
Library of the Mad Wizard

In a world were wizards rule over the elements. Leo a young Boy sets his journey with the help of library that can store any book he touches. Watch our MC as he saves the pretty ladies and make his own harem ...........who am I kidding the MC is a scheming Psychopath. With no value for human life.

Hectate · Fantasy
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18 Chs

chapter 4

It has been 18 months since Leo found the inheritance during this time he would go out into the forest picking herbs for his potionering and would practise it during night time.

Now he could make 6 potions, there were recipes for more than 100 potions but most of them required magic materials or were not useful for Leo at the time.

And now finally after 6 years his time to escape has come.For the last 7 years he had planned many methods to escape from here but even if he ran away the Betton family would send knights or in worst case wizards after him. During these years he learnt that the magic academies are neutral and the Betton family have no influence there. So all he had to do was to get there before the Bettons find him.

"So this is it tomorrow is the day I leave this hell hole " Leo looked at the sky

At night he sneeked near the village well and pour five potions in it. They were sleeping potions he made. When the villagers go to sleep tomorrow they would have a hard time waking up.

Next morning Leo woke up he acted crazy and walked to the village the villagers were used to his presence. He slowly went into the village tavern through the back without anyone noticing he went to the wine cellar and poured some of his potions into it too.

Once in 3 months bandits arrive to this village to spent their loot. They wouldn't dare attack a village near the wizard family. They would arrive bribe the knights, buy a whole wine cellar and drink deep in the forest near their turf.

Leo then walked to the edge of the village he took a glance at Kett a village boy who does odd jobs for the villagers.

Thup Thup

Leo heard horses in the village they were the bandits, the bandit leader paid a sack of gold to the knight guard and gave another smaller sack to the tavern owner and took the whole wine cellar along with his gang like they do every year.

Leo waited for the sun to go down he made sure to pack his stuff which included the ring couple of gold coins a knife and few potions he made.

Leo walked to the village he saw the usual three knight apprentices the middle one was their leader his name was Vance his father is a grand Knight working for grandfather hence he lives a luxurious life with his father's money.

Leo made sure no one was watching and threw a rock at them.


"You son of a bitch how dare you I will personally murder you today" shouted Vance.

Leo didn't stay to hear the rest and ran home making sure the three are following him.

Leo entered his house drank a potion and wore a cloth mask covering his mouth and nose.

Vince and his two friends broke in laughing.

"Oh that idiot is going to get his legs broken today"

"He ran into his home like we wouldn't catch him fool".

The two lackeys rebuked.

You look over there , and you look over there that fool is probably hiding I will check the kitchen

One of the Lackey went into the bedroom and started searching for Leo and then


an arrow his his head and fell on the spot.

During these 2 years Leo stole a few arrows and a crossbow from a hunter and he practiced with it every day.

"That's one"

The other lackey was inthe dinning room when he heard a sound from the bedroom and towards there and Shoosh a crossbow hit his head too.

"That's two, next is the hard part Vance was elevated into a knight few months ago it wouldn't be easy to kill him now"

Leo went to the dinning room only to see Vance holding his sword at him.

"You bastard why how did you do this . I will fucking kill you. You won't be spared when I inform this to the Betton Family you better come...aaa"

Leo shot an arrow at him but it hit his lungs

"You bastard I am a knight it will take more than an arrow to kill me" Vance shouted and ran towards Leo and punched him in the stomach he would not dare kill him the Betton family would murder him.

Leo was pushed back into the coughing blood.

Then he started laughing Ha ha ha

"Why are you laughing you crazy bitch"

"Shut up you are annoying said Leo"

Vance was shocked this was the first time he heard Leo speaking a proper sentance.

"You you are cured cough cough" Vance asked

"Cured ? I was never crazy to begin with. Do you know why I am telling you all this? Because dead men tell no tales" Leo smerked.

Vance was shocked he felt as if his head was hit his eyes started falling off.

"Poison arrow why" Vance asked only to hear a faint laugh and footsteps approaching his fallen body, then there was darkness.

Vance was dead.

Leo walked near his body and took his storage artifact this was the reason why he killed him.

The storage artifact was better than the one he had it could hold an entire warehouse of storage. It is a wasted on this trash. Leo checked its contents it had a spear, a sword a lot of gold coins. He transferred all of it to his low tier space ring.

He then took a knife tore Vance's chest open and took out his heart and kept the body in the new space ring and put the heart in a sac.

He went to bedroom and did the same to the other two Lackeys.

"Now for step two".