IN THE COVER IK THEY LOOK TWELVE THEY ARE 16 HELP Easter, a prince trapped inside his room, his mother's lapdog, has many faces. He doesn't need to close his eyes when plunging a knife in somebody's chest, or ripping off someone's fingers, one by one. But, as secrets pile up like pebbles in a jar, they are bound to spill at some point. And, those pebbles slowly spill, suffocating him and tearing at his identity and morality. (Easter's not the only mc but eh) Prequal: The Study Room
The crowned prince ushered the anonymity towards the second prince's room after he dressed him up, a formal white suit and a small top hat accessory, with a veil intending to cover both eyes but only covering one. He wore gloves, one red and one white. His collared shirt inside was the same way. The prince had considered dying his hair red, but got too lazy, sending him off with a red star on his left cheek.
Yesterday, he was wearing a black suit and a black floral hat, also with a veil. The crowned prince insisted on covering his eyes, but the anonymity didn't know why.
The anonymity followed the crowned prince to the second prince's room, and the crowned prince kicked the door open, shouting loudly "I'M HERE!" The second prince, sitting at his worktable, looked at him in disgust and rolled his eyes. The crowned prince then dramatically threw the letter he was holding at the second prince, which bounced off his face and rolled on the ground. Then, he ran off, laughing manically, leaving the anonymity with the now furious second prince.
"You." The second prince said. "Pick up the letter." The anonymity complied, handing the letter to the second prince. As he read the letter, the anonymity wanted to leave the room as soon as possible, but didn't want to get stabbed. He heard both princes could kill very easily without second thoughts.
After he read it, he sighed loudly, then bashed his head onto the table. The anonymity was taken aback, but tried to stand there as still as possible.
"Show me your eyes," the second prince told him. He lifted the little curtain of his small top hat. The second prince frowned at him, but didn't say anything. "Do you know why they cover your eyes up?"
The anonymity shook his head. Was he supposed to know?
"It's because you're not supposed to have an identity." The anonymity looked down, saying nothing.
Then, there was a soft tap on the door. The Lady came in, smiling at both of them.
"You look like a clown, Anon~" she laughed, patting his head. Then, to the second prince, she said something very aggressive and fast that the anonymity couldn't make out. Something about "murder," "detective," and "Elias." The anonymity used to have a brother named Elias, he vaguely remembered. Then, she kicked the second prince out of his room, dragging the anonymity with them, and they ate at some fancy restraunt.
Note: the restraunt was empty. The anonymity was confused and slightly frightened.