
Leylah maleek

Hauwwahjasminah · Urban
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50 Chs


It was Eid el- Adha,the Muslims celebrate. As doctors they still had work and were busy attending to their patients like every other normal day.

Leylah bought some flowers for Ibraheem,but since she couldn't take it to him,she asked a nurse to put it in his room. But Suraj decided to take it there and have a word with Mrs Fatima and Leylah didn't even know about that.

He felt bad seeing Leylah miserable,since the day Mrs Fatima found out about their marriage. she hadn't let Leylah see ibraheem again,Ibraheem's condition had started to improve rapidly and Leylah felt sad not being able to see him or take care of him.

Suraj went to Ibraheem's room after deliberating hard on it. And just as he had expected,he met Mrs Fatima in the room. He greeted her and put bouquet of flowers in the vase in the room.

Mrs Fatima thought Suraj looked familiar so she asked, "Excuse me,I haven't seen you here before. Did the director send another doctor to come check on Ibraheem now that he has opened his eyes?"

"You're right Ma'am but no, the director didn't send me here. I came here on my own accord and that's because I would like to have a word with you briefly if you don't mind" Suraj said politely.

"Oh! Okay. Go on am all ears,I don't want to leave my son here all alone",She replied smiling and holding her son's hand.

"Sure. Am doctor Suraj Al-kaseem,am Leylah's....."

"So you are Leylah's husband. The one she married and left my son for. How dare you come in here" Mrs Fatima interrupted him as soon as she heard his full name and she finally recognised his face.

"Ma'am please calm down,we don't want to upset ibraheem".Suraj said when he saw her become furious.

" what?....unbelievable....who are you to tell me what to do? Huh?"She shouted at him.

"I didn't come here to cause any trouble am just here to correct the opinion you have about Leylah"

"Leylah didn't want to get married with me until Ibraheem wakes up. Even though she and Ibraheem had already broken up,she still suppressed her feelings and wanted Ibraheem to wake up and tell you all about the break up first. because she has so much respect for Ibraheem and your family."

"When suddenly her mother decided to get us married,she still prayed Ibraheem woke up quickly. But because she didn't want to disobey her mother,she agreed to get married but she wanted it to be a secret. She didn't want people knowing about it because she didn't want you to think ill of her". Suraj said hurriedly explaining everything before Mrs Fatima throws him out of the room. But seeing her expression turn calm,he relaxed and continued explaining calmly this time.

"She was constantly bothered about what will happen when you found out. She has always dedicated her time to come stay with ibraheem here and take care of him. Ignoring her marriage because she cared so much about your son, and she didn't like the fact that you don't get enough rest and always stay here to take care of him". He pointed out remembering how Leylah priotized them over him and how annoying that felt.

" She sent these flowers today for him,she promised him she would be with him on Eid today but since it couldn't happen, she sent these and her apology for not keeping her promise to Ibraheem". He concluded and waited for a while for the woman to say something but she didn't.

"Thank you for listening to me ma'am,I'll take my leave now". Suraj said and left the room after waiting and didn't get any reply from the mrs Fatima.

Later that day,they got a call from Mrs Karina inviting the couple to come celebrate with them at home after work. So after work,Suraj and Leylah went straight to their house in Victoria island.

The parents and Nabeela prepared a feast and they celebrated the Eid in a grand style.

Suraj and Leylah slept in Leylah's old room since it was late and Mrs Karina insisted they stayed the night. and the next morning,they left for work early.

Their relationship has improved since her confession. They loved each other but let little issues and jealousy get the better of them and so they had problems in their relationship.

Now everyone in the hospital knows that they were married,it was no longer a secret. Some of their colleagues admire them while others bashed them.

But they didn't let that affect their blossoming relationship. They go out to lunch together or sometimes eat together in their office.

Mrs Fatima felt guilty after the confrontation with Suraj but still she didn't let Leylah see Ibraheem. She didn't want to believe anything even when the director still spoke to her and explained everything.

she was adamant and will only believe Leylah didn't betray her son when she hears it from Ibraheem.

Leylah could only ask of Ibraheem's status from the nurses who go in to check up on him and sometimes the director.

One day,Leylah arrived home with Suraj all drenched from the rain,her car broke down on her way home. She called Suraj who hasn't left the hospital and he rushed over to come pick her before calling the mechanic.

Leylah was already drenched in the rain,when she came out to check what was wrong with her car that it suddenly stopped before Suraj arrived.

When they got home,she immediately went into her room to take a hot shower but the heater in her bathroom wasn't working so she went to Suraj's room to take a quick hot shower.

Suraj was on the phone and talking to the mechanic. The mechanic was explaining why Leylah's car stopped all of a sudden and when he will be done fixing her car.

After he hung up the call,he went into the kitchen,brewed some coffee for Leylah,and brought it upstairs to Leylah's room.

He knocked on her door,before slightly opening it. He didn't see her in the room so he thought she was in the bathroom.

He kept the coffee on the bedside table and went to knock on the bathroom door, "I made you coffee,it's on the table. Come out quickly before it gets cold". He shouted to make sure she heard him then he made his way to his room and headed straight for the bathroom.

He was just about to open the door to the bathroom when the door suddenly opened and Leylah came out. He stood still unable to move or take his eyes off her,his mouth was agape as he was struck by the alluring sight in front of him.

He stared at Leylah who was draped in a towel,her hair was wet and dripping with water. The droplets of water from her hair fell on her exposed fair neck and shoulder.

Her fair skin was exposed to him,the towel covered from her chest down to her higher thighs. She was looking so alluring and he gaped at the sight.