
Letters to KJ

An engineer meets the love of his life on Twitter but she says she only likes guys that write love letters, so he is forced to learn how to write love letters.

Uchiha_Laruto · Fantasy
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16 Chs

You’re the one

My heart and I agree that you're the one for me Babe. Right now, it's hard not holding you in my arms everyday and it's harder when I realise that it'll be this way for the longest time but deep in my heart I know that you're the one for me and I'm not letting you go.

(Unless you fart in my face again then you're on your own)

When we were talking I told you that you were my number one but more accurately, you're my only one. Everybody else can apply for friendship visa and nobody else is worth thinking about.

Even my love of technology, Chelsea (Champions of Europe 2012 and 2021), anime and manga can't compare to the magic of being needed by you. You're the person I want to be with when I want to be alone.

This love thing hasn't been bad if I'm being completely honest. When it works it's pretty amazing. It's not overrated, I think I should've done it a long time ago (lol).

But maybe you wouldn't have been ready for me then. Maybe the moment we met was the perfect one. Not a moment before and not a moment after. It was just right. Don't worry about Tosin and the others, they left because I was just about to arrive. You deserve someone that will love you with every bit of their heart, thinks about you constantly, always wondering what you're doing, where you are and who you're with. And when you find this person, let me know.

All jokes aside, I promise to help you achieve your dreams, protect you from your fears and love you unconditionally, especially your flaws. I don't think I have the right to say I love you until I've seen you at your worst.

My baby. For you, a thousand times over and more.

From your Sugar Bear.