
Legendary Multiversal Cafe

Tenshi is a kind and gentle boy who had an accident which lead to his death. Faced with a new life, he only wishes to live happily without regrets. Turns out he received a system as compensation for his unjust death. The Multiversal Cafe System! This isn't the same type of story as my last two fics... If you're looking for something like that, then I'm sorry you'll be disappointed. This will be very relaxing and heartwarming... sometimes emotional and happy, sometimes a bit sad and bittersweet. I'll try my best to make it cause you to react with genuine and raw emotions. So! If you want to read something that will warm your cold heart and feel like a nice coffee in the middle of winter by a fire, then you should like it! Tenshi is very kind and gentle, he avoids conflict and isn't usually violent! So please don't freak out if he doesn't kill everyone he comes across.

AgentMonke · Anime & Comics
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147 Chs

Ha. Ha. About that...

The walls around the bay raised up and started shooting at Whitebeard, but he smashed the walls, cleaving them apart as he shouted with a grin, "Sail in!"

Tenshi looked at all the ships in confusion, looking behind him at the Whitebeard Fleet. They looked at the ships going first with grins and crossed arms, not doing anything…

Tenshi turned back to the pirates and scratched his head in confusion, what the hell is going on here! This wasn't the One Piece he knew! Where were the Admirals? Where was Sengoku? Garp wasn't even here! Only one guy Tenshi had never seen!

Tenshi tilted his head and asked a woman on a ship next to him, "Whitey-san, who is that?" as he pointed at the man, Whitey Bay looked at him and chuckled, "That's the Fleet Admiral, Galan! And a fierce one he be!"

Tenshi's neck almost did a 360 rotation, excuse me?


He rubbed his palms together, oh boy!

He was really reconsidering advertising now…

He licked his lips and muttered "Well… This must be a different timeline… Wow, why am I so excited? Is this a near death excitement surprise?" he turned and thought 'Fuck it! Like those Chinese novels say! Birds die for food, men die for wealth!' before saying "Karin! Get my Cart!"

Haku and Karin stared at the carnage as Karin turned stiffly to Tenshi, squeezing out a "What?"

Tenshi said quickly "The cart! Get the damn cart!" Karin ran into the cafe, pushing out the cart.

Tenshi grabbed the cart handles and said to himself "It'll be okay, if you die, it happened before, no big deal… You're a man! A real man! Burn your youth, alright!" he clapped on his cheeks and let out a breath, "I'm nuts! It better be worth it!"

He pulled the cart, adding "You two stay here!" as he flew towards the battlefield.

Haku and Karin's eyes jumped.

Whitebeard paused and laughed.

Galan looked at him and frowned slightly, "What…"

Ace landed on the battlefield and shouted "Stop for me!" everyone ignored him and Tenshi rubbed his nose before shouting "I SAID STOP!" as a massive Susanoo appeared behind him, smashing down on Marineford.

Everyone stopped and jumped in shock, what the hell is that thing?!

Tenshi let out a breath and pulled back the Susanoo.

He held the cart and shouted "People of the world! Are you tired of trash coffee that just makes you sick? Do you want something to tantalize your taste buds? The best coffee you've ever had in your life will be at Hibari's Seafaring Cafe~!"

Tenshi waved his hand and smiled gently, "My ship is the huge one with the Hibari's logo on the flags and masts! Only 500 Beli for a 6oz Coffee and 800 Beli for a 10oz! Great prices, even better coffee or your money back! We even have Coffee Makers for a smooth 30,000 Beli that come with a free 1500g bag of beans for those who like to drink from the comfort of their own home or ship!"

He turned and pushed the cart, continuing "We also sell pastries to compliment your coffee choice and a wide array of books that can be read for free with the purchase of a single cup of coffee! As we're a Sea Faring Cafe, we don't have a specific Location, however, we will be sailing all over the world! If you see us, come and say hello, you will not be disappointed! That's Hibari's Cafe! I promise as the Owner that you will never be dissatisfied! Thank you for listening!"

The world watching were dumbfounded.

Tenshi cleared his throat and nodded, smiling "Anybody want a coffee?" A pirate grinned, "How about your head?!" Tenshi pulled out the spear and blocked him, smiling "Please! How would I make coffee headless?" before slashing his sword flying and spitting out a pillar of coffee, shooting that guy across the battlefield.

Tenshi let out a breath and made a really ridiculously gutsy move, flying up to the execution stand, "Um, Hello Fleet Admiral! Would you like a cup of coffee?" Galan looked at him with a flat face, Tenshi shivered and smiled gently, "Okay…" before flying away quickly, disappearing to Whitebeard in an instant.

He quite literally teleported to Whitebeard's side while flapping his wings making it look like he flew there.

Galan raised a brow and Whitebeard laughed, "You got balls, greenhorn! Gurarararararara!" Tenshi swallowed and mustered up the courage, "Coffee?" Whitebeard laughed, "I don't have any money!" Tenshi frowned in an instant, "Then no coffee!" before snorting and flying away, what did this guy think? A free coffee to send him off?

There was no such thing!

Whitebeard was stunned before laughing.

The world shivered, the balls on this guy!

What did he say the Cafe's name was again? Hibari's?

Tenshi flew to the Whitebeard fleet and started selling coffee there as the war continued.

Tenshi turned to see a famous scene.

Mihawk slashed at Whitebeard but Jozu blocked it before throwing a Warship at Galan…

Then Tenshi REALLY saw a famous scene!

Galan caught the Warship with one hand and lifted it up without changing his expression. Tenshi's legs shook and he nearly pissed himself, who was this guy!? Why couldn't he go to the normal Timeline!

You know, Sengoku was so cute compared to this guy…

Galan threw the ship and obliterated an entire group of marines and pirates… Tenshi almost kneeled on the spot, you know… That ship probably went faster than his top speed… He looked at the crater in a daze as he held out a shaky hand, holding a coffee.

A person grabbed it with a shaky hand, staring at the scene in a daze, his coffee trembling as he shook like a washing machine.

Tenshi turned to the Achievements list and closed it, still shaking…

[Defeat Galan- Not Completed]

Tenshi laughed twice and walked away robotically, pushing the cart.

Yeah… I'm afraid that Achievement will never be complete, chief…