn't been long since she declared that it was due to her Bewildering Soul Flower that the Viridescent Eagle was able to achieve a breakthrough. Upon hearing Yun Tao's words, she felt a stinging sensation on her face.

Who is she?

An incredible genius. Even considering the entire Beast Hall and Tianwu Kingdom, she belonged to the very top.

Being awarded a grade-1 in the beast tamer examination, she outshone everyone. But while she was still gleeful over this feat, this fellow tamed her savage beast, pummeled it, and even helped it achieve a breakthrough...

Are you sure your purpose here isn't to humiliate me?

Otherwise, why would you disprove every single word that I say...


Amidst everyone's shock and frenzy, the Viridescent Eagle's rising aura finally came to a standstill.

At this moment, its physique was significantly larger than how it was previously, reaching a height of four meters. At the same time, it emanated a much more powerful aura than before. It felt as if with a slight scratch of its claws, cracks would appear on the bluestone ground.


This Viridescent Eagle has actually reached Half-Zongshi!

"So... have I passed the examination?"

Zhang Xuan smiled.

"You pass!"

The three beast tamers nodded.

If this can't be considered a pass, what can?

Besides, they were also overflowing with doubts.

Mo Yu might not be able clearly to tell what Zhang Xuan did, but as 2-star beast tamers, they could tell that the Bloodline Evolution of the Viridescent Eagle was Zhang Xuan's credit.

To trigger a Bloodline Evolution within a savage beast...

If he can do this for any savage beast, it will definitely cause an uproar in the Beast Hall.

At this point, Hall Master Feng couldn't hold himself back anymore. Clasping his fists, he said, "Beast Tamer Zhang, I have something I would like to ask..."

"I know what you want to ask. Are you curious why this Viridescent Eagle would suddenly undergo a Bloodline Evolution?"

Zhang Xuan looked at him.

"Yes!" Hall Master Feng replied.

Hearing the exchange between the two, the others immediately focused their attention here.

After beating up the Viridescent Eagle, not only did it submit, it even underwent a Bloodline Evolution. If they hadn't witnessed this sight for themselves, they would never have believed it to be possible.

Everyone was dying to know what happened.

"It's simple. I used the blood essence of the Ancient Lightning Cloud Sparrow as a bait to induce its submission. Then... I fed the blood essence to it, thus triggering the Blood Evolution." Zhang Xuan said.

Inducing a breakthrough in a savage beast was no easy feat. If others were to know that Zhang Xuan's zhenqi could trigger a Bloodline Evolution, it would bring him a whole lot of trouble.

Thus, he attributed the matter to the Ancient Lightning Cloud Sparrow.

In any case, there were precedents of savage beast consuming the blood essence of powerful savage beasts and achieving breakthroughs... As an ancient beast, the Ancient Lightning Cloud Sparrow possessed a pure bloodline. Even though the Viridescent Eagle had a massive physique, it was nevertheless considered as an avian. There was a possibility that the bloodline of the ancient sparrow might be compatible with the eagle...

However, if someone else wanted to try the same thing, Zhang Xuan wouldn't take the blame if their tamed beast dies.

More importantly, the Ancient Cloud Lightning Sparrow was Yun Tao's savage beast. Even if anything happened, Zhang Xuan wouldn't be held responsible.

Since that fellow obtained a free ancient beast from him, he should at least contribute by becoming his whipping boy!

"So that's the case!"

Upon hearing his explanation, Hall Master Feng and the others exchanged gazes and nodded their heads.

This seemed to be the only plausible explanation.

Otherwise... to achieve a breakthrough by receiving a beating... it sounded nonsensical no matter how they looked at it.

"It's the Ancient Lightning Cloud Sparrow..."

Upon hearing the explanation, Mo Yu came to a realization. At the same time, she felt intense regret.

If she knew that the Ancient Lightning Cloud Sparrow could help trigger a Bloodline Evolution in the Viridescent Eagle, she would have tried to get close to Zhang Xuan and Yun Tao. It could have been the final trigger for her to achieve Advanced Taming.

But now, she has nothing left...

Her savage beast was completely tamed by the other party, and the Loyalty Level was at an astonishing 45. Even though he said 'borrow', it was unlikely that he would return it...

"To be able to recognize the Ancient Lightning Cloud Sparrow and possess so many means, can it be..."

Upon recalling something, Mo Yu hesitated for a moment before walking over to Zhang Xuan.

"Damn it!"

Seeing numerous emotions flicker across Mo Yu's face and her walking toward Zhang Xuan, Zhou Xuan and Zhu Jinhuang clenched their fists tightly.

They had been completely outdone by this fellow this time. Needless to say, Mo Yu must have fallen for him.

"I heard that this fellow came from Tianxuan Kingdom and doesn't have any strong backing. If things come down to this..."

Zhu Jinhuang gestured his intentions to murder Zhang Xuan.

Given that Yun Tao was the prince of a country, they didn't dare to push things too far. However, Zhang Xuan was different. As an insignificant figure without any backing, his life and death meant nothing.

They might not be a match for the other party, but as princes of their kingdoms, it wasn't difficult for them to gather a few powerful subordinates to deal with him.


Zhou Xuan spat through gritted teeth.

Today, they were completely humiliated by that young lad. It would be hard to quench their anger if they didn't get back at him.

To dare to offend two princes without having any backing, he is truly courting death!

The duo was discussing how they could murder this Zhang Xuan when Mo Yu was already right before Zhang Xuan. With glowing eyes, she spoke of her doubt.

"The essence blood of the Ancient Lightning Cloud Sparrow is probably just one of the contributing factors. There should be a more important reason behind its breakthrough... If I'm not wrong, you are a master teacher, right?"

"Master teacher?"

Upon hearing Mo Yu's words, Zhou Xuan and Zhu Jinhuang, who were just discussing how they could kill Zhang Xuan, shivered uncontrollably. At that moment, they could no longer hold themselves back and cried.

Those two fools had actually intended to kill a master teacher... They sure are brazen!

The heck, didn't they say that he doesn't have any backing?

But his backing seems to be even greater than the heavens....





Chapter 254: Critically Ill Savage Beast

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: - -

Master teachers are protected by the Teacher Guild and the Master Teacher Pavilion. Putting aside whether they would be able to get off with assassinating a master teacher, even if they were to just offend one, a sanction may be imposed on them.

Given their power and prestige of the, almost all powers and experts have no choice but to show respect to the Teacher Guild and the Master Teacher Pavilion, needless to say, a mere Tier 2 Kingdom. Even if the sanction was applied on a Tier 1 Kingdom like Tianwu Kingdom, it would merely be a matter of time before the country fell apart.

That was to say, if they were to attempt to assassinate a master teacher and be discovered, not only would they be killed, even their kingdom would be implicated!

This is how fearsome master teachers are!

The number one occupation in the world mustn't be insulted or desecrated!

Regardless of emperors or sect leaders; regardless of how powerful or influential one can be, with a single word from the Master Teacher Pavilion, his existence would be erased.

It was said that an emperor of a Conferred Kingdom once teased a beautiful female master teacher, incurring her wrath. Without even using the power of the Master Teacher Pavilion, simply just by conducting a lecture on the same spot for seven days straight, she attracted countless experts, and with a single command, captured the emperor alive and beat him to death.

There was a very powerful old elder in the kingdom, and he could have stopped them. Yet, he dared not to do so.

When an emperor dies, another one can be appointed. But if a kingdom were to be destroyed, nothing would be left.

It was hard to tell how many students a master teacher could have, With just a single pointer, one can already be regarded as half a teacher. Thus, master teachers were thought to be beehives. If a person were to agitate them, he would be crippled even if he were to survive the ordeal.

Assassinating a master teacher... Honestly speaking, it was no different from courting death.

Zhu Jinhuang and the others trembled in fear. He immediately suppressed the thoughts in his head.

"Master teacher?" Not expecting Mo Yu to come to this conclusion, Zhang Xuan shook his head. "I'm not one yet!"

Even though he was acknowledged by three master teachers, he could only be considered as one of the more incredible master teacher apprentices. Since he hasn't passed the master teacher examination yet, he couldn't be considered as a master teacher.

"You aren't?" Mo Yu was stunned.

She thought that the reason why the other party possessed such formidable means was that he was a master teacher. To think that he wasn't one...

"He isn't a master teacher? Great..."

"As long as he isn't a master teacher, he must die by hook or by crook!"

Upon hearing Zhang Xuan confess that he wasn't a master teacher, Zhou Xuan and Zhu Jinhuang, who were panicking a moment ago, heaved a sigh of relief. Their killing intent started to emerge once more.

But in the next moment, Shen Bi Ru's voice rang, "Although Zhang laoshi isn't a master teacher, he is a senior to Beiwu Kingdom's Liu shi, Zhuang shi, and Hanwu Kingdom's Zheng shi!"

"The senior of three master teachers?"

The duo stared at one another. This time, they really burst into tears.

As princes from Tier 2 Kingdoms, they have heard of the name of the three master teachers. They were considered as one of the top-notch figures in the Tier 2 Kingdoms, and even the lowest of men knew of their existence.

And Zhang Xuan was their senior...

Even if he wasn't a master teacher, his standing was already way above that of a master teacher!

It was fortunate that they didn't make a move. Otherwise, the one who would die by hook or by crook would be them two...


"I know Liu shi from Beiwu Kingdom, and I've met him once at 2-star Master Teacher Jiang Shu's lecture. If you're his senior, can it be..."

Upon hearing Shen Bi Ru's words, Mo Yu immediately realized something and her eyes narrowed.

Given that he was the senior of a master teacher, it meant that they have the same teacher. For a person to make a master teacher willingly acknowledge him as his teacher, that person had to be at least a 2-star master teacher, or even... above that!

For Zhang Xuan to be the direct disciple of a master teacher of 2-star or higher.

His standing was even above that of hers, a princess of Tianwu Kingdom.

Furthermore, to be accepted as a direct disciple of such an incredible figure meant that Zhang Xuan possessed incredible potential. It was likely that his future achievements would far surpass hers.

After all, even though she was an apprentice of 2-star Master Teacher Jiang Shu, she wasn't his direct disciple.

Upon realizing these, she glanced at the young man before her once more. This time, admiration could be seen in her gaze.


"So you're a direct disciple of a master teacher, no wonder you have such an in-depth understanding of beast taming!"

Upon coming to a realization, Hall Master Feng and the others nodded their heads.

They were just about to ask Zhang Xuan about the Beast Pummeling Taming Method and learn it from him. However, upon knowing of his true identity, they immediately dispelled this thought.

Even though beast-taming was an occupation in the Upper Nine Paths, it was far from matching up to master teacher, who stood at the zenith.

It was likely that Zhang Xuan's Beast Pummeling Taming Method came from that master teacher... If the other party were to find out that they had tried to learn his skills from his direct disciple, they could be in trouble.

Rather than that, it was much wiser to just build a good relationship with Zhang Xuan.

"This is your 1-star beast tamer emblem!"

Upon knowing of Zhang Xuan's 'identity', the attitude of the three master teachers immediately improved. They swiftly retrieved an emblem representing one's identity as a beast tamer and presented it to Zhang Xuan.

Upon grabbing the emblem, Zhang Xuan casually placed it into his storage ring before asking.

"I would like to go to the Red Lotus Ridge and I need an aerial savage beast. What do you think I should do?"

Even though he had become a beast tamer and read a large collection of book on beast taming, he had never ridden on an aerial savage beast before, and there might be a difference between theories in the book and practical situations. As such, he hoped to receive some professional input.

"Red Lotus Ridge?"

Hall Master Feng stroked his beard as he calculated, "Tianwu Kingdom is around tens of thousand of kilometers from here. If you ride on the Viridescent Eagle which you've just tamed, it should take around half a month!"

"Half a month?"

Zhang Xuan was taken aback.

He thought that since the Viridescent Eagle had reached Half-Zongshi, the journey should only take a couple of days. The thought that he would still require half a month never crossed his mind.

"That's right. This Viridescent Eagle has just achieved a breakthrough, and its cultivation hasn't yet stabilized. At most, it can travel 4000 to 5000 kilometers per day. Furthermore, it has to take frequent rest, so it is unable to fly overnight. Therefore, half a month is the fastest that it can go!" Hall Master Feng said.

Zhang Xuan nodded.

Even though he didn't know how fast the Viridescent Eagle could fly, given how it had just reached Half-Zongshi, it was unlikely that it was able to unleash the full strength of the realm. In addition, it has to stabilize its cultivation and adapt to its new strength. As such, the estimate of half a month made sense.

After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Xuan recalled what Han Qiong said before and asked.

"I've heard that the Beast Hall have [Lightning Mounts] which travel at swift speeds and are able to easily cover distances of tens of thousand of kilometers within a few days. May I ask if that's true?"

"The Beast Hall does have Lightning Mounts, which are Zongshi realm savage beasts. They are given the nickname of 'lightning' due to the swift speed at which it can ferry humans. However..." Hall Master Feng hesitated for a moment before speaking. "There are only two such Beast Mounts in the Beast Hall. One of which is on the way to Qianxue Kingdom, while the other one..."

At this point, he shook his head. The other two beast tamers beside him also seemed to be dispirited upon talking about this matter.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Xuan became puzzled after seeing their strange expressions.

"The other Lightning Mount has become critically ill. Today, it was unable to even stand up, needless to say, fly. Just earlier today, I, Beast Tamer Lu, and Beast Tamer Wang were examining it to identify possible treatments. That is also the reason why we weren't able to make it for the examination and had Beast Tamer Hong stand in for us!"

Hall Master Feng said.

"Critically ill?" At this point, Zhang Xuan suddenly recalled Beast Tamer Hong saying that Hall Master Feng and the others were busy with something and as such, they were unable to make it for the examination.

A while ago, he was wondering what could be more important than the beast tamer examination. Turns out, this was the matter they were attending to.

The Zongshi realm savage beast could be considered as the trump card of this Beast Hall. Given that it was too ill to even stand up, it was no wonder why they were feeling flustered.

"What illness is it?" Zhang Xuan asked.

The condition of the savage beast didn't matter to him at all... What Zhang Xuan was concerned with was how much time he could save if he flew on that Lightning Mount.

Upon hearing his question, Hall Master Feng shook his head, "It's precisely because we can't tell what's wrong that we're helpless on this matter!"

"The three of us had used all kinds of beast tamer diagnosing methods, but we remain unable to tell what's wrong!" Beast Tamer Lu smiled bitterly.

Since they were unable to even tell what illness it was, they were, naturally, unable to treat it.

"Is there any solution?" Mo Yu could not help but ask.

As a beast tamer, she was concerned over the health of the savage beast after hearing about its plight.

"We've already sent someone to Beiwu Kingdom to invite Grandmaster Qing Yang over. Perhaps he would be able to diagnose the root of the illness!" Beast Tamer Wang said.

"Grandmaster Qing Yang? Is Beast Tamer Wang talking about the only 2-star physician in Beiwu Kingdom?" Shen Bi Ru pondered for a moment before asking.

"That's right! Even though we, beast tamers, do possess methods to diagnose and treat the illnesses of savage beasts, we are still far from matching up to real physicians. I've already sent someone to invite him, so he should be arriving soon!" Beast Tamer Wang smiled.

Even though beast tamers have their own methods to treat savage beast illnesses, their treatment methods mainly catered to common symptoms. They were helpless toward the more complicated illnesses, such as the one the Lightning Mount was afflicted with at the moment. The only option for them was to employ the help of a grandmaster physician.

Beiwu Kingdom wasn't too far from the Beast Hall, and a roundabout trip on an aerial savage beast wouldn't take more than two hours.

Since they were waiting for the arrival of Grandmaster Qing Yang, they decided to spectate the beast tamer examination and happened to witness the conflict between Zhang Xuan and Beast Tamer Hong.

Beast Tamer Wang seemed to be extremely confident in that physician named Qing Yang, and turning toward Zhang Xuan, he smiled, "As soon as its illness is cured, we can lend it to you for a trip to the Red Lotus Ridge! However... The price for riding on a Zongshi realm Beast Mount is quite steep. You will have to prepare yourself for it!"

"How much does it cost?"

Zhang Xuan asked.

"According to the price of the Beast Hall, a journey to the faraway Tianwu Kingdom on a Zongshi realm savage beast would require at least twenty [Beast Bloodstone]. As Beast Tamer Zhang is one of our members, we can give you a 20% discount, thus you will only require 16 Beast Bloodstone. In terms of common currency used in the kingdoms, it is around eight million gold coins!"

"Eight million gold coins?"

Zhang Xuan widened his eyes in shock.

In order to earn that sum, he had to disguise himself and work himself down to the bones. Yet, it cost so much money just to make a single trip... That was no different from daylight robbery!

"There's no way around it. A Zongshi realm savage beast requires a 2-star beast tamer to drive it. Furthermore, you are riding it as an individual. This is already the lowest price we can give you!"

Beast Tamer Wang smiled bitterly.

Even though the Zongshi realm Lightning Mount had been tamed, it was impossible for one to drive it without sufficient expertise. Thus, a 2-star beast tamer had to tag along for the ride.

Beast tamers who have reached 2-stars were at least Zongshi realm.

That is to say, for a single trip, a Zongshi realm expert and Zongshi realm savage beast have to be mobilized. Thus, how can the price possibly be low?

One must know that a Zongshi realm expert can be considered as a stabilizing pillar in a Tier 2 Kingdom!

Eight million gold coins weren't demanding too much given that a person of such immense standing would have to be mobilized. Even so, Zhang Xuan still found the price hard to accept.

"Didn't you say that... beast tamers can ride on Beast Mounts for free?" Suppressing his dismal, Zhang Xuan asked.

The reason why he took the beast tamer examination was that Yun Tao said that he could ride for free. Yet, it turned out that he has to pay eight million... He felt depressed just by thinking about it.

"A 1-star beast tamer can only ride on aerial savage beasts below Zongshi realm for free. If he wishes to ride on Zongshi realm savage beasts for free, he has to be a 2-star beast tamer!" Seeing that Zhang Xuan was ignorant of the matter, Hall Master Feng explained.

"A 2-star beast tamer can ride on the Lightning Mount for free?"

After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Xuan asked, "If that's the case... What's the requirement for the 2-star beast tamer examination? I'll try challenging the examination!"





Chapter 255: Grandmaster Qing Yang

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: - -

Try challenging the examination?

The corner of the mouths of Hall Master Feng and the others twitched.

Of the countless examinees who had ever taken an examination in the Beast Hall, this was the most eccentric reason they have ever heard.

Most people took the beast tamer examination because their capability and strength had met the basic requirements, and they hoped to receive recognition. Yet, this fellow was doing it just so that his ride would be free...

You are a senior to master teachers! With such incredible capability, as long as you are willing to put in some effort, you should be able to earn a few million gold coins easily. To act like that just for some money... Where is your pride? Where is your dignity? What about your standing?

More importantly, the examination he wanted to take was the 2-star beast tamer examination. In the thousand years since the establishment of the Xuanluo Mountain Range Beast Hall, there hadn't been more than ten 2-star beast tamer.

Try challenging the examination... You make it sound as though it is as easy as eating and drinking, and there's nothing to be scared or nervous about.

Do you know the difficulty of the examination?

Do you know that an expert like Beast Tamer Hong has already failed it seven times?

To speak of the matter so casually, aren't you underestimating the profession a little too much?

Mo Yu's chest expanded and contracted violently. She was close to bursting into a rage.

Despite being one of the top geniuses in Tianwu Kingdom, she spent a year before achieving the status of a 1-star beast tamer. She thought that she would win the admiration of everyone here, but... she met this fellow.

It took her countless resources, coaxing, and pleading to achieve Inceptive Taming with the Viridescent Eagle. Yet, just by beating it up, the Viridescent Eagle submitted completely to the other party... He had just passed the 1-star beast tamer examination, yet he wasn't satisfied and wanted to take on the 2-star beast tamer examination immediately...

It was one thing if Zhang Xuan had built up a solid foundation and wanted to take on both examination at once to amaze others. However... He obviously didn't have such intentions beforehand. It was only after hearing that he would get to ride on the Lightning Mount for free did he have such thoughts.

Other people tire themselves to death in order to become a 2-star beast tamer, yet you regard it as though a walk in the park. You don't have to demoralize others like that, do you...

"The 2-star beast tamer examination requires..."

Suppressing the stifling sensation in his chest, Hall Master Feng was just about to start explaining when an elder abruptly walked in with an agitated expression.

"Hall master, hall master! Grandmaster Qing Yang is here!"

"He's here?"

The eyes of the three beast tamers lit up immediately. They stood up in a hurry and walked out without saying a word.

After taking a few steps, Hall Master Feng abruptly stopped. He turned around and said, "Since you are all official beast tamers already, you are qualified to examine the proceedings as well. This is a good opportunity for you to spectate how a grandmaster physician treats a Zongshi realm savage beast and build on your knowledge!"


Mo Yu, Zhu Jinhuang, and the others nodded their heads and followed along.

"Elder, let's take a look as well. It's a rare opportunity to witness the treatment of a savage beast, and we might be able to learn a thing or two from it!"

Seeing the others walk into the distance, Yun Tao walked over to Zhang Xuan.


Zhang Xuan nodded his head.

He had been wanting to ride on the Lightning Mount all along. Once that fellow was treated, he would be able to save considerable time and effort for his journey to the Red Lotus Ridge.

Following behind the crowd, he soon arrived at a giant courtyard.

It was large and vast, and the infrastructures were several times larger than those of an ordinary residence. It felt as if one had stepped into a country of giants.

The stone stools in the courtyard were all seven to eight meters wide. If one didn't examine it carefully, he might even think that it was a stage. The stone pavement by the courtyard was also extremely wide, around several dozens of meters large. There was a pond at the center of the courtyard, and the entire place felt like a majestic palace.

"This is the residence specially built for the[Steelfang Howling Firmament Beast]. There are seven apprentice beast tamers who live together with it to manage its day-to-day necessities..."

Upon seeing Zhang Xuan's bewildered expression, Yun Tao explained to him telepathically. "The Steelfang Howling Firmament Beast is the ill Zongshi realm savage beast."

"A residence built specially for a savage beast?"

Zhang Xuan was dumbfounded.

Does it have to be so extravagant?

Regardless of the land area or the grandeur of the infrastructure, it was a match for Tianxuan Royal Palace. As such, Zhang Xuan thought that an important figure lived in the residence. Yet, to think that it was built specially for a savage beast...

Furthermore, seven apprentice beast tamers were assigned to it to take care of its day-to-day living... The privileges it enjoyed seemed to be beyond that of an ordinary expert.

It was no wonder why a single trip to Tianwu Kingdom would cost eight million gold coins. Without such fees, it was impossible to sustain the cost of housing it.

"Grandmaster Qing Yang, we will be depending on you..."

Zhang Xuan was lamenting how the living conditions of a savage beast surpassed even that of a human when Hall Master Feng's excited voice sounded.

Glancing over, Zhang Xuan saw a tall elder dressed in green standing not too far away. With his hands behind his back, he exuded a distant aura that seemed to ward off strangers. Judging from his appearance, he seemed to be in his fifties. And without any emotions on his face, it was difficult to fathom what was going on in his mind.

He appears to be the legendary Grandmaster Physician Qing Yang!

Usually, a 1-star for any occupation would be addressed as a master while a 2-star would be addressed as grandmaster.

Grandmaster Qing Yang, as a 2-star physician, was clearly much more capable than Master Yuanyu.

"Alright! Where's the Howling Firmament Beast? Bring me to it!"

Nodding at Hall Master Feng words, Grandmaster Qing Yang dived straight into the matter at hand.

"Yes, over here!"

Hall Master Feng led the way.

Soon, they arrived at the backyard. A humongous savage beast could be seen lying on a massive stone pedestal. Its eyes were tightly shut, and it was hard to tell whether it was alive.

This savage beast bore some resemblance to the Viridescent Eagle but was significantly larger. With a physique of a dozen meter wide, it looked like a small mountain from afar.


With a single glance, Zhang Xuan could tell that the humongous fellow was in a comatose.

It was no wonder why Hall Master Feng and the others were in such a panic, rushing off upon hearing that Grandmaster Qing Yang had arrived. It seemed that the Howling Firmament Beast was truly in a critical condition.

"Grandmaster Qing Yang, the illness struck three days ago. Initially, it only refused food, and the condition didn't seem to be serious, so we didn't pay it much attention. But this morning, it passed out all of a sudden. We've tried several methods to wake it up, but it was futile..."

Hall Master Feng explained.


Nodding, Grandmaster Qing Yang stepped forward. He circled around the Howling Firmament Beast, and the more he walked, the darker his complexion became.

"Tell me about its recent diet!"

Hall Master Feng beckoned, and an apprentice beast tamer who was in charge of waiting on Howling Firmament Beast walked over and bowed respectfully.

"Ten days ago, the Howling Firmament Beast started to lose his appetite, and it seemed to have become slightly agitated. As it is the dry season of autumn and it is easy for internal heat to accumulate, we fed it the calming [Spirit Rejuvenation Water], and its symptoms were somewhat alleviated."

"However, something remained amiss with its situation. It would thrash around the residence at night, and from time to time, it would howl toward the sky. Especially, in the past few days, when there was a full moon present, it stayed up all night, running about, as though it was trying to look for an outlet for its inexhaustible energy!"

"Yet, when it wakes up, it would lose all appetite, and nothing can catch its attention. Today, it even fainted!"

"The amount of food it consumed has been decreasing constantly through the days, and other than the cooked beast meat and porridge, it doesn't eat anything else. Oh, abiding by Hall Master Feng's words, it was fed two [Heat Dissipation Pill] yesterday, but it seemed to be ineffective. On the contrary, its condition seemed to have worsened."

Very quick;y, the apprentice beast tamer conveyed the basic condition of the Howling Firmament Beast.

After which, Grandmaster Qing Yang nodded and waved his hands, "You can leave now!"

"Yes!" Not daring to say anything else, the apprentice turned around and left.

"How is it?"

Hall Master Feng asked.

"Wait a moment!"

Grandmaster Qing Yang didn't explain anything. Instead, he continued circling around the Steelfang Howling Firmament Beast. In the midst, he plucked a strand of fur and pulled up its eyelids. A deep frown was etched on his forehead, and he seemed to be trying to deduce the condition.


"Can physicians treat savage beasts too?"

Seeing Grandmaster Qing Yang in deep thoughts, Zhang Xuan asked.

"Grandmaster Qing Yang is the best grandmaster physician in Beiwu Kingdom. It's said that he has already reached 2-star pinnacle, and is just a step away from reaching 3-star. Many of the illnesses which the Beast Hall was stumped by was treated by him!"

Yun Tao said with a suppressed voice.

"The fundamental theories behind illnesses, be it for a human for a beast, are the same. Since he is able to treat humans, naturally, he is able to treat beasts as well! Otherwise, how can physicians, despite their lacking combat ability, be ranked among the top of the Upper Nine Paths?"

Hearing their conversation, Mo Yu interjected.

Without a doubt, the master teacher was the number one occupation among the Upper Nine Paths. On the other hand, the rankings for the other occupations were blurred, and there wasn't a standardized ranking. Even so, apothecary, physician, formation master, and beast tamer were commonly accepted to be the few occupations which ranked at the front, and their practitioners were highly respected.

Compared to formation master and beast tamer, physician, as an occupation, possessed no fighting ability at all. However, it was able to be ranked alongside them because their capability extended beyond just treating humans.

"Aren't you skilled in beast taming? I thought that you are knowledgeable in everything. Why, do you know nothing about the Way of Medicine?"

Seeing Zhang Xuan's confused expression, Mo Yu lifted her head haughtily.

Aren't you formidable, taming a savage beast just by beating it up?

Yet, to know nothing about the Way of Medicine! You shouldn't have acted so arrogantly. Embarrassed now, aren't you?

"Err..." Hearing the other party words, Zhang Xuan smiled awkwardly.

The books on the Way of Medicine in Tianxuan Kingdom were far too lacking, and the only physician he knew was Master Yuanyu. Furthermore, he had merely conversed with him on painting.

As such, Zhang Xuan didn't know much about physician as an occupation.

This was the first time he heard that a physician could treat savage beasts as well.

"Not only is Mo Yu xiaojie a 1-star beast tamer, 1-star apothecary, and a master teacher apprentice, she is an apprentice physician as well!" Yun Tao whispered to Zhang Xuan with a hushed voice. His admiration for Mo Yu gleamed in his eyes.

"Apprentice physician?" Zhang Xuan was taken aback.

Even though this Mo Yu was rather arrogant, she did have the achievements to back it up.

Despite her young age, she was adept in numerous occupations. Of all of the people Zhang Xuan had met, she was probably the most talented one.

"There are some points of overlap between a physician and an apothecary, so I went ahead to learn a little. For me, it isn't difficult at all! After this, I'll be returning to Tianwu Kingdom to take the physician examination!" Mo Yu chuckled lightly.

For what seemed to be an incredibly profound occupation in the eyes of others, to Mo Yu, it was as simple as playing house.

She had always towered over others as a genius, but over here, she had been humiliated time and again because of this Zhang Xuan. Thus, upon seeing that the other party knew nothing about physicians, she decided to leverage this fact against the other party and rebuild her confidence.

She thought that she could win his admiration just by saying so, but when she turned to look at him, he had already disappeared from sight.

"Damn it!"

Stomping her feet, her face flushed with anger.


"Did you manage to diagnose anything? Seeing a deep frown on Grandmaster Qing Yang's forehead, Hall Master Feng asked once more.

"Un, I have a rough idea on its condition now. I should be able to deduce what it's suffering from..."

Grandmaster Qing Yang nodded. Halfway through his words, his face suddenly darkened and he bellowed, "What are you doing?"

Hearing his voice, everyone turned their gazes over. Unknowingly, a youngster was already standing before the Howling Firmament Beast. After stretching his hands over... he touched its head.


Internal heat is a concept of traditional Chinese medicine. It is normally associated with a body's discomfort and various symptoms.