
A Memory from a Spy

He clutched his sword in one hand, his lady in his arms. "Lady Rose... are you hurt anywhere?"

"I'm a strong girl~" Lady Rose replied, patting his head gently. He sighed, brushing the bangs from his blonde wig away. The dress he was wearing made him feel heavy. He wasn't good with a sword anyway.

A cold, disoriented boy looked back at him, dark blue eyes shining in the light. "Who sent you?" His eyes reminded Easter of his own.

"..." He couldn't speak. He couldn't raise his pitch up higher right now, due to the shock. His fingers brushed through the grass in anxiousness. Some blood was trickling from his forehead.

"Just a couple of women passing through," Lady Rose said, smiling casually in his arms. "Why did you flip our carriage?"

"That's not true! You're spies! Spies from the Kingdom, coming to kill me!" He waved his sword wildly.

"He's insane," Easter hissed into his lady's ear.

"He's right," Lady Rose responded. Her hand came to rest on Easter's sword. "Let me do the killing~" Easter was taken aback, but he couldn't refuse, since Nico was going to stab them for talking to each other.

"Put your weapons down!" Nico shouted, swinging the flat of his sword at Easter, making him fall sideways. Easter groaned, glaring at Nico. The boy was clearly crazed and confused, but didn't want to kill anybody.

"Ugh. My Lady, kill him faster," he muttered halfheartedly, already giving up on talking his way out. He lunged towards Nico empty-handed, which made him gasp briefly before striking out, knocking Easter aside.

"Get away!" Nico shouted. "Leave!" His blue eyes were wild, his usually neatly combed hair dirty and unkept. There were still faint tear stains running down his cheek, dark eye bags under his eyes. Easter's head throbbed, but he strike again. He was weaponless, so he grabbed a shard of glass, aiming at Nico's head.

Lady Rose struck from behind, making him fall forwards. Easter gasped as he landed on his body, the glass shard piercing his chest and digging into Easter's hand. He pushed Nico away, but Nico clawed desperately at his legs, the hems of his dress. This once honorable man... has become delusional.

As his hands weakened on Easter's feet, Easter got up unevenly, the light in his attacker's eyes dimming. Lady Rose stabbed Nico a final time, through his back, and he stopped moving completely. Easter was gasping for breath, the cut in his hand dimly growing stronger.

"Are you okay, Your Highness?" Lady Rose asked, supporting Easter's weight. Although he was the most useless in the fight, he was also the most injured.

"...I'm fine, My Lady," he muttered, a distant ringing in his ears. His vision blurred a little. Why was he so weak, so useless?

With a heavy breath, Easter fell unconscious.

Sorry for the very anticlimatic death of Nico Sterin

Rosewater15creators' thoughts