
Chapter 4

"Really I should not attend this party, how stupid I am." Just in my world of thoughts again.

Oye! let's go," Helia pushed me forward. We were standing in front of the party hall.

As always I was wearing a saree, Indian tradition dress and my favourite one. Helia on the other hand was wearing a peach dress, nice and elegant which really suits her.

As we were walking inside. I took a deep breath and continued walking inside the hall.

When we entered, my eyes were about to came out and my mouth wide open.

"Waaoh!! see the decoration Tara," Helia looked at me with surprised look.

Let's enjoy the party," I said. These were the only words came from inside.

Helia gave a naughty smile and we started making our ways into the huge crowds. Some faces were familiar and some were strange.

I tried to find out, " where is our Chief".I wanted to meet him. I looked around for him.

Helia came with two glasses of wine. We meet our colleagues and in no time were involved in gossips. I seriously didn't know what are they talking about.

As I was looking around I saw, Chief.

Hey Helia, " I am just coming. I want to meet chief.

Ok, "don't get lost in crowd, I will be here only." Helia told me as she was busy in her office politics.

I made my way, The party was lavish with beautiful rich daughters, handsome guys and rich businessman.

"Good evening sir, as my words reached chief's ears he turned his gaze towards me."

"Hii Tara, Are you enjoying the party," He said as if he was really happy seeing me there.

Yes sir, I didn't wanted to disturb you but I want to ask, are you fine?

Yes absolutely," he said with a wide smile.

I want you to meet someone," He said as his eyes were searching for something.

I started looking around as he was doing. Without having any idea what or where he was looking at?

He called out someone," Daniel".

After few seconds, I was busy sipping my wine a guy came and stand besides me.

As I lifted my eyes, I saw black shiny hair, dark black hazel eyes, fine features with average body structure.

His hazel eyes were piercing inside my soul. As I recognised that I was checking on him. I akwardly shifted my eyes on Chief.

Yes, pa" his voice was like butter on hot surface." Melting inside my heart. But on outside I was just pretending to be fine.

Infact, I want to tell you my years of experience have made me perfect in the art of pretending.

Tara, meet my son and your new Chief, Daniel.

And Daniel meet my office employee and my good friend Tara, " Chief acquainted us.

Hii, I said hesitantly.

Hey, Daniel said with a side smile. Which made me look at him or I can say I was staring him shamelessly in front of his father.

We talked for sometime. Not with Daniel but with Chief. He was just standing there with a smile. Whenever I tried to look at him, his eyes made their way towards me.

Which was strange for me. But as Chief was busy telling the stories and his lifetime incidents.

I got carried away and forgot about the time.

After sometime I excused myself and started finding Helia, as It was getting late and I got tired and wanted to go home.

Hey! Can we go back home," I said to Helia who was busy with her chitchat.

In my world I was thinking, how difficult it will become to handle all this crap for me.

These parties, get togethers....Ohh so... exhausting.

Helia! Can we please, I beg to her.

Ok let's go, " finally she made her mind to leave.

We wished all good night and made our way to parking lot. Where I have parked my car.

As I was driving the cool breeze of winter night made it way.

I started shivering but feeling relaxed inside.

I didn't know the reason but something inside me was in a deep sleep today...

My anxiety..

Depressing thoughts...
