
Lian Cheng

Story Description: In a world, full of Warriors, Spirit Users, Daemons and Beasts, a strong dread was approaching. Even the almighty Elemental Spirits of the seven Elements feared it and couldn´t do anything against. There was a legend, saying that in the ancient times there was a Spirit User, who could control all seven Elements and was as strong as the seven Element Spirits together, living for thousands of years. But one day he disappeared and didn´t come back anymore. Will the world end in darkness and chaos, or will that almighty Spirit User come back? ‐--------- This is my own Original Novel, so i hope you enjoy reading it.

Keksi_Sixty6 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

3.Chapter – Rebirth (2)

It was one year ago, that Lian saw Juana in his dreams. After that, he only saw fragments of his past life in his dreams.

He and his parents were living in a little village called "Kulab", south from "Soria"-City.

In this year, he never used his Mental skills to communicate with the world again. Lian would only make noises or cry, when he was hungry or something wants.

His parents were worried about him at the beginning. They had many questions in their minds about that day, but they had never asked him about it. They only hoped the best for their child, and tried always to have a happy, warmth and loving view in front of him.


Lian didn´t do much. He was most of the time silence and tried behaving like a normal baby in front of them. He didn´t had parents in his past, and also never get familiar love either.


As Lian saw how they took care of him every day, he felt in his heart something, but didn´t understood what it was. He felt warmth and that every time when his mother would hug him lovely, or when his father would play with him.


He tried to forget these feelings, knowing that he would depart from them in the future, in order to fulfill his so-called "DUTY", what he still didn´t know what it is.

But he couldn´t forget.


Sometimes his mother talked with him about her daily life, her past with his father, like how they met or what they experienced together. He also discovered that his mother sometimes cries, because of the behavior from the villagers against her.


Because of the midwife form his birth, some people in the village started having prejudices against his family, saying that Lian was a "Daemon" or a "hoodoo" for the village. Since then, the people gave half the salary for the work to his mother, till to nothing. She had it very hard from then and his father Dan Tian wasn´t better off. He worked for the Village Guard of the Kingdom during the day, six days per week. He didn´t had a problem with other guards normally, and also had some friends, but they too turned their backs in fear they could bring harm for their family.


His parents couldn´t do more than live with it for a while, till they saved enough for a trip to the next City and to start a new life there.




"It´s like the last time!… You have tattered my shirt again! Look here!… I will just give you 30 Kub for your work.", argued she with a smirk on her ugly face as she was looking with disgust at Lian, who was held on one arm of Xia Juan.

"Please, believe me! The hole was there before I got it from you!", argued she with a weary look.

"Oh!…You say that I´m lying?"

"No, of course not!"

"Good girl! Here.", with a light devilish lough, she threw the money at the ground and went back with her basket Laundry to her home.

Xia knelt down, took the money and went home while sobbing slightly. While his mother walked, Lian had an innocent expression as he looked back at the ugly faced woman´s home and his eyes were shining from brown color to dark green for a second.


In the ugly woman´s house.

The woman dropped her basked at the floor as she felt something in her belly suddenly. The next moment, she ran out of the house to the backyard and went to the toilet and couldn´t leave it till evening.



At home, Xia Juan laid Lian in his cot, sat down on the floor next to him and started silently crying.

Lian´s heart ached at the sight of his mother. He knew, it was his fault, but he couldn´t do anything about what happened.

He tried to stand up inside his cot and neared himself to his mother. Then he stretched his hand to her long beautiful dark brown hair and gently fondled her.


Feeling something touching her hair, Xia turned her head around, only to see her son standing and touching her hair. She felt warmth in her heart and embraced his son softly with love.


"Thank you darling! …*SOB*…I love you too…. So… time to make dinner, before your daddy comes home from work. Are you hungry?", asked she with a smile, while trying to stop crying.

Lian nodded in agreement and she then stood up and went to the kitchen. The house was not very big. It had only two rooms, the bedroom and the living room with the kitchen in it.


"What do you want to eat today honey? Soup with bred or wildsheep meat from yesterday, which your daddy brought from his hunting the last time?"

He only made a sign for "two" with his little fingers and laid down again in his cot.

Smiling happily, she nodded and started to cook.


From the beginning, they knew that their son was a very smart one and could understand them. They didn´t know why, but they didn´t cared too much about it either. Dan Tian would often ask her about Lian before, what she was thinking, but her answer was always the same and meanwhile her husband also didn´t thought too much about it anymore. He was only proud, to have a son which was very smart for his age.  The main thing is, that he was healthy and happy!

His father came at evening and they started to eat. After dinner, his parents chatted about the happenings today and later they went with Lian to their bedroom sleeping.





Outside the village, at the western side. About three kilometer away from the entrance to the village on a little hill were two men.


"How many guards are there today?", asked one of them in tattered black cloak, to the man next to him.

The other one was also wearing the same tattered cloak in gray and had a scar on his right eye brown. He answered excitedly, "Only ten! For a village with five to six hundred people, ten guards are a little low, I think. Maybe the rest have a break or are all sick and they are in their homes with their wives? ….HAHAHAA…Anyway, go and inform our Boss about it. I think we can have some fun tonight!"


In the next ten minutes, more than 50 men in tattered cloaks came next to the man in gray.

They all had a bandage on their left arms and on the bandages, were an emblem with a skull having the tongue hanging out from its mouth.

At last came a man in red cloak with a big scar on his left eye, black horrifying eyes and having a black long beard. You could read the excitement and lust in his dark eyes.


"Everyone ready?", asked the red-cloaked man to his people.

"""" YES BOSS!!"""", shouted everyone with agitation!

"Good, good, good!! Kill the men, take everything you want and fuck everyone you like! That´s our slogan!… GO AND HAVE FUN BROTHERS!!"

""" YEEAH! GO AND KILL!!""""




"Mommy, daddy!"



Screams, agony, torment, sorrow and torture.


Everything came at a sudden. The guards hadn´t a chance to defend themselves and the group of bandits easily killed them. The next moment, they already were at the houses of the villagers and started their play.


Lian and his parents woke up from the screams outside and they had despair on their faces. They knew, what was happening in front of their house and this wasn´t the first time.

Xia quickly went to Lian´s cot and lifted him up, hugging him tightly and ran next to his husband.

Dan Tian took his sword from his wardrobe and stood two to three meters away from the door, ready to attack!


"Stay behind me! If anything happens, run out from the window behind you and escape as quick as you can!", commanded he to his wife. He knew he might die tonight, but he would do everything he can to protect his family.


While Lian´s parents discussed, they didn´t noticed that just now he had dark green eyes, looking focused. Lian closed his eyes, and he could see the happenings outside of his house. He started to count, how many bandits there were and also spotted the leader in the group.


The leader in red cloak was pushing down a little crying girl and undressed her completely. Next to them were two bloody bodies at the ground.

Having pleasure from her screams, he started to rape her.

Seeing this and other similar scenes, Lian had flashbacks from his past and was getting angry.

"Just wait, assholes!", thought Lian.


Two man, one in black and the other in gray with a scar on his eye brown, were running to his home.


"Watch out!"


A soft voice made through the minds of his parents suddenly.

Xia and Dan Tian while discussing about their safety, suddenly stopped when they heard that voice.

They were shocked about it, but quickly tried to calm down. Dan Tian didn´t think very long about it and focused on the door. After few seconds, they could hear footsteps to come near their home.


"OK, let´s take this one! Together…One, two…**THUB**, again…one, two… **THUB**"




The door collapsed at the second try from them, and they excitedly looked around and also found their prey!

Before they could do anything, his father already started to attack them with his sword.

Shocked, the two quickly reacted to their daggers. Dan Tian stabbed his sword to the black one, but he blocked it with his dagger barely.

While his first attack failed, the gray one attacked him from behind and stabbed his dagger, what was already stained with blood; in his back!



"HEHEH…AAHAHAA, he screams like a baby!! Hey soldier, show me what you have got! And Scotty, you can play with our little pretty princess there meanwhile, but only one time. The next one will be me! HAHAH", laughed the one in grey loudly.


Dan Tian lied on the ground and tried to stand up, as the man in black cloak neared his wife and child. After few seconds Dan Tian managed to get up with  sharp piercing pain in his back and tried to reach his wife. But before he could take a move, the grey one with the scar blocked his way and attacked him again. Dan Tian blocked the first attack to his chest, the second one to his tight and the third one to his shoulder.

After blocking the attacks, he tried to look for his wife and as he saw her, he was shocked and despaired.



As his husband tried to block the grey one, the other one came after her and grabbed Lian quickly away from her and dropped him on the ground. Next, he took his dagger from his back and neared her step for step. She tried to avoid his filthy hand and run to his child, but Scotty

reacted quickly again, grabbed her at her waist and throw her to the ground. He then jumped on her and with the dagger in his hand, he cut the robe from her off and began to play with her breasts.


She tried to push him off her, but she couldn´t.

Xia started to scream and tried to push him off again, but without success.


Scotty loved it, when the women tried to defend themselves. He always felt the desire to play with them and the best scene was like right now, when the husband from his prey could only watch and do nothing.

He then took her robe with force completely off and he also undressed his pants and tried his "man" to put inside her.


But before he could start, he felt hot suddenly! The temperature around him started to rise dramatically and before he knew it, his hair began to burn.

Next, Xia saw, how the man above her melted! Starting from his head till to his feet. But somehow, not one drop liquid of flesh, bone and blood, dropped at her body.



If Lian would be in his original body, he could have killed all the bandits in seconds before they knew it, but he was only a baby. He hated himself, to only watch, as his father was attacked from the back and as his mother was getting raped. He didn´t know why, but he already started to like them. He didn´t want to lose again someone important to him.


Lian concentrated his Mental Force to the max. and tried to aim at all the bandits at once. He didn´t want to attack them one after another, because that would take too long and it would be too taxing. That's also the reason why it took so long to react.


Lian´s eyes were shining dark green and energy waves were drifting from his body to the howl village.

The next moment, all the bandits felt that the temperature around them quickly shot high and they started to sweat.

All bandits stopped what they were doing and all of them began to scream.






They tried to put the fire out; like throwing themselves to the ground and rolling in dirt or jumping in the fountain, but nothing helped.

After a few seconds the screams stopped and the village fell completely silent.




As he saw these two men screaming painfully and later how they melted, Dan Tian took the chance to run at Lian and Xia Juan. He grabbed his son quickly into his arm and with his other hand he took a towel from the side and wrapped it around his wife. He saw shock and fear in her pale face.





Dan Tian tried to wake up Xia from her trance, thru he slapped her on her face a little heavy and spoke to her while grabbing her shoulder and giving her a jolt.


"HU?….AAH!!…DAN!…LIAN!…Lian are you alright?!"


When she was back in her senses, she took Lian away from Dan Tian and looked at her child with worry while searching for wounds, but she found nothing. With a delight sigh, she stood up and looked at her husband and asked him worried, "How is your wound?"

She then looked around for a cloth to bandage his back.


"I´m alright, only a little flesh wound, not more. Take that yellow cloth over there and let us get out of here. …Do you understand what happened?", asked he as they went through the door and looked around, only to see, that all the other bandits had the same torment before their death and they only saw the melted bones on the ground and smoke was around their bones. The other villagers also had delight and shocked expressions.

Some of them were on knees and prayed their thanks at the Spirits.


"I don´t know honey…but…but I saw a green light!", answered she softly while looking at Lian´s brown colored eyes. Lian then looked back at her innocently and for the first time, he smiled at his mother.


"Honey….HONEY! LOOK! He is smiling!! HAHA…Lian, my baby! You should smile more often. You look like an angel when you smile.", full of joy, she hugged him tightly and kissed him on his forehead. His father also looked at him and only smiled at Lian warmly.



For the next few days, all the villagers had a lot to do.

Burry their loved ones, or to construct their homes anew. The guards at the border were now more than before, but Dan Tian wasn´t one of them.

He quitted after the happenings the next day, and with his savings, he brought his family to the border and took the next trade caravans to Soria-City.