

Aven, King of an Futuristic Monarcy/society(Xoria) ,begins having dreams of a strange woman, a woman who completes the prophecy of conceiving the perfect heir. But this woman's family history isn't far from his.

Sushiwatermelon04 · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Side Chapter: Illy’s fate

Illy's POV


Galloway threw me onto his bed. "Illy, dear. Take it off.. take the dress off."

He sounded nearly out of breath. I lay confused. "Why?Was rejecting your advances not enough for you?"

I felt his stare gazing up and down my body. I felt as if he had completely ignored the question on purpose. I heard the sound of his belt unbuckling. He threw it onto the floor. "Do you remember the first time we met in the gardens, Illy?"

"No", I whispered.

"No?", he questioned.

"Don't lie to me, Illy", he continued.

Now I heard the sound of his shirt scraping against his body, landing on his belt. His pants soon followed. All that was left was his underwear. "I'm not lying", I whispered.

I couldn't look at him. I just lay patiently on my side facing the nightstand. I held in the tears and pushed the thoughts to the back of my mind, my body shaking. He walked closer to me "Look at me Illy".

I remained quiet.

I listened to his breathing. He was breathing heavily. He's angry.

Then in one fluid motion, he flips me over on my back. He slowly pulls my body towards him."Answer me when I'm speaking to you illy!"

He made me look at him. His face bright red. His blonde hair wet from his sweat. He climbed on top of me and in desperation, I spoke"Please Galloway, you're better than this."

I placed both my hands on his face waiting for an answer. "All I want you to do Illy is be there for me like when I first got here, is that too much to ask for?"

"Yes! It's way too much to ask for Galloway. You have a wife in New Germany, you have kids Galloway ".

"That was my old life Illy. You are the only part of the new one I actually like."

He slowly came closer, I felt his bulge press against my underwear. There was no cooperating. I then spread my legs. Galloway stared at me "Illy"...

"I guess Aven made me your whore", I whispered seductively but in a false manner.

I sat up, taking my dress off.

He grabbed my hand pulling me closer to his face, kissing me.

I bent one leg. Looking at his chest. "Ready?" He groaned as our lips parted. I nodded. He stood up and pulled his underwear down. I studied his body. 6-pack abs and an uncircumcised penis, roughly a quarter of Aven's size. He pinned me down with his body weight. "Shit", I couldn't push him off now, I thought to myself.

In a panic. I tried to push him away. He grinned "Were you planning something? Just for that I'm not gonna go easy on you."

He grabbed something from the nightstand then he stabbed me with it.

I let out a moan, I felt two things at once. Galloway groaned. He threw the thing he stabbed me with onto the floor. I couldn't look. "Do you love me Illy?"

I bit my lip. He panted then unhooked my bra. He then kissed the middle of my breasts. He pulled my arms down, pinning them. I squealed. I was tender. "Fuck".

He kissed me "Answer me."

"I can't but I do ".

What did he give me? I thought.

The words rolled off my tongue with ease.

"Tell me why".

"Because... I have someone back at home."

"All you have is me now. Repeat that back to me".

"All I have is you"...

I felt an orgasm coming. He was about to finish.

I tried to pull away but I couldn't.

All I could think of was his name. "Galloway." He saw my whole body shake.

"This isn't right".

I felt something warm. He looked at me and groaned. He then collapsed beside me and panted "Illy".

"Shut up".

I turned away from him.

"I'm sorry".

"Your not, Galloway... I don't care whether I liked you or not, leave me alone".

"You're going to marry me soon, so I don't want you seeing that man again, Jessi, was it? I want better for you, so I've taken away your birth control, I want a family with you, so if Aven grants me permission I'll enroll in the military and take you with me".

"Who said I was going to marry you?!"

"I wrote your Father, I'm better for you than that other man was, I want you to bare my children, I've sent your family about 50 thousand dollars, I stabbed you with a truth serum, it only lasts for 5 minutes."

"Fuck you", I cried.

"I'll make it up to you, I promise with my life dear ".

End of Illy's Chapter.

It looks like Illy has a lot to deal with and so does Jessi. Illy’s got a man back home but forced to marry a new one, one she barley loves. But it looks like Galloway will give his all to protect her against Jessi. Will Aven kill Jessi before Galloway does? Or Will Letharia suffer the same fate as Illy?

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