
Lewd Journey In A Fantasy World

Travis Wyatt is the world's most renowned assassin. But now after his demise he awakens in a new world filled with Magic and all kinds of fantasy creatures which lurk everywhere. He has to get stronger so he can survive in such a world. Watch as he gets stronger with the help of his will and power that he himself does not know lies inside of him. This story is 18+ so read at your own risk. [Harem] [Milfs] [Netori] [NO YURI] THIS IS A REWRITE

TravisX · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter 11

The grand ball proceeded smoothly, and the royal families engaged in a heartfelt conversation about their children's role in shaping the world's future. Through this discussion, they developed a clear and practical plan for their collective ambitions.

We can now move on to the future. Travis Wyatt, our main character, has just woken up beside his beautiful mother, Debbie Wyatt. He looked to his other side and saw his sexy Aunt Ayame Tanaka looking as seductive as always. He then looked down at his fully naked body. Why was he naked? Well, he found it more comfortable. He got off the bed without waking any of them up and went to the bathroom.

After a short bath, he went back to his room and wore his training clothes. He ran out of the house and went straight to the playground, where he took his book and began reading the information that was written on it.

He was now on the 10th page of this thick-ass book. All these years he's been doing the workouts the book has given him, he only started doing real sword training at the start of this year, and honestly, he understands why the book gave him so many workouts first. This sword training was extremely hard.

"Today you will continue with your training. Make the sword a part of you, only then shall you be able to use it effectively," he thought to himself.

He took out his bokken, which was different from his original one. This one was much more polished than his previous one. Kyle had asked his father to make weapons for them two years ago, and since then, their training has been going much better. They no longer had the problem of getting splinters when they tried to use their weapons.

"Okay, so I should make the sword a part of me. What does that mean? It honestly could mean a lot of things. But I'll try the one which makes more sense," he thought.

He got off the tree and placed the book on the floor, holding his sword in both hands as he stood with his feet joined together. Travis took a deep breath.

"Okay, as a swordsman, I should be able to control what I want my sword to cut and not cut. Good thing I watched One Piece," he thought.

Travis stared at the leaves hanging from the tree branch. He slashed at them. Normally, the sword would hit the leaves and knock them off, but this time, nothing happened. The branch just shook after he hit it. Since this wasn't an actual sword, he couldn't cut anything with it, but he could beat the crap out of a person.

"Okay, but I still feel like I can connect with the sword more. Maybe I should use my Mana," he thought.

His obsidian eyes flickered with a hint of intrigue as he channeled his Mana into the Bokken. A profound connection enveloped him, revealing not only the composition of the Bokken but also the rich history of the tree from which it had sprung. In this moment, he melded seamlessly with the sword.

With a swift motion, he executed a distant strike. An imperceptible force surged from the blade, propelling itself towards the targeted branch. Upon arrival, the branch yielded without resistance, cleaved cleanly from the tree's embrace. The arboreal giant remained undisturbed, as the severed limb descended gracefully to the earth below.

"Yeah, that felt good. I guess I'm one with the blade now. I can now turn the page," Travis thought.

Travis couldn't turn to the next page until he finished what the book asked him to do. If the book wanted him to do something that took him a whole five years, he would do it. There's no accomplishment without hard work, unless you know a guy.

He turned to the next page and began reading what was written.

"Now that you know your blade and your blade knows you, why don't we do some sword training for once? For this whole week, you should do this sword movement. This'll help with your slashing power and reaction."

Seeing the movement, Travis immediately began to do it. It was basically him pulling his sword out and swinging downwards, followed by a horizontal swing. The book even gave him the name of this technique.

"X Slash. So bland," he thought.

The movement was fairly easy, but the book wanted him to do this for the whole week, meaning it wanted him to do this until he was perfect at it. Well, he wasn't going to complain. He had a lot of time on his hands. He still had eight whole years before he could become a licensed Adventurer.

Being an Adventurer is an easy task, but every person is assigned to Tier F at the start, which is very dumb in Travis's opinion. He has to level up all those tiers until he reaches the peak, which is SSS tier. It will be hard, especially since he's going to be a lone Adventurer, but he's willing to take that sacrifice.

After some time, Travis returned back home and was greeted by the beautiful sight of a naked Ayame going to the kitchen to grab some beer.

"Oh, hey Travis, how was your workout?" She asked, while opening a can and chugging it down.

"It was fine. Don't you think drinking so early in the morning is unhealthy? I mean, how are you going to carry my kids if you mess your body up?"

"Umm, well, alcohol has zero effect on me when it comes to physical health. It just gets me drunk, so you don't have to worry. I can give you 10 kids if you want," she said with a teasing smile.

Ayame knew she wasn't going to get a reaction from him. She thought maybe him getting older would make him start to feel shame, but the polar opposite of that happened. She thinks it's because he grew up in a place filled with women, and that made him immune to any other woman's charms. Which is good if Travis were to become an Adventurer. He wouldn't fall easily for a beautiful girl, but now she can't have fun teasing him. So it's a win and a loss for her.

Travis walked up to her and grabbed her waist. He was just as tall as her at the moment, so they were pretty level. In this world, at the age of 10, you're basically a teenager, and when you reach 16, you're an adult. But 18 is the allowed age for becoming an Adventurer since that's the age a person fully matures in all aspects.

"You're always fit even though you don't exercise. How does that work?" he asked.

"Well, it's a bit intricate, but I'll do my best to break it down. Now that you've hit the ripe age of ten, you'll unlock your innate Mana, which goes by the name Aura. Aura's utility knows no bounds; it can be harnessed for practically anything, from extending the longevity of things to other unimaginable feats, you catch my drift?

Now, let's delve into the secret of my perpetual fitness. You see, your very essence is comprised of Aura, especially now with your sizeable Mana reservoir. This means that instead of your body relying on the usual sustenance or oxygen, it's Aura that keeps you going right now.

In essence, if you amass enough Aura, you could potentially achieve immortality. But don't be fooled; immortality isn't a walk in the park. It demands an abundance of time and a colossal reserve of Aura to even consider. That's the gist of it. Consider the knowledge I've shared as your roadmap, and it should clarify why I don't pack on the pounds." she said in a mature serious tone.

"That must be the alcohol speaking but more importantly ,She's immortal!" He thought.