
Level-Up through Laughter

Humans entered the age of interstellar, 300 years, first martial artist of human race has taken the step into outer space to explore it. But, this joy of achieving somethings great was shot lived, as space was dominated by other powerful races. The strongest human martial artist from nexus planet was just cannon fodder in the people of the other races. It's cruel reality for everyone. From then on, every martial artist from nexus planet began to increase their power level by outer space resources. But there is still one side of super natural that emerged new, they are mages. Who are even strong and diverse than the martial artists Genesis hale got transmigrated to interstellar world, The previous owner of this body had lovey-dovey parents and a cute little sister. The owner of his body is weak martial artist. Although his cultivation talent was ordinary, his life was fulfilling. It could be said to be a dream start. Genesis Hale was very happy. But then he got. his golden finger which was very unusual according to cheats that he had seen in the many novels and webnovel. But this cheat had ignited his desire to become strongest existence and live life in his own regards.

Genesis_Hale · Fantasy
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Chapter 1: death

Hello, welcome to this story. and.. yeah, I'm not good at this. Anyways, there is no discord and this won't have any harem. If you don't like it, then idk, get lost. Anyways, enjoy the Chappy.

(Imma do author note here at the top instead of the bottom since you can see what I wanna say instead of you ignoring it at the bottom.)

[So.. I'm dead?]

[Deceased, Yes.]

[Where the hell did that truck even come from?!]

That's the part where I tell you what happened. Our MC, known as Genesis, was walking to his friend's meetup party after running from home after getting in fight with his parents where they friends were going to watch The Last: Naruto The Movie for the 697th time, however, on his way across the street, he is greeted by the sudden materialization of a golden truck. It rams into Genesis and hits him dozens of meters back, onto a wall shop. The truck disappears out of thin air and Genesis is left there with the feeling of cold and hot. He got hit, yet the truck went through everyone else. Screams littered the surroundings as Alex thought his last thought.

'Is this.... w-where I die...' questioned Genesis. Constant fears and regrets emerged from within him. He was overloaded by said fears and regrets.

'I haven't remembered every word in the Last Naruto movie yet!!'

'Why is this so painful?!'

'Why me?!' Thought Genesis in a rush

'What is it like to die?! Is it just black?! Nothing!! No Memories, NO ME?!?!' He questioned himself. He started to slowly close his eyes, trying to keep them open. Out of the corner of his eye, an ambulance came and people were rushing out.

'I knew.. that I would live..' he said before finally dying. He contradicted himself at that time he finished saying that.

And so, we are brought to the present, where god was Kowtowing towards Genesis.

[I am truly truly sorry!! If I hadn't given my son that toy, he wouldn't have dropped it and killed you.. I tried to have everyone just go through it, but I couldn't get to you in time..] said the god

[So your god?] questioned Genesis

[Yes...] he said with guilt

[Why the hell didn't you make my death a painless one?! Yes, if it is already too late, at least grant me a painless death!! And You call yourself god, and still being unable to save while you were supposed to be all-powerful] said Genesis.

[I was going to do that until...] he stopped

[Untill...?] questioned Genesis.

[My wife told me to not kill you.] he said

[OK, NANI THE FU-] before he could finish, he was interrupted

[Now, Now!! Don't scream!! I'll tell you the reason. The reason is to prepare you.] he said

[—CK, prepare me for what?] questioned Alex while continuing the swear word.

[You see, the time differs in your realm and our realm. In fact, the last thought you had was 'I knew I would live..' And at that moment, you died. Since then, a couple of Earth minutes have passed. However, a couple of centuries have passed for us. And let me tell you, I'm not God. Let me give you the hierarchy of everything. Animals, Humans, Cultivators, God's, Cultivator God's, Creation Gods, Cultivator Creation Gods, and then me. So you can say even with everything combined in everything, even my wife and son, I would still beat them with the air pressure sent by a wave of my finger.

Anyways, what I am preparing you for is the next world you are going to live in. You see, you were supposed to become 100 years old and then discover that Chakra was real. So you invented a new era, and you developed a Jutsu which reversed your body's age. You would only die when the Elite 7, the strongest 7 of that time, around Kaguya level strength teamed up on you and beat you. You would then die and reincarnate without memories.

So, as reimbursement, I have given the fate that you had and switched it with a friend of yours, meaning when he is 100 years old, he would find chakra and Yada Yada. From this, I was able to make out a completely new, unpredictable fate. You will get a few wishes, 4 to be exact, and 2 perks. I will use one of the wishes to do a few minor things, like change your looks, choose your birthplace, send you to a world, and give you a system of that world.

Genesis contemplated about life for about 2 hours before returning to himself and thinking about his wishes.

[Let me think... Ok, I got my wishes and perks. You thought I'm gonna pick Naruto world, so I'll go to Naruto world. But, i will want to go to the peaceful world where there exist no powers, because may be i am big fan of naruto world but i am not going there as that world is all f*cked up, i want to be in world where no supernatural things exist .] said Genesis.

[.. Ok.. onto your wishes and perks. What did you say you don't want to go supernatural world where you have many beautiful girls in harem, become immortals, and explore the things that you only think of in your past world.] he said.

[.. Nahh man, i am good, all that you want is to do send the people in the different world is entertain yourself because you were bored. Am i right? ] Genesis

[ That's not the case, and i can't send you normal world and not to your original world as well. You still have choice to chose what kind of supernatural world you want to go. ]

God hearing this answer wasn't happy but have dark expression on his face, [ You asked for this, now i am not giving you anymore choices, you are going to a special made supernatural world, which would entertain me enough and as for system you will get weird one for making me enjoy it even more. For opposing me, you will receive the punishment of not remembering this conversation and how you died, and only remember that you may be died in sleep. ]

[ You motherfu*ker, don't let me meet you, I will kill yaaa. ] genesis said.

God didn't let the genesis complete his sentence and with a wave of his hand, genesis waved from there and his memories of this whole incident got completely deleted.