

Chapter 206: Gifting Tea Leaves

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: GaiaNove

Only after hearing those words did everyone remember that the conclusion of the test between him and Lu Xun wasn't out yet. All eyes immediately shot to Elder Tian.

"You win…."

Elder Tian sighed bitterly.

An appraisal competition against the creator of the painting?

What a joke! It would be ridiculous to say that Zhang Xuan had lost!

More importantly, just by granting the painting a name, the painting was raised by nearly an entire level.

"Zhang laoshi, here is your Spirit Calming Tea!"

Since Zhang Xuan had achieved victory, Tian Gang handed the teacup to him. The steam from the tea still lingered above it and the fragrance tickled Zhang Xuan's nose. Even before drinking it, Zhang Xuan felt refreshed and energized just by the aroma itself.

After taking the teacup, just when everyone thought that the young man would drink it and indulge himself in its fragrance, he simply tilted the cup and poured it onto the floor.


The fragrance of the tea immediately diffused all around the room.

"Zhang laoshi..."

Upon seeing such a valuable cup of tea being wasted, Liu Ling, Huang Yu, and the others were astonished. Disbelief shone in their eyes.

This was Spirit Calming Tea, a tea which countless cultivators dream off, only to remain out of their grasp…. Even Huang Yu, an assistant master teacher, wasn't qualified to drink it. To pour it away like that….

What a waste of precious resources!

Everyone looked regretful.

"Zhang Xuan, my grandfather offered you such valuable tea out of goodwill, yet you poured it away like that. What do you mean by that?"

Tian Long abruptly stood up.

His grandfather had his butler present Zhang Xuan with the tea, but the other party poured it away in front of him. This was blatant disrespect for Elder Tian.

Besides, even Tian Long wasn't qualified to drink the tea. Yet this fellow simply wasted it like that. He found it unforgivable.

Infuriated, regardless of whether the other party was a grandmaster painter or not, he immediately rebuked him.


Ignoring the other party's howl, Zhang Xuan placed his hands behind his back and looked outside the hall. It seemed as though his attention was somewhere far away. He sighed.

"Stop putting up a front here. You are the one who poured away the tea, yet you're saying it's unfortunate now. Do you really take the Tian Clan as people you can step on like that?" Tian Long lashed out.

He was the one who poured the tea out, yet he was saying that it was unfortunate now. What the hell are you trying to do?

Are you doing it on purpose?

Everyone else were perplexed as well. They had no idea what Zhang laoshi was up to.

Liu Ling, Zhuang Xian, and the others stared at each other confused.

As master teachers, they possessed incredible discerning capabilities, allowing them to see through many matters. Yet they realized that their discerning abilities were useless before him.

They couldn't see through the other party's cultivation, his thoughts, or his intentions….

He was a mystery wrapped in an enigma.

Especially now. Despite the risk of offending Elder Tian, he spilt the tea on the floor…. What was he up to?

If things went on like this, there'd be no backing down anymore. They were considering whether they should step forward to mediate the situation.

Just when everyone was feeling apprehensive of the fight that was about to occur, Zhang Xuan turned around to look at Elder Tian.

"The tea leaves of Spirit Calming Tea grow at the peak of the ice mountain, granting it its calming and revitalizing properties. It is harvested right after the blooming of its flowers. Usually, when brewed, it should allow one to maintain Heart of Tranquil Water for hundred breaths. Yet this cup could only allow one to maintain the state for twelve breaths. For the effects of such fine tea leaves to be reduced to this state, if this isn't unfortunate, what else can it be?"

"You… How did you know that this cup of tea could only maintain Heart of Tranquil Water for twelve breaths?"

Elder Tian was initially infuriated by Zhang Xuan's actions as well, but upon hearing his words, he was stunned.

The effects of Spirit Calming Tea were clearly stated in the books to last for hundred breaths. However, no matter how Elder Tian brewed the tea, he was only able to maintain its effects for twelve breaths or so. Initially, he thought that it was due to the inaccuracies of the book, but hearing the matter from Zhang laoshi's mouth at this moment, he was astonished.

I thought you didn't drink the tea?

If you didn't drink it, how could you have known the effects of my tea?

"The tea set, teacups, and teapot are the Emerald Radiance Set personally created by Master Potter Wu Qingzi. As for the water, it came from the deep well in Three Gardens Platform, and it was exposed to the sun for two days straight before boiling it for an hour. And for the brewing technique, you used [Seven Hearts Coiling Hands] to make the tea. In order to brew this tea, you have cleansed yourself, eaten a vegetarian diet for seven days straight, and adjusted your state of mind to Heart of Tranquil Water. You went for perfection on every single aspect, fearful that a mistake would occur in the midst of anything. However, it is unfortunate…. The effects of the Spirit Calming Tea you brewed still weren't maximized. Even more so, it could be said to be a failed product!"

Zhang Xuan gestured casually.


Elder Tian was flabbergasted. He didn't even notice the teacup in his hands falling onto the table.

The words of the other party were… completely correct!

The water used for steeping the tea leaves was indeed from the deep well in Three Gardens Platform, the brewing technique he used was Seven Hearts Coiling Hands, and the tea set used was the Emerald Radiance Set. Before brewing the tea, he did cleanse himself and abstain from meat for a week….

He had kept all of these a secret, such that even Tian Long didn't know of it. Yet, how did Zhang laoshi find out?

More importantly… to know of all of them in detail?

It was said that a grandmaster tea brewer could see through the flaws and problems within a tea just by looking, smelling, and tasting it. From there, they could offer the other party instruction, allowing the person to refine their skills.

Could it be that… Zhang laoshi wasn't just a grandmaster painter, but a grandmaster tea brewer as well?

If that were the case, if Zhang laoshi offered him some advice, could it be possible for him to break through his bottleneck and reach an even higher level?

Elder Tian trembled, agitated.

Just when he was about to consult the other party on this matter, he heard Tian Long angrily howling, "To dare say that the tea which grandfather brewed is a failed product, who do you think you are? Do you think I won't teach you a lesson right now?"

Upon hearing these words, Elder Tian's eyebrows twitched and he nearly passed out.

In the Way of Tea, he had reached a bottleneck, and for many years, he had been stuck trying to surpass his limits. Right now, given how the other party was able to see through the mistakes in his Spirit Calming Tea, if he were to offer him some advice, he might be able to achieve a breakthrough. Yet… his hopes were shattered with the words of this brat.

Moreover, you wish to teach a person on the level of a grandmaster in the Way of Tea a lesson?

You unfilial brute!

If not for your prejudice of this Zhang laoshi, I wouldn't have been so biased against him. If I hadn't been so rude to him, the other party wouldn't have been so displeased.


The more he thought, the angrier he became. "Shut up!"

"Ah? Grandfather…"

Tian Long didn't expect his grandfather to bellow at him like that. Dumbfounded, he stood blankly on the spot.

"Go away, don't get in the way of us here!"

Waving him away, Elder Tian hurriedly stood up and walked over to Zhang Xuan. Clasping his hands, he bowed earnestly, like a student meeting a teacher. With a respectful tone, he said, "Zhang laoshi is right, the tea I've brewed is indeed a… failed product. It doesn't have the effects that a true Spirit Calming Tea should possess…."

He had no choice but to admit it.

Given how the other party's words were all true, he had likely seen some problem. If he were to reject his opinion vehemently at this moment, he would simply incur the ire of the other party. If so, he would pass by this opportunity to reach greater heights.


"Spirit Calming Tea can allow one to remain in the state of Heart of Tranquil Water for hundred breaths?"

Hearing Elder Tian admit to it, a commotion broke out among the crowd. Everyone stared at the young man as though he were a monster.

Especially so for Huang Yu and Bai Xun, they pulled their hair frenziedly.

Wasn't Zhang laoshi completely ignorant of the Way of Tea when he came?

Why could he see through so much now, even making Elder Tian lower his position and admit defeat?

Off to the side, Lu Xun and Wang Chao were even more so on the verge of insanity.

Isn't this fellow garbage?

To be a grandmaster capable of producing a painting of the fifth level at one moment, to able to impress Elder Tian in the field of Way of Tea in the other…. Where can one find such incredible garbage?

"Zhang laoshi, I hope that you can point out my mistakes so that I can correct them and not waste such precious tea leaves."

After admitting that he was unable to fully unleash the properties of Spirit Calming Tea, Elder Tian looked at Zhang Xuan respectfully.

"I have come to your Tian Residence with the invitation of the three master teachers as a guest, yet all I've been welcomed with was contempt ever since my arrival, even to the point of being tested of my capabilities…." At this, Zhang Xuan shook his head as he glanced at the elder before him. "Do you think this is the appropriate way to treat a grandmaster painter?"


Embarrassment flushed on Elder Tian's face.

If the other party were just an ordinary noble, this matter would of no great import. But Zhang Xuan was a grandmaster painter, and it was very likely that he was a grandmaster in the Way of Tea as well.

It was one thing to not show a person of such identity the respect befitting of him, but to test him….

This was clear contempt for him.

The reputation of a master teacher mustn't be sullied, and the same could be said about grandmasters as well.

Regardless of which occupation it was, reaching such a level meant that one had surpassed countless others and achieved an incredible level of mastery in the field. Even in Conferred Kingdoms, they were respected existences. Yet, in a moment of folly, he…

"Frankly, I don't want to say much. However, on account on your sincerity, I can offer you some advice."

Zhang Xuan glanced at him thinly. "Red wine has to be enjoyed in a wine glass. Even wine has its own silverware, needless to say, tea. Spirit Calming Tea has a calming property, but even though the Emerald Radiance Set is a treasure left behind by an esteemed potter, it is hot in nature. Since heat breeds irritation, how can one remain calm? This is my first piece of advice.

"The Way of Tea is an art of tranquility. Your actions of cleansing yourself and abstaining from meat is a form of respect for the art. However, since it should be an art of tranquility, should there be a banquet for it? Given the commotion, your heart is already disturbed, so how can you brew the most perfect Spirit Calming Tea? This is my second piece of advice!

"You should keep these two points in mind. Perhaps this might be beneficial to your progress in the Way of Tea. I still have things to attend to, so I will be leaving now. Farewell!"

Zhang Xuan waved and headed outside.

"Zhang laoshi, please wait…"

Before Zhang Xuan could step out of the hall, Elder Tian hurried forward.

"Zhang laoshi, your advice has enlightened me. This is a token of my appreciation. I hope you can accept it."

After which, he beckoned and a servant brought a box to him. Opening it gently, the deep fragrance of tea leaves gushed into the air.

"The tea leaves of Spirit Calming Tea?"

"Given the quantity… two taels?"

"Even considering the entirety of Tianxuan Kingdom, only three taels are produced every year. But you want to gift two taels at once?"

Upon catching scent of the fragrance, the eyebrows of everyone here shot upward. They were all shocked by Elder Tian's gesture.

This was definitely a huge gift.

Importantly, even Emperor Shen Zhui didn't have much of a chance to drink it. Through this, it was clear to see how valuable the tea leaves were. Yet Elder Tian gifted two taels of tea leaves at once, an amount sufficient for one to brew more than a dozen pots…. Wasn't this gesture of goodwill too generous?

"Looks like… even though Zhang laoshi's advice sounded ordinary, it has enlightened Tian laoshi. Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to offer such a generous gift to him…."

While they were shocked by his gesture, they also understood that a gift didn't come freely. Elder Tian's action of giving so many tea leaves to the other party meant that… the other party had pointed out the fundamental errors behind the tea he had brewed, and Elder Tian had benefited greatly from his words.

Without even drinking the tea, with just a single look, he was able to point out the problems, resulting in Elder Tian gifting his tea leaves to the other party willingly….

How many surprises did this Zhang laoshi hold within him? Was there still more to him that they didn't know of?





Chapter 207: Returning to the Academy

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: GaiaNove

After accepting the tea leaves, Zhang Xuan went away without a peep.

In the very first place, he didn't intend to attend this birthday banquet at all. If not for Huang Yu and Bai Xun's request, as well as for an opportunity to meet the three masters to ask them about the poison aura, he wouldn't have cared about Elder Tian one bit.

Even if it was a funeral, he would've never came to such an event.

Even though he didn't get an opportunity to ask the three master teachers of the matter, based on their attitude, they would likely come looking for him soon. It wouldn't be too late to ask them about it then.

Since that was the case, there was no longer any purpose for Zhang Xuan to remain there.

As for why Zhang Xuan was able to see the flaws in the tea Elder Tian brewed, the reason was simple. The moment Zhang Xuan stepped into the hall, the other party was in the midst of brewing tea. As such, the library automatically compiled a book on it, and just by flipping through it, Zhang Xuan would know everything about him.

If not for that fellow intentionally trying to pit him against Lu Xun and siding with the latter, he wouldn't have been bothered about it and embarrassed the other party in public.

You wish to make use of Lu Xun to humiliate me?

What a joke! Those who try to slap my face will be sent flying with a slap of mine. It doesn't matter to me whether you are Elder Tian or whoever. There are no exceptions.

"Elder Tian, Your Majesty, Liu shi, Zhuang shi, Zheng shi, we'll be taking our leave as well!"

Upon seeing Zhang Xuan leave, Huang Yu and Bai Xun quickly followed behind him as well.

They were the ones who brought Zhang laoshi here and they didn't think it appropriate for them to remain here given the situation.

The moment they left, the room immediately fell silent.

"Grandfather, that's Spirit Calming Tea! Why, why did you suddenly gift so much of it…."

Tian Long felt indignant.

Even if the advice had helped his grandfather, there shouldn't be a need for him to shower the other party with such a generous gift.

They had paid a huge price to get someone to pick and process the two taels of tea leaves for them. It wasn't something that one could just buy with money.

Even his grandfather couldn't bear to drink it on casual occasions, yet to gift it someone else like that….

Just thinking of it, Tian Long felt his heart ache.

"Much? It isn't much at all!"

Glancing at his grandson, Elder Tian shook his head.

Even though his grandson seemed intelligent, and he had entrusted his expectations onto him, at this moment, it seemed that his character and magnanimity were severely lacking.

"Elder Tian is right. Two taels of Spirit Calming Tea isn't much at all. Putting aside the fact that he had offered valuable advice to Tian laoshi, just the two words Zhang laoshi wrote on the painting are valuable," Emperor Shen Zhui said.

The two simple words, "Wild Deer," were truly a priceless treasure. It had raised the already valuable painting of the fifth level by nearly another entire level. Even if they gifted him all of the tea leaves in the Tian Residence, they would have still made a profit.

Not just that, by this kind gesture, they could reduce the hostility a grandmaster painter felt for them, perhaps befriending him even.

"I have benefitted greatly from Zhang laoshi's advice. Tian Long, Tian Gang, I'll leave the birthday banquet to you two. I would like some time for myself to digest what I've learnt. Perhaps his words may allow my mastery in tea brewing to reach new heights."

Elder Tian nodded his head before falling silent.

"Then we won't be imposing on Tian laoshi any longer!"

Liu Ling knew that the other party was inviting them to leave, so he left the hall along with Emperor Shen Zhui and the others.

"Your Majesty, we still have things to attend to, so we won't be returning with you to the royal palace."

Upon leaving the Tian Residence, the trio bade Emperor Shen Zhui farewell before leaving hurriedly.

Needless to say, they were going to look for Zhang laoshi.

"He is truly a god among men!" Seeing how even the three master teachers were impressed by Zhang laoshi, Emperor Shen Zhui commented in awe. After which, he turned to a eunuch and said, "Make preparations. I want to watch the Teacher Evaluation tomorrow as well!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" the eunuch replied.


Awhile after the three master teachers and Emperor Shen Zhui left the Tian Residence, Lu Xun and Wang Chao walked out of the mansion. The moment they left the perimeter of the residence, resentment and indignance immediately burned in their eyes.

"He is just a low-level teacher, why? Why! Dammit! Dammit!" Lu Xun howled loudly. The hatred in his eyes was so deep it could dye a river black.

He thought that the banquet for Elder Tian would be an impetus for a breakthrough, and he would successfully become Liu shi's apprentice. Never in his dreams did he expect… such a conclusion.

The fellow he had been looking down on had trampled over his pride numerous times, riling him up so much that he was about to spurt blood.

The strong sense of humiliation he felt made him want to go on a rampage.

He, Lu Xun, as the son of the emperor's tutor, had lived a smooth sailing life since childhood. All along, he had been the one who humiliated others. When had he ever suffered a setback of this sort?

"That fellow must have spent all of his effort and time studying painting and the Way of Tea, so his ability to impart knowledge must be bad. As long as you triumph over him in the Teacher Evaluation tomorrow, you should be able to return the shame to him," Wang Chao said.

Even though Zhang Xuan was talented, it was impossible for him to be talented in all aspects.

Even if he were truly talented in all aspects, given the limited time and energy a human possessed, he would have to spend a bulk of his time researching painting and the Way of Tea, thus neglecting his education abilities.

The duo were still rather confident in their abilities as teachers, so they didn't believe that they would still lose to Zhang Xuan here.

"I must win the Teacher Evaluation tomorrow." Hearing his words, Lu Xun nodded his head.

He had been humiliated enough today. He couldn't afford to lose to the other party anymore.

"Wang Chao, don't you know that apothecary? I would like to buy a few pills to give it a try."

Clenching his fists tightly, Lu Xun turned to look at his friend.

"Buy a few pills? You mean you want to…"

Upon recall, Wang Chao was horrified. He quickly shook his head, "You can't do it! Even though that can raise your cultivation within a short period of time, it will damage the student's foundations, making it hard for them to improve in the future…."

"I can't care about it anymore! I must win tomorrow…. There's no retreat for me now. As long as I win and become Liu shi's apprentice, I will be able to become a master teacher within ten years. By then, I can easily repair the trauma they will suffer. In fact, by then, granting them a life of luxury wouldn't mean anything to me."

Gritting his teeth, Lu Xun's eyes contained a frenzied gleam.

"This…" Wang Chao hesitated.

Wang Chao knew about his friend's talents. He was just a step away from becoming an official painter, and the moment he broke through this bottleneck, he would be eligible to take the master teacher examination. Given the experience he had accumulated as a teacher in the past few years, as well as his study on master teachers, it wouldn't be a problem for him to become a master teacher within ten years.

Once he became a master teacher, it wouldn't be a difficult task to make up for these students' losses.

He could easily provide them with a life of luxury then, and repairing their trauma wouldn't be impossible whatsoever.

"Alright, we've no time to waste. It's fortunate we haven't returned the three million which we borrowed from Emperor Shen Zhui. That should be sufficient for us to buy five pills. Let's go and buy them now. I'm going to make them raise a storm tomorrow. Not only will I triumph over Zhang Xuan, I will make everyone know that in the Hongtian Academy, I, Lu Xun, am invincible!" Flinging his sleeves, Lu Xun roared.

"OK, I'll go take a look now…."

Knowing that Lu Xun's mind was made up and that it was impossible for him to convince him otherwise, Wang Chao nodded his head.

What Lu Xun said made sense: there was no retreat at this point!

They had offended Yang shi in the royal palace, making it nigh impossible for them to become his apprentice.

The three master teachers had set their sights on Zhang Xuan. If the two of them were to lose, there wouldn't be any chance for them anymore.

Their only hope was the Teacher Evaluation tomorrow. They had to make everyone know that Lu Xun was the true star teacher in Hongtian Academy, the number one teacher of the entire Tianxuan Kingdom.

And that Zhang Xuan… was nothing at all!

He wasn't even qualified to vie with them!


"Weren't you going to give this painting to Elder Tian? Why did it become Liu shi's present instead?"

Before Zhang Xuan could get too far, Huang Yu and Bai Xun caught up with him. Seated in the carriage, Zhang Xuan suddenly recalled the matter and asked.

Back then, while Huang Yu and Bai Xun were competing over the Ink Daylily Canvas, Zhang Xuan suddenly produced paintings of the fifth level, and the pair immediately bought Zhang Xuan's works instead. Back then, it seemed that they had intended to buy his painting to present it to another as a gift, so he was curious why it became a gift from Liu shi instead. Also… where was the painting Bai Xun had bought?

"Actually, the reason why I asked for the Ink Daylily Canvas was to help Liu shi prepare a present for his teacher. Thus, it is natural that he was the one who presented it to him," Huang Yu said. "As a junior, there's no need for me to present such a valuable present to Elder Tian even if I attended his birthday banquet."

"Ah…" Hearing Huang Yu's words, Zhang Xuan immediately understood what was going on.


As a junior, even if she visited Elder Tian, she only had to prepare a novelty of some sort. There was no need for her to present a treasure like the Ink Daylily Canvas.

Naturally, she had done it in Liu shi's stead. As such, it was natural for the gift to be given to Elder Tian through Liu shi's hands.

"What about you? As Zhuang shi's student, there should be no need for you to prepare a gift in his stead, right?"

Bai Xun's relationship with Zhuang shi was different from the relationship Huang Yu had with Liu shi.

The latter was in an apprenticeship whereas the former was just a student. Even though the two of them sounded alike, the standing and identity of the two were on two different levels.

Huang Yu might have to look for a birthday present in Liu shi's stead, but as a student, there shouldn't be any need for Bai Xun to do the same.

"Actually… I…" Bai Xun scratched his head in embarrassment. "It is because Xiao Yu wanted the Ink Daylily Canvas that I asked for it as well. This way, I would have a reason to be with her…. As for why I bought the painting from Master Zhang, it is for my father. He likes painting a lot as well…."

Zhang Xuan was speechless.

It turned out that this fellow only wanted the Ink Daylily Canvas to flirt with Huang Yu.

Just the thought of it was ridiculous.

However, his choice wasn't wrong. Only by competing with Huang Yu could he meet her every day. This way, it would make it easier for him to court her as well.

Just that, even though Bai Xun was interested in Huang Yu, the same could not be said about the latter. Most likely, the fellow was destined for heartbreak.

Bai Xun was just a student of Zhuang shi. There was no need for him to present a painting of the fifth level to Elder Tian. As an esteemed noble of the country, it wasn't difficult for him to find another suitable gift. As a result, Elder Tian only had the painting of the wild deer, and the other one was still in Bai Xun's possession.

"Master Zhang, I thought you didn't know anything about the Way of Tea. Then how did you…" After a while, when Hongtian Academy was already in sight, Huang Yu couldn't help but ask.

That fellow had clearly shown his ignorance in the subject earlier, and it didn't seem like he was faking it. Yet how did he manage to point out the mistakes in Tian Long's and Elder Tian's Ways of Tea, even completely impressing Elder Tian?

"It's true that I didn't know anything about it…."

Zhang Xuan nodded his head.

Even though there were many books regarding the Way of Tea in his head, he hadn't had the chance to browse through them yet. As a result, it wasn't a lie to say that he didn't know anything about the topic.


Huang Yu and Bai Xun were confused.

If you don't know anything about the subject, how could you speak so confidently and stump them with your words?

Shouldn't you come up with a better lie than that?

"I just happened to flip through a few books on the Way of Tea in the past and freely spoke of them. It was a coincidence that I managed to guessed them correctly!" Zhang Xuan replied casually.

"Freely spoke of them?"

Bai Xun and Huang Yu stared at each other speechless.

Brother, if you don't want to tell us the truth, just say so. You won't fool anyone with that ridiculous excuse of yours.

Do the two of us look like fools to you?

"Since we've arrived at the academy, I'll be bidding you two farewell!"

Even though the duo clearly didn't believe his words, Zhang Xuan couldn't be bothered to explain to them. With a smile, Zhang Xuan hopped off the carriage.

He had finally arrived at Hongtian Academy.

After a few days of absence, he was curious to see how far Zhao Ya and the others had progressed.





Chapter 208: Ink

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: GaiaNove

The Hongtian Academy was bustling with people.

The Freshmen Tournament was about to begin.

Ten thousand students had been enrolled in the academy, and after half a month of study, it was time to check on the results of their training.

"Who do you think will be first place in the tournament this time?"

"I still think it's the person who got number one during the entrance examinations. Right after enrolment, his cultivation reached Fighter 2-dan. A month has passed since then, so he should be much stronger by now."

"The Freshmen Tournament isn't just reliant on strength. Besides, even if he was strong before his enrolment, it doesn't mean that he will still be strong now. I've heard that the few new students under Lu laoshi who were going to participate in the Teacher Evaluation have all reached Fighter 2-dan. Furthermore, they weren't his direct disciples. It will be hard to tell whether he can beat them!"

"But that guy is a student of Lu laoshi too, right? Seems like even if first place isn't that guy, it should be someone under Lu laoshi's tutelage."

"Of course! Of the top five hundred in the entrance examination, at least three hundred of them have come under Lu laoshi's tutelage. Even if they don't want to get first place, there must be someone that can match up to them first!"

"By the way, who do you think will win in the Teacher Evaluation? Zhang Xuan laoshi or Lu laoshi?"

"Win? Are you stupid? Does that question even need to be asked? In what way is Zhang Xuan laoshi qualified to compete against Lu laoshi? Even if the Education Bureau had intentionally suppressed him, causing his Teacher Qualification Examination results to be reflected wrong, his result in the past year wasn't terrific either!"

"Th-that's true!"

"See! To tell you the truth, I heard that the fellow intentionally provoked Lu laoshi to make fame for himself. After causing his student's cultivation to go berserk, he still dares to challenge Lu laoshi to a Teacher Evaluation…. I really don't know how a person's skin can be so thick!"

"The news that I've heard is completely different from yours. I heard that Zhang Xuan laoshi is a noble person, and has already reached Pixue realm. In order to uphold the academy's prestige, he had been keeping mum about the matter, tolerating all of the insults by himself!"

"I've also heard that! Rumors have it that his student was afflicted with Innate Sealed Meridians, and he intentionally caused his student's cultivation to go berserk so that he could surpass his limits."

"That person is Zhao Yanfeng. I've met him a few times. Not only did Zhang laoshi help resolve his problem, he even helped him break through his cultivation. Right now, he's already a Fighter 2-dan expert. Grateful to Zhang laoshi, he wanted to go under his tutelage once more. This event incurred Lu laoshi wrath, resulting in Lu laoshi challenging Zhang laoshi to the Teacher Evaluation."

"Are you serious? Is that true?"

"It's definitely true. I heard this info from a friend I'm familiar with."

All kinds of discussions and theories floated around the place. Some said that Zhang Xuan overestimated himself, while others said that he was forced to accept the challenge. At this point, it was hard to tell what the truth was anymore.

Due to Yao Han's intentional spreading of the news of the Education Bureau, nearly everyone in the academy was aware of it now.

However, most of the students were still hesitant to believe it.

After all, Lu Xun's reputation in the academy was simply too great. Even though Zhang Xuan had cleansed himself of the grief from scoring a zero in the Teacher Qualification Examination, it was hard for him to establish a towering image in the hearts of the students within such a short period of time.

However, Zhang Xuan wasn't bothered by this matter at all.

In any case, tomorrow's Teacher Evaluation would determine everything. Rather than wasting his time on this matter, he might as well focus on raising the strength of those students of his.

Soon he arrived at his classroom.

"Zhang laoshi!"

Zhao Ya and the others were all present. Each of them were spirited and emitted a powerful aura.

"Not bad!"

Seeing the status of his students, Zhang Xuan nodded his head in satisfaction.

He was glad that he didn't waste his efforts.

Regardless of whether it was Zhao Ya, Zheng Yang, Wang Ying, Liu Yang, or Yuan Tao, each of them had improved significantly. They were completely different from how they were half a month ago.

Not only this, even the students who had just listened in on the lessons—Wang Tao, Wang Yan, and Zhao Yanfeng—had also improved significantly.

Even though Zhang Xuan didn't conduct many lessons, every word in his lecture pointed straight toward the essence of cultivation. Learning under him helped them further comprehend cultivation as a topic, and naturally, this helped them raise their cultivation faster.

"What is that?"

After praising them, just when Zhang Xuan was about to start meeting them one by one, Zhang Xuan suddenly caught sight of something in the corner of the room.

There were a few pots placed by the side and the contents inside them were all pitch-black. Perplexed, Zhang Xuan asked them.

He clearly remembered not seeing such an object in the classroom before.

"Zhang laoshi, it is ink," Wang Ying's face flushed as she said softly.

"Ink?" Zhang Xuan was confused. "Why would there be a pot of ink in the classroom?"

What he taught was cultivation, not culture. There was no need for him or the students to paint beautiful ink paintings or write elegant calligraphy, so there was no reason for these objects to be in the classroom.


Upon hearing his question, the several students fell into a silence of awkwardness.

"What's wrong? Could there be a reason behind this? Yuan Tao, speak!"

Seeing the bizarre expressions on everyone's faces, Zhang Xuan's eyebrows shot up.


Yuan Tao didn't expect Zhang laoshi to single him out and his face immediately scrunched up as though he had eaten a bitter gourd. After a moment of hesitation, he said, "It's like that. Due to the awakening of Zhao Ya xiaojie's Pure Yin Body, she has become even more beautiful. As such, many students wish to court her…."


Only then did Zhang Xuan realize the change in Zhao Ya's appearance from the awakening of the Pure Yin Body. Regardless of whether it was her looks or her nature, she seemed completely different from before. Compared to the domineering young mistress in the past, she was now an elegant young lady.

In terms of appearance, she was superior even to Shen Bi Ru. It was no wonder that other students started to admire and approach her.

"So if someone comes to find her… what is the purpose of the ink?" Zhang Xuan was even more perplexed.

Even if Zhao Ya became prettier and other men came to pester her, it would suffice to chase them away. In the academy, it was unlikely for them to go too far.

Besides, the strength of his students had risen greatly. If someone tried to harass Zhao Ya, they would likely leave with a swollen face.

By no means were Zheng Yang, Liu Yang, and Yuan Tao people who would allow others to climb over their head. It was impossible for them to watch obediently as others tried to poach Zhao Ya over to their sides.

"This… We have chased away all of the students, but…" Yuan Tao scratched his head as he laughed awkwardly. "But recently, three perverted old men had been loitering around the classroom. Based on their movements, we wouldn't be able to defeat them. So we prepared some ink to pour on them! It's rumored that ink can vanquish lust, and after they had been splashed by this ink, those three perverted old men should feel embarrassed to continue loitering here…"

"Perverted old men?" Zhang Xuan was perplexed. "Are you sure that they aren't teachers of the academy?"

"I'm sure that they aren't. I know all of the teachers in the school, but there aren't any teachers with appearances like theirs. Just by looking at their leering faces, I'm sure that they are up to no good!" The one who spoke this time was Zheng Yang. "I kept seeing them hiding in the corner in the past few days, pointing to Zhao Ya and Wang Ying, discussing them. Sometimes, they even nodded their heads while smiling. I am sure that they are up to no good."

"Pointing to Zhao Ya and Wang Ying and discussing them? When did such shameless fellows appear in the academy?"

From the confidence in his student's tone, Zhang Xuan didn't think that he was lying. His forehead wrinkled.

For old men to be peeping on and discussing sixteen, seventeen-year-old girls…. They were indeed lecherous.


Zhang Xuan also agreed with their opinions that the old men were up to no good and nodded his head. "You all should be on guard. Zhao Ya and Wang Ying, don't go out by yourselves for the next few days. If you meet those three old men again, feel free to use the ink to splash them!"

Since they were able to get into the academy, they probably had esteemed identities. It was already embarrassing for them to be stalking young girls in public, and if they were to be splashed with ink, they should probably understand how shameful their actions were and leave of their own accord.

Of course, he would try to remain in the academy for the next two days. If the old men were to strike once more, he didn't mind teaching them a lesson personally.

"Hooray for Zhang laoshi!"

"I've already said that Zhang laoshi is an understanding person and he wouldn't blame us for that…."

Upon hearing Zhang Xuan approving their actions, the students cheered happily.

"Mm, alright, let's get down to business. Yuan Tao, follow me in first. I'll take a look at how your cultivation is going."

The Teacher Evaluation was tomorrow. So Zhang Xuan needed a clear idea of the current strength of his students by today. At the same time, he could offer them some instruction. Perhaps, through this, they would improve a bit more before the duel with Lu Xun's students.

Even if it was just a mild improvement, it might just be the determining factor in the battle.

The duo walked into the partitioned room and Yuan Tao closed the door behind him. After which, Zhang Xuan gestured. "Show me your battle technique."

"Yes!" Yuan Tao nodded his head. His fist shot out, making the wind howl. The might behind his fist was astonishing.

Even though his cultivation didn't improve greatly, still in Fighter 1-dan Juxi realm intermediate stage, his strength was astounding. That punch of his had caused a sonic boom.

"This strength…"

Zhang Xuan was surprised.

His ability to produce a sonic boom with his fists meant that his strength and defensive ability had reached astonishing levels. Even Fighter 3-dan Zhenqi realm cultivators might find it difficult to endure a punch with that power.

"As expected of the Emperor's Bloodline. Even though only ten percent of it has been awakened, it is still able to induce such an incredible growth in strength and defense!"

The unique constitutions were indeed extraordinary, befitting of their enormous reputations.

Even though Yuan Tao's cultivation was still the lowest among his five students, his offensive and defensive abilities were extremely fearsome.

"Your cultivation still isn't good enough. Whenever you cultivate and gather spiritual energy, you are too focused on the absorption of spiritual energy, thus failing to align your physical condition along with it. I will impart you with a cultivation method now. As long as you cultivate with it, it shouldn't be difficult for you to reach Juxi realm advanced stage today," said Zhang Xuan, after taking a single look.

After the other party had executed his punching routine, a new book on Yuan Tao formed in his head. After reading through the contents within, Zhang Xuan gained a clear idea of the problems and flaws in Yuan Tao's cultivation.

"Yes!" Yuan Tao hurriedly nodded his head and turned his attention to memorizing the cultivation method. It didn't take him long before he remembered the entire formula.

"OK, call Zhao Ya in."

After instructing Yuan Tao on what he should do, Zhang Xuan waved him out.

Soon, Zhao Ya walked in.

The Pure Yin Body was indeed incredible. Upon its awakening, Zhao Ya exuded the disposition of a fairy from the upper realms who had descended onto the mortal world.

Not to mention, Zhao Ya was originally a beautiful maiden. With the augmentation from her constitution, every single movement of hers exuded indescribable grace.

"Given her looks and nature, any male students matched against her will immediately admit his defeat upon seeing her smile."

The heavens were indeed unfair. Given Zhao Ya's outer appearance, if her opponent was a male, he might not even try to lay his hands on her.

"Show me your battle technique!"

"Yes!" Zhao Ya nodded her head, clenched her fist, and punched out.


The sound of wind filled the entire room.

"Your strength…"

After a book was formed in the library, Zhang Xuan flipped it open and took a look. The next instant, his eyes widened in disbelief.

How… could this be possible?

Huala! Boom!

"What are you all doing?"

"The nerve!"

Just as Zhang Xuan was about to speak, he heard the sound of a pot shattering. After which, furious roars resounded.

"What's going on?"

Frowning, Zhang Xuan immediately walked out of the room.






Chapter 209: Poison Hall

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: GaiaNove

It was already chaotic outside. Zheng Yang was wielding a spear whereas Wang Ying was in a battle stance. Meanwhile Yuan Tao was carrying the tables and chairs in the classroom, glaring fiercely at the intruders.

At the entrance of the classroom, ink was splattered all over the floor. There were three fellows who were drenched black standing at the entrance, fuming.

Clearly, just when they were about to enter, Zhang Xuan's students immediately threw ink at them.

"Zhang laoshi, these are the three shameless men who had been peeping on us everyday…."

"To still be peeping on girls at your age, don't you feel embarrassed?"

Upon seeing Zhang Xuan walk out, Yuan Tao and Liu Yang hurriedly shouted at the trio.

However, before they could finish speaking, they saw the mouth of the usually calm Zhang laoshi twitch, then his entire body staggered, and it seemed as though he was about to fall to the ground.

"Liu shi, Zhuang shi, Zheng shi… Why are you all here?"

Zhang Xuan was on the verge of tears.

Back then, when he heard his students say that there were three lecherous old men hiding by the corner peeping on them, Zhang Xuan took their words as truth. Never in his wildest dreams could he have expected that it would be the three master teachers.

As master teachers… they could just walk in through the front door to look for me. Disguising themselves and hiding in the corner, what were they up to?

Due to that, a misunderstanding arose and they were splattered with ink, causing this awkward situation….

Not just that, they were even criticized as shameless and lecherous….

"Liu shi?"

"Zhuang shi?"

"Zheng shi?"

Hearing the words that Zhang laoshi uttered, Zheng Yang, Zhao Ya, and the others staggered.

The three master teachers arriving at the capital was a huge affair, and the students in Hongtian Academy had already long since heard of the event. Naturally, they also knew of their names as well.

Initially, they thought that the few old men who had come to peep on them were just lewd perverts who were lusting over Zhao Ya's beauty. To think that it would actually be the famous three master teachers in the capital….

Weren't master teachers supposed to be prestigious figures who were difficult to even catch a glimpse of?

Why did they suddenly appear here and stalk them?

"Zhang laoshi, are you mistaken? Where can one find master teachers who act so pervertedly, wearing these kinds of clothes and hiding in the corner, afraid of us noticing them?" Zheng Yang couldn't help from saying.


Zhang Xuan nearly choked on his spit.

The hell, what was with the students he was teaching!

Other people usually brought trouble to their father and their grandfather. Yet his students were clearly intent on preparing his grave for him.

The other party were all master teachers. With a single stomp of their legs, even Emperor Shen Zhui would cower in fear. Yet, not only did you all not apologize after splattering ink on them, you even said that they were perverted….

Perverted your head!

Frankly, I really want you all to admit that it was your fault. This way, the problem can be settled easily.

How do you expect me to deal with such a situation?

Zhang Xuan felt so depressed that he could cry. On the other hand, the three master teachers felt so infuriated that their lips were twitching nonstop. They felt so humiliated by this affair that the thought of suicide passed through their minds.

Right after leaving Elder Tian's residence, they immediately rushed to the academy and headed to Zhang Xuan's classroom. Yet the moment they walked in, they saw pitch-black ink flying right at them. Stunned by the sight before them, they didn't even have the time to react….

The hell is going on?

'We are master teachers. Regardless of where we go, we are influential figures who are held in high regard. Yet why were we splashed with ink here? Why are we treated as perverts here?

'If word spreads, how can we face others?'

"Zhang laoshi, I am certain that it is the three of them. In the past two days, they have been loitering around the classroom, peeping on us. I find it hard to believe that they don't have any bad intentions in mind…."

Afraid that Zhang laoshi might not believe Zheng Yang's words, Wang Ying added on.

"I can also vouch for it! Even if they were reduced to ashes, I would recognize them!" Liu Yang said decisively.

"Shut your traps!"

Seeing how these students were so unreliable and getting worse with their words, Zhang Xuan couldn't stand it any longer.

After bellowing at his students, he mustered his courage and walked up. "Master teachers, I apologize for bringing you all trouble. I will teach them a lesson later…."

"There's no need to worry about it!"

"The ignorant aren't guilty…."

"Forget it, it's our mistake as well!"

Liu Ling, Zhuang Xian, and Zheng Fei squeezed out smiles on their crying faces.

"Yuan Tao, Zheng Yang, hurry up and buy some clothes for the three master teachers."

Seeing that the trio didn't intend to pursue this matter, Zhang Xuan heaved a sigh of relief. Kicking Yuan Tao and Zheng Yang's rears, he roared.

"Yes, yes!"

At this moment, everyone finally understood that these three lecherous old men were true master teachers. Their faces immediately turned green with fear.

There wasn't anyone in this world who didn't know how fearsome a master teacher was. Yet they threw ink in the faces of three master teachers instantly, reducing them to such states….

They truly felt like crying now.

But… it really wasn't intentional.

Who could have thought that noble master teachers would disguise themselves and loiter around their classroom to peep at them, even talking about them?

"This… Master teachers, have you been hanging around here for the past few days?" asked Zhang Xuan after getting a towel for the trio to wipe away the ink from their faces.

As master teachers, instead of indulging yourselves in the luxuries in the royal palace, why would you all come here?

Even if you want to take me as your apprentice, upon knowing that I'm not here, there shouldn't be any reason for you all to be hanging around my students, talking about them.

"We… we…"

Hearing Zhang Xuan's straightforward words, the three master teachers' mouths opened, but they couldn't say a single word due to awkwardness.

What could they say?

That they'd heard of his deeds, and that they wanted to see it for themselves?

Peeping on his students to gather information on him…. They would have to abandon their prestige as master teachers to say such words!

"I have an old friend in Hongtian Academy and he happened to be free the past few days. So we've been coming around to see him. Also, the atmosphere is not bad, so… we thought that it would be good to spend our time here," the quick-witted Zheng Fei said with a smile.

"Atmosphere is not bad?"

Zhang Xuan looked at them with strangely.

He had seen people who could speak lies with a straight face, but he had never seen someone who could spout such an obvious lie so brazenly.

'My classroom is at the very corner of the academy, the worst location in the compound. How inexperienced of the world must you be to think that the atmosphere is not bad?

'Besides, do you have friends in Hongtian Academy?

'Why haven't I heard of it?

'If you really have friends here, you would have come much earlier than this!'

"Oh, is that the case? My students are still inexperienced, that's why they thought that you were up to no good. Please pay them no heed…."

In order to prevent the atmosphere from turning awkward, Zhang Xuan didn't expose the blatant lie.

Soon, Yuan Tao and Zheng Yang returned with new clothes. After the three master teachers changed into them, they felt much more comfortable.

"Zhang laoshi, you should probably know the reason why we came to look for you?"

Regaining the disposition of a master teacher, Liu Ling looked at the young man before him with a smile.

After the past few days of observation, they were extremely pleased with both Zhang laoshi and his students. They would have truly won the lottery if they could accept an apprentice of such caliber under their wings.

Knowing that the three of them were true master teachers, the several students immediately focused all of their attention onto the conversation between them to see what was going on.

"I can roughly guess. The three master teachers hope to take me in as your apprentice, right?"

Knowing that he had to face this sooner or later, Zhang Xuan dived right into the subject.


"The three master teachers want to accept Zhang laoshi as their apprentice?"

"If Zhang laoshi accepts it, he would be an assistant master teacher?"

Upon hearing those words, the faces of Zhao Ya and the others immediately flushed with excitement.

The dream of all teachers was to become a master teacher, and the requirement of being an apprentice of a master teacher eventually turned out to be the barrier preventing them from attaining their dream.

Only when one became a master teacher's apprentice would one have the chance to become a master teacher.

Instead of finding Lu Xun laoshi, the three master teachers came straight for Zhang laoshi. How could they not be excited?

"Mhm, that's right. The three of us have such an intention. You can feel free to choose whomever you wish to join!"

Upon seeing that the other party understood the situation, Liu Ling nodded his head with satisfaction.

"Feel free to choose whomever he wishes to join?"

His students were so excited they wanted to jump up and down.

That's to say that all three of the master teachers had their sights set on Zhang laoshi?

"This…" Zhang Xuan scratched his head embarrassed. "May I reject the offer?"

Putong! Putong! Putong!

Zhao Ya and the others fell to the floor.

For someone to reject becoming the apprentice of a master teacher?

Surely we heard wrong!


Unable to believe their ears, Liu Ling and the others were stunned.

"Yes!" Zhang Xuan nodded his head.

Possessing the Library of Heaven's Path, Zhang Xuan was destined for great heights. Honestly, Zhang Xuan found Liu Ling and the others… nowhere near good enough.

"We understand that we're being a little too rash on the matter, so you need not hurry to give us your reply. How about this, we'll give you some time to consider the matter. It isn't too late to reply to us tomorrow!"

Not expecting the other party to reject him, Liu Ling knew that he had been a little rash on this matter and smiled awkwardly.

"It's alright to answer tomorrow as well. Give it a good thought today. Without the identity of an assistant master teacher and a master teacher's recommendation, it is impossible for one to take the master teacher examination," Zhuang Xian added.

"Indeed. Given your capability and your talents, it is a waste if you don't become a master teacher…." Zheng Fei chirped in as well.

"Oh… I will think over the matter then!" Zhang Xuan nodded his head.

Zhang Xuan had decided to take the master teacher examination, but he was reluctant to acknowledge any of these three fellows as his teacher.

It wasn't for any other reason…

Than because these three had been trying to become Yang shi's students.

They were giving their all to become his students while trying to take Zhang Xuan as their student…. What in the world was this….

"Mm! That's good. We'll come over tomorrow then."

Seeing that the other party didn't directly reject them, they heaved sighs of relief.

"Right, Liu shi, Zhuang shi, and Liu shi, I happen to have a question to ask you three."

Seeing that the other party didn't persist on the matter, Zhang Xuan thought of the poison aura in his body and opened his mouth to ask the question.

"Oh? Feel free to speak of whatever it is that's on your mind! As long as it's something we know of, we'll try our best to help you." Liu Ling stroked his beard.

"Since that's the case, I would like to ask where I can find books on [Poison]. The more, the better," Zhang Xuan spoke.

As Zhang Xuan had no idea what the poison aura in his body was, it would be hard for him to ask the master teachers about it. Also, it might also result in unnecessary trouble, so he might as well just ask them for books.

In any case, as long as there were sufficient books on poison, through the Library of Heaven's Path, Zhang Xuan should be able to easily find out what poison it was, and solving the problem would be simple then.

"Books regarding poison?"

Not expecting the young man before them to ask such a question, the three master teachers exchanged glances.

"In the field of poison, no one can surpass the [Poison Hall]!" After hesitating for a moment, Liu Ling said this with a grim expression.

"Poison Hall?"

Zhang Xuan was confused.

Even though there were many books regarding poison in the Tianxuan Kingdom Book Collection Vault, there wasn't any record of such a location. Thus, this was the first time Zhang Xuan was hearing the term as well.

"Yeah, Poison Hall!"

Liu Ling nodded his head.





Chapter 210: Teacher Acknowledgement (First Half)

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: GaiaNove

"Actually, the Poison Hall refers to the Poison Master Guild!"

"Poison Master Guild?" Zhang Xuan blinked his eyes blankly.

Since it's a guild, it should be called Poison Master Guild just like the Apothecary Guild, Blacksmith Guild, and Teachers Guild. Why would it be called the Poison Hall?

The name sounded eerie.

"Do you feel like since it's a guild, it should just name itself as a guild just like the others? Are you wondering why it would be called the bizarre name of Poison Hall?" Seeing through Zhang Xuan's doubts, Liu Ling explained, "Actually, this has something to do with the identity of Poison Masters.

"Poison Masters are adept in utilizing poison. Often, their means can get through the guard of others, inducing massive fear against them. Reviling their underhanded means, they are classified in the Lower Nine Paths. On the other hand, due to their fearsome means, countless experts of the continent allied together to deal with the Poison Master Guild. Back then, when the guild was destroyed, countless poison masters died in the ordeal.

"Afterwards, even though they had managed to pass down their heritage, in fear of the same thing occurring to them once more, they dared not appear in the world. As a result, they secretly formed the Poison Hall and hid amid the mountains and rivers. This is precisely the reason why even though there are poison masters, they are hard to find within the kingdom. If one has to speak of a place which has the most books on poison, it has to be here. It's just that even I cannot confirm its exact location."

Liu Ling shook his head.


Zhang Xuan smiled wryly.

In the end, Liu Ling's words turned out to be pointless.

What Zhang Xuan needed now were books on poison. If he was unable to find the Poison Hall, there wasn't any point listening to all of this.

"Playing with poison is extremely dangerous. Many poison masters, in order to concoct more potent poisons, often use their own bodies as test subjects. As such, very few of them live for long. Very few people want to come into contact with poison without sufficient reason. Zhang laoshi, may I know what you intend to do by asking for books of this kind?"

The three master teachers were perplexed.

Due to the lethal nature of poison, unless one possessed a great hatred for someone stronger than them and needed the strength of poison to exact their vengeance, very few people would dabble in it.

Even if people didn't try the poison they concocted for themselves, coming into contact with poison daily would also result in minute doses of it being absorbed into their body daily. Eventually, it would accumulate, so most poison masters couldn't live for long. This had also caused most of their personalities to be eccentric.

It could be said that just speaking of this occupation was sufficient to leave people apprehensive. Very few people would be willing to come into contact with it. This Zhang laoshi refused to become their apprentice and asked them about this matter instead. The master teachers couldn't stop from feeling curious about this matter.

"I am just asking out of curiosity." Zhang Xuan smiled.

He couldn't speak about the matter of him being poisoned. Otherwise, it would lead to questions like "Why isn't the poison acting up?" or "Why is your zhenqi so pure?" and eventually, it might expose the existence of the Library of Heaven's Path.

This item was his greatest secret, and he would never tell anyone about it.

Seeing that the other party was unwilling to say anything about the matter, Liu Ling asked no further either. After pondering for a moment, he added, "Actually, even though I don't know the exact location of the Poison Hall, I've heard that there is a Poison Hall branch in the Red Lotus Ridge, which is in the extreme northwest of Tier 1 Tianwu Kingdom. Of course, this is only hearsay. As for whether there is truly a branch there, I can't really confirm it."

"Tier 1 Tianwu Kingdom?" Zhang Xuan nodded his head. A book regarding the country appeared in his head.

If they had a 1-star master teacher backing the country, it would be eligible to be ranked as a Tier 2 Kingdom.

Given how Tianxuan Kingdom had no master teachers at all, it could only be considered as an unranked kingdom.

Tianwu Kingdom was the strongest kingdom of the surrounding territories reaching the level of Tier 1. It was even higher ranked than the Beiwu Kingdom Liu Ling came from. It was said that there was a 2-star master teacher backing the country.

This country wasn't too far from Tianxuan Kingdom. They could even be considered as close neighbors since they both bordered the Red Lotus Ridge.

"Other than the Poison Hall, the Master Teacher Pavilion also has books on all occupations. Plenty of them are on poison too. Even though the quantity and quality can't be compared to the former, the size of its collection far exceeds that of some countries. If you only wish to gain an understanding of the occupation, you should visit the Master Teacher Pavilion to take a look. But of course, if you wish to enter the book collection vault, you have to first pass the master teacher examination."

Zhuang Xian smiled. It seemed like he hadn't given up on the idea of having Zhang Xuan come under him as his apprentice.

"Master Teacher Pavilion?"

"Yeah. Even though master teachers come into the Teachers Guild in name, due to their prestigious identity, the guild isn't capable of interfering in their affairs. Thus, another autonomous organization was created to govern the master teachers and conduct examinations. It's known as the Master Teacher Pavilion."

Zhuang Xian added, "The Master Teacher Pavilion is actually just like any other guild. The treasures and secret manuals within are only accessible by master teachers. Its book collection vault contains the knowledge of countless occupations, so there's surely books regarding poison there."

"Oh!" Zhang Xuan nodded his head.

It seemed that if he wasn't able to find the Poison Hall, becoming a master teacher and entering the book collection vault of the Master Teacher Pavilion could solve his current problem too.

"Alright, we hope that you can give this matter more thought. Given your talent, as long as you study diligently, you will surely be able to become a master teacher one day. You shouldn't think too much about other things."

The four of them chatted awhile longer, but upon seeing that the young man seemed to be truly disinterested in becoming their apprentice, Liu Ling offered Zhang Xuan advice before leaving with the other two.

They knew that it was best to slowly convince a talented teacher like Zhang Xuan instead of pressuring him. Perhaps he might truly change his mind within a couple of days. If they were to keep persistently questioning him about the matter, it might have the opposite effect instead.

After the trio left, the several students immediately ran up to Zhang laoshi. Admiration glimmered in their eyes.

Did you see that? Other teachers would definitely lose their mind upon hearing that a master teacher wanted to accept them as their student, yet our Zhang laoshi simply rejected three master teachers calmly….

Isn't he too incredible!

"Don't give me those looks. I haven't settled the score with you all from the recent event!"

Zhang Xuan's complexion darkened.

These brats had actually said that the three master teachers were lecherous peeping toms. It was fortunate that it was only ink and the other party didn't intend to pursue the matter. Otherwise, even Zhang Xuan would be stumped by this problem.

After rebuking them, he went ahead to guide them one by one. After all was said and done, Zhang Xuan heaved a sigh of satisfaction.

Even though these fellows were mischievous and unreliable, they were extremely serious in their training, not slacking off in the least.

Other than Yuan Tao, his other students had all reached Fighter 2-dan Dantian realm.

Initially, he thought that the one who would improve the most would be Zheng Yang, but contrary to his expectations, it turned out to be the weak-looking Wang Ying.

In just a short few days, her cultivation had soared. Not only did she break through the Fighter 2-dan barrier, she reached the pinnacle of Fighter 2-dan intermediate stage, and she was currently just a step away from reaching advanced stage!

The rate of her improvement was nothing short of shocking.

Even though this lass may seem airheaded on the surface and she blushed easily when speaking with others, she actually possessed an extraordinarily determined will. When she hardened her resolve to accomplish something, not even Zhao Ya would be able to best her.

His other students had also done well.

However, that was to be expected. After all, he had imparted them with the cultivation techniques and battle techniques compiled by the library. If they were unable to achieve such a level of improvement, it would truly be embarrassing.

Through the library, Zhang Xuan could tell that his five students had been secretly cultivating a joint attack formation. Taking a single look, there weren't any disadvantages to the formation. Instead, it augmented their combined fighting power.

As long as they weren't fooling around, Zhang Xuan wouldn't interfere in their affairs.

Nurturing a student was different from raising a plant or a pet. A teacher ought to guide them onto the right path and impart them knowledge to help with their cultivation. Otherwise, if a teacher restricted them in whatever they did, they would lose their independence, becoming nothing more than puppets.

It was just like how the rote learning method in Zhang Xuan's previous life had killed the creativity of numerous children, mass producing adults who were only capable of testing well.

Right after finishing his lecture, Zhang Xuan would leave the classroom. In fact, there were times he would stay out for several days. While there were compelling reasons for his absence, Zhang Xuan wasn't being irresponsible. Rather, he was worried that if he kept interfering in their training, it might impede them from becoming true experts in the future.

A true teacher should impart knowledge and guide students, but not restrain them.

"In order to take the master teacher examination, I need to become an apprentice…. But I don't want to acknowledge Liu Ling and the others as my teacher…."

After instructing his students one by one, Zhang Xuan fell into a dilemma once more.

Apprentice, master teacher; master teacher, apprentice. It felt cyclical, leaving Zhang Xuan with a splitting headache.

'Right, I can choose to become my own apprentice instead!'

After being conflicted for a period of time, a thought abruptly appeared in Zhang Xuan's mind.

Other than Zhang Xuan, wasn't he "Yang shi" as well?

In the minds of others, Yang shi was a master teacher as well. If Zhang Xuan became his apprentice, wasn't he also qualified to take the master teacher examination? Even if Yang shi was unable to provide a recommendation letter for him, he could ask Liu Ling and the others to do so in his place.

When "Yang shi" asks for a favor, who wouldn't comply?

"I'll do it that way then!"

Chuckling softly, Zhang Xuan left the academy and headed toward his mansion.

If he wanted to become Yang shi's apprentice, "Yang shi" had to speak.


Leaving the academy, Liu Ling and the others smiled bitterly at their failure of being unable to take Zhang Xuan as their apprentice.

Putting aside a remote country like Tianxuan Kingdom, even in Beiwu Kingdom and Hanwu Kingdom, as long as they showed the slightest bit of intention of taking an apprentice, countless star teachers would come fighting for the position.

Yet they had revealed their intentions clearly to this fellow, only to be rejected by him…. They very much so wondered what was in his head.

"To be able to reach an astounding level of mastery in painting, pill forging, and the Way of Tea at such a young age, it is natural for him to be complacent!" Liu Ling commented, remembering the varied and incredible feats the other party had done.

"Indeed! We need not hurry. Tomorrow is the Teacher Evaluation between him and Lu Xun. Perhaps he's thinking of achieving a flawless victory before coming under us. This way, it would be much more justified and glorious," Zhuang Xian guessed upon remembering the event.

"That's possible…"

The other two nodded their heads in unison.

The reason for his rejection might be due to this matter as well.

Otherwise, even if he was unwilling to become their student, would he be willing to give up on the opportunity to become eligible for the master teacher examination?

This was the pursuit of all teachers in the world. It was just like becoming an expert in the path of cultivation, it was something that no one in the occupation would be able to resist.

"We must come over to watch tomorrow's duel. However, before that… should we deal with our personal affairs first?" Liu Ling suddenly said.

"You mean… acknowledging Yang shi as our teacher?"

Zhuang Xian's eyes lit up.

It was impossible for a person to only have a single master in their entire life. This logic applied to master teachers too. Upon reaching higher levels, one could acknowledge another teacher to learn from them.

"Indeed. Since Yang shi was able to easily help Shen Hong and Zheng Fei achieve breakthroughs, it is clear that his methods are much more advanced than ours. If we can acknowledge him as our teacher, we might be able to break through our bottleneck and gain the qualification to become 2-star master teachers. In fact… we might even pass with a single attempt with his guidance!"

The more Liu Ling said, the brighter his eyes shone.

A good teacher would be beneficial to their future development.

After the past few incidents, Yang shi had fully displayed his extraordinary capabilities. If they could acknowledge him as their teacher, they might be able to reach greater heights…

Reaching the level in their dreams, but beyond their reach.