

Aven, King of an Futuristic Monarcy/society(Xoria) ,begins having dreams of a strange woman, a woman who completes the prophecy of conceiving the perfect heir. But this woman's family history isn't far from his.

Sushiwatermelon04 · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Jessi’s girl?

Jessi's POV


The prison floor was cold, I was no longer in a lonely jail cell that I called the slums but a crowded prison cell I called the palace. We were separated, Cody was no longer where I could see him and my Uncle was gone. I didn't see him when we were captured, that damn bastard must've ran. I was in a cell with that man who was about to be executed, he annoyed me with every word that came out of his mouth, I was starting to wish King Aven would have just executed him and that we would've planned this sooner or later. "Boy....aye...boy?!"

"What?!", I yelled.

"Thank you for saving me and me family, I have a gift".

I stared at him confused. He looked homeless and he smelled of shit. So what could he possibly give me? He handed me a Bobbi pin from his hair "Could ya do something with this??"

I smirked, "Well, thanks shit bag".

I've been in the palace before so I figured I could evade the guards, especially since King Aven hasn't updated the cell design. I picked the lock and looked back at shit bag "Run towards the hallway on your right-hand side then stomp once, there you'll hear a trap door, it leads outside".

I then ran towards the hallway on my left-hand side towards the palace. I made as little noise as possible since most of the prisoners were asleep. I then made it to the end of the hallway after I turned and gazed upon an iron door. I slowly turned the handle, opening the door. The blinding light of the palace rendered me blind for a couple of minutes. I closed the door behind me losing my grip on the handle, accidentally slamming the door.




That's all I could think.

All I could do was cover my eyes. I then tried to take a glimpse to see if anyone was in front of me. I spotted a dark-skinned woman coming towards my direction, Shit, judging by how she dressed .... a place slave or a maid.... they can be extremely loyal to the Kings, I'm fucking screwed.

She ran towards me and grabbed my arm. I yanked my arm away from her "Please don't hurt me", she casually spoke.

"I'm not turning you in, please just come with me".

She grabbed my arm again, as I let her. She pushed me into a room and closed the door. I heard clashing armor coming her way. "Palace slave, have you seen or heard anything coming through this door?"

"No sir", I heard her soft-spoken voice echo.

"Mm, You'll be in trouble with King Aven if you harbor any fugitives.... and to be honest, I can't wait to see what he does to you. Maybe you'll be thrown away and handed to me, wouldn't you like that?"

"Sir Galloway, please you have my word".

He sounded as if he was walking away then he spoke "Illy...


"Try to meet me at the gardens after your duties."

"Yes Sir Galloway".

I didn't know what to think about her. I backed away from the door and sat on the bed.

I heard the door creak open "Who are you?", she sounded calm.

I heard her footsteps come closer to the bed "Open your eyes, it's dark, there's barely any sunlight in the room".

I listened to her.

She looked into my eyes "Looks like a Coronial Laceration, there's blood in your eyes".


"Debris must have hit your eye or someone's fingernail must have scratched it".

"It's okay, lucky for you, I have just the thing".

I opened one eye and covered the other.

She pulled out something that looked like a pen.

"And that is?"

"Don't ask questions and open your eye".

I smiled "Ah feisty".

She popped off the lid and opened my eyes wide open with her fingers, it was a bright laser.

Instead of gripping on to the bed, I grabbed her tits by accident. She gasped as if I caught her by surprise. But instead of removing my hand, she used her right hand to keep my hand on her left breast. It felt like five minutes, and bless the gods it was like five minutes in heaven. She turned the laser off "Blink a few times".

She turned the lights on.

My eyes felt way better than before. The first thing I gazed upon was that palace slave.

She was beautiful with naturally green eyes. Her skin was dark as cocoa. Her hair curly tied up in a bun, and her tits were fucking huge. Ohhhhh, turn around. Her skin was flawless, and she spoke rather elegantly.

She starred at me for a while as I stared at her "You look familiar..."

I changed the subject "Well, have you seen a girl who's been captured, she has white hair and tits that look like yours but smaller... like a C cup".

"Your girlfriend?", she asked.

"Why does everyone think that... haha, no she's my sister".

"I'm so sorry".

"Oh no, you're fine".

"She's quite beautiful, but I sadly do not know where she is, she had a meeting with the council... and that's the last I heard".

"You've got to be fucking me!"

"I'm sorry but-

"But fucking what?!

"Please lower your voice".

"How can I when my sister is probably a mindless sex slave?!"

"She'll be fine, she'll have it better than the rest of us anyway".

"You've got to be fucking me!"

"Fuck you! I've been nothing but nice, no one asked for me to look out for her!"

All of a sudden I hear a sound louder than our argument. The door had been slammed open, "Hello Jessi..."

The palace slave didn't dare turn around.

"A little birdie told me one of my dear salves was suspected of hiding a rebel".

"Undo your hair", he commanded her to do.

She blankly stared at the wall with tears in her eyes as she undid her hair.

Aven tugged on her hair as she let out a cry.

"Oh darling, you didn't know how fond of you I was..."

He groped her breasts through her dress.

I noticed two guards standing outside the room.

"Let her go Aven".

He ignored me and spoke to Illy. "You distracted me from my duties, you freed a rebel, a threat. My father is taking care of my fiancé as we speak because of you. As for your punishment, you will be stripped of your position as a head maid and palace slave, you'll start from the bottom, and you will no longer be my main slave, but thrown around from guard to guard, well unless...."


"Yes, my lord?".

He pushed her into the arms of the guard from earlier.

"She's yours, I wanna see her so fucked up, that she cries for me and begs for mercy, when... if she sees me again. You are relieved of your duties today, do as you wish with her."

I watched Galloway press his lips onto hers, it disgusted me. She was uncomfortable. She tried to fight him but Galloway carried her over his shoulder and walked away. Aven leaned against the door "Armstrong, take Jessi to the gallows".

Took awhile to finish this chapter, online school finally fucking finished. It’s currently 3am and I have insomnia so might as well work on another chapter!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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