
Recounts of the Anonymity - 5

"Lady Rose, we forbad you from seeing the second prince." The Anonymity gulped as he passed, stopping to listen.

"Why?? He's my fiancé," she replied, crossing her arms. "At least let me take a look at him. What if I want to cancel my engagement?" The Anonymity flinched.

Well... it made sense that she wanted that. Even though the crowned prince had warned anybody about leaking their conversation, the Anonymity himself was proof that the second prince was a bad person.

"Lady Rose, this is a royal order by the crowned prince." Lady Rose sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose.

"At least let me write a letter or something," she muttered. The guard shook their heads, and she gave up.

"Well, if you can, tell Prince Easter that I'm wondering if he's okay."

"I cannot do that-"

"Okay, I get it."

With another sigh, she walked away.

The Anonymity followed her nervously, approaching her as she neared the exit of the annex into the main palace. He could see her more clearly, and she was wearing a dark green dress today, her dark brown hair tied up into a bun with jewels rolling down it. She looked surprised when he approached her, but smiled.

"Anonymity, are you okay?" He nodded. She was also sixteen, only two years older than him.

"Lady Rose, are you really planning on breaking your engagement?" The Anonymity asked. She frowned, as if pondering the question briefly.

"Not really, I guess I just wanted to try to see if he was okay." She put a hand to her cheek. "Well, if his brother couldn't soothe him, then what luck do I have?"

"Lady Rose... how are you doing in this castle?"

"Well enough. What about you, Anonymity?" She eyed his wounds when she spoke, and he touched the bandages on his arms.

"I don't know." He sighed. "I guess this life is better than being a slave, but I feel lonely all the time." She laughed.

"I'll feel the same from now on, since it sounds like my fiancé will be grounded for quite a long time." The Anonymity nodded. "Well, I guess I have you as a friend, Anonymity~"

"Yeah, I guess," he muttered half-heartedly.

"Oh? You don't want to be my friend? I'm so hurt."

"Haha... Sure, I'll be your friend. We both don't know anything about what's going on, so I'm sure we'll get along very well."

"Ugh, you're so sarcastic, Anon."

bruh I forgot there was a murder going on

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