
General Shire

As they passed the administrative buildings,

"Wait here I have to report to my superiors. Don't cause any problems." Anya said sternly.

"No problem. Go and be back soon. I'll wait for you here." The boy replied.

Anya entered the biggest building in the base. The army escorts went with her and didn't bother with a little boy who didn't seem to have any power.

After two minutes, the boy couldn't stand still. He went to go see what everyone was doing.

An oriental teenage girl in uniform was running laps around the compound. She seemed to have run for a long time. Curious the boy chased after her as she passed by.

"What are you doing?"

"Punishment." The girl answered stiffly without stopping.


The girl remained silent. He continued to run beside her. He was using almost no effort to keep up with her. Annoyed, the girl increased her speed and tried to get rid of him. But, he kept up with her easily. He suddenly went in front of her and started running backwards while facing her.

"Why were you punished?"

The girl was first surprised then angry.

"Are you making fun of me!? Showing me how slow I am?"

Dumbfounded, the boy's smiling face turned into a questioning look.

"How am I making fun of you?"

Seeing that the boy really looked clueless, the girl slightly shook her head and continued running.

The boy was left standing in spot with a clueless face. 'She must have been an idiot. Why would running be a punishment? I love running.'


One of the soldiers who went inside with Anya came out to look for the boy. Seeing his standing on the boundary track, he walked up to him. His face carried a disdainful sneer.

"Hey boy! Get over here"

The boy went up to the soldier, a bit displeased. "You called?"

"Anya Cordon of the cryostorm squad has been found guilty of desertion and is going to be held for trial. You as her accomplice will receive a similar verdict. I am here to bring you along to the General. Do not resist."

The boy's expression changed to a chilling calm, "Did you know that sis has told me not to cause too much trouble? That is the only thing keeping me from massacring you and everyone here."

Hearing these words from a young boy with a calm face filled the man with dread for some reason.

"You are to come with me promptly or your sister will be executed."

The boy's eyes became increasingly icy before returning to normal. "Lead the way." He said plainly.

The soldier shook of the fear which had suddenly sprouted in his heart and went back into the building, this time with the boy in toe.

The building was furnished well in a disciplined way. There was nothing unnecessary but everything that was required could be found arranged in a stoic manner.

There was a red carpet covering the floor and the concrete wall was plain. Walking forward, the soldier climbed a flight of stairs to the fourth floor which happened to also be the top floor. On the way the boy saw soldiers standing guard at doors and others patrolling the area. He made a mental calculation of all their positions.

When they reached the fourth floor, the soldier didn't stop but instead went to the farthest room from the stairs on the other side of the corridor. As they walked, the boy also extended his senses to understand the layout of the building and find any escape routes. He found an underground jail with cells holding individuals with power comparable to himself.

The soldier knocked on the door of the room which had a plaque that said 'General A.D Shire'. At the same time, the boy felt a suffocating pressure emitting from the door as in opened on its own. This pressure was so great that it made him give up any plans he had of killing the people in the base.

When the door opened, the soldier gave a salute to whoever was in the room and marched away. The boy could finally see the person from whom he felt the deadly presence which seemed to be able to crush him like an insect.

It was a black stocky old man with a bald head and a white beard and moustache wearing a green uniform unlike the black ones of the soldiers sitting at a plain wooden desk. There were three stars on each of his shoulders and a long scar running down from his cheek. The bones could be slightly seen.

The boy felt that it was weird. Such an injury could easily be healed with some gold blood or natal fluid. Why did this person keep such a scar?

The presence had already been withdrawn and even if it hadn't been, the boy had already adapted to it. He looked around the room and saw Anya sitting on the far end of a bench in the side of the room. She was sitting up straight unlike he had ever seen her.

The room was also sparsely decorated. It only had a blue flag with the shape of the globe on it behind the desk of the general. On both sides were benches and also two chairs at the desk facing opposite to the general.

"Sit down." The old man commanded in a clear and imposing voice. The boy sat in one of the chairs opposite to him. The reason he was cooperating so well – The being in front of him was stronger than him and as such commanded some respect.

"Lt. Cordon has told me a little about you. You seem to be the reason two of my squadrons have not returned from the Bay Forest." The old man stared at him with a piercing gaze. The boy held the gaze not replying.

"Lt. Cordon has been judged to be a deserter and an accomplice to your massacre. What do you have to say about the matter? Your answer will decide both your fate."

Finally, the boy replied without blinking and maintaining the general's gaze, "I saved her from the consequences of your foolishness and killed the others who invaded my territory."

Anya's face changed as she heard the boy speaking to the general in such a way.

He continued, "It is the law of the jungle. They attack me, I attack them. I only saved her the first time as she was the last human remaining in the group. The second group tortured her to get information about me. So, of course I killed them all."

Anya was about to say, "General Shire, he didn't mean…" when the old man raised his hand effectively silencing her.

Unperturbed the boy continued, "Oh yeah among them there was also a cultivator. Said that I was equivalent to a peak foundation while he was in core formation. That I would never beat him. Hehe I tore his head off."

The General's face didn't change at all throughout the boy's dialogue.

"That's all?"


"I give you three choices.

1. I kill you both and be free of any further trouble. This is my most preferred option

2. You join the army and work for me. I discharge Lt Cordon and whatever happens to her next is not my problem.

3. I send you to the cultivators while she does her time before I reinstate her after demoting her to a common soldier."

Anya paled at the first option while the boy thought that whoever chose that option would be an idiot.

"I choose option 3."

"Are you sure? The other two look fine to me." For the first time the general let out a grin. It was a scary display.


"Then the both of you are dismissed. Your choices will be in effect in 24 hours."

Anya got up with a solute and dragged the still sitting boy with her as she left hurriedly. The door closed behind them.


Outside the building, the two stopped and the boy looked at Anya in a questioning gaze.

He couldn't understand why the general had even bothered to give him any options. He had killed an entire squad alone and helped in the destruction of another. He could have had them killed. It was entirely in his rights and ability. He didn't think that he could escape from the General under any circumstance.

"He's my father." Anya replied. "My mother died at birth and he blamed me. That's why I wasn't given his surname. Cordon was my mother's name. She was a soldier under the general. They fell in love and got married. When I was small, he didn't seem to love me. He was never there. When I became 16, I joined the army. I hoped that I could be closer to him. He gave me a chance, put me under his command. But I was weak and didn't have much potential. I only rose to lieutenant because my commanding officer wanted to get in the good books of the general but didn't know how our relationship was."

The boy took all this in silently.

"Today's incident was the last chance he's giving me, of that I'm sure. If you had chosen option 1 or 2 he would have definitely followed through."

The both of them remained silent for a moment.

"Let's go to the auction and sell off our goods. It's supposed to be the yearly auction today. Should be starting in 3 hours." Anya said suddenly with a smile and eyes like gold coins as if she hadn't just been suspended by her father who had no qualms with killing her.

"Let's go."


In a large auction hall, the stage was occupied by a beautiful woman with big breasts and a perky butt wearing scanty clothing.

"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. Today we are holding our 50th annual auction. You may find many rare and valuable items which are not easily found here. The true value of items can only be found by the fated. With that let us begin the auction. Let the fated man win!"


Now with that out of the way, I'm not back yet. my internet is now running of 2G.


Anyway, I wrote this and upped it despite my plight. So, you guys, my loyal warriors had better give me some of your mined stones. No throwing today. Simply hand them over nicely. Also COMMENT!


Jetstormcreators' thoughts