
Let the world feel pain

"From now on, let the world feel pain." Above Konoha, Uzumaki Naruto started to talk indifferently, throwing out a large spiral wheel that was as dark as ink in his hands, bursting with endless light and heat, and razing everything he saw. One was not influenced by Asura Chakra, one lived in harmony with Kurama since childhood, one received modern compulsory education since childhood, and the other watched the entire "Naruto". A different Naruto story. (i did not create this, just fixed some grammar https://comrademao.com/novel/let-the-world-feel-pain/)

OtakuWeibo · Anime & Comics
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129 Chs


Naruto stepped into the small town and went straight to the Chakra line where the sense arrived.

The further you go, the more prosperous it is.

Soon, I have come to a shopping street.

At the gate of a casino with Old Hu machines, a group of three people stopped.

Not far away, a beautiful blonde woman wearing a green gambling jacket, black pants, and a double ponytail hairstyle is sitting in front of the Old Hu machine and screaming and gambling.

Beside, a woman in a kimono is holding a pig, accompanied by a helpless smile.

Although I have never met these two people, from their iconic dress, it can be determined that these two people are Tsunade and her discipline Kato Shizune.

In the original manga timeline, Naruto would see these two women more than a month later, but at this moment, more than a month earlier, he moved to this small seaside town.

However, Naruto studied the map while on the road, and found that it was not accidental to find the two people here. According to the route of these two people, sooner or later, he would go to the short book street where he originally met.

Jiraiya looked this familiar woman, with a trace of nostalgia in her eyes, but she did not immediately approach her.

Shizune saw Jiraiya appear, with a surprised expression on her face.

I just wanted to start to talk to say hello, but Jiraiya raised his hand to stop him and motioned to wait until Tsunade finished his betting.

"Do you like Lady Tsunade?"

Aside, Naruto asked abruptly.


After being scammed by Naruto last time, Jiraiya, who has gained a lot of wisdom, has never been fooled.

I just want to fool around with haha.

There was no admission, let alone denial.

However, from Jiraiya's twinkling eyes, Naruto still read a lot.

"A lot of age, what innocent play, Lady Tsunade, I remember she is still single? If you take the initiative, maybe your granddaughter can be my childhood sweethearts."< /p>

Naruto no trace of politeness said with a smile.

As a girl, Sakura looked at the conversation between the two just now.

I heard Naruto's words at the moment. Although I feel that Naruto is a bit sorry for Hinata's remarks by playboys like this, I still agree with nodded.

Naruto said that, Jiraiya can also comfort yourself what a child knows. At this moment, even Sakura said that, suddenly causing a crit on Jiraiya.

Jiraiya could not help but reflect on himself: "Is Tsunade really waiting for me to take the initiative? Otherwise, why has she been alone for so many years?"

I haven't thought about it before.

Thinking about it at this moment, Jiraiya feels more likely to be like this.

At this time, Naruto was adding details while telling a story, fearing that the world would not be chaotic, and said: "Actually, pursuing a girl is a very simple thing. You only need to slowly approach her and let her You feel your charm when you come closer.

Then make a bidong, lift her chin, and kiss it gently.

You need to know, bidong However, the Secret Technique for face value detection, especially for handsome and attractive men, is a Certain Kill Skill with a hundred shots. No girl can run away.

Teacher Jiraiya, you, nothing There is no doubt that he is a handsome man with a mature and stable charm. You should be aware of this."

Hearing this, Jiraiya couldn't help but become confident, and begin to stir: "Yes, I He is indeed a handsome man with mature and stable charm."

After all, in the entire Ninja World and Hidden Leaf Village, Jiraiya has many admirers.

Gradually, one of the three illusions in life she likes me and dominates all of Jiraiya's thoughts.

However, after all, Jiraiya still didn't lose his mind completely. He hesitated and said: "Naruto, although you have been smart since childhood, you train every day and don't know much about girls, right?"

< p>"Oh, I have a girlfriend when I am 7 years old. How do you compare with me?" Naruto sneered.

Jiraiya thought of the Byakugan girl who was so desperate for Naruto, dumbstruck and unable to reply.

In order to add credibility to his own words, Naruto took a casual sweep on the street, and finally his gaze stayed on a young girl with wide sunglasses, only revealing a small white oval face. .

Naruto showed a kind smile on his face, smiled slightly at the girl, and walked over to her.

This aimless girl walking on the street, facing Naruto's warm gaze, a hint of shyness suddenly appeared on her face, her cheeks gradually dyed with a hint of redness, a restless girl's heartbeat gesture .

Looked Naruto's handsome face gradually approached, the girl couldn't help but heartbeat like a drum.

As Naruto approached, the girl became more shy, involuntarily bowing her head slightly.

As Jiraiya and Sakura watched all the time, Naruto had already walked up to the girl.

Then, as soon as the right hand stretched out, he thumped it against the wall of a shopping street.

Immediately, Naruto stretched out her left hand and lifted the girl's chin. The two looked at each other, and Naruto's face gradually approached.

Subconscious, the girl wants to push Naruto away. Although the girl likes Naruto who is as warm as a little sun-like blond boy, its too unreserved to kiss him just after meeting.

"Cooperate and give you 1-million Ryo."

Naruto's expression on his face remains unchanged, and the action continues.

It's just that, but there are mosquito-like words ringing in the girl's ear, which makes the girl most stop the action she wants to resist.

Let Naruto approach, and kissed her gently on the forehead.

Looked back at Naruto, Jiraiya looked shocked.

At this time, he has no more doubts about what Naruto said just now.

Sakura is connected to the side. At this time, Naruto's expressions are a bit strange.

Suddenly, I also held back my thoughts: "Is this move really so powerful? Fortunately, Naruto is not interested in me, otherwise I can resist his charm?"

"Or, I will try Sasuke the next day. Maybe Sasuke is the kind of character who is shy and introverted. As long as I take the initiative, I will succeed in making him my boyfriend."

At this time, I saw Naruto wave a fist at Jiraiya, and encouraged him: "Go boldly, Teacher Jiraiya, life can last for several decades, don't let yourself regret it for life, and don't let Lady Tsunade wait long. "

Jiraiya hearing this was greatly encouraged.

"Then I'll go!"

After a while, I kept it up to cheer myself up, and then adjusted the clothes, checked the appearance, and gathered great courage. Walked over in the direction of Tsunade.

Just leaving Naruto's side, the sound cut off by the airflow came into Jiraiya's ears.

The many noisy human voices in the shopping street almost immediately dissipated the courage in Jiraiya's heart.

At this time, Narutos voice came just right: "Keep it up, Teacher Jiraiya, Im waiting to eat your wedding wine with Lady Tsunade."

From the lover Naruto The words made Jiraiya suddenly full of courage.

This time, he no longer hesitates!