
Legendary Actor (The Greatest Showman)

Is he a genius in the spotlight, or is he a madman behind the scenes of the Second Avenue? After getting the final relief from his past sufferings, Chu Jiashu was given a second chance when he found himself in the body of an infant from an aristocratic family of Hall. Now, nothing is going to stop him from achieving his long-cherished dream of acting. Enter Renly Hall, a Hollywood miracle of 21st century. Note: This is a TL of The Greatest Showman. Updates 2 chapters a day. Raw link: https://www.uukanshu.com/b/54464/52564.html

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Life is full of twists and turns, and the future is never certain. No one can predict what lies ahead, whether the path will be smooth or rocky. 

This uncertainty is what makes life so unpredictable and exciting.

He used to think he could control his destiny with careful planning. 

He believed that by mapping out every detail, he could guarantee success in his career, family, and every aspect of his life, ensuring a smooth and predictable journey.

But life had other ideas. A sudden car accident shattered his plans, leaving him hospitalized and forcing him to rethink his future. 

His old life came to an abrupt end, and a new chapter began.

In his previous life, he was known as Chu Jiashu, a young man from China. 

He had always been obedient, following his mother's guidance and meticulously planning his future.

His mother had high hopes for him, often saying, "You will grow up to be an outstanding adult with a bright future." 

This belief shaped his life, as his mother meticulously scheduled every aspect of his life, from early childhood to adulthood, including school, friends, meals, and extracurricular activities.

It was all laid out so clearly that one could see the entirety of his future life just by looking at the blackboard.

One memory stood out from his childhood. At eight years old, he wanted to use his New Year's money to buy fireworks and join the neighborhood's celebration. 

However, his mother, pointing to the packed schedule, tried to dissuade him.

"Our destiny is in our hands. Everything is planned out here, from top to bottom, left to right. Every minute, every hour, every day, every week, every month, every year of your life is on this timetable. 

"I've even planned your birthday presents for each year. For example, this year, on your eighth birthday, you're getting an abacus for your upcoming math class. I've already prepared it."

He looked at his mother, confused and timid. Outside, the festivities and firecrackers beckoned, but his mother was focused on the plan, counting down the days until the start of first grade.

"There are still one hundred and eighty-three days left. Which may seem like a long time. But when you think about it, that's only four thousand three hundred and ninety-two hours, or 263,520 minutes. You can accomplish so much in that time."

He didn't grasp the significance of the series of numbers, but the unwavering determination in his mother's eyes left him no choice.

"You must schedule every minute according to this plan and ensure maximum efficiency. Success in the real world depends solely on your efforts."

His mother smiled confidently at him. He could only nod in a daze, struggling to find the right words.

"Very well, you now have fifteen minutes to take a break, get some fresh air, then it's time for English."

Her closing words echoed in his mind, a mantra he couldn't shake.

Unfortunately, this meticulous plan only lasted until he turned twenty-two. As he prepared to leave university, ready to embark on internships and pursue a promising future, a sudden car accident shattered his plans.

He lay on the hospital bed, paralyzed from the chest down, his body a prison of immobility. His mother tirelessly tended to him, spending their family's wealth in a futile attempt to turn back time.

He plunged into despair, anger, and regret, feeling like a mere shell of his former self.

Then, he stumbled upon "The Truman Show," a film that delved deep into life's complexities. This discovery breathed new life into him, igniting a passion for film and storytelling.

He immersed himself in movies, seeking solace and escape in their worlds, yearning for the freedom and experiences he could never attain.

Dreams of travel, adventure, and emotional depth teased him, highlighting all that remained beyond his grasp.

Yet, in this realization, he gained a fresh perspective on life's unpredictability, embracing the dualities of success and failure, joy and sorrow, as fundamental to existence.

Unrestrained, wild, a carnival of craziness, a carefree existence. Embrace each moment, truly savoring life's richness, and never squander this unique and fleeting gift.

He pondered deeply: could he conquer the world's peaks as a mountaineer? 

Could he wield the power of words as a journalist, speaking to the world through his pen? 

If he pursued acting, could he breathe life into every character, infusing them with the depth that moves audiences, just as movies had stirred his soul? 

Could he, through acting, bring forth a whole new vitality, a dimension of art that shines brightly?

But fate had its own plan. Ten years in a hospital bed, communicating with the world through film, yet never experiencing the "what ifs" he longed to explore.

He yearned for a second chance, to break free from constraints and live with abandon. But it was too late.

On his thirty-second birthday, his unremarkable, simple life came to an end with the failure of his heart and lungs, fading into nothingness.

As he closed his eyes, darkness enveloped him. Yet, at the end of that darkness, a faint light beckoned, guiding him forward.

Was it heaven or hell?

His pace quickened, becoming a run, then a sprint, arms wide open as he embraced the milky white light.

At the end, neither heaven nor hell awaited him, but a new life.

He was reborn.

Time rewound from 2017 to 1989. At thirty-two, he returned to infancy, his appearance shifting from Asian to Caucasian, his name from Chu Jiashu to Renly Hall, and his home from China to the UK.

Given a second chance, he vowed not to let it slip away.

The Halls, a once-wealthy aristocratic family in the UK, now lived comfortably despite lacking estates and manors.

Renly, the youngest, had received an elite education, from Oxford Long Primary School to Eton College, and then to Cambridge University, where he excelled. 

Yet, instead of following his family's path to Trinity College, he chose Pembroke College to study classical literature. 

After a year, he paused his studies to attend the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, beginning his journey to refine his craft in the West End.

Determined to pursue his dreams, Renly aimed to explore endless possibilities and embrace true freedom. 

Acting was his passion, and he aspired to be a genuine professional, captivating audiences with his skills and constantly challenging his own limits.

Uncertain of his full potential or the heights he could reach, Renly was determined to try, live life to the fullest, and pursue his dreams with passion. 

Even if he failed, he refused to waste his life, compromise his values, or give up without trying.

However, his family, the Halls, found his choice unacceptable, considering it a stain on their reputation. 

Despite their protests, he headed to New York to pursue acting, working hard, auditioning endlessly, and taking odd jobs to support himself. 

His goal wasn't fame or fortune; he simply wanted to be a great actor.

Months passed before he landed his first audition, but he remained steadfast. 

Knowing the road ahead was tough, he was willing to take the chance to make his dream come true, and he had no regrets despite the difficulties.