
Library of the Mad Wizard

In a world were wizards rule over the elements. Leo a young Boy sets his journey with the help of library that can store any book he touches. Watch our MC as he saves the pretty ladies and make his own harem ...........who am I kidding the MC is a scheming Psychopath. With no value for human life.

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18 Chs

chapter 3

Chapter 3

What are you talking about? Where am I? How are you talking?

Leo was shocked to see an owl talking like a human

The owl then took a step back and explained what this place is.

" This place is the library of the mad wizard Abel Von Griffin a dark wizard who died 500 years ago. Abel was a rank 5 wizard but he was hunted down by almost everyone because of his experiments and it is said that before he died, he left more than 200 inheritance grounds all around the continent this library is a special spell which helped Abel to copy any books inside this library just by touching it and I am its librarian an artificial spirit who takes care of the books here"

So, you are saying I can copy any spells and techniques just by touching it and the spell would then be copied into one of these books in the library.

"No, YOU can't, not yet anyway Abel could, you are not even an apprentice wizard"

Oh, I see Leo was dejected

Wait this is the library of a rank 5 wizard so it should have some techniques or spells I could use right.

"Yes, there are but you can't use any because most of them are for wizards and it may not be compatible with your element."

So, I can't access any of them now?

"No, you can't"

Are there any I can use.

"Well, you can read masters research books and those books over there"

Olaf pointed a certain section in the library.

I took a book read the title "Homunculus", I took another one "Chimera"

Another one "Necromancy", another "card making" oh this is actually good I read the rest of the title "advanced study".

Most of these books are research books for wizard it has no use for me. I turned to Olaf and spoke

"Olaf would you mind picking a book for me that can help me "

Olaf came near the shelf and started picking some books and gave them to me it read

"potionering for beginners "

"Aptitude study by Abel Von Griffin"

"Moonlight meditation"

"Analysis and Copy tier 0 spell(non-elemental)"

These books are the basics if you want to be a wizard researcher.

Potionering teaches you to make simple potions which can save your life when needed. Moonlight meditation is a technique to increase you mana capacity. Aptitude study is a book written by my master it contains a method to increase a persons aptitude but be warned this is forbidden magic. The most important spell you should study is Analysis the spell allow you to Analize and study magic element, potions, runes and spells. This is the magic that is used to copy books into the library."


I woke up it was already noon I slept for the whole day and I feel tired I read most of the books given I gave my priority to potionering and aptitude study. I cant learn spells since I am not even an apprentice and practicing meditation may attract the family.

Aptitude study tells on how to increase a wizards aptitude one can only use this method before reaching rank 1 wizard but the method was dangerous it required human sacrifices mainly the heart and 50 of them, 200 magic stones and the method could most probably kill me in a painful way.

I have enough magic stones but I cant kill that many people alone and operate their heart. The village consist of 30 mortals including women and children. I cant kill knights because that would be me seeking death. And even if I did I cant escape from here I would be a suspect. There are three more years until the enrolment I have to increase my aptitude before that.

I should study potionering maybe that could help me find a way but I cant buy ingrediants so I have to search in the forest that would be difficult. I should buy some tools.

Leo went to the village market that afternoon and bought the necessary tools the shopkeeper gave him a weird look. On the way two knights blocked his way

"Hey why did you buy these tools you are not going to magic are you "

They were the same knights that beat him up for these 5 years.

I want to murder them badly but its not time yet. I have to go with the act.

"i am going to catch fishes with them there are many fishes I like red fish black fish brown fish gold fish I will catch fish with them and be the fish god"

"this idiot is pouting bullshit again the kid is mentally ill why does the young master asks us to beat him up?"

Okey lets start todays greeting brat ha ha laughed one of them

Leo walked home limping he was beaten up again thankfully they didn't hurt the tools I cant buy any tools soon because it could get suspicious. Those half brother brats are making my life miserable already.

I should leave this place as fast as I can. Lets study potionering and aptitude, I should check the library again but Olaf said there wont be any more useful ones for me. Apparently there are not many books because wizard Abel made this tool few years before his death and he did not care enough to store simple books in there.