
Let Me Love you (Until you love me again)

In a world where privilege and danger collide, Xiao Xiao, the pampered princess of a wealthy family and sole heir to an international corporation, finds herself in a deadly game of survival. With enemies seeking her demise and her own uncle's betrayal threatening her life, Xiao Xiao's only escape leads her to the mysterious land of Euthopia. In a twist of fate, she crosses paths with a handsome yet enigmatic stranger, whom she shamelessly propositions for help in exchange for herself. Little does she know that this cold-hearted stranger holds a secret that will unravel her carefully crafted plans for survival. As Xiao Xiao navigates the unfamiliar territory of a life she once only witnessed in dramas, she is forced to confront her own vulnerabilities and past secrets. Can love transcend the barriers of betrayal and forgiveness when her deepest secret is revealed to the man she thought she could trust? But unknown to him, She was deeply in love with him even from a long long time ago... ... "Yue Jin please listen to me...please!" Xiao xiao kneeled on her knees, begging him to hear her explanation. Her tears keep falling and she doesn't know what to do anymore! she doesn't know how to explain everything! she doesn't know where to even begin with! "No! there's no need for any explanation!" Yue jin threw the papers in her face! his eyes so cold and blank and Xiao xiao couldn't even read what was on his mind! it feels like she doesn't know this man anymore! "get lost! and don't even show your face in front Of me ever again! that's the only way for you to save your life! because seeing you makes me sick! you should consider yourself lucky because I didn't kill you right now! get out!" Yue Jin says without even looking at her! his eyes show no emotion except anger! "Please listen to me! I didn't kill her you have to believe me! please, Yue, don't do this to me!" Xiao xiao closes her eyes as her tears rolled down on her cheeks continuously. she doesn't want to see those eyes anymore because it hurt her seeing her being despised by him. "Get lost!" Yue jin says as he left not even glancing at her... ... updated every day :) Thank you for visiting my book! I would really appreciate it if you leave a review. This story contains super rated R scenes so read at your own risk. Thank you so much! yours truly: LITTLE CLUMSY :)

Littleclumsy · Urban
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22 Chs

Let me go!

"i understand young miss, i will look into it," xi lan answered and bowed as he left,

Xiao xiao could'nt forget what had happened that day, she was so terrified and scared because she thought she would lose her grandfather, whoever that person is, she wont allow anyone to hurt her grandfather.

"xiao xiao..." her grandfathers eyelashes fluttered as he calls her name, trying to open his eyes,

xiao xiao was startled! she holds her grandfathers hand very tightly, as she said,"grandpa i'm here.. i'm here..",

Her grandfather finally able to open his eyes and he saw xiao xiao holding onto him and staring at him with her teary eye's!

"Are you okay? wait a minute grandpa i'm going to call the doctor," xiao xiao uttered as she stands up to call the doctor,

"xiao xiao..." she heard him calls her name and she stop midway from standing! "yes, grandpa,.. do you need anything hmm? just tell me, i wont leave, i'll stay here," xiao xiao uttered as she sat back,

"I...I...I'm so sorry,..." he stattered as he uttered, xiao xiao saw the tears in her grandfathers eye's,

"grandpa, why are saying sorry?, it's alright, it's all my fault, so dont be sorry.. you did'nt do anything wrong, just please dont force to talk, I'm going to call the doctor first," xiao xiao uttered, but her grandfather would'nt stop saying sorry as he cries, his voice is so low and really weak, xiao xiao hugged her grandfather tightly, she did'nt know why he was crying and why he was sorry but her heart aches for him, seeing him like this makes her cry even more!

"xiao xiao,my baby girl.. i want you to be happy and forgive me for what i did," he uttered weakly,

"just rest grandpa, i dont know what youre talking about but we can talk about that later, for now just rest and i will call the doctor to check you, okay,i'll be quick," xiao xiao said smiling as she stands up to go outside and call a doctor, her grandfather nodded at her, she was so happy that her grandfather had woke up.


"Emergency, Emergency!" a few doctors where running towards the operating room because one of a VIP patient had an emergency operation, xiao xiao just came inside the hospitals, she walkout to buy foods for her grandfather because he said he was really hungry! but her heart skipped a beat when she heard that a VVIP patient was sent into O.R!

"grandpa!" xiao xiao had let go of the food she just bought from outside it splattered on the floor, as she run towards her grandfathers room! xiao xiao did not even notice that there are a lot of men wearing a blacksuit in the hospital!

When xiao xiao reach the room of her grandfather! she couldnt believe what she just saw! about seven to eight men where standing in front of her grandfathers room! She tried to get inside but she was stop by this men in black!

"Move! let me in!" xiao xiao shouts at them! she didnt know where this people came from and why are they stoping her from seeing her grandfather!

"who are you people?! get out of my way!, grandpa, grandpa!" calling her grandfathers name, xiao xiao tried to force her way in the room but to no avail!

They wont budge even an inch even if she give all her strength! what could she do?

this men where like a wall! and she is just a lady with a weak strength!

"We were told to not let the young miss in,inside the room!" a man wearing the same suit as them uttered in behind, it seems like he is the leader of this people,

"what!? and who gave such an order?, who are you to stop me?" xiao xiao uttered, anger could be seen in her eyes,

"i am the head master of the Bai family body guards," the man answered as he bowed to xiao xiao,

"i dont care who ever you are! i want to see my grandfather! where is he?" xiao xiao said in an anger voice! she couldnt careless of the person in front of her, all she could think of now is her grandfather!

"He is in the emergency room right now," the man answered,

"What? thats impossible! he was okay just an hour ago before i left to buy him food! and now youre telling me that he is in emergency room?! what did you do to him?!" xiao xiao angrily said! it was not even an hour when she walk outside to buy food! and the doctor even said that he was okay! so how could that be! she was sure something is going on here!

She could feel that something was a miss but she couldn't tell!

The man didnt answered her instead he extended his hand and made a way for her to go in the E.R room! xiao xiao understood him and she run towards her grandfather in the E.R room!

When xiao xiao reach where her grandfather is, she saw that he was lying in the hospital bed with an oxygen in his mouth! and he was being pulled by a couple of nurses and a few doctors followed in, she rush forward to see her grandfather but she was stopped by the body guards!

"grandpa! grandpa!" xiao xiao shouts as she tried to go near her grandfather but to she can't even get close!

the two men with a suit holds her in both her shoulder not even letting her to take another step! she could only see her grandfather as he was being pulled away from her!

"get off me,! damn you! get off me! let me go!" xiao xiao said angrily as she tried to get away from them,

"Let me go! Let me go!"

"Bring the young miss back home," the man who claims to be the new head said, The two men then dragged her out of the hospital!

"no! no! Let me go! who are you to do this! how dare you! ahh.." xiao xiao scream in pain when they grab her really hard! she was being thrown inside the car when they reach the parking lot!

"How dare you to do this to me! Let me out of here! Let me out!!!!" xiao xiao scream out loud inside the car! banging the glass window of the car! The two men then went inside the car and the driver drove off, but she could only cry out her frustration and rage! she could not do anything with these two men holding her like a criminal who wanted to escape!

"Let me see my grandfather! please... i want to see my grandpa! why are you doing this to me! , Uncli Xi, where are you? "...