
Let Me Love you (Until you love me again)

In a world where privilege and danger collide, Xiao Xiao, the pampered princess of a wealthy family and sole heir to an international corporation, finds herself in a deadly game of survival. With enemies seeking her demise and her own uncle's betrayal threatening her life, Xiao Xiao's only escape leads her to the mysterious land of Euthopia. In a twist of fate, she crosses paths with a handsome yet enigmatic stranger, whom she shamelessly propositions for help in exchange for herself. Little does she know that this cold-hearted stranger holds a secret that will unravel her carefully crafted plans for survival. As Xiao Xiao navigates the unfamiliar territory of a life she once only witnessed in dramas, she is forced to confront her own vulnerabilities and past secrets. Can love transcend the barriers of betrayal and forgiveness when her deepest secret is revealed to the man she thought she could trust? But unknown to him, She was deeply in love with him even from a long long time ago... ... "Yue Jin please listen to me...please!" Xiao xiao kneeled on her knees, begging him to hear her explanation. Her tears keep falling and she doesn't know what to do anymore! she doesn't know how to explain everything! she doesn't know where to even begin with! "No! there's no need for any explanation!" Yue jin threw the papers in her face! his eyes so cold and blank and Xiao xiao couldn't even read what was on his mind! it feels like she doesn't know this man anymore! "get lost! and don't even show your face in front Of me ever again! that's the only way for you to save your life! because seeing you makes me sick! you should consider yourself lucky because I didn't kill you right now! get out!" Yue Jin says without even looking at her! his eyes show no emotion except anger! "Please listen to me! I didn't kill her you have to believe me! please, Yue, don't do this to me!" Xiao xiao closes her eyes as her tears rolled down on her cheeks continuously. she doesn't want to see those eyes anymore because it hurt her seeing her being despised by him. "Get lost!" Yue jin says as he left not even glancing at her... ... updated every day :) Thank you for visiting my book! I would really appreciate it if you leave a review. This story contains super rated R scenes so read at your own risk. Thank you so much! yours truly: LITTLE CLUMSY :)

Littleclumsy · Urban
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22 Chs

i was too late

"I'm so sorry young master, everything is negative! we didn't manage to find the nuns who lived in that place your talking about! it was not even a registered foundation, it didn't exist at all,"

"this is impossible! how can this happen? i know it was a legal and registered orphanage," Yue jin says as he flip away the documents in the table,

"There is nothing we could find about that orphanage, we've looked into the place and it was now a small clinic, there is no history about it, even people around that area says they didn't know that there was an orphanage there in the past!" Assistant Lu uttered,

Assistant Lu, saw how his boss brows frowned! He could tell that he was angry! because the temperature in the room drop to zero in an instant!

Assistant Lu could tell that this person that his boss were looking for we're someone very important to him!

"uhmm, sir," assistant Lu uttered as he wants to say something but he was afraid that his boss might be infuriated,

"if you want to say anything, say it now, you won't make me wait right?" Yue jin uttered in all seriousness, his eyes were cold.

Assistant Lu swallowed his own saliva before answering him, his sweat dripping down his forehead! His boss presence is surely something he can't handle!

"This, uhhm, .. I found out from an old landlord in the near area that six years ago, he said he saw all the people in that place being taken away and the next morning the place was being demolish, and no one knows why, !" Assistant Lu uttered,

"now that makes more sense! find out what had happened six years ago, i want results as soon possible," Yue jin uttered! no matter what he had to find out why the hope orphanage disappeared just like bubbles!

what could've happened to make an innocent place be demolished and make it like it didn't even existed!?

just who in the world did this??

one thing is for sure that who ever did that wasn't just a nobody!

only powerful people can do that, but why?...

Yue jin is so curious about it, "find every little details about this matter, I want to know everything, as soon as possible!" he uttered!

"yes, sir I understand," Assistant Lu respectfully bowed and left before his boss lashed out at him!

he could see how devastated he was because of the results of the investigation!

He had been with him for almost ten years and He had witnessed how cruel he could be!

but he had never seen him before with a woman, just who in the world is this girl that he was so eager to find!?.

inside his office could'nt help thinking what had happened! When he left sixteen years ago, he had promised in himself that he would come back to get her,

but now that he is back she was no where to be found!

"it's all my fault," Yue jin mumbles in himself! "it took me too long to comeback, damn it!" he helplessly uttered!

covering his face with his fingers, he sigh a deep breath to control the over flowing emotions that is about to come out of his eyes! if only...

if only he came a little sooner, maybe he would be able to see her again,

He did'nt even know what she looks like right now, He can only remember the young girl sunny, He cant imagine what would be her look right now that they are already matured!

But ofcourse he was sure on one thing,! that she would be a beautiful woman when she grow up! thats a given fact!

No matter what it takes he must find her!

even if it takes years, he will still keep on finding her! He endured a lot of pain for the past sixteen years!

everything he did was all for her! living a life full of darkness and cruelity only to be able to come back alive and to see her again,

only god knows what he had went through to survive in that blackjack organization! He is still alive up to this day because of her, thus, he will never give up on finding her!



"grandpa,..." xiao xiao sobbed quietly as he holds her grandfathers hands, Her eyelashes fluttered as her tears rolls down her cheeks!

its been one week ago since her grandfather was hospitalized, because of heart attack! and up until now her grandfather is still unconscious! though the doctor says that he is currently safe, it is still up to him if he wakes up or not.

"young miss, you should go home for now, i will take care of him, just rest for today young mistress!" Xi Lan uttered! it has been one week but the young miss did not even leave her grandfathers side!

because she wanted to be the first one he see whe he wakes up!

"no, im fine uncle xi, i dont wanna go home yet without my grandfather," xiao xiao holds her grandfathers hand tightly as she kissed his hands

, Every minute, every second, she is praying that her grandfather would wake up! She cant lose him now, because he is the only one she has left, and if he were to leave she dont know what to do anymore!

Mr. Xi lan could only sigh at the stubborness of the young miss!

it has been three years since the young miss had woken up from a coma due to the accident six years ago! She was comatose for three years and it was a miracle that she woke up!

Because her injuries in that accident were very severe! and her life has been in the brink of death many times every surgery!

When she woked up she could'nt remember a single thing not even her name! it has been because of her grandfather who let her adopt into everything! since they moved in england with all the businesses they have it was a tough fight for her grand father but he never give up on xiao xiao, and thus, Little by little she came back to her old self!

"Uncle xi, i want to know who called my grandfather that day," xiao xiao uttered as her eyelashes flattered, her eyes suddenly turns cold!

mr.Xi Lan could sense the fury of the young miss! but he was puzzeled, "what do you mean young miss?" he question?

"That day before grandpa was hospitalized, he recieve a call, that's why he had a heart attack," xiao xiao uttered, her tears rolled out again in her cheeks remembering how her grandfather had collapse right before her eyes!,