
Level-Up through Laughter

Humans entered the age of interstellar, 300 years, first martial artist of human race has taken the step into outer space to explore it. But, this joy of achieving somethings great was shot lived, as space was dominated by other powerful races. The strongest human martial artist from nexus planet was just cannon fodder in the people of the other races. It's cruel reality for everyone. From then on, every martial artist from nexus planet began to increase their power level by outer space resources. But there is still one side of super natural that emerged new, they are mages. Who are even strong and diverse than the martial artists Genesis hale got transmigrated to interstellar world, The previous owner of this body had lovey-dovey parents and a cute little sister. The owner of his body is weak martial artist. Although his cultivation talent was ordinary, his life was fulfilling. It could be said to be a dream start. Genesis Hale was very happy. But then he got. his golden finger which was very unusual according to cheats that he had seen in the many novels and webnovel. But this cheat had ignited his desire to become strongest existence and live life in his own regards.

Genesis_Hale · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: Teachers are same everywhere

In the Nexus planet

Within the hallowed halls of the Primary School of Entering Different World, a classroom teemed with youthful spirits and fiery passion. The children, brimming with excitement, awaited an impending event rather than the present lesson.

Their anticipation arose from the teacher's thunderous voice, berating a slumbering student to awaken from his dream-filled stupor. Alas, the child remained blissfully unaware of the commotion.

The teacher's eyes, bloodshot with frustration, had already unleashed countless tirades upon this particular pupil. The student's resolute slumber only served to exacerbate the teacher's humiliation in the eyes of the entire class. Thus, the pedagogue resorted to the most classic yet effective method of rousing the dormant child, one that would shroud him in a suffocating veil of shame.

With the swift and fluid motion of a seasoned warrior monk, the teacher snatched a piece of chalk, poised to propel it toward the somnolent student.

"Dare you embrace the realm of dreams within my hallowed domain, youngling known as Mr. Sharma? Regret shall taint your very essence. Haaa!" The teacher declared, the words imbued with a potent incantation. As he uttered the final syllable, the chalk hurtled through the air, akin to an enchanted projectile.

In the eyes of their classmates, this scene unfolded like a grandiose spectacle, evoking images of slow-motion projectiles in action-filled epics. Yet, reality diverged from the silver screen, and the chalk struck the slumbering student, Genesis Hale, with immediate impact.

Genesis, now rubbing his cranium in discomfort, exclaimed, "Ah, by the gods, that tormenting blow! What manner of assault has befallen me? Have I tumbled from my bed?"

Upon hearing these words, the class initially sought to stifle their mirth, knowing that laughter would incense the teacher. Alas, their restraint crumbled when Genesis mentioned his imagined descent from a regal sleeping berth, causing raucous laughter to reverberate throughout the room.

This uproar jolted Genesis from his groggy state, and he gazed upon the assembled students, bewildered by his surroundings. His last memory, shrouded in the mists of somnolence, had been retiring to his bed after downloading newfound knowledge into his computer.

"Oh! Now that you, O prince of a distant realm, have reawakened, pray enlighten us on the topic of our discourse in this sacred chamber," the teacher queried, annoyance lacing his voice. He refrained from imposing immediate retribution, for he surmised that Genesis hailed from a prestigious lineage, if not as a prince, then as a scion of the affluent elite.

The words reached Genesis, blurred visage of the teacher notwithstanding, as if he still dwelled within the realm of dreams. Instinctively, he responded with a phrase befitting such phantasmal reveries, "No matter the realm one traverses, the semblance of instructors remains unchanged." He brandished the chalk, wielding it as if the classroom were his own domain.

At that very moment, a searing anguish erupted within Genesis's mind, as though his cranium threatened to sunder into myriad shards. Students and the solitary teacher, initially captivated by Genesis's jest, found themselves consumed by concern upon witnessing his torment.

Amidst this agony, the memories of countless years flooded Genesis's consciousness, unfurling like an ancient scroll. A voice resonated within his psyche, distinct from all other recollections.

[Ding! The conditions for the awakening of the system have been met.]

[It is evident that the host cannot bear the weight of these memories simultaneously.]

[Only the rudimentary knowledge of this realm shall be transferred to the host's consciousness, while the remaining memories shall be revealed in due time.]

As the memories pertaining to this new world coursed through Genesis's being, he comprehended that he had transcended to a parallel dimension, a future that lay two millennia beyond his own. Rather than succumb to trepidation, he resolved to maintain a facade of composure and nonchalance, stating, "Ha ha ha! You all have succumbed to my artifice!"

His words ignited a conflagration of rage among his peers, convinced that a dire fate had befallen Genesis. Yet, they dared not act upon their fury, cognizant of the privileged heritage that safeguarded him from immediate repercussions.

The teacher, however, responded differently. Seizing a fresh piece of chalk, he imbued it with an imperceptible energy, an ethereal sheen enveloping its form.

With a bellow that reverberated through the chamber, he declared, "You have transgressed beyond acceptable limits this time, youngling. Tomorrow, your parents shall be summoned to this hallowed institution."

Genesis, well aware of the pain inflicted by the chalk's previous impact, harbored no desire to endure another such blow. In a swift display of reflexes, he seized a nearby notebook, intending to employ it as a shield against the oncoming projectile.

Little did he anticipate the wily smirk etching itself upon the teacher's visage, a visage that seemingly harbored foreknowledge of this very event. The instructor executed a subtle gesture with his outstretched fingers, indicating a sideward motion, followed by a straight trajectory.

To the astonishment of all, the chalk, seemingly bound by the teacher's enchantment, deviated from its original course, veering aside to avoid the notebook's protective embrace. It struck Genesis's cranium once more, leaving him dumbfounded by this inexplicable phenomenon. Recalling the memories recently unveiled, he surmised that his newfound abilities were intertwined with the enigmatic system he had awakened. And so, he resolved to delve deeper into its mysteries.

Amidst this tumultuous spectacle, Nara Hegan, a perceptive young girl amidst the throng of students, discerned an indescribable change within Genesis. Though his carefree disposition had persisted, a newfound resolve now gleamed in his eyes, accompanied by heightened reflexes—an enigma demanding her keen attention.

Note:- guys, what do you all think would happen in next chapter, comment you thoughts, and keep supporting the novel. Thank you.