
Lian Cheng

Story Description: In a world, full of Warriors, Spirit Users, Daemons and Beasts, a strong dread was approaching. Even the almighty Elemental Spirits of the seven Elements feared it and couldn´t do anything against. There was a legend, saying that in the ancient times there was a Spirit User, who could control all seven Elements and was as strong as the seven Element Spirits together, living for thousands of years. But one day he disappeared and didn´t come back anymore. Will the world end in darkness and chaos, or will that almighty Spirit User come back? ‐--------- This is my own Original Novel, so i hope you enjoy reading it.

Keksi_Sixty6 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

2.Chapter -Rebirth (1)

"AAAAHHH!!…", screaming sounds could be heard.

Lian opened his eyes and looked around his room in trance for a while, before he remembered that he was on his bed.

He dreamed again from his past life. Every time he dreamed of it, there would be traces of tears on his face.

He stood up and wiped away the tears while going to his chair, where his T-shirt was hanging and put it on. His little room was not big. A one-person bed near the door and opposite of it was the window with a pretty view of the City, a worktable with a chair and a bookshelf with lots of history books in it.

Lian Cheng was seven years old now. A very kind and handsome looking young child with dark brown long hair down to his shoulders and brown sparkling eyes.

"I have every time the same dream…. I can´t forget it anyway, but I also don´t want to wake up every morning with a bad mood either.", thought Lian and walked to the door.

Lian only needed a few seconds to ran out of his room and step downstairs to the room of his parents, where the screams came.

"Hey Dad, is Mum alright?" asked little Lian to his father, Dan Tian.

Dan Tian was walking back and forth, looking rather nervous. As he heard Lian´s voice, he stopped, turned around and looked at his son.

He was a very muscular man with a gentle look. Having black short hair and brown eyes, Dan Tian looked like every father, who would love his family. He only wore a light grey long robe right now.

"I hope everything is alright. I´m as nervous as I was then, when we were waiting for your birth.", said he softly.

"Midwife is already inside to help your Mom…. What do you think? A Boy or a Girl?", teased his father Lian, so that he could calm himself.

"Dad, you asked me that for the few months all along. I don´t care if it´s a girl or a boy. I just hope he or she is healthy. I will love and protect him or her with all my might, as long as we are all happy as family!", answered he, as he tried to see between the door column, to find out how the things inside went on.

In his previous life, he hadn´t a single sibling or parents, which were there for him. Therefor he too was very nervous for his mother and his sibling.


Suddenly, Baby screams could be heard!

Both father and son were stunned for a few seconds and later they both had very happy and relieved smiles. Lian looked up to his father to see his look on his face and thought, "Were my parents also happy in my past life, that I was born?"

"Mr. Cheng, it´s a girl!", came a sentence inside the room.

Dan Tian opened the door, walked a few steps in and looked at the little baby girl in the arms of the Midwife, which wrapped the baby with a violet blue towel.

"She looks pretty!… Can I take over?", asked Dan Tian, as he already tried to take away the girl from her.

Xia Juan was on the bed with sweat all over her body, but she had a very satisfied and lovely expression. Xia Juan Cheng had very attractive curves and very beautiful long dark brown hair down to her waist. With her seductive looking brown eyes, beautiful looking small nose and a little pinkish mouth, she was very sexy for the men world. Dan Tian was really lucky and relieved to have someone so nice, beautiful and loving woman as his wife.

She looked at her husband, then at the baby on Dan Tian´s arm and she then looked at Lian smiling heartily and asked, "Lian, do you want to choose a name for your little sister?"

Lian was stunned for a moment and asked, "Is it really OK that I choose? Is it not normal for the parents to choose?"

"We also want hear your suggestion.", answered Dan Tian before Xia could do. Dan Tian walked to his wife and said softly to her while smiling happily," Thank you! I´m very grateful to have such a wonderful wife as you, Xia! You did very well!"

Xia Juan looked at her baby on Dan Tians arms and was very happy, hearing her husband´s gratitude.

In the meanwhile, Lian thought for a while and asked, "How about "Maja"?"

"Maja?… Hmm…. Sounds not bad. It´s nice to hear and I think the name is very suitable for her!", answered Dan Tian with a smile on his face while he handed the girl over to her mother slowly.

"Maja…. Maja Cheng…what do you think? Do you like it sweetheart? Do you?", asked Xia smiling heartily at her baby, while playing with Maja´s little sweet hands.

The baby was a little irritated and was looking around curiously. After hearing Xia, the baby stared at her and smiled slightly.

„Darling, look!… Look how sweet she smiles! I think she likes it too.", said Xia excitedly and touched softly at her little baby´s cheeks.

And so, the new family member "Maja" came in their life and brought them all love and happiness.

When Lian thought back to his time, as he was born, his smile froze a little.

He turned around and looked outside the window and thought back to that time.


Everything was dark around him and he didn´t know, how long he was in this dark place.

He only hoped to meet Juana again. To see her smile, feeling her peaceful radiant aura. As more he thought about her, as anxious he got about it, in fear he wouldn´t see her.

It took maybe years or eons in this place, but he had no time feeling at all, how long he was in there and after some time he thought to himself, "Am I captured here forever?…. Alone?… Is this maybe my kind of hell for the sins I did in my life?"

As he was about to lose his hope, he suddenly saw a little golden shining light in front of him.

The more he drew himself near it, the light extended itself little by little. He stretched his arm to the light, hoping that he would arrive there faster and the golden light also started getting brighter and brighter.

He began to hear voices and screams.

After some time, the light was so bright that he had to close his eyes and after few seconds he opened them again and was shocked!

He was in a room. Looking around the simple room, he saw a table and two chairs. Next to the table was a wooden door and on the other side was a bed. On the bed was laying a beautiful woman in sweat all over her body and she breathed heavily, having a big smile on her face. In her eyes, you could see the delight and happiness as she looked at him. He himself was on the arms of an another woman in black cloth with white apron.

"Mrs. Cheng, it´s a Boy! A healthy boy! Look how he curiously looks around.", the women in black cloth said excitedly while she wrapped him with a white thick towel and took him to the door. The door opened and a muscular man smiling happily with shining bright eyes was standing there, wearing a red-golden armor over his green long robe. The man stretched his big hands at the woman and lifted him very softly from her, in fear he would hurt him.

"Mr. Cheng, it´s a Boy. My blessings for you two.", said the woman warmly.

Meanwhile, he on the muscular man arms looked around again, like searching for something or someone.

The man in the armor looked at him and said softly, "Hey little fellow. I´m your Daddy, Dan Tian. Welcome to our fam…" Before the man could finish his sentence, the baby his arms screamed!


His mouth didn´t move at all, but through his Mental energy in him, he was able to let the people in the room hear him clearly and his voice like an adult. After using his little energy for the first time in this little body, he fell asleep.

Dan Tian was so shocked, that he wasn´t able to hold him any longer properly and accidentally let him drop.


Before the baby touched the ground, the woman in bed screamed and abruptly jumped from her bed with all her might to catch him. At the last second did she manage to hold her baby in her arms tightly and she fell on the ground at her back.

Dan Tian was in a trance before he then understood what he did. He then knelt to his wife and his son and embraced them tightly.

"Have I heard wrong? What was that right now? Came it from him? What the hell is happening?!", in his mind he was asking himself the questions with no answers to it.

The women in black cloth was shocked from the happenings in front of her eyes too. She held her hands in front of her mouth thinking, "What the hell? What´s wrong with this baby?…. Is he a demon?…. WHY IS HE ABLE TO TALK?? It must be a DEMON! A demon from hell!"

Her thoughts were getting worse and worse, and she couldn´t hold herself in the end. She shuddered over her whole body and screamed loudly, "A DEAMON! IT´S A FUCKING DEMON FROM HELL!…. HOW WAS HE ABLE TO TALK??!"

She then ran out of the room and opened the house door to the outside while repeating the same again and again until the nearest neighborhood could hear.

"Xia, I´m sorry. I´m so sorry for losing the grip on our child!… Are you alright? Can you stand?", tightly hugging his wife, he asked with a worry look.

"I´m fine honey, and our child is also fine. Look… he is breathing strongly and he sleeps healthy. Only that´s important right now.", answered she with a hoarse voice, while she tried to slowly standing up and went to her bed with much effort. Arrived, she lay down on the bed with her little baby on her arms.

"Xia wait, let me help you. So…Are you laying fine?" asked Dan Tian while helping her lay down and covering his wife and his new born child with a white thin blanket. Next he hold one of her hands and stood next to her bed.

"I´m fine, thanks honey. Do you know what happened?", asked Xia while holding her little baby in one arm.

She kissed her baby on his head softly and tears streamed down from her eyes. Afterward she started to crying in sorrow for the child, because she discovered the tears on her baby. She didn´t understood, what or why she heard that, and why her little baby cried, but somehow she could feel the sorrow and the pain in his heart.

Feeling the atmosphere becoming very sad and knowing that he would not become his answers to his questions right now, Dan Tian tried to change the mood by asking her, "What should we call him?"

"Hmm?… Oh, right…the name. Let me think." After wiping away her tears, she tried to smile and thought about it for a while.

"How about "Lian"?… I have a feeling, that this is his name. I don´t know why, but somehow I feel like hearing it in my mind.", said she while kissed her baby´s little sweet hands softly.

"I feel the same way as you…. "Lian" should it be! Lian Cheng…. Hey Lian… I hope you love your new home and your parents as like we will always love you forever! We will protect you with all our might!"


As his parents were discussing about his name, Lian was in a dream.

In that dream, he saw a beautiful, breathtaking woman in a white long dress, long blond lovely hair and a very attractive face, emitting warmth and peacefulness. She looked like a divinity of goodness with her small smiling red mouth, her little lovely nose and her beautiful two pair of diamond like blue eyes. She was looking at his dark green shining eyes and smiling at him.

"Juana?… Is it really you? Am I dreaming?", asked he doubtful. To him, she looked like his beloved Juana. The more he looked at her, the more he felt delight, to be able meeting her again after so long!

"Lian, yes it´s me, Juana…. I´m very happy to see you again darling! I´m really very happy!", answered she with a very warm and happy smile on her.

"What was that right now?… Why was I a little baby and after I fell asleep, that I can see you. Don´t understand me wrong, I´m very happy to see you, but what is happening here?", asked he curiously.

"Dear, I´m sorry to saying it, but it is not the right time for you to accompany me.", said she while nearing him closer and holding his hands tightly.

"What do you mean, "it is not the right time"? I already lived for over thousand years. Full of sorrow, torment and misery! I don´t understand myself, why I was able to live so long, or why I also was able to die at the end, but!… But I am very happy about it. Happy to meet you again and I was hoping to live a peaceful and beautiful life with you. I am very delight to see you and I hoped, we could live in peacefulness… So tell me… Why are you saying, that is not the right time?!", asked he, getting louder at the end while tears began to swell down.

She only looked at him with a smile and wiped away the tears on him and said playfully, "I love you Lian and I will always be at your side. I also hope, when you become a wonderful, handsome man in the future, that you won´t only think about me, but also at the other beautiful girls, which will have feelings for you and that you don´t hurt them."

"You have a long way to go, before we can meet again. I only hope, you can fulfill your life-duty.

Only then, can we see each other again, but I know you can do it…. I love you Lian!"

She looked at him in the eyes, touching softly his face and then she disappeared into little golden lights.

"WAIT! Juana don´t go!! I want to stay by your side!! PLEASE!! DON`T GO!!…*SUB*….WHY? WHY MEEE?"

Falling to his knee, screamed in grief at her. He didn´t understand what she meant, nor did he had the chance to say her, how much he loved her. He cried there for a while, before he also disappeared into little golden lights.