
Let the world feel pain

"From now on, let the world feel pain." Above Konoha, Uzumaki Naruto started to talk indifferently, throwing out a large spiral wheel that was as dark as ink in his hands, bursting with endless light and heat, and razing everything he saw. One was not influenced by Asura Chakra, one lived in harmony with Kurama since childhood, one received modern compulsory education since childhood, and the other watched the entire "Naruto". A different Naruto story. (i did not create this, just fixed some grammar https://comrademao.com/novel/let-the-world-feel-pain/)

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In the empty laboratory, there is a huge petri dish.

In the light green nutrient solution, there is a huge horn floating in which the ominous aura is blooming.

This is the body tissue of Eight-Tails Gyuki.

Cloud Ninja Murakami's first Jinchuriki Bulibi became Eight-Tails Jinchuriki. He was isolated from the people around him, and gradually became depressed. He gradually developed depression. He needed sleeping pills every day to barely fall asleep.

And Orochimaru took the opportunity to sneak into Cloud Ninja Village, pretending to be a psychologist who used Genjutsu and medicine to fascinate Buribee, unlocked the iron Kinoe seal on his body, and released the Eight-Tails Gyuki of Berserk.

Later, during the battle between Third Raikage and Eight-Tails, Orochimaru took advantage of the chaos and retrieved a horn.

Except for some experiments that have been used over the years, the rest is in the petri dish in front of me. The horns contain the Chakra of Eight-Tails Gyuki.

In the manga, it was used as the material of Impure World Reincarnation Burrough.

Orochimaru brought Naruto here. Naruto looked around and left a sentence: "I will come to you again if I have something to do."

Then, he a hand pressed on the petri dish, a The hand pressed on Sasuke's shoulder, activated Flying Thunder God Jutsu and disappeared here.

When he appeared again, he had already appeared in the hidden cave of the Valley of the End.

Smash the petri dish with one punch at will, ignoring the nutrient solution flowing out of Popo, Naruto pressed his palm on the horn.

In the seal space, Kurama exerted his force to extract the Eight-Tails Chakra contained in the horns.

The blood red Chakra was extremely violent, but as soon as he came into contact with Naruto, he became quiet. Soon the Chakra in the horns was taken out by Kurama, and the seal was in his tail.

The power of Tailed Beast Chakra is difficult to tame for the average ninja, but for Kurama, who exists as the strongest Tailed Beast, it is only this.

Sasuke on the side watched the process, and then suddenly realized: "No wonder you suddenly learned about Magnet-Style Kekkei Genkai, is it because of Tailed Beast Chakra?"

"Well, but You cant use this method now. Although Mangekyo can also suppress Tailed Beast Chakra, but you want to make perfect use of Tailed Beasts Chakra, at least it will evolve to the eternal eye.

I also have Kurama for help. , You can learn Tailed Beast Chakra without any scruples. Of course, you can also consider taking a further study in Sealing Jutsu."

Naruto explained that the thoughts move has already entered the Kurama Chakra mode. .

After joining Eight-Tails Chakra, there is still no significant enhancement to the Nine-Tails golden body, but after a closer understanding, Naruto still finds a little difference, he has one more The ability of Eight-Tails.

"Does the octopus leg stand for?" Naruto muttered in his heart.

After using this ability, Naruto can create a stand-in exactly the same as himself to avoid some mortal attacks, or pretend death to fool the enemy.

But because this Eight-Tails Chakra is not too much, it must be restored by the power of transforming Kurama after it is used up, so the cooling time is a bit long, and the cooling time used once has to be half a month.

"Forget it, better than nothing." Naruto consoled himself.

At this time, I saw Sasuke next to him automatically filter Naruto's suggestions for him to learn, and said nonchalantly: "One-Tails Jinchuriki, is that the little panda I have seen before?"

< p>According to Sasuke's understanding, Tailed Beast who knows Magnet-Style is also One-Tails Shukaku.

And Shukaku is in Hidden Sand Village, and Naruto suddenly gave a free experience for oneself coupon to a stranger Sand Ninja, the reason is obvious.

Naruto's surprised glanced at Sasuke, the young man's reasoning ability has greatly improved, and through this trace, he discovered the real reason why Naruto and Gaara knew each other.

However, Naruto did not deny it either. Nodded said: "It's him."

Putting away the Nine-Tails golden body, Naruto looked at the sky: "It's too early. Its almost dawn, lets take you back. I have to continue traveling with Lord-Jiraiya today."

Sasuke nodded, there is nothing to say.

Naruto pressed on Sasuke's shoulder, Flying Thunder God Jutsu mobilized, first sent Sasuke back to the home of Hidden Leaf Village, and then he returned to the hotel of Maple Leaf City.

Stepping out of the shadow of the room, Naruto casually took off his coat and got into the bed.

There is still some time before departure, so you can sleep for a while now.

While lying down in Naruto not very long, Jiraiya, who didn't know where to go, came back through the window with the smell of powder.

Jiraiya didn't care if Naruto slipped out. After returning, he took off his coat, got into the bed and fell asleep.

Lao Gao when the sun rises, one old and one young still sleeps sweetly, without the intention of getting up at all.

Until, after washing up, eating breakfast and waiting for a while, Sakura went crazy and kicked the door open, and the two woke up reluctantly.

"I said, Mr. Naruto, you won't go out and fool around with Lord-Jiraiya? Be careful I tell Hinata." Sakura threatened preemptively.

Naruto had a calm face and remained unmoved and said: "What are you in a hurry to travel? You should eat, you should he he or not. Anyway, Teacher Jiraiya will pay the bill and you dont need to pay."

While speaking, he turned to Jiraiya who was sleepy on the side and said, "You are right? Teacher Jiraiya."

"Hahaha, Naruto is right."

Jiraiya let out an awkward laugh.

I didnt know if I was going out fooling around last night but Junior pointed out a guilty conscience, or for my wallet.

"Well, continue to sleep, Sakura, if you are bored, read a book."

Naruto nodded, lay down, tilted his head and fell asleep again.

It was when I was growing up, I delayed sleep last night, and now I have to sleep for eight hours.

When Jiraiya on the side saw this, he tilted his head and fell asleep.

Sakura makes a fist, and the veins stick out of his forehead.

But after measuring the fighting strength gap between myself and these two people in front of me, coldly snorted sat down and started reading with a book.

It wasn't until noon, after the three people had lunch, that they embarked on the journey again.

And Sakura, is also gradually relieved.

Although she is anxious to apprentice to improve herself, the two recommenders are not in a hurry at the moment.

So he also settled down and gradually merged into the atmosphere of travel.

When traveling leisurely, time passed slowly, and soon four days passed.

On this day, Jiraiya took Naruto, Sakura, and three people into a small coastal town called Yanbo Town.

Although the distance is still far away, Naruto's Kagura has already sensed a huge Chakra reaction that exists in the town.

And this also represents the journey of this time, reaching the end.

Tsunade, I found it.