
Lemmons (English)

Sexual One-shot A lemonade like no other...

HeepyterV17 · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 4 - A Disappointment-(NarutoxSarada)

Naruto sat in his Hokage chair. The seat of power in the Shinobi village Konoha. He has been Hokage for quite sometime now. Enjoying the peace, maintaining it, and keeping order where those would seek to undo it. There were still those who sought to undo the peace the Shinobi Alliance worked so hard to obtain since peace took away their purpose. They wanted to cause pain, suffering, panic, disorder, and chaos on a level where they were the ones in power.

But that was what missions were for. To find, hunt down, and eventually kill these threats to peace with extreme prejudice.

Naruto had been proud of his achievements in life. Years of fighting, pain, suffering, and overall struggle had led him to the seat of power. Oh how Tsunade fumed over his way of conquering the paperwork in front of him. She had been so smug about seeing him sit in the chair with the mountain of paperwork on the desk. She thought he would cry, wail, and scream out at the injustice of it all within mere seconds.

Shadow Clones were truly a wondrous thing. The poor woman had to be dragged out by Shizune, Kakashi, and three squads of ANBU when she saw him use them to defeat it. Added to the fact he had known how to defeat it for years and never told Tsunade also added to the woman's outrage.

His knowing smile as she was taken away had nothing to do with it. Nope! Not all.

But while his position as Hokage was great, his family was another matter. His wife and daughter were fine. Hinata was the most loving woman he could ever hope to have in his life with his daughter being a close second.

It was his son Boruto who was a disappointment.

The boy's life wasn't harsh growing up. He was loved by both him and his Mother and the entire village. Given a good education. Raised to embrace the understanding of what was right and what was wrong. Everything Naruto didn't learn when growing up (which was sadly a lot!), his son Boruto did. And yet, the boy squandered it like such things were a waste! The boy had no respect for him, his Mother, his sister, or the village as a whole despite everything. Not only that, but his son's grades when at the Shinobi Academy were abysmal to say the least.

Naruto didn't have anyone to teach him growing up, which was why his grades sucked, and failed three times. But Boruto didn't have that handicap so what was his excuse?

And it didn't stop with grades at the Academy. The boy had barely passed the Academy with his friends, who were all the children of Naruto's friends. None of them took his son seriously. They liked him as a friend (which at times was a stretch), but as a Shinobi, and as a future Hokage?

There was not even a remote chance in Hell at this rate.

Naruto worked for everything he did. He trained, he bled, he fought, and nearly died on many separate occasions to get to where he was in being the Hokage. And he had all the scars to prove it too. He had the scars, the muscles, the physic, and mentality of someone who had seen and done things most people couldn't comprehend.

Which was why he was so disappointed in his son for being such a pathetic runt!

And it wasn't Boruto's Shinobi career either that was a disappointment. It was the brat's love life. Or lack there of considering how he acted. Such arrogance in him. Thinking he was the top Shinobi of his time just because his Father was Hokage. That being the son of the Hokage meant he was practically invincible and almost every woman in his life who caught his eye would come crawling to him with a snap of his fingers.

It was pathetic really when you thought about it. Naruto didn't use his status as the son of the Yondaime Hokage so why should Boruto use his lineage in the same manner? It bred arrogance, which Naruto and Hinata tried to stamp out of him. Their daughter understood this so why didn't Boruto?

In any case, the main reason for Naruto's disappointment wasn't the fact his son used his status the Hokage's son to attempt picking up women. It was the sad fact Boruto was a disappointment in other areas when it came to women.

Namely how to please them.

It was said with chakra theory that the more you had of it the more...endowed you were where it counted most. For women, it was legs, breasts, and ass. For the men, it was their body's muscles, their dick, and balls. This theory had shown to possibly be true give how Tsunade had been flat in the chest growing up as a kid, but with enough training, and the chakra size growing by the time she was an adult, the Senju had the largest breasts in the world. The same could be said about Naruto's own wife Hinata with her own bust. She had so much potential when growing up and the fact his wife had shown signs of maturity at such a young age right into womanhood further proved it too.

Naruto himself was also living proof about this theory regarding lots of chakra equals a large male endowment. Even before he had the Kyuubi sealed inside of him, his chakra had already become massive due to his Uzumaki heritage. Add in the Biju that had been sealed inside of him, his years of constant training, the missions, and near death situations he had gone through had turned him into a walking powerhouse alpha male. One where no woman could resist him should he ever attempt to seduce them into a one night stand.

Sasuke couldn't even hold a candle to him anymore. The Uchiha had reached his limits and couldn't break through them. His old rival was no longer a rival anymore. Just a sad, poor excuse for a Konoha Shinobi, who was wandering the world seeking some measure of understanding in his life.

It was a good thing the teme's daughter Sarada wasn't like him in that aspect. She had the potential to go far in life. She took her training seriously in wanting to prove herself and not be in Sasuke's shadow. She was also respectful to Naruto and his position as Hokage.

Unlike his sad excuse for a son. To think Sarada and Boruto were officially "dating" each other.

Unofficially though...?

Naruto smirked and looked down at between his legs. The young kunoichi of seventeen currently sucking on his cock looked up at him with loving eyes. The eyes of one Uchiha Sarada. His disappointment for a son called Sarada his so called girlfriend. But in truth, the Uchiha kunoichi had become something of a Mistress to the Hokage. To aid him in keeping the stress of ruling over the village down. To be there to provide sexual pleasure when the man's own wife could not to assist do to one thing or another.

And Sarada loved every second of it.

Now one would think with this action would put Naruto's position at home with his wife, much less his own son, in serious trouble. But it didn't. Not with his wife at any rate. She was well aware of her husband's duty to the village, the stress it brought him, even with the Shadow Clones doing the paperwork, and above all else...his sexual stamina that had no equal. She had been a dutiful girlfriend when they dated and after they married to be his equally dutiful wife. The sex was incredible. Always had been and always would be for the two of them.

But her husband needed more. He had to have more. His stamina easily tired her out no matter how hard she tried to please him. Hinata sadly knew that she was not enough of a woman for him. Not with his stamina. Not with his endowment. Hinata knew he could ruin any woman for any man with what he had between his legs. Yet he had remained faithful to her despite the many women in his life who swooned in his presence and had wanted what she got every chance there was.

So when Uchiha Sarada came to the house one day and expressing her...desire to be with Naruto sexually over Boruto, it was quite understandable to Hinata to be hesitant. She needed to find out why the young Uchiha kunoichi preferred the Hokage over that of the Hokage's son.

What Sarada had revealed had been disheartening to her as a Mother since she once had high hopes for Boruto following in his Father's footsteps. To be great like Naruto and to one day shine brightly as he did.

Her son was not manly. Not where it counted. Not by a long shot.

Sarada had confessed she and Boruto had been making out one night in their hotel in Lightning Country after a mission was completed. The two had been going at it to the point where Sarada had taken the initiative and planned to go to third base with Boruto. What she saw between the young Shinobi's legs had not been what the Uchiha kunoichi would call...impressive. He was not big like she had hoped. She knew all about chakra theory, having studied it intensely at the Academy in all its aspects when it came to the human body. Given how Boruto was the Hokage's son, Sarada had hoped he was just like Naruto, and was expecting something...bigger.

Instead she saw Boruto was not like his Father in many ways.

Boruto of course, didn't know anything about Sarada's thoughts on the issue. He had been looking so cocky and arrogant. thinking the girl on her knees in front of him thought his cock was impressive. He tried to sound so confident and boastful about how big his cock was and how she was lucky to see it in all its glory.

To Sarada, glory was not the word she had in mind. More like shameful. Or pathetic.

Still, she also knew if they didn't continue in some fashion, Boruto would get suspicious of her hesitation, and it might lead back to the Hokage. She didn't want that to happen so Sarada merely gave a weak smile toward him and did what was necessary to make the ignorant fool happy.

And just like her initial disappointment in his size, Sarada was also disappointed in his stamina too. Barely a few sucks and Boruto moaned, came with a few tiny squirts, and collapsed on the bed to fall asleep with a smile on his face.

Leaving the angry Uchiha kunoichi unsatisfied and humiliated over Boruto being unable to properly please a woman. She had angrily, but silently stormed out of the bedroom and into the bathroom before stripping, and masturbating hard to receive some kind of sexual pleasure to compensate her loss.

In her anger enhanced state, Sarada pushed her mind to imagine an appropriate means of revenge against Boruto that would give her sexual relief, and strike a blow against him on a personal level. So it wasn't much of a shock to the Uchiha that the image of the Hokage himself fucking her on his desk came to mind. How he would treat her like his personal sex toy with his massive endowment, ruining her for anyone else, and doing it in front of his disappointment for a son.

When Sarada revealed all of this to Hinata, again the Hyuuga woman was a bit put off by this information, and decided this had be discussed with Naruto.

When the time came, Sarada had confessed how she had a secret crush on the Hokage since she was young and thought Boruto would become a younger version of him. All the trappings of greatness Naruto possessed in a younger body. Only to find Boruto to be a disappointment on multiple levels and all where they counted. Sarada confessed how she wanted Naruto sexually. Needed him. How nothing less of greatness was acceptable in her eyes for a partner sexually or otherwise. A strong alpha male who satisfy her beyond measure over and over again without any guilt over the fact said alpha male was fucking the girlfriend of the Hokage's son.

Who was better qualified over the Hokage himself? To stick it to Boruto by sticking his cock into the brat's girlfriend behind his back?

Naruto agreed. His son was a disappointment. Boruto was a subpar Shinobi despite just about everything being made available to him. His son cheated in the Chuunin Exams in front of the entire stadium for Kami's sake! It dishonored Konoha, it dishonored Naruto as the boy's Father, and even more as the village's Hokage.

It was inexcusable! It only proved that the boy was unfit to be a Shinobi of Konoha much one in general.

Boruto's ability to sexually satisfy a woman was also abysmal to say the least from what Sarada had told him. And contrary to what he told the Uchiha kunoichi, Boruto flashed his junk at quite a few women, who like Sarada, didn't have the heart to tell the fool that his endowment was pitiful to say the least. This was done mostly out of respect if not fear of the Hokage's wrath should word get out about Boruto lacking between his legs. Naruto had Ino secretly dive into the heads of each of the kunoichi to make sure their memory of his son's shame did not spread throughout the village. In return, he owed Ino a favor she could cash in at a later time should the need arise.

So Naruto took Sarada as his mistress. A piece on the side when Hinata was too tired from the previous night or not around when relief was needed. Sarada had to keep up her part in being Boruto's official girlfriend and had to put up with his attitude thinking he was some manly stud. Fortunately, Sarada had her Sharingan, and the Genjutsu used to trick the idiot into thinking he was getting lucky kept him from being none the wiser.

When these moments happened, Sarada would see her true lover in the room setup just for them at the house. He would be sitting on the bed, naked, wearing just the Hokage's hat, and his massive tool between his legs waiting just for her. Sometimes, she would see it was soaked with his wife's juices from their recent fucking, which was surprisingly a turn on for the Uchiha woman. After all, she wasn't just having sex with the Hokage under those nose of his pathetic son that was her suppose to be her boyfriend. Sarada was sometimes having sex with him shortly after he finished having sex with his wife while under the nose of his pathetic son.

"Hinata has taught you well," commented Naruto while he glanced down at the horny and devoted woman on her knees in front of him.

"Your wife's teachings and my own time learning from actual experience in pleasing you has done wonders for my skills Hokage-sama," replied Sarada while licking the head and swirling her tongue around it.

"Clearly. My son is truly a disappointment to me and my family. At the rate he is going, I just might disown him. The only reason I don't now is because we need him around to cover our time together. For now at least," said Naruto with a grin knowing his son being used as a cover for him to get some extra pussy and blowjobs from Sarada was temporary for the short term.

Once Sarada turned eighteen, she would be a full grown adult without having to worry about her parents, or any decision she made in life. Granted, she was already legally an adult in the eyes of the village once graduating from the Academy, and becoming a full fledged Shinobi of Konoha. But being a full fledged adult at 18 years old prevented the parents of his Shinobi from sticking their noses in things they shouldn't.

Plus, it would be very funny to see how powerless Sakura and Sasuke would be once they knew their little girl wasn't so little and had moved right into Naruto's home just to be a fuck toy in his bed.

It would be the best prank ever!

"How much longer must I pretend to be his boyfriend? I already know he has cheated on me several times with his would-be fan girls he somehow gained through being called your son. How can they stand his tiny penis I will never know," said Sarada while Naruto smirked and put his hand on the woman's head to set a much quicker pace.

"Not much longer. Besides, civilian fan girls don't know any better. What is big to them is small to us. What is long lasting stamina to them is short by comparison. Let his fan girls have their delusions. If only until we shatter them," said Naruto before holding the kunoichi's head in place and came hard right now her throat.

Something Sarada loved quite a bit.

She could sense the power behind the liquid goo. Power from within him. This alpha male showing a mere sample of his superiority. And she, his submissive bitch, was gladly willing to accept it. Always. It didn't matter the time or day. What her Hokage wanted, Sarada would gladly provide.

"I needed that," said Naruto after he finished.

"I'm glad I could be of assistance Hokage-sama," said Sarada while Naruto's smirk grew and his erection did not go down.

"Bend over my desk Sarada," commanded Naruto with Sarada's eyes widening with joy and quickly got out from underneath the desk.

While Sarada got into position, Naruto admired the body of the kunoichi in front of him, and the tight black shorts she wore that showed off such a wonderful ass. Say what you will about Sakura not having tits as big as Hinata. The woman had an ass that clearly did not know when to quit and Sarada had inherited such an ass from her Mother. Something he could grab onto while thrusting into the Uchiha kunoichi without mercy as she would scream his name.

Like he was about to do now.

Grabbing the back of Sarada's shorts, he yanked them down to her knees. It was clear the woman in front of him didn't wear panties. She knew not to wear them when around him. Sarada knew from past sexual experience with him that he could mount her at any time when the mood struck him. The last time she wore panties when Naruto was in the mood, her Hokage had given them a hard yank upwards to punish the girl. The brutal wedgie she had endured had lasted until they were practically ripped right off due to the strain they were under before he stuffed them in her mouth prior to fucking Sarada stupid.

'So hot. So manly. Not like his stupid son Boruto-baka. One day I will give him a son worthy of his greatness!' thought Sarada before feeling Naruto thrust into her and she cried out in joy from the sensation of being filled by this massive male reproductive organ.

All the while picturing herself giving birth to Naruto's future son that would be worthy of being called such a title. She knew Boruto being a failure wasn't Naruto's fault. Or even Hinata's fault. It was just simply Boruto's own failure to be the best son and Shinobi he could be in life. Both mind and in body. Maybe even in spirit too.

In the end, it didn't matter to Sarada. Let the fool think he was something special. Let him try pleasing his equally pathetic weak fan girls, who think they are riding a large stud for a cock when they are getting a tiny stump. It would be all the sweeter when Sarada and her Hokage/Master revealed the brat wasn't as great as he believed.

"I have said it before and I will say it again. I love this ass. You may not have my wife's impressive chest size, but damn do you have a sweet ass that does not quit," commented Naruto with a grin while pounding into Sarada without mercy.

"I'll never quit Hokage-sama. I'll do everything I can to please you," replied Sarada while holding to the desk as best she could despite Naruto's thrusts making it difficult to do.

"Damn right you will. I own you. I own your body, your mind, and very soul. I am your Hokage, your Master, and your God!" declared Naruto while Sarada could only moan and cry out in pleasure.

With what little mind she had left right now, Sarada only wished Boruto was here to see this moment in time. To see his manly Father, the Hokage of all Konoha, fucking her on this desk. To see just how pathetic his cock was when compared to the Hokage's own and reveal how she had been the Hokage's submissive fuck toy for sometime. To reveal how when Boruto wanted to make out or have sex, she had put the fool in a Genjutsu with her eyes. How when he wanted to go out on a date, Sarada turned him down before heading to see Naruto to be fucked stupid. How she had sex with Naruto right in the bedroom of his own son countless times while Boruto was on a mission.

'Patience. Need patience. Soon that fool will be humiliated and disowned. Soon, I will become Master's official breeder to make him all the proper sons he could ever want!' thought Sarada before she went cross-eyed when Naruto shot his seed into her with the force of a cannon.

If it wasn't for the silencing seals put up, everyone from Iwa to Kiri to Kumo would have heard the Uchiha kunoichi's screams of orgasmic pleasure.

Grinning down at the woman, who had basically blacked out, Naruto held onto Sarada before moving backwards to sit in his chair. The action kept his prize attached to him in reverse cowgirl style. He lifted her shirt up to expose the woman's breasts and gave them a loving squeeze while playing with them. Granted they weren't as big as his smoking hot wife, but they were definitely wonderful themselves.

The girl moaned from his touch on her now sensitive body, gasping when he twisted a nipple, and whispering his name like he was a God after thrusting upwards into her now leaking cunt. She tried to move on him in order to assist Naruto, but he was to fast, too aggressive, and too dominant to match the pace.

All she could do was try to hang on physically while hoping to keep some of her mind intact after Naruto was done using her body.

'To think my so called son can't even pleasure one single kunoichi. Much less the teme's daughter. My son truly is a disappointment,' thought Naruto while accepting the hard truth about his son being incapable of doing anything right.

For years, Naruto told himself that his son would get better. That the boy just needed to train hard like he did. To train hard and with a proper education become just as strong as Naruto himself, if not stronger. Only to find the boy didn't have any potential whatsoever. The brat didn't thrive in any Shinobi based field from Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, or Genjutsu. Not even Fuinjutsu, which was a skill the Uzumaki Clan was known to be Masters of said art were abysmal.

For Kami's sake his son tried to make a simple sealing tag any Genin can do after Naruto himself showed him the most basic one and it didn't even work! The only reason his son graduated was due to the instructors at the time feared Naruto would punish them and skimmed by with a single point on the final written test.

He had talked it over with his wife. Clearly the boy was not Shinobi material. Hinata had blamed herself at first. Thinking it was some inferior gene on her side of the family their son go from her. Naruto put a stop to that belief with a few kisses, reassurances, and a lot of loving making. In the end, the two had decided that if Boruto didn't improve at all by the time he was eighteen, something would have to be done.

Namely being disowned, what chakra he had sealed, and his mind wiped before living his life somewhere else outside of Konoha.

And that day was fast approaching.

"I'm cumming Hokage-sama! I'm cumming!" exclaimed Sarada while her glasses fell off during this time and her tongue was sticking out.

"So am I. Take it all like a good slut!" said Naruto before he released his seed into her again and loved the sound Sarada made in the process.

"There is so much inside of me right now. I hope I get pregnant by the time you remove Boruto-baka from your name," whispered Sarada with Naruto smirking.

"One way or another, you will be pregnant with my child. I expect at least one son from you. I will not accept anything less," said Naruto with a sense of command in his voice while Sarada nodded weakly.

"I will do everything possible to give you a strong and healthy son Hokage-sama. It will be my payment for being such a wonderful lover to me," said Sarada while she gasped for breath.

'Damn right,' thought Naruto while intending to get many "payments" out of Sarada and maybe even Hinata too at this point.

Himawari was long overdue for a brand new sister of brother after all.