
Legendary Multiversal Cafe

Tenshi is a kind and gentle boy who had an accident which lead to his death. Faced with a new life, he only wishes to live happily without regrets. Turns out he received a system as compensation for his unjust death. The Multiversal Cafe System! This isn't the same type of story as my last two fics... If you're looking for something like that, then I'm sorry you'll be disappointed. This will be very relaxing and heartwarming... sometimes emotional and happy, sometimes a bit sad and bittersweet. I'll try my best to make it cause you to react with genuine and raw emotions. So! If you want to read something that will warm your cold heart and feel like a nice coffee in the middle of winter by a fire, then you should like it! Tenshi is very kind and gentle, he avoids conflict and isn't usually violent! So please don't freak out if he doesn't kill everyone he comes across.

AgentMonke · Anime & Comics
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147 Chs

New Employee Benefits

A while later at night~

Tenshi was sitting on the figurehead, looking at the Achievement.

[Serve 3 Sages- Completed]


[Power Fusion, Cleanse, and Rebirth added to Employee Benefits]

[Power Fusion, Cleanse, and Rebirth- Various powers will fuse into a new power before being cleansed of defects and side effects, thus being reborn as new powers.]

Tenshi jerked his body and his feathers fell off directly, dissipating into thin air.

He glowed golden in the night as his body reformed, beautiful white wings spread from his back, the flame on his back blazed a little darker, and his cells were rejuvenated.

He jumped in the sea and groaned as his entire body burst with a brown sludge, shooting it out in all directions.

When he was done, he floated up and clenched his fist.

Tenshi was dumbfounded directly!

Before his Coffee Devil Fruit felt separate from his Coffee Release… But now there was no problem! Everything was a whole! Not to mention, his Coffee Gates received a boost! He had never used them but… The accumulated Caffeine in his cells had reached a limit… This limit was gone!

The Caffeine to be stored had soared to unknown amounts!

He could feel it, all the Ninjutsu he had ever learned… only a wave away!

Tenshi floated in the sky and waved his hand, a massive coffee dragon exploded from his arm, coiling into the sky. The Dragon bubbled and gooped into a sludge substance before steaming and becoming a bit transparent, then directly turning into brown crystals releasing cold air.

He threw the dragon into the water and made a finger gun, squinting as he fired a thin stream of coffee. His arm shot back as though he really fired a gun and the coffee shot into the water, making a 'shuu!' sound.

Tenshi was excited, playing with his new coffee abilities.

He activated his flame powers and a dark golden flame lit up on his hands. Strings of coffee shot out and Tenshi waved his hands, creating a net out of bubbling coffee flames.

There was a rock in the distance and the strings of flames chopped right through the stone!

He thought of something and was covered in a massive white armored figure with long hair and massive wings, although, this time everything was on fire with a flaming halo over it, holding a spear.

Tenshi looked at the Susanoo and was awed, smiling gently.

To sum up his gains.

His coffee abilities all became one.

His Lunarian abilities and Sharingan abilities came together… Although he wasn't sure about his Byakugan abilities, it should have been included as well.

His overall physique had merged with everything, becoming stronger.

He canceled everything and pointed a finger.

A little coffee bean appeared and a green seedling grew out of it.

Tenshi was baffled, this was mini Wood Release? But his coffee fruit allowed him to produce beans and then this upgrade allowed him to grow it like this… Tenshi looked at the seedling and his lips twitched, how useless!

His Angel Bloodline had devoured the Lunarian bloodline and produced something new. But Tenshi was still technically Lunarian, not that anybody would care for the difference… They were basically the same thing anyway!

Not to mention, Tenshi had an affection for Winged people, feeling very close to them. That's why Skypiea was his first stop. At any rate, Tenshi felt much more comfortable. So many different powers was quite troublesome.

Skills weren't affected, but they were the same. Too many of them wasn't so great. He felt that most of them wouldn't ever be used, so there wasn't really any reason for learning them.

Of course, the basic ninja techniques and skills were important, the jutsus not so much. If he was going to use his coffee powers what did he need justus for? Just smash someone with coffee attacks, but the jutsus were a nice reference for moves.

Tenshi teleported back to the deck and thought about it. If he was going to actually fight, then he would probably rely on the Coffee Gates and Flame powers from the Lunarian Bloodline.

His coffee power would be used to dodge mostly.

Unlike Katakuri, Coffee wasn't a solid, though Tenshi knew that King would make his flames become a magma-like consistency. If he could master this power and combine it with his coffee attacks… Then the coffee could be used as his main form of attacking. Not to mention he had the ability to freeze and heat the coffee however he liked.

But to get a magma consistency needed the Lunarian power.

He could make it goopy by adding grinds but… This was just for looks, if he wanted power he needed to train!

Tenshi stood on the deck with a flaming Halo over his head, fantasizing about going Super Saiyan or something…

'And then it snapped! Something inside of me!'

As Tenshi was fantasizing about his super saiyan speech…

Haku walked out onto the deck and jumped in the sea, exploding into an iceberg of ice and snow. He jumped back onto the ship and the water froze off him, falling down before getting swept off into the water.

He looked at Tenshi, who was standing there, imitating a Super Saiyan pose… Haku decided that he wasn't going to say anything and went back into the ship quietly…

His boss was gentle and calm most of the time, but there were rare moments when he was alone that he would act very excitedly, coming up with childish thoughts. Haku was used to this, he thought it was nice that Tenshi was unaffected by death and violence of the Ninja world where they were born.

This was one of the reasons why Haku liked the Cafe.

A few days later

The ship landed at Alabasta, right at the port in Alubarna.