
Leylah maleek

Hauwwahjasminah · Urban
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50 Chs


Leylah intended to take only a quick shower in Suraj's bathroom but later decided to wash her hair seeing as water got into her hair when she was in the rain.

She was still bathing when she heard hurried foot steps approaching the bathroom. She forgot to bring her bathrobe as she was in a hurry so she just used the small towel she had and wrapped it around her body. picking her shampoo and live-in conditioner and her comb,before she opened the bathroom door. She squealed in surprise when she saw Suraj immediately she opened the door.

'Thank God I was quick,Suraj would have come into the bathroom without knocking. what would have happened if I hadn't covered myself'. Leylah wondered inwardly unaware of Suraj's piercing gaze.

"Uhmm,the heater in my bathroom was faulty so I came in here to have a quick shower" She looked at Suraj when she was talking and realised he had a weird expression on his face and wasn't saying anything.

"I'll just go change now" She said again when she waited for him to say something but he didn't say a word.

She just took a step away from him,when she felt a strong hand grab her arm. She shuddered from the touch and flinched a bit. Suraj didn't still say anything but just held her arm like that, he seemed to be having a battle in his mind.

The atmosphere became tense and Leylah's heart pounded rapidly. She wanted to leave immediately because her nerves were starting to play a dirty trick on her.

"Suraj am cold,I need go dry my hair" she said and withdraw her arm from his hold and hurried her way out of his room.

She was just about to pull the door knob when a strong arm grabbed her arm again and pulled her.

Suraj has always been able to control his body but today was different. His nerves were betraying him and he couldn't control the urge of not touching her.

He didn't even hear what she said but all of a sudden she withdrew her arms from his hold and he couldn't just let her leave. he hurriedly went after her,grabbed her arms and pulled her towards him.

The shampoo and live-in coditioner fell out from Leylah's hands and she gasped. Suraj sudden action startled her and at the same time made her feel some funny feelings in her stomach.

She was trapped between Suraj and the door. Her back was against the door,her hands held tightly on her towel and the comb in the other hand Suraj was holding. The two of them held their gazes for a long time,their expression transfixed. The atmosphere in the room surged with an air of romance.

Her breath hitched and her voice trembled from both fear and nervousness. "Wh....what are you doing?" She managed to ask when she saw Suraj's dark piercing eyes looking straight into hers. His expression was different as she hasn't ever seen him like this before.

"What do you think?" Suraj returned instead of answering her question. His voice was hoarse and it sent a chilly vibes to Leylah's eyes.

"Su...Suraj we shouldn't.... be doing?" Leylah stuttered as she opened her big black eyes and stared innocently and bewitchingly into his eyes.

"We should....." She gasped when suddenly Suraj's lips covered hers impatiently,making her swallow the remaining words.

Suraj kissed,sucked and bite her lips like a crazed man. It was as if he couldn't get enough of the taste of her lips. His hand fisted in her wet hair and he released her other hand which was in his grasp and grabbed Leylah by the waist and bringing her closer to him.

Leylah gasped and shut her eyes,she felt his tongue enter her mouth,sending her mind ablaze. instinctively,she wrapped her hands around his neck and made some lewd noises. She was drowning in his kisses and soon she started returning his kisses with equal frevor.

She was too distracted by the kiss that she didn't notice Suraj's hands moving all over her body, until she felt her towel going loose. she shrieked and jumped out of his arms.

"Wh....what are you trying to do?" Leylah asked holding her towel with her hands protectively and moving backwards. but she couldn't put much distance between them,as she hit her back right back at the door. There was no space to move and she just stared at Suraj waiting for his response.

Suraj didn't say a word but just slowly moved closer to her and closed the distance between them. His expression was that of a predator after his prey. His eyes were darkened with desire and he looked like a totally different person.

He brought his hand and started stroking Leylah's cheeks tenderly and slowly. "I want you Leylah,I want you. I want you so bad it hurts" he said and covered her lips once again but this time,the kiss was slow and sensual.

Leylah could do nothing but melt in his arms again. She was over powered by his lips on her lips and on her body. The way they make her feel,the inexplicably feeling they give her couldn't be rivaled. His kisses intoxicated her and she could get drowned in his kisses any day,anywhere and anytime.

Suraj wasted no time and pick Leylah up in one swift swoop. He lifted her in bridal style as he broke the kiss and looked at her with a burning gaze. Leylah was consumed by his eyes and couldn't look away from him.

She felt her back on the soft bed and Suraj followed right after her. He was laying besides her but still has his hand wrapped around her waist.

Leylah looked away from him but he quickly brought her face back to look at him, "Do you have doubts?" He asked her when he saw the uncertainty in her eyes.

" I love you Leylah,I never stopped loving you and I never will. You mean the world to me".

"I know so much has happened but I need you to believe me Leylah. I haven't been the best boyfriend or supportive friend before..."

"But i will try and be an understanding and caring husband. One that will protect and cherish you Leylah. And above all,i will dedicate my life to loving you,always Leylah inshaAllah(God's willing)". He planted a slow and tender kiss on her forehead,then her cheeks and then on her lips,neck,chest and the rest of her body.

Leylah moaned from pleasure,she was basking in euphoria of the pleasure he was giving her. Suraj stopped and looked at her anxiously before he asked, "should I continue?" Suraj asked Leylah as he looked deeply into her eyes. Seemingly seeking for her permission.

He was hers to claim and he wanted to make her his. but he doesn't know if she wants that too,so he wanted to get her permission.

Leylah blinked her eye lashes a few times and her mind was in a mess. All she could think of was the pleasure his mouth,hands and body was giving her. She didn't really understand what he was asking permission for but she was starting to feel empty in absence of him.

She bit her soft lips unconciously in anxiety and anticipation. She raised her hands and put them on his chest,closed her eyes and closed the distance between them.

Her action surprised Suraj and made him happy that she wanted him too. "Am yours Leylah.....all yours" Suraj said in between kisses. He made sure to take his time savouring every part of her body. He used his hands and lips to memeorise,every part,curve and line in her body so it will be etched in his mind and heart for ever.

The night sky was dark,the rain was still pouring heavily and sounds of thunder could be heard once in a while along with their frantic breaths,rapid heartbeats,soft moaning and groaning which filled the air from their passionate love making.

Suraj lay besides Leylah on the bed and stared at her face in amazement. He pinched himself severally to check if he was dreaming about everything that happened last night.

But he realised that it was indeed real and that everything did happen. Seeing Leylah sleeping in his arms so peacefully,he felt like the happiest man alive.

A smile appeared on his lips seeing her fluttering eye lashes as she was waking up. However her reaction was different from what he was expecting when she woke up. She opened her eyes and stared at him as if she was horrified.

Leylah who was just waking up,saw Suraj staring at her. He wasn't putting on clothes and her face was on his bare chest. His hand was holding on to her waist possessively and he was smiling brightly at her.

She got flustered seeing him like this,she pushed him away and tried to get out of bed. But when she moved, she felt pain at her lower region and her body ached. she winced and frowned from the pain.

She remembered everything that happened between her and Suraj the previous night and she felt embarrassed. Her face turned red,when she realised they were both naked on the bed.

She couldn't look at him in the eyes and that's why she pushed him trying to get away from the embarrassing situation but she suddenly felt pain all over her body.

"What's wrong Leylah do you feel pain anywhere?" Suraj asked worriedly as he moved to the edge of the bed where she lept to.

Leylah felt even more embarrassed when she heard his question. They only did it once last night and after they finished she felt weak and sleepy. Suraj had cleaned her up and brought her into his embrace,she was too weak and tired to go to her room. So she just slept in his room and on his bed.

'Why am I feeling so much pain when it was just once? Or is it because its my first time?'Leylah wondered inwardly.

She looked at her palms which were all sweaty and said without looking up at Suraj "I....will....just go ahead .....and take a bath,its almost past time for fajr (morning obligatory prayers)".

" Oh!Let me get the bath ready for you then". Suraj said and Leylah nodded her head lightly. He quickly picked up his pajama which was on the floor from last night.

when they were lost in the heat of the moment and just tossed his clothes and Leylah's towel on the floor. He picked it up and wore it quickly before going into the bathroom.

"God!!! What kind of awkward situation is this? How am I supposed to look at him now? Is this how couples feel after doing the deed?" Leylah mumbled embarrassingly to herself in a low voice.

Suraj came back from the bathroom few minutes later and informed Leylah that her bath was ready. Leylah had already wrapped her body with the blanket before he returned from the bathroom. So she gently stood up from the bed but winced slightly from the pain again.

Suraj noticed,and wasted no time in picking her up. Leylah shrieked when he suddenly swopped her off the floor and into his arms. She instinctively wrapped her slender hands around his neck .

Suraj smiled lightly at her action. He understood her actions earlier was because she was too embarrassed that was why she pushed him.

He took her to the bathroom and placed her on the edge of the bathtub and left without saying anything.

He went to Leylah's room and took a bath himself. He came out, picked Leylah's bathrobe and prayer clothes before he went back to his room.

Leylah came out of the bathroom after she has wrapped herself in the bathrobe. 'Suraj must have bought it while I was bathing'. she smiled as she thought how considerate he was.

She entered the room and saw Suraj laying the prayer mats for them,he looked briefly at her before he forced himself to look away from her and swallowed his saliva. "Your prayer clothes,change quickly and come out let's pray" he said pointing at the clothes he put on the bed.

Leylah nodded and picked the clothes before going to bathroom to change and when she came back,they prayed together. Leylah left immediately they finished praying. She wanted to be alone and away from him for a while.