
Liar Lila

Lila's ordinary and non-emotional life was well until a party three weeks ago had her handed a DUI, an ex-boyfriend, and a secret she feels she has to hide about him. Ex-boyfriend Elliot doesn't know what he did on that Saturday night. Lila doesn't plan on letting him know. So lie after lie after lie. Lila lies her way out of, and consequently into a lot of trouble, all in the mean time finding out maybe giving people chances isn't as bad as she thought.

ambersymss · Teen
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9 Chs

C03: Anna - 3

She came over to watch netflix and give me some company and now Anna was unconscious in the back of a car with Eithan driving us to the hospital.

I brought my laptop to write. I doubt a Sunday night at Saints Hospital is going to be fun.

Eithan was silent the entire ride and I'm thankful for it. Honestly the last thing I need is for chad to start getting chatty. It was unfortunate that out of the other three candidates for driving, one was unconscious, another was too busy in a gaming comp to drive mentioned unconscious sister, and I got a DUI three Saturdays ago and had my license suspended for two months.

So when I called Eithan up and he answered the phone with "baby, I missed you," it took everything in me to care for my friend on the floor and overlook how painful Eithan is to deal with.

I hadn't taken first aid so I didn't know what to do with the blood. I looked over my shoulder at Anna awkwardly strapped in, laying down across the three back seats. The bandage I wrapped on her head was pretty shotty. Better than nothing though.

When we got to the hospital Eithan and I carried Anna inside to the ER and checked ourselves in, shortly after, seeing as it was dealing with head injury and an unconscious patient, Anna was admitted.

Eithan and I sat outside the room she had been brought into in silence as we waited for the doctors to finish up. She needed 4 stitches and monitoring.

"So about the party-" Eithan began.

"Let's not go there." I cut him off.


"Eithan." I gave him a stern look. He folded his arms, leant back on his chair and stared at the skirting or the wall in front.

After around 4 hours of being in the hospital, and a couple of trips to the cafeteria, the doctors lead Anna to a bed and we were allowed to see her. She had woken up by now, but was drowsy.

"Wah.. what hap-haphed?"

I heard a snicker and stomped on Eithan's foot.

"You tripped on your own foot. Anna we didn't even end up watching netflix and you got yourself bleeding and unconscious." I sunk down into the chair on the bed's side and stared at her.

"Don't be so emotionless Li-"

Anna stirred and groaned in pain. "If Lila wasn't emotionless I'd worry I'd done something good." She rolled over and faced me. I rolled my eyes.

"You're a clutz. I just had to spend 5 hours with your brother Anna."

"Aw you cared enough to sit through that for me?"

"Shutup." I mumbled.

From the corner of my eye Eithan was getting agitated. "What's so bad about me huh?"

It was 1am. I didn't get my writing finished. Mr. Barnes is going to be enthused tomorrow. Almost as enthused as I was right now. Anna started to drift off to sleep again. At least she's not in pain.

I fell asleep in the chair.