
lets go to another world by uchiha clan

support me in patreon / paypal belamy20 patreon.com/user?u=47865997 Raijin, uchiha who awaken mangekyo sharingan with abilty teleport to another dimension, konoha village hate us, so lets go to another world support me in patreon / paypal belamy20 patreon.com/user?u=47865997

Ilham_Yamin · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs

Chapter 55: The Sudden Nine-Tails Uprising

The sudden change in the Uchiha clan shocked Shisui to his core.

The Uchiha Fire Formation was a sealing technique created by the Uchiha clan before the establishment of the village.

When performed by four Jonin, it could hold off a Kage-level opponent for a short time.

If more people participated, it could potentially even hold back a Tailed Beast.

But why had this formation suddenly appeared within the Uchiha clan?

Could it be that someone had infiltrated the Uchiha clan? But this was deep within Konoha's territory.

Anyone trying to make a move against the Uchiha would have to get past Konoha first.

"We should report to Lord Hokage immediately and let him decide," Shisui quickly realized, pulling on Itachi's sleeve.

At this moment, the most rational course of action was to report to the Third Hokage.

They shouldn't investigate on their own, lest they get caught up in something disastrous.

"Right!" Itachi nodded eagerly.

The two of them didn't hesitate and set off at once, while the remaining Anbu members stayed behind to continue monitoring.

The situation with the Uchiha clan was clearly visible to everyone in Konoha.

Everyone could see the pillar of fire rising into the sky.

In no time, Konoha had entered a state of war readiness.

Messenger birds flew overhead, calling out urgently.

The Jonin looked up, then headed straight for the Hokage's office.

The rest quickly evacuated the civilians, guiding them toward the shelters.

Konoha seemed chaotic, but everything was actually running in an orderly fashion.

"Sigh, the Uchiha clan!"

A middle-aged man with a large "oil" character on his forehead protector stepped out of a hot spring bathhouse.

This was none other than Jiraiya, one of the legendary Sannin who had recently returned to Konoha.

After a moment of contemplation, he decided to head to the Uchiha clan to see what was happening.


Hiruzen Sarutobi looked up at the sky over Konoha. 

"So, Raijin Uchiha, you couldn't hold back any longer, huh?"

"Well, it's just as well that I can put an end to the Uchiha clan before my time is up."

"Your evil clan will never have a chance to lay claim to the Hokage's position."

Hiruzen stood in a side room attached to his office, dressed in battle gear.

It had been a long time since he last wore his combat uniform, but now it was on again.

This time, though, he didn't feel the thrill of battle or the rush of blood.

All he felt was the resolve to root out evil.

"Lord Hokage! The Uchiha clan has activated a B-rank sealing technique, the Uchiha Fire Formation."

Shisui rushed into the office, and seeing Hiruzen in battle gear made him nervous.

That outfit... could it mean...?

Was today the day the Uchiha clan would be wiped out?

"No need to explain! Raijin Uchiha has trapped the heads of the major clans and plans to lead a faction of the Uchiha in rebellion."

"Shisui, you're the only one I can trust now. No one in Konoha can deal with Uchiha Izumi, who possesses the Mangekyō Sharingan."

"Only you can stop her. Go now, and let your final Will of Fire burn brightly."

Hiruzen sighed slightly, as if he were entrusting a child with his last wish.

But in reality, he was sending Shisui to face the strongest enemy.

Rather than anything else, what Hiruzen really wanted to see was the two strongest Uchiha destroy each other.

But no matter who wins, the other will be left gravely injured.

At that point, wouldn't Konoha have them at their mercy?


Shisui Uchiha opened his mouth slightly, as if he wanted to say something.

But in the end, he just nodded.

Today had brought too much information.

It was almost enough to make his brain shut down.

Right now, he couldn't afford to think too much!


"Obito! It looks like they're making a move over there!"

On the highest branch of a tree in Konoha, a figure was hidden in the darkness. A white head emerged from the branch below, looking up at the figure in the shadows and speaking.

A flash of red light flickered in the shadows, and a cold gaze swept over White Zetsu.

"Call me Madara Uchiha!"

Obito Uchiha snorted, not surprised that he had been exposed.

This group of White Zetsu was just too stupid.

If it weren't for White Zetsu, his identity would never have been revealed.

"Raijin Uchiha has some nerve, gathering all the clan heads in Konoha together to slaughter them."

"Even if the Uchiha clan wins, Konoha would be left as an empty shell. This guy really doesn't think about the future—what an idiot."

Obito glanced mockingly at the Uchiha clan's territory.

Even though Raijin had easily seen through his identity, he still couldn't shake the label of "fool."

"Lord Madara! Half of the Anbu watching over Naruto Uzumaki have been withdrawn. If we don't make our move now, we might miss our chance."

White Zetsu relayed a signal from one of its clones to Obito.

What was this guy thinking about at a time like this?

He couldn't still be thinking about Rin, could he?

According to the brat Tobi, Obito even called out Rin's name in his sleep.


Even more disgusting than White Zetsu themselves.

They almost felt like they needed to take a dump.

"I got it."

Obito's figure melted into a vortex and disappeared from the spot.


"I'm not going to the shelter!"

Naruto Uzumaki protested angrily, swatting at the Anbu holding him.

But his efforts were no more effective than a tickle.

"Lord Hokage has ordered you to stay in the shelter."

"You'd better not resist, or we might have to take more drastic measures."

The Anbu frowned and spoke coldly to Naruto.

With Konoha now on high alert, they couldn't afford to let this brat cause trouble.

"Damn it!"

Naruto growled in frustration.

He didn't want to go to the shelter.

It was because of the way people in the village looked at him.

Everyone's gaze seemed to treat him like a monster.

Those looks made Naruto too ashamed to even lift his head.


A clear sound of something piercing through flesh echoed.

Naruto's eyes widened as he watched blood spray into the air, splattering across his face.

The Anbu holding him collapsed to the ground, lifeless.

"Konoha Crescent Moon..."

Another Anbu drew a long sword, which traced an arc through the air.

The blade's silver afterimage flashed, and in the next moment, it split into three.

The figure charged at Obito Uchiha.


Obito could only give this assessment.

The Anbu's blade slashed through Obito's body, but it passed right through.

Obito watched as the clones split and darted aside, then lightly jumped and kicked one.


The clone exploded into smoke and vanished.


A chain wrapped precisely around the Anbu's neck, coiling twice until the opponent fell lifeless to the ground.

Obito looked down at them with indifference.

These two were nothing more than insects.

"Who are you?"

Naruto shrank back, trembling in fear after witnessing the deaths of two people right in front of him.

He was terrified of the mysterious man before him, not knowing why this person had come for him.

"Naruto Uzumaki?"

"Heh! I once held you in my arms!"

Obito chuckled lightly, snapping the chain in his hand.

The chain whipped through the air and effortlessly bound Naruto.

"Hey! What are you planning to do?"

Naruto's eyes widened with fear as he struggled to break free from the chains.

But as someone who wasn't even a ninja yet, he was powerless to escape.

"I'm going to... release the Nine-Tails!"

Obito's pupils contracted, and his Sharingan quickly transformed into the Mangekyō.

Naruto's chakra began to surge uncontrollably, a crimson layer of chakra forming around him!


A roar echoed through the village!

The entire Konoha fell silent!

It felt like they had been transported back five or six years to the time of the Nine-Tails' rampage.